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Iran's drones vs missiles vs aircrafts

1. The enemy actully having the necessary arms to negate your impressive conventional arms. They have anti-tanks, anti-aircrafts, air defense systems, jammers, drones, tanks and other conventional means to engage and the capability to bring your airforce down which means it will finally come down to head to head conventional clash at the center of the octagon. They have more numbers and can outlast Israel.
Anti tank? Trophy takes care of that.
Anti aircraft and air defense system? Yeah, F-35s, Harpy, Harop, a bunch of long range weapons our satellites, our ballistic missiles take care of those. Drones and tanks? They can't do shit.

Bring our airforce down? There is literally no army in a 5000 meters radius that can do that, let alone one of our enemies.

2. Stragetic depth (Israel can't take many hits)
Was never a factor in our wars

3. Low population and honestly majority of the Israeli civilians live a luxury life hence I expect majority of them to fly out at the crucial point
Nothing more than a wishful thinking. All of those living a luxury life have been in the military, which is not luxurious to say the least.

If someone attempted or mounted a serious campaign on that territory on Tel-Aviv etc etc and the Israeli population knew on before hand the level of threat majority will vacate and go to their second villas in Florida.

But but but.. This won't occur for as long as an infamous alliance exists due to one simple reason --NATO-- Now that is a foe no one in the region wants to bump heads with
Literally not even one of our enemies can take us in a ground war.
Tell me how is the situation any different than in 1948 and why we will loose as opposed to the victories in those wars.

Times have changed and so has Technology across the board.

In a purely conventional fight I could see Israel being capable of grinding down Lebanon but taking monstrously huge casualities in a prolonged conflict in a 1v1 scenario other then that I don't see Israel having such luck elsewhere regionally.

Imagine if Israel armed forces were fighting in Bakhmut and there are potentially 3-4 bakhmuts in majority of countries. . Syria itself at this current shape can beat Israel in conventional conflict.

Can Israel endure these casualities the answer is no. Israel will run out of men before bullets.

If you think you are just gonna roll thru something then you ain't about this life and don't understand how this works or the mechanics of modern conventional warfare.

The bigger the city the bigger meat-grinder and casualities will be sky-high on both ends.
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Ah yes, the usual coping Russian. Russia itself created the Arena, except it's just garbage that doesn't work so it didn't deploy it on any tank.

It was tested lol, it defeated hundreds of Kornets, RPG-29s, RPG-7s, Metis and other rockets and missiles between 2011 and 2014. It only got better since. You see why Israel is smart? Because Israel pays 4 million dollars for a tank, and equips it with APS that will save them, whereas Russia buys 2 tanks for 5 million dollars, and both of them get blown up by missiles that would have been easily intercepted by an APS.

Foolish Hezbollah, they don't understand one thing. It takes 30 seconds to guide their missiles towards a Merkava, and the AESA radars of the Trophy system know where the enemy is launching missiles from, and they know how to move the turret to hit those Hezbollah terrorists with a 120mm shell and disrupt the guidance long before the missile gets close to the Merkava. The Trophy can handle 2 missiles, if they come from the same place all it needs is to rotate the turret, and if they come from both sides it doesn't even need to move. Also close together tank formation can protect each other with multiple Trophy systems.

Also, obviously, it is infinitely more difficult to successfully utilize 3 ATGM launchers when compared to one. Tactically this is not something feasible in a dynamic battlefield.

Again, loitering munition drones would be useless against EW attached to a tank battalion/brigade. Also, Lancet won't do shit to a Merkava, it can only destroy thinly armored Soviet tanks and such.

Performed poorly? Lol, again with the Russian cope machine. Only tanks that performed poorly are Russian tanks getting blown up by the thousands. How many Merkava Mk4 got destroyed, 3? 2 of those by ATGMs that are hopeless against it now? (2 other were Mk3 and Mk2 Merkavas)
How many Leopard 2A4s (lol, they're old as shit btw) got destroyed in Syria, 10? The Leopard 2A7+ got Trophy, which would have prevented all of those casualties.
That's an export variant M1 Abrams crewed by Arabs without DU armor, but doesn't matter, because this Abrams would be totally safe if it had Trophy, like the new Abrams SEPv3 and v4 have.

