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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

the poster of this thread has his own reason to create that title:
1. Vietnamese innocent people is always victims under those brutal sudden attacks by Khmer Rouge, by PLA.
That's happen because the fights in Vietnam land at initial.
- China launched attack to Vietnam lands and massacre in 1979
- Khmer Rouge crossed border to Vietnam lands and some massacres, for example Ba Chuc April 1978.
2. Any attack from Vietnam after that ( to Khmer Rouge in Dec 1978 ) is clearly counter-strike for Vietnam own security.
Vietnam killed as many as 60,000 invading PLA soldiers, not any civillian,
Vietnam saved Cambodian civillization, only hunt for Khmer Rouge killers.
That's never considered as aggression.
3. I'm disappointed to anyone laugh about and call that "teach a lesson" on deaths of thousands innocent victims.
Or at the time ignore about life of millions innocent Cambodian people, now turn to justify about what Vietnam does is wrong
I have many Thai friends, during 2009-2012, I travelled a lot to Thailand.
I see that Thai and Viet share many common figures, same type of thinking, ... so different from East Asia people ...
So it's more easier to work with each other.

Paid lady boys don't count s friends numb nut :woot:
About Vietnam- China war in 1979, no need more comment, a picture says a lot. The chinese have learned a useful lesson from this war.

About Vietnam - Khmer Rouge War, that is not desired, but it must inevitably take place, because the Khmer Rouge had mistakenly believed that it could rely on helping from "big boy" china, Khmer Rouge attacked Vietnam along the border and Tho Chu island, killing thousands of innocent Vietnamese civilians during the years 1975-1978.

About concern of Thais while Vietnam cleaned Khmer Rouge out of Cambodia, that's not a fear of Vietnam to invade Thailand as Thais leaders propaganda, which is essentially fear of the spread of communism in Thailand.


Caught Red-handed
Vietnamese troops watch over detained Chinese soldiers on Feb. 26, 1979. Seasoned by decades of guerrilla war and equipped with the latest Soviet technology, the Vietnamese proved too strong for China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), whose strategy still revolved around deploying "human waves" of ragtag soldiers, a tactic used nearly three decades before during the Korean War.
China-Vietnam Border War, 30 Years Later - Photo Essays - TIME
My mother could use CKC or AK shoot to target with score above 90/100.
Funny with the legend : Soviet latest technology. Actually Vietnam armament is not better than China.
Only the experience is richer.
You vietcong did mistreated the Chinese from Vietnam. They left and hate you guys even today. There is nothing better than them to see your economy crash or another 1988 johnson reef incident.

That's why they are pro China because they hate the vietcongs.
Well at least those Hoa people still lived to tell the story. Many Vietnamese in Cambodia and in Vietnam - Cambodia region didn't survive the purge by Khmer Rogue. They are Chinese citizens now so why do we care what they think? Your people, your problem. In fact maybe from the very beginning they are Chinese citizens, because many of them showed sympathy towards China more than Vietnam.
Well at least those Hoa people still lived to tell the story. Many Vietnamese in Cambodia and in Vietnam - Cambodia region didn't survive the purge by Khmer Rogue. They are Chinese citizens now so why do we care what they think? Your people, your problem. In fact maybe from the very beginning they are Chinese citizens, because many of them showed sympathy towards China more than Vietnam.

China provided guns to Khmer Rouge, then after Khmer Rouge also shot ethnic Chinese race people in Cambodia. It's very reasonable, because Mao also shoot his own people, to whom looks like teachers, students, wear glasses ...
go ahead kid, if Thailand is by side with China in Sino Vietnam conflict, we will punish you reasonably.

For you Rechoice and those agree with his quote above:

Yes. Thailand and China together can just block & isolate VN land,air and sea route to the world without having to invade first. What we can do is Oil&gas blockage, import&export sea,land blockage, trading embargoes, no fly zone imposition over VN air space including passenger air lines, and wait for VN first invasion. We can then sell Democracy to VN population. We can ask for regime change to lift those embargoes, and even ask for VN Democracy to ensure your internal politic messed up. We can provide military training for Cham&Khmer population, who dream of reviving ancient Cham, Khmer.
Your Naval&Air power is your weak sport, Bro.

We go like your European colonial overload way.

