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Shahed-136 - Tracking usage & expanding understanding.

How does that imply that? We don't have a figure on number of drones launched nor intercepted.
They didn’t provide a figure on drones as they usually do. If their figures are accurate, which I highly doubt, and even if the 6 cruise missiles that survived had hit their targets, the remaining 12 targets were hit by drones. IMO, Ukrainian statements about alleged interception rates are highly doubtful and contradict their other statements where they constantly claim Shahed drones are very hard to intercept and that they lack appropriate ADSs to be able to defend against these drones reliably. So which of the two narratives they provide is accurate? I think probably the one of them having trouble to intercept these drones which is backed up by actual visual evidence of successful Shahed strikes on a regular basis. Their claims of 70%+ interception rates are very unlikely but hey, Russian claims aren‘t particularly reliable either. It’s a war at the end of the day and wars also being fought on a psychological level by spreading disinformation.
Lol, those crude rockets don't fly high into the sky more than other rockets, it depends on what angle they fire them, majority of rockets are actually fired at a low angle, reach low altitude and hit close to Gaza.
They reach higher altitudes during their flight than Shahed drones which generally speaking makes them easier to pick up on radar.
Radars don't care about altitude as long as they're not beyond the horizon, modern AESA radars can detect rockets regardless of ground clutter.

Shahed drones fly a few hundreds of meters, easily detectable.
A few hundred meters is actually pretty low and drastically reduces the detection range for radars. The time between detection and potential target impact is important if you are on the defending side, especially if you have to defend against many drones at once.
Iron Dome isn't heat seeking so their heat signature is irrelevant, and the RCS of a rocket is much lower than that of a Shahed, Iron Dome even shoots down mortar rounds
The point was that it’s not necessarily true that dumb rockets with a high heat signature and predictable flight path are harder to intercept than low flying, LO kamikaze drones. Mortars reach much higher altitudes and have a typical RCS of ~0.01m². Compare that to Shahed‘s ~0.001m²:
Shahed has a low RCS, low heat signature, flies low, is cheap, available in large quantites and precise. If that’s not a valuable weapon to have for Russia, then I don’t know what is.

I think we are turning in circles by now. Let’s just agree to disagree.
They didn’t provide a figure on drones as they usually do. If their figures are accurate, which I highly doubt, and even if the 6 cruise missiles that survived had hit their targets, the remaining 12 targets were hit by drones. IMO, Ukrainian statements about alleged interception rates are highly doubtful and contradict their other statements where they constantly claim Shahed drones are very hard to intercept and that they lack appropriate ADSs to be able to defend against these drones reliably. So which of the two narratives they provide is accurate? I think probably the one of them having trouble to intercept these drones which is backed up by actual visual evidence of successful Shahed strikes on a regular basis. Their claims of 70%+ interception rates are very unlikely but hey, Russian claims aren‘t particularly reliable either. It’s a war at the end of the day and wars also being fought on a psychological level by spreading disinformation.

They reach higher altitudes during their flight than Shahed drones which generally speaking makes them easier to pick up on radar.

A few hundred meters is actually pretty low and drastically reduces the detection range for radars. The time between detection and potential target impact is important if you are on the defending side, especially if you have to defend against many drones at once.

The point was that it’s not necessarily true that dumb rockets with a high heat signature and predictable flight path are harder to intercept than low flying, LO kamikaze drones. Mortars reach much higher altitudes and have a typical RCS of ~0.01m². Compare that to Shahed‘s ~0.001m²:
Shahed has a low RCS, low heat signature, flies low, is cheap, available in large quantites and precise. If that’s not a valuable weapon to have for Russia, then I don’t know what is.

I think we are turning in circles by now. Let’s just agree to disagree.
You're really doing a lot of wishful thinking, nothing to support your claims. Ukranian claims to shoot down 44 out of 52 cruise missiles is not mutually exclusive to the claim18 targets hit by *drones and* cruise missiles.

Shahed drones aren't hard to intercept, they're hard to catch. Ukraine's air defense isn't complete, not data-linked, no over the horizon radars, no AWACS. Once a Shahed gets in the way of a radar that's connected to an air defense, it's an easy kill.

They really don't reach higher altitude, most of their rockets are really short range Qassam rockets that are aimed at settlements that are bordering Gaza. Stop saying things that you have no idea about, I know more about this than you, they launch those rockets at very low angles, they don't reach high altitude. About the same altitude as those drones.

Modern radars easily detect ground skimming missiles, and if you want to do that from far away you just need that radar high up at the sky.

The Shahed isn't 0.001 square meter RCS lol.

Yeah, I guess we should agree to disagree.
Do you know what type of AD that shot down 44 cruise missile? Maybe the IRIS-t AD system?
the best and most effective type
According to the latest Russian statistics, Iranian suicide drones have carried out 124 strikes and strikes in all parts of Ukraine in the past month and a half, and thus it can be calculated that the Russians have used 600 to 1200 Iranian suicide drones in the war with NATO.

If for each of these small batch attacks, a magazine of 5 is considered (as shown in the last exercise of the IRGC in simulating the attack on the Dimona terrorist site), that is, until October 30, the Russians used 620 Iranian suicide drones. And if the average of 10 drones is considered, 1240 drones
According to the latest Russian statistics, Iranian suicide drones have carried out 124 strikes and strikes in all parts of Ukraine in the past month and a half, and thus it can be calculated that the Russians have used 600 to 1200 Iranian suicide drones in the war with NATO.

If for each of these small batch attacks, a magazine of 5 is considered (as shown in the last exercise of the IRGC in simulating the attack on the Dimona terrorist site), that is, until October 30, the Russians used 620 Iranian suicide drones. And if the average of 10 drones is considered, 1240 drones
thanks for providing this.

My only point i want to mention here is that Ukranian army hasnt downed "85% of the Shahed-136s" Russia sent in the war so far.
"Shahed136 has a weak warhead, it can't do any real damage."

Result of 10s of kilograms of diesel, and 50kg RDX explosive warhead.
View attachment 892784
let be honest that house is not one of the sturdiest I ever saw
Looks like a civilian building.
do I see a 4 story brick and mood house with wooden beam and the bricks are dampened ,the drone really did them a service if the house was not registered as historical heritage and what i think is true , it was a disaster in waiting
let be honest that house is not one of the sturdiest I ever saw

do I see a 4 story brick and mood house with wooden beam and the bricks are dampened ,the drone really did them a service if the house was not registered as historical heritage and what i think is true , it was a disaster in waiting
Have you heard of rain?
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