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Security forces outnumber voters in Kashmir elections

Azlu Bhaiya, where does it says they can't take part in the national election of India or can't have representation in India's Parliament. :sarcastic::sarcastic:BTW, do you know during election in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir every candidate is forced to take a pledge to remain under Pakistan's occupation. :woot:

I have read about Poonch rebellion although mainly exaggerated account. BTW, Indian Army wasn't involved in anything in Kashmir before it landed in Srinagar.

Kabhi Kabhi dimag bhi istimal ker liya kero Indi bhai ........ :sarcastic::sarcastic: ..

The Kashmiri people have already foiled the fraud elections by not casting their votes. "Security forces outnumber the voters" !! too much for the so called "world`s largest democracy" :sarcastic:.....

India’s main motive behind conducting elections was to cover up the crimes committed by its troops and police personnel in the territory and to give a democratic colour to its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir. The international community already rejects Indian claims ... So do the Kashmiris ... Who are you guys trying to fool ?? Only yourselves :sarcastic:

Kashmir is not a part of India .. It is an internationally recognized disputed territory .... Conducting LS elections in Kashmir and trying to annex it against the will of Kashmiris is illegal and is a violation of international law by India ...
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Voters had queued up to exercise their democratic right in Kashmir despite several separatist groups calling for a boycott of the vote and threatening to attack if their orders are not followed.And jammu recorded about 68% and Udhampur had 61% population turning up to cast their vote which was so conveniently skipped by the report.
Some even had to fight off attacks from militants and we lost 2 of our brave soldiers in return.
To try and provide a more secure environment for the vote.. security and election officials've been deployed at polling booths.So whats the big deal??
Kudos to the voters who 've defied the threat of attacks for the ballot.To these kashmiris the right to vote is worth the risk to their security, and they are hoping that through the ballot box they can help move the province towards peace and security.

But then some part of the media for their own selfish motives loves giving a skewed view of the situation in Kashmir.
And then there're some who read such reports and turn Nostradamuses :coffee:

I hope Modi turns our next PM and brings about the hawkish laws that he has promised to.UCC and his economic reforms would take India forward at a lightening speed which others can only dream of.

A neat notice was printed and sent to us as well.
It stated that you are requested to show solidarity with the awam of Kashmir and don't participate in elections of the Zaleem Kafir Government etc etc.

One thing I don't understand - most of the pamphlets are written in Urdu instead of Koshur! Strange :)

Many people wanted to vote but the threat is too real. Who will go vote defying death threats? Very few.

People across the border are free to celebrate such a sad state of affairs, but we should learn to live without their 'love and affection'.
I have mentioned earlier where Jihadists have a strong hold. @DRAY had bookmarked it as well :D (yes I noticed it)

Places where they have less influence, people voted in huge numbers (65+%) In contrast Bangalore voted 34%. So Bangalore wants to be a separate country. Right :coffee:

As for more security forces, if anyone thinks there is a need for more forces after 700,000(as informed by Pakistanis), I must say that the mujaheedin are super heroes.

All said, The Guardian has a reputation to maintain.

Count me in. :P
Didnt know much about it till i joined this forum.
But you still planned operations there :mad:
SarthakGanguly said:
Places where they have less influence, people voted in huge numbers (65+%) In contrast Bangalore voted 34%. So Bangalore wants to be a separate country. Right :coffee:
Would it not 've been more appropriate on your part if you had given some of this info to those who were mislead by guardian???

@Azlan Haider @Areesh

And @Areesh if you're gonna reply back then reply in a more civilized way, we dont want to open up a can of worms I am sure.
A neat notice was printed and sent to us as well.
It stated that you are requested to show solidarity with the awam of Kashmir and don't participate in elections of the Zaleem Kafir Government etc etc.

One thing I don't understand - most of the pamphlets are written in Urdu instead of Koshur! Strange :)

Many people wanted to vote but the threat is too real. Who will go vote defying death threats? Very few.

