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Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

Since all of these are Ctrl-C'ed Ctrl-V'ed from SATP , which many a time even don't give links in their running tickers, the next best thing is to get an RSS feed from SATP to this website, which will show running information on Terrorism and Insurgency across South Asia. An interesting fact to note is the insurgencies and terror fatalities is still lesser than the Karachi ethnic cleansing for Pakistan this year (can get the datasheets from SATP and sum it out). Another interesting fact is that Maoist deaths are on the decrease this year on, which is further going to be handled by Didi and the GoI together in the coming months.

Karachi's situation is one of ethnic conflicts, not terrorism which India is faced with all over India.
The desperate behaviour of pakistani members who post more on Indian issues and less on Pakistani issues appears very laundiya chap as well .


We all know who is desperate, indians on here day and night obsessed with all things Pakistani complex much ???:azn:
The desperate behaviour of pakistani members who post more on Indian issues and less on Pakistani issues appears very laundiya chap as well .


If you didn't quit school you might understand the thread is a sticky about Maoist violence in your country. So stop whining over it and get a life. Or even better quit the forum in protest.
So many Pakistanis concerned with the threat to India but we can cope on our own it is better you feed yr starving people from the flood and try to provide electricity to the masses.
So many Pakistanis concerned with the threat to India but we can cope on our own it is better you feed yr starving people from the flood and try to provide electricity to the masses.

Yes brother i agree we have problems with poverty floods and electricity. It is very sad.
On topic I hope India get on top of this Maoist issues. Please keep us informed Bilal bhai
Yes brother i agree we have problems with poverty floods and electricity. It is very sad.
On topic I hope India get on top of this Maoist issues. Please keep us informed Bilal bhai

We will wipe them out soon enough dont worry
I can bet none of these so called interested Pakistani members on indian issues would have even bothered to watch the 45 min documentary made by Al-jazeera on the maoist issue that has been posted on this forum . They just post here and read to take delight in how many indians died in terror attacks . All this when their own people die in terror attacks everyday . Sickos !
Dear Indian members,

Kindly stay on topic and try not to kill the messenger.

Any more off topic posts shall be deleted with infractions handed over.

When i posted a thread on Balochistan about the PA's kill and dump policy and the child killing done by the security personnel in Balochistan, i was told by Irfan Baloch that it had baseless propaganda links all over it, when the source itself was quite authentic, the AHRC. But in this thread i see posts upon posts copy-pasted from SATP without links simply because the poster is lazy/incompetent to post links to those posts.

This i clearly see as a double-standards in this forum. Hence the readers want to know, do you still stick by your views or are you willing to give a level-playing field in this forum ?
^^^ Refer the post above done by me. You can't have the cake and eat it too.

If you believe that the source of some news/article is not authentic, just report and we shall delete it if found so.
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