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Senior al-Qaeda figure leaves Iran amid a series of departures by terrorist suspects

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
A senior al-Qaeda figure with close ties to the terrorist group’s current leader has left Iran, where he had lived for years after fleeing American forces in Afghanistan in 2001, according to former and current U.S. intelligence officials.

Thirwat Shihata is the latest suspected terrorist to leave Iran, raising questions about the country’s motives for allowing or forcing the departure of a string of al-Qaeda members that it had sheltered over the past decade.

U.S. officials said that Shihata, a 53-year-old Egyptian, was the deputy of Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s current leader, when he ran Egyptian Islamic Jihad before it formally joined forces with Osama bin Laden in 1998.

“Shihata is among the few remaining members of al-Qaeda’s old guard,” said a U.S. counterterrorism official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to talk publicly about the movements of the al-Qaeda figures. “His ties to Zawahiri extend back decades, as both men cut their teeth in the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. . . . Shihata has kept a low profile in recent years, but there’s no question that he’s one of the more seasoned terrorists at large today.”

Following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, dozens of al-Qaeda fighters, including some senior personnel, fled to Iran. It has never been clear how much freedom of movement they enjoyed while in the country, but for some the welcome appears to be over.

In the past two years, up to a dozen notable figures have left Iran, and two — Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai, accused in the 1998 East Africa embassy bombings, andSulaiman Abu Ghaith, Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law and former spokesman — have subsequently ended up in U.S. custody.

A top-secret 2008 U.S. document, which was leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, lists 13 senior al-Qaeda figures or associates in Iran. Five were listed as “senior management” in the terror group and of those, three have left Iran in recent years. Among them was Mahfouz Ould al-Walid, al-Qaeda’s ideological chief better known as Abu Hafs al-Mauritani, who returned to his native Mauritania in 2012.

The U.S. document describes Shihata as an “experienced operational planner” and “respected among al-Qaeda rank and file.”

[More details on the figures named in the 2008 document]

It is not clear when Shihata departed Iran, but a former U.S. official, who also requested anonymity, said he was believed to have traveled to Libya. The CIA declined to discuss Shihata’s whereabouts.

The former official said there was information that while in Libya in 2013, Shihata possibly met Ruqai, also known as Anas al-Libi, and Zubayr al-Maghrebi, another al-Qaeda figure who has left Iran.

U.S. forces captured Ruqai in Tripoli, Libya, in October and questioned him on a U.S. warship for days before moving him to New York to face trial on federal charges that he helped plan the bombing of the U.S. embassies in East Africa in 1998. Ghaith was arrested in Jordan while attempting to connect to a flight to his native Kuwait, and he is also facing trial in New York on terrorism charges.

U.S. officials and counterterrorism experts are uncertain about the reason for the string of departures. “To me, it’s an enigma,” said Bruce Hoffman, a professor of security studies at Georgetown University.

Seth Jones, an analyst at the Rand Corp., said the relationship between al-Qaeda and Iran is difficult to unwind. At one point the CIA had even talked to Iran about a trade, but it never went anywhere; in return for al-Qaeda suspects, Tehran would get some Iranian dissidents based in Iraq.

Jones said the Iranians might have lost an opportunity to capitalize on their high-value guests.

“I think the strategic rationale for keeping them has decreased over time,” he said. Officials also speculate that the civil war in Syria, where the Iranian government and al-Qaeda are on opposite sides, may have strained relations to the point that the government in Tehran is no longer willing to harbor these fugitives.

In the release of a small portion of the cache of documents taken from bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan, the former leader of al-Qaeda speculated that Iran freed some from detention after al-Qaeda kidnapped an Iranian diplomat.

Not much is publicly known about Shihata. He had ties to a terror suspect in Canada who was suspected of serving as “a communications conduit for terrorist cells” that carried out the Africa bombings,” according to a diplomatic cable released by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.

In 2011, Shihata issued a statement backing the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, according to the Long War Journal. He issued the statement from Iran.