People across the border are free to celebrate such a sad state of affairs, but we should learn to live without their 'love and affection'.
I have mentioned earlier where Jihadists have a strong hold. @DRAY had bookmarked it as well :D (yes I noticed it)

Places where they have less influence, people voted in huge numbers (65+%) In contrast Bangalore voted 34%. So Bangalore wants to be a separate country. Right :coffee:

As for more security forces, if anyone thinks there is a need for more forces after 700,000(as informed by Pakistanis), I must say that the mujaheedin are super heroes.

All said, The Guardian has a reputation to maintain.

But you still planned operations there :mad:

If required then we will deploy 10 soldiers per person in the valley, these people can either choose to continuously pay for their bigotry, or they can choose to be toned down and be good citizens of India, the choice is theirs.
Would it not 've been more appropriate on your part if you had given some of this info to those who were mislead by guardian???

@Azlan Haider @Areesh

And @Areesh if you're gonna reply back then reply in a more civilized way, we dont want to open up a can of worms I am sure.

We had a discussion about this in another thread

A low election turnout is not the only thing pointing towards what the Kashmiris want . A post by @SarthakGanguly himself explains that the situation in Kashmir is much worse than what is normally anticipated
If required then we will deploy 10 soldiers per person in the valley, these people can either choose to continuously pay for their bigotry, or they can choose to be toned down and be good citizens of India, the choice is theirs.
Do you know how far the bigotry goes? :D

Kashmir was a Sufi hotspot just 25 years back. Now not one Sufi shrine stands. The center of Sufism in India is no more. The last one was blown up a couple of years back. Tolerance my ***.

We had a discussion about this in another thread

A low election turnout is not the only thing pointing towards what Kashmiris want . A post by @SarthakGanguly himself explains that the situation in Kashmir is much worse than what is normally anticipated
But the situation has and continues to improve. In Budgam for example 0 votes were polled, now the numbers are higher. Inspite of serious death threats :devil:
We had a discussion about this in another thread

A low election turnout is not the only thing pointing towards what Kashmiris want . A post by @SarthakGanguly himself explains that the situation in Kashmir is much worse than what is normally anticipated
No denying the fact that Kashmir is in the midst of a storm today but putting the blame completely on India's shoulders would be wrong.And you do know what I mean.
Kashmiris are in sad plight and who is responsible for it??
When I had last visited Kashmir it was a peaceful valley and didnt know an azad kashmir movement (38years after independence in1985 ) could wreck such a havoc on kashmir. And dont we know who sponsored it??
When the trouble first began the only force in the valley was the Central Reserve Police Force and army was moved in much later.That proves my point that Kashmir wasn't like this forever,the recent turn of events forced the government to take the extreme measures.
Do you know how far the bigotry goes?
Kashmir was a Sufi hotspot just 25 years back. Now not one Sufi shrine stands. The center of Sufism in India is no more. The last one was blown up a couple of years back. Tolerance my ***.

That's why I have zero empathy towards them, practicing their faith is not good enough for them, but they need to prevent others from practicing their faith and they won't feel any shame to brutally destroy others' faith, and then they will cry victim. Bigotry must be booted out, we must follow the policy of zero tolerance against intolerance.
Your claim that Pakistan halted the process is a plain lie.

Here is the resolution (resolution 98)

"4. Urges the Governments of India and Pakistan to enter into immediate negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan in order to reach agreement on the specific number of forces to remain on each side of the cease-fire line at the end of the period of demilitarization.
So preach your BS only to the ignorant fools in your own country , No one here will buy your non sense !!!

Obviously no one out there where you come from will be ready to accept the facts seeing that you guys are always in denial mode!!

I Know English is a tough language to comprehend. But you in your enthusiasm have shot yourself in the foot.

Now I did highlight that portion of your post in RED to make it easier for you to comprehend. I'll repeat it...

4. Urges the Governments of India and Pakistan to enter into immediate negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan in order to reach agreement on the specific number of forces to remain on each side of the cease-fire line at the end of the period of demilitarization.

