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Shahed-136 - Tracking usage & expanding understanding.

Man, it's the burning that is so hard to deal with. Seen many times that it burns several hours into the morning.
that explosion basically had a mini-mushroom cloud- whatever was hit, was huge, or loaded up...i feel its some ammunition storage facility, or could an oil/petrochemical storage facility explode violently like this also?

Amazing how Shahed -136 has come to epitomize the modern version of "fake Iranian weapons" that are actually- highly effective, hard to counter, affordable, easy to produce, terrifying to neonazis and their lovers and sympathizers, i mean i can go on and on and on.

Shahed 136, if you havent heard it, i'll say it again- i love you.
World war one just gave the ukranians a call,it wants its 1914-1918 state of the art integrated air defence system back......



Here we can see a close up of a ukranian "patriot" air defence battery in operation.
We can see "patriot" number one manning the search light,while "patriot" number two stands ready to engage the illuminated target with his rapid firing surface to air missile launcher [technically bullets are missiles,arent they?]
In all seriousness tho`,looking at this sort of thing one doesnt really know whether to laugh or to cry.
I just saw a video clip inwhich multiple systems of German made Gepard SPAAG firing at 1 incoming Geran-2 (Shahed). The German AD system eventually failed to take the drone out even with proximity fuse bullets!!!!!!. I suspect this SPAAG could be Wiesel 2 Ozelot since it was also able to fire SHORAD missiles beside the peoximity fuse bullets.

Now people can know why Saudi AD while having best systems of west failed to intercept Yemeni drones similar to Geran. Here is the link

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Gepard Ozelot the loser!.
Gepard officially humiliated.

The truth is that humanity has not reached yet bullet proof ADS yet. They all have holes and gaps including the Patriot and THAAD etc etc especially the Iron dome which is overrated failed miserable in action last time.

They will likely approach the Saudis who have the most experience in this regard they downed over 500 drones but even in their systems there is holes and gaps and some due penetrate but the Saudis are using multiple layered air defense systems and have rightfully better ADS systems then the Israelis and including the Americans because they only use their own stuff were as some of the layered systems KSA use are from as far as South Korea, Russia, China, USA and other countries mixed into one layered systems probably 9-10 ADS made into one layered system etc etc and penetration is scored on that from time to time all tho it is the absolute best against drones it is far from perfect..

We are decades away from before we see bullet proof ADS I would even go as far to say approx 5 decades
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The truth is that humanity has not reached yet bullet proof ADS yet. They all have holes and gaps including the Patriot and THAAD etc etc especially the Iron dome which is overrated failed miserable in action last time.

They will likely approach the Saudis who have the most experience in this regard they downed over 500 drones but even in their systems there is holes and gaps and some due penetrate but the Saudis are using multiple layered air defense systems and have rightfully better ADS systems then the Israelis and including the Americans because they only use their own stuff were as some of the layered systems KSA use are from as far as South Korea, Russia, China, USA and other countries mixed into one layered systems probably 9-10 ADS made into one layered system etc etc and penetration is scored on that from time to time all tho it is the absolute best against drones it is far from perfect..

We are decades away from before we see bullet proof ADS I would even go as far to say approx 5 decades
the drones that KSA downed are in class of Ababil-2 .
when faced with Shahed-131 they also failed
the drones that KSA downed are in class of Ababil-2 .
when faced with Shahed-131 they also failed

Even against Shahed they will have higher success rate then lets say only against Patriot or Iron dome or whatever Ukraine is using currently all tho they are scoring scores of kills on it but still dozens of them penetrate. The thing is penetration will always happen due to gaps and holes but at certain rates will differ depending on the systems at play
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Even against Shahed they will have higher success rate then lets say only against Patriot or Iron dome or whatever Ukraine is using currently all tho they are scoring scores of kills on it but still dozens of them penetrate. The thing is penetration will always happen due to gaps and holes but at certain rates will differ depending on the systems at play
Ukraine claim scores of kills , they fail to show video of interception , but interestingly they have no problem showing cruise missile interception. and the debris they show they blur the serial number so they can make those absurd claims.
Ukraine claim scores of kills , they fail to show video of interception , but interestingly they have no problem showing cruise missile interception. and the debris they show they blur the serial number so they can make those absurd claims.

