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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

U begged for US;s protection, US history recorded that .

Yeah, then u should thanks for Eight nations alliance, specially Japan for what they did to China , even they massacred few hundred thousand Chinese too, bcz they helped China to build some rail road that China never know what was it before :laugh:

We begged US for protection? only a begger can come up with such statement, i guess it's genetic, we Chineses haven't though of that :laugh:

As for Eight nations alliance..Japan has denied that doing any harm to China...ask @Nihonjin1051 , he can confirm that not such thing has happened, at least not in their historical book :angel:. And what about the other Seven nations alliance, they had not done something catastrophic such assimilate us, change our cultures or convert us but I can't say the same about Vietnam, it tooks only one nation such as France to flip flop Vietnam into submissive state over night without any challenge :cool:, when french ask Vietnamese to jump, you can only have one question to ask --> "how high?" :haha:.
We begged US for protection? only a begger can come up with such statement, i guess it's genetic, we Chineses haven't though of that :laugh:
Its recorded in US history, ur lie can not change it , I bet that in 1979, u were not even enough 18 years old to witness Mr. Deng bowed down and begged for US help:laugh:
February, 1979: twenty nine days indirectly shook the world - by some estimates

Amid doubt that China would invade, Deng Xiaoping travelled to Washington to brief
President Carter on China's attack plans. Carter approved the Chinese invasion,
"protected" China from Soviet counterattack and pushed China for restraint.
The "worst possible case" of a nuclear war between China
and the Soviet Union
was averted.
Kiss_of_the_Dragon said:
As for Eight nations alliance..Japan has denied that doing any harm to China...ask @@Nihonjin1051 , he can confirm that not such thing has happened, at least not in their historical book :angel:. And what about the other Seven nations alliance, they had not done something catastrophic such assimilate us, change our cultures or convert us but I can't say the same about Vietnam, it tooks only one nation such as France to flip flop Vietnam into submissive state over night without any challenge :cool:, when french ask Vietnamese to jump, you can only have one question to ask --> "how high?"
Yeah, u r very happy with JP massacred to ur people, so why some Chinese called that a " Hundred years of humiliation" when those nations taught China on how to use rail road?:laugh:
Its recorded in US history, ur lie can not change it , I bet that in 1979, u were not even enough 18 years old to witness Mr. Deng bowed down and begged for US help:laugh:

Yeah, u r very happy with JP massacred to ur people, so why some Chinese called that a hundred years of humiliation when those nations taught China how to use rail road?:laugh:

What did we got from US in 1979's war.. moneys or Weapons? and again only begger know how to use fluently the word "beg" to descript any situation...It's genetic.

As for Japan massacre...go ask @Nihonjin1051 if he's agree with you, don't try to twist Japanese's history book, no such thing has been recorded. :lol:
Nothing new and interesting. Vietnamese like to play victim card when facing China. But it was and is a very active expansionist even till now. China-Viet war in 1979 is just like the first Gulf War in 1990. China used violence to prevent violence of Vietnam.
Just bcz we had millions of disable people after VN war, thats why we didnt wanna attack to Bangkok to capture Pol Pot harboring there.

PLA troops even surrendered to VN women militia to save their lives, so what can other nations expect from coward - poor discipline soldiers ??:

Now, China army is even worse, kids pay up to $ 16,000 to join the army just for taking good payment :laugh:
Undeniable! These Vietnamese adopt ancient Siamese Culture !!!

