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Sensitive topic about Premarital relationship

Okay . So if you are allergic to any sensitive topic about physical relations , you can leave . I have read a lot of novels , stories , watched movies of espionage , ( I know movies and novels are scripted , just asking from a theoretical point of view ) how the prohibited relationships occur , BUT FOR THE SAKE OF ONE'S OWN NATIONAL SECURITY AND NATION . You trap an asset's mistress or wife and build relations with her and take it to next stage , just for the cause of getting your info from that asset . Is it still haram , even if you are doing it for the sake of your own survival , protection , espionage in a enemy country ? . Will it still be considered Zina , even if your purpose is to just get your job done ? . Will the punishment still be stoning to death and hundred lashes . What is the concept of Londi in peace and war .


It would still be zinnah.

On a serious note, there are strict rules on keeping women slaves.. a few of them I will mention here:

1 - A Muslim can't have a free woman as a slave even if she belongs to a country at war with Muslims.. For that, the slaves must have been captured during the war fighting a Muslim army as a war booty.. and it's up to the ruler to distribute them equally, or exchange them with the Muslim prisoners of war.. This concept of keeping someone without the knowledge of the state is not allowed.

Actually, Muslims were forbidden from enslaving anymore slaves during the time of the Prophet (S.A.W). It was the most major step decreed in the abrogation of slavery. Just like the step by step phasing out of alcohol. The reason why it kept on happening after that is because we found loopholes in the decree.
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Even if it is just for the sake of your country
i am no expert but there is no concept of nationalism in islam!

Islam > country!

sorry bro ull have to sin so enjoy it for you might burn in hell for your sins!
i am no expert but there is no concept of nationalism in islam!

Islam > country!

sorry bro ull have to sin so enjoy it for you might burn in hell for your sins!
i am no expert but there is no concept of nationalism in islam!

Islam > country!

sorry bro ull have to sin so enjoy it for you might burn in hell for your sins!
No i am not enjoying it . May Allah guide us all to the righteous path .
Okay . So if you are allergic to any sensitive topic about physical relations , you can leave . I have read a lot of novels , stories , watched movies of espionage , ( I know movies and novels are scripted , just asking from a theoretical point of view ) how the prohibited relationships occur , BUT FOR THE SAKE OF ONE'S OWN NATIONAL SECURITY AND NATION . You trap an asset's mistress or wife and build relations with her and take it to next stage , just for the cause of getting your info from that asset . Is it still haram , even if you are doing it for the sake of your own survival , protection , espionage in a enemy country ? . Will it still be considered Zina , even if your purpose is to just get your job done ? . Will the punishment still be stoning to death and hundred lashes . What is the concept of Londi in peace and war .

This is the stuff of only fiction. Real espionage doesn't work like this. So don't worry.
Okay . So if you are allergic to any sensitive topic about physical relations , you can leave . I have read a lot of novels , stories , watched movies of espionage , ( I know movies and novels are scripted , just asking from a theoretical point of view ) how the prohibited relationships occur , BUT FOR THE SAKE OF ONE'S OWN NATIONAL SECURITY AND NATION . You trap an asset's mistress or wife and build relations with her and take it to next stage , just for the cause of getting your info from that asset . Is it still haram , even if you are doing it for the sake of your own survival , protection , espionage in a enemy country ? . Will it still be considered Zina , even if your purpose is to just get your job done ? . Will the punishment still be stoning to death and hundred lashes . What is the concept of Londi in peace and war .



#1 it’s permissible to do lot of prohibited things in warfare, that are not allowed in regular life I.e lying, cheating, killing, dyeing you hair total black to creat fear in your enemy (dyeing jet black isn’t permissible) only in war (old days war).

#2 Considering mission in hand, ulama can always do Ijtahad in this matter. Whatever get the mission accomplished.

That brother is a major sensitive topic and it brings me to my minor sensitive question.

Is sending bobs and vagene and nakde pics to honey trap our frustrated enemy haram ?
Nope. As long as you are not beating you own meat to it.

This is the stuff of only fiction. Real espionage doesn't work like this. So don't worry.
It does, money n Pussy that where most people get in trouble.

@Wrath Most people who are calling it zina and haram only have basic knowledge of Islam here. Daily life rules don’t apply in warfare. Specially case you are inquiring about.

If one is to survive by causing problems for others then they should consider not surviving.
By this logic, there will be no one left alive in Iraq.
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#1 it’s permissible to do lot of prohibited things in warfare, that are not allowed in regular life I.e lying, cheating, killing, dyeing you hair total black to creat fear in your enemy (dyeing jet black isn’t permissible) only in war (old days war).

#2 Considering mission in hand, ulama can always do Ijtahad in this matter. Whatever get the mission accomplished.

Nope. As long as you are not beating you own meat to it.

It does, money n Pussy that where most people get in trouble.

@Wrath Most people who are calling it zina and haram only have basic knowledge of Islam here. Daily life rules don’t apply in warfare. Specially case you are inquiring about.
Thanks for quoting . You are the first person who understood what i asked .

so is it permissible as i mentioned , seducing someone and taking it one step ahead , just to get something out of your enemy , for espionage , is it still zina ?
It's quite amusing watching people tip toeing and agonising over a very simple question.

All is fair in love and war.
Thanks for quoting . You are the first person who understood what i asked .

so is it permissible as i mentioned , seducing someone and taking it one step ahead , just to get something out of your enemy , for espionage , is it still zina ?
No it's not.. anyone saying contrary to that is not your friend..

Jihad must be waged by a Muslim ruler, and then you can do with the knowledge of your leader in the war..