I agree with this there has been more claims then evidence
They will likely approach the Saudis who have the most experience
...and probably the most losses and damage from them too (Saudis).
in this regard they downed over 500 drones
but how many drones hit their targets and what is the total $$ value of the total damage done by all the drones Houthis fired succesfully at Saudi Arabia?
but even in their systems there is holes and gaps
lots of holes,
and some due penetrate
some??? like how many?
but the Saudis are using multiple layered air defense systems and have rightfully better ADS systems then the Israelis
based off what? can you show us any technical documentation,money didnt buy Saudis effective ADS- they lack skill, training, readiness, and some of those drones are just too stealthy for most ADS to intercept too.
and including the Americans because they only use their own stuff were as some of the layered systems KSA use are from as far as South Korea, Russia, China, USA and other countries
they bought from all those countries out of desperation from the ineffectiveness of the US patriot and other ADS failures against houthis- why you think Saudis started discussing the S400 acquisition with Russia after one of the big attacks on its territory like the Aramco oil facility attack? They have extra money to spend, but they dont have the military "knack" in ADS to perform very well in it militarily.
mixed into one layered systems probably 9-10 ADS made into one layered system etc etc and penetration is scored on that from time to time all tho it is the absolute best against drones it is far from perfect..
all of this is your mental paperwork- the reality is that large territories have to be covered against very skilled drone operators- Iran is the houthis daddy when it comes to military equipment, and especially its drones- Iran is one of the best- Saudi military cant be better than Ukranian military, and Shahed 136 has WORKED Ukraine facilities to the lots of scrap already.
We are decades away from before we see bullet proof ADS I would even go as far to say approx 5 decades
that's a besides-the-point from the reality and fact that Saudis just arent very skilled in Air defense like you prop them up to be. you're impressed by their equipment, but their performance against Houthis is C+ grade at b est- they basically lost the war.
...and probably the most losses and damage from them too (Saudis).

but how many drones hit their targets and what is the total $$ value of the total damage done by all the drones Houthis fired succesfully at Saudi Arabia?

lots of holes,

some??? like how many?

based off what? can you show us any technical documentation,money didnt buy Saudis effective ADS- they lack skill, training, readiness, and some of those drones are just too stealthy for most ADS to intercept too.

they bought from all those countries out of desperation from the ineffectiveness of the US patriot and other ADS failures against houthis- why you think Saudis started discussing the S400 acquisition with Russia after one of the big attacks on its territory like the Aramco oil facility attack? They have extra money to spend, but they dont have the military "knack" in ADS to perform very well in it militarily.

all of this is your mental paperwork- the reality is that large territories have to be covered against very skilled drone operators- Iran is the houthis daddy when it comes to military equipment, and especially its drones- Iran is one of the best- Saudi military cant be better than Ukranian military, and Shahed 136 has WORKED Ukraine facilities to the lots of scrap already.

that's a besides-the-point from the reality and fact that Saudis just arent very skilled in Air defense like you prop them up to be. you're impressed by their equipment, but their performance against Houthis is C+ grade at b est- they basically lost the war.

This has been talked about to death and posted about several times.. I am a weapon enthusiast and I can confidently tell you this that they do have solid ADS in comparison to Israel, Ukraine and others including the Americans because they only use Patriot and self-made material the Americans..

The Houthis were targeting mainly the south on daily basis due to closeness but very very few got thru and you don't even think war is going on.. They downed approx over 1000 BMs and Drones and live was going normal in South KSA whereas the Israelis were in shelters for over 11 days everything was hit in Israel
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This has been talked about to death and posted about several times.. I am a weapon enthusiast and I can confidently tell you this that they do have solid ADS in comparison to Israel, Ukraine and others including the Americans because they only use Patriot and self-made material the Americans..

The Houthis were targeting mainly the south on daily basis due to closeness but very very few got thru and sometimes you don't even think war is going on.
Ok, well what can i say? lol
. They downed approx over 1000 BMs and Drones
hmmmm.....so like i asked before again, how many drones and BMs hit their targets? Pls dont hide objective 2-ways stats like Israeli military does...smh.
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