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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

I think Wang Anshi's reforms had good intentions in strengthening the country ie relieving the tax from Northern districts,training militias,fighting corruption and income equality,granaries for disasters and curbing Song Shenzong's ambitions.

However at the same time the grass sprouts policy eroded the wealth of middle class peasants,corruption of the enforcers that tried to reform the monopolist market,shifting blame on the "engrossers" instead of acknowledging them and government officials charging high rates on loans.

The main issue with Wang Anshi's reform is that the one's who enforced his reforms were corrupt and ineffective ie harassing merchants,extorting the common people.arbitrary raising the service exemption fee.

In my opinion many of his reforms backfired benefiting entrenched landed gentry instead of the rural peasants.they were too reliant on theoretical models that there would be no famines,corruption etc.

In the end the reformist faction's zeal proved to be their undoing.

Agreed,this irredentist nonsense that Southern China used to belong to the Vietnamese is sickening.

The so called "Baiyue brotherhood".that we Southern Han are their long lost kin is hilarious just look at their conduct in Yongzhou .

I know, the idea was good, but the mismanagement has caused the backfire.

Some Annamese on YouTube are now calling the genocide against the Chinese because the South China is too crowded.

I don't think that they do care about the so-called "Baiyue brotherhood" with the South Chinese, they only want more lands from China.
I know, the idea was good, but the mismanagement has caused the backfire.

Some Annamese on YouTube are now calling the genocide against the Chinese because the South China is too crowded.

I don't think that they do care about the so-called "Baiyue brotherhood" with the South Chinese, they only want more lands from China.
If human beings acted in accordance to the law and had were altruistic then I'm certain the reforms would have stayed and Northern Song would probably have not collapsed.

They are projecting their inferiority complex,historically Vietnamese was always under heavy Sinitic influence and had large migrations of "Han" Chinese towards the area,they then proceed to distort that Han Chinese have Vietnamese blood and were ruled by Vietnamese which is beyond human comprehension:cheesy:

I'm sure you have read the posts by ViXuyen,Rechoice and EastSea always claiming that I'm Minyue or that Cantonese members are Nanyue people:cheesy:
A nuclear Japan with an itchy finger is not the end of humanity, but the end of Japanese race. Small country vs big country in nuclear war, well you know it won't end well for a small country.

The most important thing is a pre-emptive capability which Japan never has.

Today's Japan is very dependent to the US technological ecosystem, and they simply can't build a huge technological ecosystem of their own.

Without this capability, they can't afford to play the nuke with China.
Then they claim that we copied our surnames from Baiyue people:cheesy:

They probably will claim Emperor Qin is and Huangdi is vietnamese, I won't be surprised.

Yes, according to them their Trung sisters with the help of deity defeated the northern Hans. :lol:

According to Vietnamese history, half naked Baiyue tribes spread north and conquered China. The northern Han armies were no match versus the scantily cloth Baiyue women. By using sex and pole dancing skills, they were able to bed and "raped" the Han 200,000 soldiers thus turning their off spring into "Chinese" looking people.

If that's not enough proof, I don't know how else to convince you.


There are some misunderstanding at here. Vietnam don't have plan to produce nuclear weapon, we just enrich uranium and develop nuclear tech
It's oxymoron to put Vietnam and nukes in the same sentence.
If human beings acted in accordance to the law and had were altruistic then I'm certain the reforms would have stayed and Northern Song would probably have not collapsed.

They are projecting their inferiority complex,historically Vietnamese was always under heavy Sinitic influence and had large migrations of "Han" Chinese towards the area,they then proceed to distort that Han Chinese have Vietnamese blood and were ruled by Vietnamese which is beyond human comprehension:cheesy:

I'm sure you have read the posts by ViXuyen,Rechoice and EastSea always claiming that I'm Minyue or that Cantonese members are Nanyue people:cheesy:

Even the South Chinese might have some exotic admixture in their mtDNA, it is still not Vietnamese.

Since their ancestor the Lac Viet people were always the natives in the Red River Delta.

BTW, many Cantonese men seem to prefer the North Chinese mtDNA, that's why they are seeking the women from North China.

They probably will claim Emperor Qin is and Huangdi is vietnamese, I won't be surprised.

Yes, according to them their Trung sisters with the help of deity defeated the northern Hans. :lol:

According to Vietnamese history, half naked Baiyue tribes spread north and conquered China. The northern Han armies were no match versus the scantily cloth Baiyue women. By using sex and pole dancing skills, they were able to bed and "raped" the Han 200,000 soldiers thus turning their off spring into "Chinese" looking people.

If that's not enough proof, I don't know how else to convince you.


It's oxymoron to put Vietnam and nukes in the same sentence.

The Trung sisters were indeed running half-naked, and the way they died was too graphic and it is inappropriate to be discussed here. :D
Did u see any Soviet troops in VN during Vn war against mighty US ?? So why did we need Soviet troop just for fighting against much weaker enemy like China ??