And as I said, slaves first come to ruler who decides what to do with them.. A just ruler also decides whether someone can be considered a slave.. He then sees whether he can exchange them.. if not, he distributes them among the Muslim fighters as war booty..

There is a waiting period even if the woman slave comes to someone.. and that's to ascertain if she is pregnant or not.. If she is pregnant, the master can't come near her before the child is born. Now you can imagine what will be the ruling on someone who is having a husband and still living with him.. IT IS ZINA..

So your question whether she can be considered a woman slave or not... not she can't be considered a SLAVE.. not at all.

Now there's another subject about playing tricks in a battle ground to overcome your enemy.. Your question related to that.. For that matter, you must take permission of your sipah salaar and he must know what tricks you are going to play, unless it is an emergency situation and you don't have time to go back and take permission. But after what you do, you must take your leader in confidence.. In your case, there's no urgency that you can't take your sipah salaar into confidence.. By the way, who is your Sipah Salaar?

Actually, Muslims were forbidden from enslaving anymore slaves

money....Why he said she told toun munda bada sohna hyen menu bada maza aya...tu ik waari phair avyen...mien tenu rooti shooti vi khawawa ghi :lol:

@Imran Khan
This reminds me of one dialogue of Iftikhar thakur in one of the stage dramas "banday da koi pata lagh da ay", in this case we can say "waqat da koi pata lagh da ay" :lol::lol::lol:
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#1 it’s permissible to do lot of prohibited things in warfare, that are not allowed in regular life I.e lying, cheating, killing, dyeing you hair total black to creat fear in your enemy (dyeing jet black isn’t permissible) only in war (old days war).

For Kuffar and Mushrikeen, everything is permissible in war. For a Muslim, ABSOLUTELY NOT.

A Muslim isn't allowed to kill an enemy in war who doesn't want to fight anymore, he should be escorted to safety. Not children, not women, not elderly, not even trees.

Lying, cheating, killing, zina, they're all as sinful as they're in normal days.

The reason is simple. A Kafir and Mushrik only believes in the world and what he sees. A Muslim believes victory only comes from Allah.

The phrase all is fair in love and war applies to Kuffar and Mushrik.

You are not allowed to miss prayer during war, Nauzbillah, Zina becomes halal??.

Do you people know Islam or just blabber what you think is right? Because your thinking doesn't matter.

#2 Considering mission in hand, ulama can always do Ijtahad in this matter. Whatever get the mission accomplished.

@Wrath Most people who are calling it zina and haram only have basic knowledge of Islam here. Daily life rules don’t apply in warfare. Specially case you are inquiring about.

Ijtihad is only on ambiguous matters. Ulema can't challenge law of Allah and Zina is a Gunnah e Kabira. What is this, Christianity?

Ulema in Islam don't mean jackshit when they contradict Islam. This isn't Christianity where what the pope brays, people believe that.

Will you say that homosexuality and pedophilia is also allowed in war? I am sure you can find justification for harming your enemy by abusing their kids or their men through homosexuality too?

This is basic stuff that even the naivest Muslim knows and doesn't need a scholar.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a Faahishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits: a great sin, and an evil way that leads one to hell unless Allaah Forgives him)”

[al-Isra’ 17:32]

If you're a Muslim, this verse is all that matters whether in war, on your deathbed or for national or international or whatever security. Nothing is above the law of Allah.
Thanks for quoting . You are the first person who understood what i

for mission sake, you do what you have to do. "Innamal a’malu binniyat” (Indeed all actions are based on the intentions). Sometimes benefits outweighed the cost. I am sure people who work in this field have Islamic scholars employed by dept who can finds the limits of do and don’t and give fatwa based on ijtihad for specific situation and guide them respectively. But as a general rule, regular whatever get the mission done.

It's in Surrah Muhammed, which was revealed before Badr with instructions on how to fight wars and battles. In it the Muslims were forbidden from enslaving the POWs.
For Kuffar and Mushrikeen, everything is permissible in war. For a Muslim, ABSOLUTELY NOT.

A Muslim isn't allowed to kill an enemy in war who doesn't want to fight anymore, he should be escorted to safety. Not children, not women, not elderly, not even trees.

Lying, cheating, killing, zina, they're all as sinful as they're in normal days.

The reason is simple. A Kafir and Mushrik only believes in the world and what he sees. A Muslim believes victory only comes from Allah.

The phrase all is fair in love and war applies to Kuffar and Mushrik.

You are not allowed to miss prayer during war, Nauzbillah, Zina becomes halal??.

Do you people know Islam or just blabber what you think is right? Because your thinking doesn't matter.

Ijtihad is only on ambiguous matters. Ulema can't challenge law of Allah and Zina is a Gunnah e Kabira. What is this, Christianity?

Ulema in Islam don't mean jackshit when they contradict Islam. This isn't Christianity where what the pope brays, people believe that.

Will you say that homosexuality and pedophilia is also allowed in war? I am sure you can find justification for harming your enemy by abusing their kids or their men through homosexuality too?

This is basic stuff that even the naivest Muslim knows and doesn't need a scholar.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a Faahishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits: a great sin, and an evil way that leads one to hell unless Allaah Forgives him)”

[al-Isra’ 17:32]

If you're a Muslim, this is end of it.
You don’t know what are you talking about. He is asking question specific to spy craft. Even during the time of Prophet (s.a.w), he has allowed newly converted Muslim to return back to mushriks as shabi pretending to be mushriks and carry out his work. So don’t become mullah when you have only basic understanding of islam
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