For peace loving average Vietnamese:
We go 21 century together as one single united market, community. Thai students will go to VN Universities to learn VN language, culture and vice versa. VN people can come to Thailand and other ASEAN member states for extended stay to find jobs. The highly skilled people can move around ASEAN. There will be no tax wall. VN company can come to open VN noodle shop at the heart of Bangkok, Singapore, GualaLumper, etc. VN people can have extended stay in good hospital treatment anywhere in ASEAN without Visa. I dream of the day I can buy Hanoi's house without Visa. I dream of common ASEAN Banks. I dream of our children get marry together as equal partners. I dream of ASEAN common research labs, which innovate the next Googles, Apples out.
I dream of our people competition, not by country name, but by his/her name.
"This" is what I mean when I say ASEAN prosperity.
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What's happening in Thailand now, dear Somsak?
Last time I visit Thailand in 2012, have in mind of protesting, but not mentioned any small trouble.

The historic flood in Thailand also affected to us when Bangkok flooded, cause Laem Chabang port overcrowded.
Malaysian friends also nicer than Chinese ...
good direction
AND working hard.

That's what a Korean president told me.
He admit that Vietnam War enrich Korea economy.

He told you that when you were visiting the Blue House? OMG! my nice fellow :D
Or you wanted to say: "Korean president told us"?
What's happening in Thailand now, dear Somsak?
Last time I visit Thailand in 2012, have in mind of protesting, but not mentioned any small trouble.

The historic flood in Thailand also affected to us when Bangkok flooded, cause Laem Chabang port overcrowded.
Malaysian friends also nicer than Chinese ...

Im quite confuse about your question, friend. We all English as 2nd language.

You mean you went to Thailand in year 2012, without any trouble, though there were ongoing protesting?
Yes. Its like that. High crime rate or political violent events happened around the mob areas. Elsewhere it is still ok.
If you go to other provinces, not Bkk, everything just go as normal.

Historic flood 2010 both Thailand and Vietnam got big flood wasn't it? Thailand donated to VN some money though we also had flood as well. Bro, when you say Malaysian friends are nicer than Chinese friends, please keep in mind the statistics and scientific method. European was able to advance because they are unbias estimation of real situation. I think many military books also highlight the importance of unbias, correct estimation of real world. To say your sentence scientifically, you must define "nicer" template, and then do population sampling against that template.
Im quite confuse about your question, friend. We all English as 2nd language.

You mean you went to Thailand in year 2012, without any trouble, though there were ongoing protesting?
Yes. Its like that. High crime rate or political violent events happened around the mob areas. Elsewhere it is still ok.
If you go to other provinces, not Bkk, everything just go as normal.

Historic flood 2010 both Thailand and Vietnam got big flood wasn't it? Thailand donated to VN some money though we also had flood as well. Bro, when you say Malaysian friends are nicer than Chinese friends, please keep in mind the statistics and scientific method. European was able to advance because they are unbias estimation of real situation. I think many military books also highlight the importance of unbias, correct estimation of real world. To say your sentence scientifically, you must define "nicer" template, and then do population sampling against that template.

I narrow the nice into within Malaysia. It's not good or bad but it's not nice.
In Chinatown, hotel or Chinese restaurant, Chinese servicemen/women always serve well, but with freeze face.It's different within same hotel, but with Indian staff.
Malay always with smiles, same to Thai / ... That's what I called nicer.
I narrow the nice into within Malaysia. It's not good or bad but it's not nice.
In Chinatown, hotel or Chinese restaurant, Chinese servicemen/women always serve well, but with freeze face.It's different within same hotel, but with Indian staff.
Malay always with smiles, same to Thai / ... That's what I called nicer.

Yes, That is based on your experience, and your view of what the word "nice" means, which is not universal.
Scientific way of doing thing must be universal. Meaning that any person on earth would measure a subject and report the same result. This is univesal.

I will show you one example.

"Whether Chinese people are nicer than Thai people." I will do it scientific way. My measurement: Crime rate.
Definition: A person is said to be nicer than another person if he commit less crime within past 10 years.
Definition: A group of people is said to be nicer than another group of people if number of crimes committed by that group is less than the number of crime committed by another group within past 10 years.
Definition: A person is said to be Chinese if he is a citizen of China.
Definition: A citizen of a country must have id number issued by that country's government.
Definition: An act is called a crime if one of the following action occurred.
- kill people, rape, etc.
Definition: Crime rate is (#number of crimes happened in a population) divided by #of population within 10 years. In other words, crime per head per 10 yrs.

Now I define what are crimes and what are not. Then I collect ALL crimes happened in China, and Thailand during 10 years. Now you will say that it is impossible to collect ALL crime. Then we will have to do sampling, an unbiased sampling. How to sample it in such a way that the result of sample gives the correct estimation to ALL crimes.

Friend, this is the scientific method.
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