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Seven Pakistan Army soldiers killed in cross-border firing across LoC

How are we a terrorist state? We never sponsor terrorism, Osama was not caught from our soil, its not India's name that comes up whenever or wherever a terrorist attack happens, Its not India that created Taliban.

How much and why? when it was you who signed the instrument of surrender!! o_O

Are you sure India never sponsored TERRORISM?

In fact the very first suicide bombers in the world namely LTTE walas were trained and sponsored directly by India against Sri Lanka.

As far as Taliban creation indeed it was not India rather it was the work of more powerful CIA along with ISI.

So stay calm nobody is blaming you for that brand.
Bro, I want some of the shit that you smoke:crazy:. Looks like not Indian news channels but you have banned whole international media or you are lost on some remote island and completely cut off from rest of world.

On normal days I smoke Indian curry while on special days I go for some veggies.

Now Pick up
very sad day for Pak army!
Indian army may have to understand Pak will respond you hard!

Is that crazy Indian army?? what the hell, they are firing like zombies towards Pak, shame on Indian army!

So now you get the taste of your own medicine , very sad you lost you soldiers but you brought us to this situation, I know you will retort with dire consequences but take a pause think logically.
RIP heroes.
To all who have served & serving, we salute you. Thank you to make us proud.
This madness is continued since decades on both sides where mutris and gunjas are doing politics of dead bodies.

none of us knows what is the plight of families of those soldiers who are killed daily on both sides.

I remember an officer who fought Kargil war and he was at the Tiger hill, telling me how our soldiers found a letter of an Indian soldiers who wrote his son that he would come home soon and pay his school fee and bring new cloths. The officer was teary and feeling sad for the indian soldier. Similar stories are found on our side.

At times I wish for a bigger power to occupy entire Kashmir and get us rid of losing lives on both sides.

India Pakistan do not deserve it


Cross border conflict is the most useless form of warfare. Nothing comes out of it and I have said this on every thread. Many clowns here take bravado but there is nothing here. No victors only losers.

Since 2000 India has lost 4500 on cross border firings. Ours won't be any less. That about 9000 on both sides who have died simply due to the firings on both sides.

A border conflict is no war for conquest nor liberation. There is no goal but the goal to kill the other side.

Stories like those are countless. The politicians and people speak bravado and then ask their army to kill the other but ignore this very important factor.

Dozens of civilians injured and killef and 23 lost with one captured since this entire thing began. Gains. Nothing.

Well the only bigger power is China but as long as there is ego on both sides this will continue. With the advent of nuclear bombds the most pheasible solution for both sides is the musharrag option. Turn it into IB. Demilitarization and perhaps maybe work out a water treaty where we get more water and population free travel.

50-100 years later we will come to this.
Does it hurt when I bring up 71? How much POW and why, when it was you who signed the instrument of surrender!! o_O
I hope this will be enough to ruin your mental masturbation about 1971. :lol:


Cross border conflict is the most useless form of warfare. Nothing comes out of it and I have said this on every thread. Many clowns here take bravado but there is nothing here. No victors only losers.

Since 2000 India has lost 4500 on cross border firings. Ours won't be any less. That about 9000 on both sides who have died simply due to the firings on both sides.

A border conflict is no war for conquest nor liberation. There is no goal but the goal to kill the other side.

Stories like those are countless. The politicians and people speak bravado and then ask their army to kill the other but ignore this very important factor.

Dozens of civilians injured and killef and 23 lost with one captured since this entire thing began. Gains. Nothing.

Well the only bigger power is China but as long as there is ego on both sides this will continue. With the advent of nuclear bombds the most pheasible solution for both sides is the musharrag option. Turn it into IB. Demilitarization and perhaps maybe work out a water treaty where we get more water and population free travel.

50-100 years later we will come to this.
Sir,very sane post i completely agree with you.

Lets start with stopping cross border terrorsim and handing us Hfeez Sayeed and Dawood Ibrahim as a souvenir to us.
india has huge advantage here. they trust their PM while on the other hand pak is at serious disadvantage. our PM is indian. he is a businessman who has business all over the world including india. he cant do anything because his empire will get adversely affected . PA is committed on both eastern and western borders. 99% of our political leaders have the ability to sell their mothers if they have to for their political gains and they get support of the gen public. we need a leader on urgent basis but probably we wont get him as we dont deserve . jaisi qaum wasay leader.
If it would ever be released, it will be backed up with satellite & drone imagery and evidences collected from the operation site that can't be debunked. As of now, GOI has no issues with Avg Pakistani holding their heads high & Avg Indian satisfied that Uri has been avenged.

lolz.. Do you seriously believe that IA could resist the temptation of releasing the footage if it has one?

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