And if u wanna test Soviet tiger, then why must ur leader came to US and begged for protection ?? Why didnt try to test without US help ??

Yeah, when people look at 1979 war, people will see China PLA is a disgust army when didnt declare war before attack its small neighbour, but still lost and many of its elite troops quicly surrendered to VN women militia when they only used weapon from WW2 era against elite PLA troops :pop:
In 1978 the treaty of friendship & cooperation signed between Vietnam & USSR contained a military component. It was believed that the tiger would intervened to relieve pressure on Vietnam, which is why we deployed a million of our best troops along the Sino-Soviet border. Also, Deng visited Washington not to ask for "protection," but to build upon a new relationship that would herald in a new Sino-American era, that allowed us to pursue the Four Modernisation programs.

FYI, Deng also visited Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore & Japan to set the stage for going into Vietnam. All these has been revealed by Henry Kissinger in his book - On China.
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The same culture that Vietnamese plagiarize as their own:cheesy:

You can't handle the inconvenient truth that Vietnamese tried to invade China,and massacred Southern Han.

prove your truth and telling more non-related in another thread,

Then they claim that we copied our surnames from Baiyue people:cheesy:
@Hu Songshan : please help to clear all non-related postings. This guy tend to flood any thread by his own ( non-related) topic.
A spammer
@Hu Songshan : please help to clear all non-related postings. This guy tend to flood any thread by his own ( non-related) topic.
A spammer
Then tell your fellow Vietnamese to quit distorting and stealing other people's culture/history.

Notice how Vietnamese are always complaining about Chinese invasions,then when I point out they invaded other sovereign entities including China they go berserk:cheesy:

Vietnamese always make excuses when then attack other countries yet if I try to justify Chinese interference in other countries they cry foul.

PDF Vietnamese members don't have a shred of integrity ie using 皇朝直省地輿全圖 as proof.
prove your truth and telling more non-related in another thread,

@Hu Songshan : please help to clear all non-related postings. This guy tend to flood any thread by his own ( non-related) topic.
A spammer
Don't act pathetic now Vietcong, don't compare our knowledgeable Grand Historian with your people who loves stealing and fabricating stories.
The Sino-Viet war 1979 is a unavoidable, because it originated from separatism between China and Vietnam since 1972.
China asked Vietnam :
1. Stay, and not to unify to South Vietnam ( more helpful for nowaday Korea case )
2. Reject Soviet support to get China support.
All for China benefit ( a separated Korea ever been China benefit for over a half of a century, they didnot regret burning bundles of soldiers for that)

All of above request rejected.

So they created the fear throughout ASEAN about the plan of Vietnam expansion. Actually that is their own fear about time by time better relation between Vietnam and Soviet. That's why they went for a former enemy ( but far away from their border )- USA

Chinese strategy focus on border wars, so to attack Vietnam, they support to Khmer Rouge with propaganda : ask Vietnam to return Cambodia land ( more helpful to think about nowaday Chinese support to Cambodia ). They get the deal with Pol Pot and send as many as they can military advisors, staff to build a strong army, military facilities for future attack to Vietnam from the South. It estimated that main military facilities should be completed at the end of 1978 including military airport for giant bombers from China to use for Vietnam attacks, big roadways lead to Vietnam border for MBT tanks also in the list.
All happen for some year before the end of 1978.

The problem is China cannot stop Khmer Rouge to provoke Vietnam too early. There're several raiding waves happen between 1975 - 1977 to Vietnam territories ( killed thousands of Vietnam civillian ) from which Khmer Rouge show their harm to Vietnam border security and get Vietnam attention to China hands. HunSen and his men collected from Cambodian who hated Khmer Rouge cruelly policy ( learn from China way ) and refugees from Cambodia crossborder to Vietnam .

Now you know what's the proper meaning for self-defense attack at the end of 1978 of Vietnam ( don't refer to fake reason for China 1979 bloody invasion )

Mention that due to getting China attacks, Vietnam launched some raiding waves to China to ruin logistic facilities and commissar in February, March 1979. That's because Vietnam too experienced to fight stronger enemies by special forces.
( helpful to know special forces of Russia was also trained by Vietnam for fighting in forest ).
Special forces of Vietnam is the best of its class at a specific time, FYI. During Vietnam wartime, US Navy Seals was created to be the rival of Vietnam special forces, but failed.

It's interesting to know that China leaders once stated the retreat of his army, warning Vietnam not to harm to his retreating soldiers. Yes all military generals know it's the weakest phase of any army to be attacked during retreating. Even during attacking phase, China suffered heavy losses, so retreating phase would get much more losses if Vietnam lauches the intercept and counterstrike ... But Vietnam let them go.

That was because Vietnam start to think about the post-war relationship.
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Sino Vietnam war 1979.


It is true face of China.



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