What did we got from US in 1979's war.. moneys or Weapons? and again only begger know how to use fluently the word "beg" to descript any situation...It's genetic.
Both , money and weapon. u have huge amount of investment from US-JP after war with VN in 1979. U got US sattelite - spy bird support in 1979 war, u could buy some good Radar from the West, too.
The Chinese troop deployments were observed by U.S. spy satellites, and the KH-9Big Bird photographic reconnaissance satellite played an important role.[citation needed] In his state visit to the U.S. in 1979, the Chinese paramount leader Deng Xiaoping was presented with this information and asked to confirm the numbers. He replied that the information was completely accurate. After this public confirmation in the U.S., the domestic Chinese media were finally allowed to report on these deployments
Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And no matter how try u lie, US history still record that Deng Xiaoping came to US and begged for protection in 1979 :laugh:

February, 1979: twenty nine days indirectly shook the world - by some estimates

Amid doubt that China would invade, Deng Xiaoping travelled to Washington to brief
President Carter on China's attack plans. Carter approved the Chinese invasion,
"protected" China from Soviet counterattack and pushed China for restraint.
The "worst possible case" of a nuclear war between China
and the Soviet Union
was averted.
PLA troops even surrendered to VN women militia to save their lives, so what can other nations expect from coward - poor discipline soldiers ??:

Now, China army is even worse, kids pay up to $ 16,000 to join the army just for taking good payment :laugh:


or like this :laugh:


either ways, they have formed a perfect couples after the war.:lol:
Please explain both images

:lol::lol::lol::lol:, first picture, Vietnamese ladies captured Chinese solders, Second Picture Chinese men captured Vietnamese's ladies and gave wound treatment....have you ever notice where were Vietnamese men?:cray:, probably hidding in the sh1t holes and piss on their pants and let women to do the dirty jobs. from a brave nation that send women into the front line...Vietnam is unique and deserve to put into guinness book :lol:

As I said sooo many times, we Chinese respect Vietnamese's women for their bravely and we value our relationship with them,;)

Both , money and weapon. u have huge amount of investment from US-JP after war with VN in 1979. U got US sattelite - spy bird support in 1979 war, u could buy some good Radar from the West, too.
And no matter how try u lie, US history still record that Deng Xiaoping came to US and begged for protection in 1979 :laugh:
February, 1979: twenty nine days indirectly shook the world - by some estimates

Amid doubt that China would invade, Deng Xiaoping travelled to Washington to brief
President Carter on China's attack plans. Carter approved the Chinese invasion,
"protected" China from Soviet counterattack and pushed China for restraint.
The "worst possible case" of a nuclear war between China
and the Soviet Union
was averted.
This pretty retard as interpretation of the fact, US sent the spy plane not to assist China but to monitor China's military activities, do you think Americans were so naive as you to believe that Chineses were their ally???? a communist dogfighting another communist will just make American's day...it was the perfect dream. And when we raided Vietnam, we were using made in China's weapon or you want, Soviet copied versions weapons.
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:lol::lol::lol::lol:, first picture, Vietnamese ladies captured Chinese solders, Second Picture Chinese men captured Vietnamese's ladies and gave wound treatment....have you ever notice where were Vietnamese men?:cray:, probably hidding in the sh1t holes and piss on their pants and let women to do the dirty jobs. from a brave nation that send women into the front line...Vietnam is unique and deserve to put into guinness book :lol:

As I said sooo many times, we Chinese respect Vietnamese's women for their bravely and we value our relationship with them,;)

You Chinese killed innocent civilians and you expect me to believe that picture? Pure propaganda as it its finest.
:lol::lol::lol::lol:, first picture, Vietnamese ladies captured Chinese solders, Second Picture Chinese men captured Vietnamese's ladies and gave wound treatment....have you ever notice where were Vietnamese men?:cray:, probably hidding in the sh1t holes and piss on their pants and let women to do the dirty jobs. from a brave nation that send women into the front line...Vietnam is unique and deserve to put into guinness book :lol:

