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Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

This is their way of thinking it makes them feel better when they sleep at night

I remember the discussion of that al jazeera maoist video on the forum and there was just one non-indian forum participating in the discussion and that was Chinese-dragon . There was not a single pakistani in the thread that lasted around 10 pages in a Pakistani forum. They just thanked the OP and went away . None of them were interested in the documentary they are only interested in reading about the death tolls .Makes me sick to the stomach . No wonder they find themselves in the mess that they are in .

That thread was posted just around a couple of days ago .
If you believe that the source of some news/article is not authentic, just report and we shall delete it if found so.

Just rollback a few pages and check if he even bothers to provide a link for the news that he posts so that we can check what his source is .This has been going on since ages but no mod has bothered to warn him once about not posting the links.
Who was the one who got personal with the Zanana behavior comment and the quit school comment ? It was a Pak memner , rollback a few pages and check .

Secondly the title of this thread says 'maoists thread and insurgency' which clearly denotes this thread is just about the maoists problem but all the reports of violence from India are being reported. so don't you think the thread should be renamed as 'Indian insurgencies' or something like that ? The current title is misleading .

I'm talking about post by Bang Galore and Indo Carib. Pakistani members started replying and this thread went completely out of course.

Anyways, further off topic posts shall be deleted with no exception. Period!
The thread is about the Maoist threat, as well as the other insurgencies in the country.

That doesn't bear out in the way the title has been framed - 'maoist threat and insurgency' , it clearly sounds like the thread isjust about the maoists insurgency . The thread needs to be renamed but i know as usual nothing will come of it.

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------

I'm talking about post by Bang Galore and Indo Carib. Pakistani members started replying and this thread went completely out of course.

Anyways, further off topic posts shall be deleted with no exception. Period!

will you bother to tell the posters here to post the links of the articles as well as change the misleading title of the thread ?
If you believe that the source of some news/article is not authentic, just report and we shall delete it if found so.
Well then, how long are you willing to go back in this thread ? Trust me, more than 80% of the tickers in SATP do not have any links with them. And a majority of the posts come from them. Of course, we have a collective responsibility not to ignore the Red/NE/Kashmir Insurgencies, but if i wanted a honest figure i can look it up in SATP, instead of here.

The next question put to you is this, will you keep a penalty on the reported posts or will you simply brush it up under the carpet and keep on deleting as we keep on reporting ? A certain degree of transparency will go far in this forum you know.
Well then, how long are you willing to go back in this thread ? Trust me, more than 80% of the tickers in SATP do not have any links with them. And a majority of the posts come from them. Of course, we have a collective responsibility not to ignore the Red/NE/Kashmir Insurgencies, but if i wanted a honest figure i can look it up in SATP, instead of here.

The next question put to you is this, will you keep a penalty on the reported posts or will you simply brush it up under the carpet and keep on deleting as we keep on reporting ? A certain degree of transparency will go far in this forum you know.

The links of all my news reports are verifiable.
Mod I think enough with this question answer session. Please start taking action regarding off topic posts. Thanks.
More killed in Maoist violence than in J&K, northeast

NEW DELHI: Maoist violence continues to dominate internal security concerns in India, with more than double the deaths than those reported from Jammu & Kashmir and northeastern states collectively during 2008-2011.

In what could be a reminder of how potent the Maoists have become in the past four years, the home ministry's latest annual report released on Wednesday revealed that 3,240 persons including civilians and security forces were killed in Naxal violence compared to 1,034 in northeastern states and 496 in Jammu & Kashmir during the same period.

The report, which came a day before the culmination of the Odisha abduction episode which saw state government succumbing to the pressure of Red rebels to save hostages, also said that even the number of violent incidents carried out by Maoists (7,817) was more than the number of terror/insurgent attacks reported in northeastern states (4,258) and Jammu & Kashmir (2,035) together during 2008-11.

Almost all Naxal-infested states witnessed casualties among civilians and security forces during the period with Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand reporting a high number of killings. Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal and Maharashtra are other states which have reported casualties in double digit figures consistently since 2008.