The truth is if western tanks with APS and EW protection were to fight against Russia, Russia would be powerless to destroy even a few dozen tanks.

Tell me how is the situation any different than in 1948, 1967 and 1973, and why we will loose as opposed to the victories in those wars.
@waz @LeGenD @PakSword please ban this Jew Nazi permanently on PDF thanks
Syria itself at this current shape can beat Israel in conventional conflict.
Get a diagnosis dude lmfao
Ah yes, the usual coping Russian. Russia itself created the Arena, except it's just garbage that doesn't work so it didn't deploy it on any tank.

It was tested lol, it defeated hundreds of Kornets, RPG-29s, RPG-7s, Metis and other rockets and missiles between 2011 and 2014. It only got better since. You see why Israel is smart? Because Israel pays 4 million dollars for a tank, and equips it with APS that will save them, whereas Russia buys 2 tanks for 5 million dollars, and both of them get blown up by missiles that would have been easily intercepted by an APS.

Foolish Hezbollah, they don't understand one thing. It takes 30 seconds to guide their missiles towards a Merkava, and the AESA radars of the Trophy system know where the enemy is launching missiles from, and they know how to move the turret to hit those Hezbollah terrorists with a 120mm shell and disrupt the guidance long before the missile gets close to the Merkava. The Trophy can handle 2 missiles, if they come from the same place all it needs is to rotate the turret, and if they come from both sides it doesn't even need to move. Also close together tank formation can protect each other with multiple Trophy systems.

Also, obviously, it is infinitely more difficult to successfully utilize 3 ATGM launchers when compared to one. Tactically this is not something feasible in a dynamic battlefield.

Again, loitering munition drones would be useless against EW attached to a tank battalion/brigade. Also, Lancet won't do shit to a Merkava, it can only destroy thinly armored Soviet tanks and such.

Performed poorly? Lol, again with the Russian cope machine. Only tanks that performed poorly are Russian tanks getting blown up by the thousands. How many Merkava Mk4 got destroyed, 3? 2 of those by ATGMs that are hopeless against it now? (2 other were Mk3 and Mk2 Merkavas)
How many Leopard 2A4s (lol, they're old as shit btw) got destroyed in Syria, 10? The Leopard 2A7+ got Trophy, which would have prevented all of those casualties.
That's an export variant M1 Abrams crewed by Arabs without DU armor, but doesn't matter, because this Abrams would be totally safe if it had Trophy, like the new Abrams SEPv3 and v4 have.

The truth is if western tanks with APS and EW protection were to fight against Russia, Russia would be powerless to destroy even a few dozen tanks.

Tell me how is the situation any different than in 1948, 1967 and 1973, and why we will loose as opposed to the victories in those wars.

So if Western tanks are so good and Trophy is so effective, than what prevents you from invading Southern Lebanon and finishing off Hezbollah once and for all time for the purpose of security of the northern borders of your small country?

What prevents you from taking out Hezbollah under protection of your "impenetrable armor" and "super effective" Trophy system?

Because last article I read about potential Israel-Hezbollah war was an article about an Israeli general who says that Israel doesn't know how to defeat Hezbollah.
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If you think you are just gonna roll thru something then you ain't about this life and don't understand how this works or the mechanics of modern conventional warfare.

The bigger the city the bigger meat-grinder
Did you even serve in the military? Did you even fire a gun in your life?
Oh they don't care? Well why won't they just send them on a truck to Israel or the US? They'll be martyrs.
If there will be war they will be on the frontline unlike you sissy Jew or American or saddam generals who sit in their rooms while their troops get killed Iranian generals are much like shah Ismail kizilbash generals and Japanese generals. you can see that in Iran Iraq war, Syrian war and the war against ISIS.
Did you even serve in the military? Did you even fire a gun in your life?

I have more experience then you realize.. I have worked in the military and come from a military family.

There is no fantasy in conventional warfare or quick one-two punches where everyone goes home type of conventional warfare.

