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Shahed-136 - Tracking usage & expanding understanding.

@Dikoy @Nevsky

With Ukraine having access to AIM-120 which have a large stockpile from NATO nations, I don't see much reason for more Patriot AD aside from countering ballistic missiles. If allegations of Iran going to provide some SRBMs to Russia for use, this Patriot package may be the reason for it.

Some of us predicted this might happen, if Iran puts the weight of it's missile industry behind Russia & Russia continues its production missiles, Ukraine will be in deep shit without Patriots.

How many ready to fire missiles are their for a single Patriot battery at a time?
Apparently the answer is 32.
8 Launchers, with 4 missiles each in a typical battery, but they may not receive the full size battery. Hard to say for certain.
is it even compatible with Ukraine airplanes , for HARM they had to install additional hardware on the airplane and it was completely separate from aircraft fire control system , wonder if such solution is even possible for AIM-120
How many ready to fire missiles are their for a single Patriot battery at a time?
Air defense is a finite resource. At the beginning of the war, Ukraine had a lot of S-300s and Buk, but they all ended. The same will happen with the Patriots. Much more problems from MANPADS...
Lancet vs air defense:
https:// t. me/UAVDEV/496
https:// t. me/xronikabpla/2942
https:// t. me/xronikabpla/2946
is it even compatible with Ukraine airplanes , for HARM they had to install additional hardware on the airplane and it was completely separate from aircraft fire control system , wonder if such solution is even possible for AIM-120
They use it with ground based NASAMS

S-131 is predecessor to S-136 smaller and cruder. Not as advanced.

Use of S-131 could point to supply production bottlenecks on the Iranian side.

But again in true military philosophy S-131 was snoozed to be used on normal targets and S-136 on HVT (radars, Missile defense systems, artillery, etc). Instead Russias used S-136 on everything and exhausted their supply
S-131 is predecessor to S-136 smaller and cruder. Not as advanced.

Use of S-131 could point to supply production bottlenecks on the Iranian side.

But again in true military philosophy S-131 was snoozed to be used on normal targets and S-136 on HVT (radars, Missile defense systems, artillery, etc). Instead Russias used S-136 on everything and exhausted their supply
Or It could just be S-131 is simpler and easier to produce and can meet the demands of the Russian military, S-136 have longer production times so they will be used less often, but also supplied in less quantities

At this point, Russia's main priority is to blow things up when they make the decision, and they need more quantity than quality for that.

This war has shown the importance of balancing quantity with quality, highly expensive assets in small quantities looks good on paper, and for PR value but not practical in a full-scale war.
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