Though 2011 had reported lesser number of incidents and casualties as compared to 2010 and 2009 in Maoist violence, the number still remained high compared to incidents reported in northeast and J&K last year. "The CPI (M) continues to remain the most dominant and violent outfit among the various left wing extremist groups, accounting for more than 90% of total LWE incidents and 95% of resultant killings," the annual report for the year 2011-12 said .

Interestingly, Jammu & Kashmir, which was a hotbed of terrorism for almost 15 years, showed a dramatic decline in not only the number of incidents but also in casualties among security forces and civilians.

More killed in Maoist violence than in J&K, northeast - The Times of India
One post off the topic and the thread goes way out of control ........ =P
The Hindu : News / National : Kidnapped Italian released


Abducted Italian tourist Paolo Bosusco at an undisclosed location in Odisha.

Italian tour operator Bosusco Paolo was released by the Odisha State Organising Committee of the outlawed Communist Party of India(Maoist) in Kandhamal district on Thursday.

Secretary of the State unit of the party Sabyasachi Panda handed over the custody of Mr. Paolo to Dandapani Mohanty, one of the mediators who held talks with the government for the Italian citizen's release, near Raikia in Kandhamal as early as 5 am in the morning.

Speaking to The Hindu, Mr. Mohanty said that a journalist from an Odia television channel was present when Mr. Panda set the Italian national free after 29 days of captivity.

Mr. Mohanty further said that he would hand over the custody of Mr. Paolo to the three State government officials later in the day.

Mr. Paolo was kidnapped by the Maoists from Daringbadi area of Kandhamal district on March 14 along with an Italian tourist, Claudio Colangelo.

The abductors had released Mr. Colangelo on March 25 as a goodwill gesture while demanding that they would release Mr. Paolo only after the Naveen Patnaik government accepted their demands.

The State government had resolved the issue by holding negotiation with the two mediators, B.D. Sharma and Mr. Mohanty. The government had agreed to facilitate the release of five persons for judicial custody, and take steps to fulfill the 12 others demands.

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik had made several appeals to the Maoists to release Mr. Paolo unharmed.

Mr. Panda had on Wednesday welcomed the government's decision on their demands.

The Maoist leader's wife, Subhashree Das alias Mili Panda was acquitted by a fast track court in an encounter case.
^^^ was sort of looking forward to seeing NSG vracking a few skulls, but I guess sense prevailed. Diplomacy has to be the primary tool for combating this issue.
Defying Maoists, job seekers flock to army camp

The Maoist prohibitory order has failed to cut ice with Bastar's young tribals, who have turned out in large numbers at an army recruitment centre in Kanker district, some 200 km south of Raipur.
A senior official at state police headquarters said not a very encouraging turnout was expected because the rally was going on in Kanker, one of the worst-affected districts in south Chhattisgarh.
The Chhattisgarh police remained on guard. "We recovered leaflets warning the youth against participating in the rally. But over a period of years our efforts to win the confidence of the tribals have worked and it was noteworthy to find youths responding in good numbers," Kanker district superintendent of police Rahul Bhagat told HT.

The Maoists have strongly opposed the recruitment rally and exhorted the job-seekers from the seven districts of Bastar to boycott the event. They have put up banners and circulated pamphlets to convey their decree.

The six-day schedule of the rally will continue till June 2.

"It was remarkable to find more than 3,000 youth, most of them tribal and from remote areas, reporting for the rally," Colonel Pankaj Sharma, director (recruiting), told HT.

The intake depends on how many soldiers are retiring or the number of units likely to be raised. "Around 300 candidates are needed from Chhattisgarh in every six-month cycle (recruitment rally), based on the recruitable male population of the state (differs from state to state). Depending on where the vacancies exists — infantry, artillery, armoury or the service sector — recruiting is done," Sharma said.

The aspirants said they risked their lives by defying the Maoist threat. "Serving the country is our dream and more important for us. And why should the Maoists target the jobless youth?" asked Shiv Lahre (name changed), a candidate, on the phone.

Tulsi Sukhdar (name changed) had a different take on the matter: "I can prove to my nation that I am a good citizen."

Defying Maoists, job seekers flock to army camp - Hindustan Times
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