As I said sooo many times, we Chinese respect Vietnamese's women for their bravely and we value our relationship with them,;)
Forgot that China attack VN without war declaration like normal human war must do ?? Our elite men was on Camb-Laos that time, and when they came back to the border China elite troops either quickly surrendered to VN women militia or retreat back to China
Some Chinese soldiers called it a “painful, little war.” Vietnamese troops avoided battle and instead harassed PLA forces.....
Many of the PLA’s commanding officers were shocked by the poor discipline, low morale, combat ineffectiveness, and high casualties in the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War...............
Moreover, at least five PAVN divisions remained poised for a counterattack in the delta, and thirty thousand additional PAVN troops from Cambodia, along with several regiments from Laos, were moving to their support. Thus the PLA would have taken huge losses in any southward move toward Hanoi.
What the PLA Learned in Vietnam, 1979 | Far Outliers

This pretty retard as interpretation of the fact, US sent the spy plane not to assist China but to monitor China's military activities, do you think Americans were so naive as you to believe that Chineses were their ally???? a communist dogfighting another communist will just make American's day...it was the perfect dream. And when we raided Vietnam, we were using made in China's weapon or you want, Soviet copied versions weapons.
China didnt have spy satellite that time and Mr. Dneg had to beg for US spy satellite support coz China could not find out where must they attack when in VN soil.

Why u r so stupid to understand that u can not fight in other country's land if u dont have spy satellite or spy bird ?? How could China army attack VN in 1979 when u didnt know where to attack and where were our troops :laugh:
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The 3rd Vietnam war could have been a two front war had the USSR upholded its defense treaty with Vietnam. But as it turned out, we were able to touch the tiger's buttocks without so much as a scratch, on that account it was a wortwhile strategic gamble.
You Chinese killed innocent civilians and you expect me to believe that picture? Pure propaganda as it its finest.

We dont expect you to believe anything, the picture is black on white, but i do expect you to use your best judgement and best memory of Vietnam war to interprete these pictures, some time it's good to look at the mirror before talk.
The 3rd Vietnam war could have been a two front war had the USSR upholded its defense treaty with Vietnam. But as it turned out, we were able to touch the tiger's buttocks without so much as a scratch, on that account it was a wortwhile strategic gamble.
Did u see any Soviet troops in VN during Vn war against mighty US ?? So why did we need Soviet troop just for fighting against much weaker enemy like China ??

And if u wanna test Soviet tiger, then why must ur leader came to US and begged for protection ?? Why didnt try to test without US help ??
February, 1979: twenty nine days indirectly shook the world - by some estimates

Amid doubt that China would invade, Deng Xiaoping travelled to Washington to brief
President Carter on China's attack plans. Carter approved the Chinese invasion,
"protected" China from Soviet counterattack and pushed China for restraint.
The "worst possible case" of a nuclear war between China
and the Soviet Union
was averted.
9/11 intelligence; China invades Vietnam

We dont expect you to believe anything, the picture is black on white, but i do expect you to use your best judgement and best memory of Vietnam war to interprete these pictures, some time it's good to look at the mirror before talk.
Yeah, when people look at 1979 war, people will see China PLA is a disgust army when didnt declare war before attack its small neighbour, but still lost and many of its elite troops quicly surrendered to VN women militia when they only used weapon from WW2 era against elite PLA troops :pop:
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Forgot that China attack VN without war declaration like normal human war must do ?? Our elite men was on Camb-Laos that time, and when they came back to the border China elite troops either quickly surrendered to VN women militia or retreat back to China ??

Should we also told Vietname what time, which location, what weapons we will deployed?:lol:, I can interprete differently about your so call elites. they were not up to fight or afraid of been destroyed by PLA, so in order to preserve this elite groups, you sent ladies to fight intead.
China didnt have spy satellite that time and Mr. Dneg had to beg for US spy satellite support coz China could not find out where must they attack when in VN soil.

Why u r so stupid to understand that u can not fight in other country's land if u dont have spy satellite or spy bird ?? How could China army attack VN in 1979 when u didnt know where to attack and where were our troops :laugh:

Base on what you said, I'm wondering how China fought Vietnam in Ancient time without satellite? :cuckoo:..I still comtemplate.
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