Al-Qaeda figures or associates linked to Iran
This data is taken from a leaked top-secret 2008 document and updated with information gathered from interviews with current and former U.S. intelligence officials. Many of the al-Qaeda figures, some known only by their aliases, were listed as in Iranian custody. Dozens of al-Qaeda fighters fled to Iran after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, but it's unclear how much freedom of movement they had in the country. Read more about departures from Iran


Abu Hafs the Mauritanian
Status: Returned to Mauritania in 2012

Bin Laden's religious adviser, al-Qaeda in Iran's expert on Islamic law. His proper name is Mahfouz Ould al-Walid


Abu al Kayr al Masri
Status: Presumed to have at one point been in Iran

Chairman, al-Qaeda Management Council; former chief of foreign relations for al-Qaeda, including liaison to the Taliban; long-standing ties to current al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden


Saif al-Adel
Status: Presumed to be in Iran

Member of al-Qaeda Management Council; involved in planning terrorist operations and directing al-Qaeda propaganda efforts; former chief of military operations; worked closely with Abu Muhammad al-Masri


Abu Muhammad al-Masri
Status: Presumed to be in Iran

Member of al-Qaeda Management Council; most experienced and capable operational planner not in U.S. or allied custody; former chief of training; worked closely with Saif al-Adel


Sulaiman Abu Ghaith
Status: In U.S. custody

Member of al-Qaeda Management Council; official spokesman for al-Qaeda before detention


Abu Dahhak, aka Ali Saleh Husain al-Tabuki
Status: Presumed to have at one point been in Iran

Facilitator; former representative of Chechen mujahideen in Afghanistan


Abu Layth al-Libi, aka Ali Ammar Ashur al-Rufayi'l
Status: Killed in U.S. drone strike

Paramilitary commander; active in Eastern Afghanistan and Pakistan-Afghanistan border region; exercises significant autonomy; enjoys long-standing ties to senior managers


Abd al-Aziz al-Masri, aka Ali Sayed Muhammad Mustafa Al-Bakri
Status: Presumed to have at one point been in Iran

Al-Qaeda associate; senior poisons and explosives expert; involved in nuclear research since late 1990s; had close relationships with Saif al-Adel and Khalid Sheik Muhammad.


Abu Dujana al-Masri
Status: Presumed to have at one point been in Iran

Explosives instructor before detention; member of Egyptian Islamic Jihad; Zawahiri son-in-law


Muhammad Ahmad Shawqi al-Islambuli, aka Muhammad Ahmad Shawqi Islambouli
Status: Presumed to have at one point been in Iran

Al-Qaeda facilitator; senior member of Egyptian Al-Gamaat Al-Islamiyah; former ties to Iranian Ministry of Intelligence; brother of Anwar Sadat assassin Khalid al Islambuli.

Senior al-Qaeda figure leaves Iran amid a series of departures by terrorist suspects - The Washington Post

Thirwat Shihata
Status: Has left Iran

Former Zawahiri deputy. Experienced operational planner; respected among al-Qaeda rank and file with previous ties to Zarqawi.


Khalid al-Sudani
Status: Presumed to be in Pakistan, Jordan or Iran

Member of the al-Qaeda Shura Council.


Qassim al-Suri, aka Qassam al-Suri, aka Qassem al-Suri, aka Yasin Baqush, aka Yasin al Suri
Status: Presumed to have at one point been in Iran

Provides communications link between al-Qaeda leaders in Waziristan, Pakistan, and Iraq. Planning, coordinating attack plots in Europe with several al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda-affiliated cells.


Ali Mujahid Tekushir
Status: Presumed to have at one point been in Iran

Provides explosives, computer and Internet training to al-Qaeda recruits. Facilitates movement of senior-level extremists from Iran into Iraq. Reports link him to plots against the New York subway system in December 2005.


Abu Talha Hamza al Baluchi
Status: Presumed to have at one point been in Iran

Iran-based al-Qaeda facilitator


Jafar al Uzbeki, aka Jafar the Uzbek
Status: Presumed to have at one point been in Iran

Representative of al-Qaeda senior leadership working to negotiate the release of al-Qaeda members held by Iran


Anas al Liby, aka Abu Anas al-Libi, aka Naziyah, aka Anas al-Subayi, aka Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai
Status: In U.S. custody

Believed to have been invovled in the 1998 East Africa bombings; senior member of al-Qaeda; member of Libyan Islamic Fighting Group security committee

Al-Qaeda figures or associates linked to Iran - The Washington Post
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