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Shahed-136 - Tracking usage & expanding understanding.

The truth is that humanity has not reached yet bullet proof ADS yet. They all have holes and gaps including the Patriot and THAAD etc etc especially the Iron dome which is overrated failed miserable in action last time.

They will likely approach the Saudis who have the most experience in this regard they downed over 500 drones but even in their systems there is holes and gaps and some due penetrate but the Saudis are using multiple layered air defense systems and have rightfully better ADS systems then the Israelis and including the Americans because they only use their own stuff were as some of the layered systems KSA use are from as far as South Korea, Russia, China, USA and other countries mixed into one layered systems probably 9-10 ADS made into one layered system etc etc and penetration is scored on that from time to time all tho it is the absolute best against drones it is far from perfect..

We are decades away from before we see bullet proof ADS I would even go as far to say approx 5 decades
In this case, it was clear their was multiple AAA Gepards deployed to this static CHPP-5 site outside of Kiev, including a SAM system at minimum, with Kiev city itself being a high priority AD zone. One should think this would provide good protection against slow moving shaheeds. These Shaheds are going maybe 150km/h at max, maybe even slower. Other than low RCS, theirs no kinematic advantages or maneuverability advantages. Shouldn't be such a huge issue to intercept it when you know the target in advance, and have built a wall of AD around it. Essentially my point is that these EURO systems are badly overrated and completely failed to do its job which is typical of German military products these days.

Dare I say, Saudi methods while very expensive is probably the most effective and proven method.
In this case, it was clear their was multiple AAA Gepards deployed to this static CHPP-5 site outside of Kiev, including a SAM system at minimum, with Kiev city itself being a high priority AD zone. One should think this would provide good protection against slow moving shaheeds. These Shaheds are going maybe 150km/h at max, maybe even slower. Other than low RCS, theirs no kinematic advantages or maneuverability advantages. Shouldn't be such a huge issue to intercept it when you know the target in advance, and have built a wall of AD around it. Essentially my point is that these EURO systems are badly overrated and completely failed to do its job which is typical of German military products these days.
Fully agree with you.
Dare I say, Saudi methods while very expensive is probably the most effective and proven method.
Saudis? i can agree- but only if someone provides me some stats/numbers etc...Saudis got bombarded ALOT by Houthis over the years...and they have alot of money to buy the best equipment when they're desperate- doesnt mean they know how to operate them effectively.
They couldn´t intercept the S136 with missiles.... now they try to intercept them with quadcopters??!!!

They can, and they do intercept most of them with missiles.

Intercepting drones with drones is the most cost effective solution after lasers.
^ the Shahed's interception rate of 178% isn't enough, it seems.
Oh shut up, you know damn well Shaheds aren't hard to intercept, Ukraine's problem is not having enough air defenses/radars and the second problem is cost effectiveness.

Killing 40,000$ drones with maybe 4000$ drones would flip the tides.
They can, and they do intercept most of them with missiles.

Intercepting drones with drones is the most cost effective solution after lasers.
but they can't show evidence of interception , ond only debries after being intercepted by Ukrainian infrastructure and even for that they blur the serial number on them to hide their lies from the world

Oh shut up, you know damn well Shaheds aren't hard to intercept, Ukraine's problem is not having enough air defenses/radars and the second problem is cost effectiveness.
you very well knew that is a lie
you very well knew that is a lie
Dude, if Ukraine has a radar pointing at the drone and a missile system in range, that drone is dead.
Only Iranian shills somehow regard that drone as stealth, literally no one in the world says that

but they can't show evidence of interception , ond only debries after being intercepted by Ukrainian infrastructure and even for that they blur the serial number on them to hide their lies from the world
There's a shit ton of videos of those drones being blown up
Dude, if Ukraine has a radar pointing at the drone and a missile system in range, that drone is dead.
Only Iranian shills somehow regard that drone as stealth, literally no one in the world says that
if the radars could deal with the low rcs , in Kiev we saw those systems can't cope with low RCS of the drone. and gepard and nasam and what Ukraine inherited from USSR have radars that are not suited to deal with such threat . for example the Gepards Ukraine received have weakest Radar available to the system , they can have 5x more of them but unless they don't receive an upgrade in radar , hitting the drones is a matter of chance

There's a shit ton of videos of those drones being blown up
those shit tons can be counted by fingers of hand , the rest are debris with serial number blurred and those are more evidence of system hit the target not the system get intercepted

Posted on Russian Telegram channels. Image look familiar?

Poor Translation:
"To meet 50 Bradley, you need a couple of three hundred of these wonderful Iranian installations with a thermal imager. For 2 rockets 9m133.
With remote control.

We give an idea."

Posted on Russian Telegram channels. Image look familiar?

Poor Translation:
"To meet 50 Bradley, you need a couple of three hundred of these wonderful Iranian installations with a thermal imager. For 2 rockets 9m133.
With remote control.

We give an idea."
Exacrly- most of the military equipment US is sending to Ukraine can be destroyed simply with more ammunition- Bradley's, hummers,artillery pieces etc...all Russia has to do is produce more precise ammunition to destroy all those..and Ukraine is back to square 1.

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