You have to be able to project yourself on an enemy and grind them down this is what it comes down to.. The truth is Israel can't it's outside of there realm of possibilities. Do you think Denmark can grind down conventionally germany
So if Western tanks are so good and Trophy is so effective, than what prevents you from invading Southern Lebanon and finishing off Hezbollah once and for all time for the purpose of security of the northern borders of your small country?

What prevents you from taking out Hezbollah under protection of your "inpenetrable armor" and "super effective" Trophy system?

Because last article I read about potential Israel-Hezbollah war was an article about an Israeli general who says that Israel doesn't know how to defeat Hezbollah.
Because we are not like you Russians, that seek for war, and invade a country with no plan but what is essentially a Zerg rush. We can take South Lebanon, we could do the same in 2006 and we actually had it between 1982-2000. Taking South Lebanon is not a particularly hard task. It's just that there are many more considerations. If you expect us to die in the hundreds of thousands like you, no, that's not our plan.

As I said, between 2011 and 2014, Trophy intercepted hundreds of Kornets, RPG-29s, Metis, RPG7s etc. There is a reason all of NATO are equipping themselves with Trophy and Iron Fist.

That general might be old and not know what he's talking about.

If there will be war they will be on the frontline unlike you sissy Jew or American or saddam generals who sit in their rooms while their troops get killed Iranian generals are much like shah Ismail kizilbash generals and Japanese generals. you can see that in Iran Iraq war, Syrian war and the war against ISIS.
They won't be at any frontline because they'll all be dead lol

I have more experience then you realize.. I have worked in the military and come from a military family.

There is no fantasy in conventional warfare or quick one-two punches where everyone goes home type of conventional warfare.

You have to be able to project yourself on an enemy and grind them down this is what it comes down to.. The truth is Israel can't it's outside of there realm of possibilities. Do you think Denmark can grind down conventionally germany
Well then you might wanna check if someone hit your brain with a 50cal, if you claim Syria can take down Israel. We literally humiliate them on a day to day basis.

"Do you think Denmark can grind down Germany"
Depends, did Denmark beat Germany 7 times in a row, is more advanced, has more expertise than Germany, like Israel did against the Arabs?
Because we are not like you Russians, that seek for war, and invade a country with no plan but what is essentially a Zerg rush. We can take South Lebanon, we could do the same in 2006 and we actually had it between 1982-2000. Taking South Lebanon is not a particularly hard task. It's just that there are many more considerations. If you expect us to die in the hundreds of thousands like you, no, that's not our plan.

As I said, between 2011 and 2014, Trophy intercepted hundreds of Kornets, RPG-29s, Metis, RPG7s etc. There is a reason all of NATO are equipping themselves with Trophy and Iron Fist.

That general might be old and not know what he's talking about.

They won't be at any frontline because they'll all be dead lol

Well then you might wanna check if someone hit your brain with a 50cal, if you claim Syria can take down Israel. We literally humiliate them on a day to day basis.

"Do you think Denmark can grind down Germany"
Depends, did Denmark beat Germany 7 times in a row, is more advanced, has more expertise than Germany, like Israel did against the Arabs?

No I didn't say Syria can take Israel down but I said defeat them meaning drain your forces conventionally..

It comes down to Scale.. You can't conventionally fight anyone outside of Lebanon today mark my words. Your security is not in your hands and never has been but in NATO's..

Forget Iran you can't grind IRAQ and forget it I don't think you can take even 1 major city in Iraq forget the rest of the country that itself will deplete your army into zero..

I am not talking about cartoons or pokemon this is real conventional reality nor do you have a large pool to recruit from continously in order to feed the frontline in the struggle for the city. You will get royally fuked on the counter that city alone will be enough to deplete your armed forces completely and utterly and you will hit your potential manpower limit.

Just 1 city in IRAQ is enough to drain your army completely. Strictly speaking in conventional warfare terms
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Because we are not like you Russians, that seek for war, and invade a country with no plan but what is essentially a Zerg rush. We can take South Lebanon, we could do the same in 2006 and we actually had it between 1982-2000. Taking South Lebanon is not a particularly hard task. It's just that there are many more considerations. If you expect us to die in the hundreds of thousands like you, no, that's not our plan.

As I said, between 2011 and 2014, Trophy intercepted hundreds of Kornets, RPG-29s, Metis, RPG7s etc. There is a reason all of NATO are equipping themselves with Trophy and Iron Fist.

That general might be old and not know what he's talking about.

They won't be at any frontline because they'll all be dead lol

Well then you might wanna check if someone hit your brain with a 50cal, if you claim Syria can take down Israel. We literally humiliate them on a day to day basis.

"Do you think Denmark can grind down Germany"
Depends, did Denmark beat Germany 7 times in a row, is more advanced, has more expertise than Germany, like Israel did against the Arabs?
They will be dead because they will be on the frontline that what I am saying but it seems you don’t understand.
No I didn't say Syria can take Israel down but I said defeat them meaning drain your forces conventionally..

It comes down to Scale.. You can't conventionally fight anyone outside of Lebanon today mark my words. Your security is not in your hands and never has been but in NATO's..

Forget Iran you can't grind IRAQ and forget it I don't think you can take even 1 major city in Iraq forget the rest of the country that itself will deplete your army into zero..

I am not talking about cartoons or pokemon this is real conventional reality nor do you have a large pool to recruit from continously in order to feed the frontline in the struggle for the city. You will get royally fuked on the counter that city alone will be enough to deplete your armed forces completely and utterly and you will hit your potential manpower limit.

Just 1 city in IRAQ is enough to dry your army completely
But we already defeated them, including Syria and Iraq, 7 times lol.

I don't get it, do you think the only way to defeat a nation in a war is to conquer it completely? Do you think wars are about total annihilation? Do you imagine some hive mind of 8 million people fighting a hivemind of hundreds of millions of people? Tell me my friend, if "just 1 city in Iraq is enough to dry our army completely", how did we conquer Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Sinai, territories with far more population than Israel had? Why didn't they fight like a collective hivemind that disregards human psychology and "drain" us to death as you say?

We are not planning to conquer Iran, we are planning to completely **** it up.

You have no clue what you're talking about. You're as clueless as it gets with a perception of one of the Russian generals that believed they could conquer Ukraine if they threw enough meat at it.

They will be dead because they will be on the frontline that what I am saying but it seems you don’t understand.
They will be dead far before any frontline is even formed.
But we already defeated them, including Syria and Iraq, 7 times lol.

I don't get it, do you think the only way to defeat a nation in a war is to conquer it completely? Do you think wars are about total annihilation? Do you imagine some hive mind of 8 million people fighting a hivemind of hundreds of millions of people? Tell me my friend, if "just 1 city in Iraq is enough to dry our army completely", how did we conquer Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Sinai, territories with far more population than Israel had? Why didn't they fight like a collective hivemind that disregards human psychology and "drain" us to death as you say?

We are not planning to conquer Iran, we are planning to completely **** it up.

You have no clue what you're talking about. You're as clueless as it gets with a perception of one of the Russian generals that believed they could conquer Ukraine if they threw enough meat at it.

They will be dead far before any frontline is even formed.
Well that’s doesn’t change the fact they aren’t afraid of death also this shows your cowardice and treacherous nature by assassinating enemy generals outside the battlefield.
Well that’s doesn’t change the fact they aren’t afraid of death also this shows your cowardice and treacherous nature by assassinating enemy generals outside the battlefield.
We don't need them to be afraid of death. In fact, we encourage them not to, because fearing death is an instinct that ultimately increases survival rate. We intend to keep Iranian survival rate as low as possible.

If you search for some honorable death, go look for a fight with some knights. Once a war is on our only goal is to kill you. And we will take out you and anyone unlucky enough to be around you.
We don't need them to be afraid of death. In fact, we encourage them not to, because fearing death is an instinct that ultimately increases survival rate. We intend to keep Iranian survival rate as low as possible.

If you search for some honorable death, go look for a fight with some knights. Once a war is on our only goal is to kill you. And we will take out you and anyone unlucky enough to be around you.
Don’t be so confident juden🤣
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