So, as laid out in Resolution 47 Pakistan must first withdraw from the State of Jammu and Kashmir tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purposes of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of
material aid to those fighting in the State, and then only enter into immediate negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan in order to reach agreement on the specific number of forces to remain on each side of the cease-fire line.

Now please don't split hair and try to rationalize and defend the indefensible. As to who is spewing BS can be seen after reading this!

Thanks for the patience for hearing me out! :dirol: I'm tired of trying to explain this to you. So, I'm now desperately in need of some chilled beer to cool off some! Heading for the beer bar. I can't ask you to join me as you guys aren't allowed the partake in the elixir of life!!
Cheers anyway! :cheers:
Keep waiting.
We're in absolutely no hurry, bhai!! It's you guys who sleep eat and drink the Kashmir 'dispute' and desperately raise the 'K' word in all international fora at the drop of a hat.

We can wait till the cows come home!! :D We got our jobs, families and kids to look after, unlike most of you guys who have made Kashmir your only job in life! :cheesy:

So, get a life! Enjoy. After all it's not the end of the world! :D
Obviously no one out there where you come from will be ready to accept the facts seeing that you guys are always in denial mode!!

I Know English is a tough language to comprehend. But you in your enthusiasm have shot yourself in the foot.

Now I did highlight that portion of your post in RED to make it easier for you to comprehend. I'll repeat it...

4. Urges the Governments of India and Pakistan to enter into immediate negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan in order to reach agreement on the specific number of forces to remain on each side of the cease-fire line at the end of the period of demilitarization.

So, as laid out in Resolution 47 Pakistan must first withdraw from the State of Jammu and Kashmir tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purposes of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of
material aid to those fighting in the State,
and then only enter into immediate negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan in order to reach agreement on the specific number of forces to remain on each side of the cease-fire line.

Now please don't split hair and try to rationalize and defend the indefensible. As to who is spewing BS can be seen after reading this!

Thanks for the patience for hearing me out! :dirol: I'm tired of trying to explain this to you. So, I'm now desperately in need of some chilled beer to cool off some! Heading for the beer bar. I can't ask you to join me as you guys aren't allowed the partake in the elixir of life!!
Cheers anyway! :cheers:

Not your fault dear , You are just another brainwashed Indian who lacks the ability to reason and comprehend .....

"at the end of the period of demilitarization" which was previously established ,
United Nations Security Council Resolution 98 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. Notes that agreement on a plan of demilitarization of the State of Jammu and Kashmir has not been reached because the Governments of India and Pakistan have not agreed on the whole of paragraph 7 of the twelve-point proposals

4. Urges the Governments of India and Pakistan to enter into immediate negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan in order to reach agreement on the specific number of forces to remain on each side of the cease-fire line at the end of the period of demilitarization, this number to be between 3,000 and 6,000 armed forces remaining on the Pakistan side of the cease-fire line and between 12,000 and 18,000 armed forces remaining on the India side of the cease-fire line, as suggested by the United Nations Representative in his proposals of 16 July 1952, such specific numbers to be arrived at bearing in mind the principles or criteria contained in paragraph 7 of the United Nations Representative's proposal of 4 September 1952;

Pakistan agreed But India refused to reduce the number of troops , And this is what halted the process .... Demilitarization would have followed once terms and conditions had been settled ... But India was never serious in conducting a plebiscite in Kashmir , fearing that the Muslim Majority of J&K would vote against India

Now read this slowly and carefully ... :

Remember, UNCIP chief blamed India for the halt of the plebiscite process in Kashmir. That's who should know whose fault it was.

The London Economist stated that "the whole world can see that India, which claims the support of this majority [the Kashmiri people]...has been obstructing a holding of an internationally supervised plebis-cite." Sir Owen Dixon, the United Nations Representative to the UNCIP, reported to the Security Council that,

In the end, I became convinced that India’s agreement would never be obtained to demilitarization in any such form, or to provisions governing the period of the plebiscite of any such character, as would in my opinion permit the plebiscite being conducted in conditions sufficiently guarding against intimidation, and other forms of abuse by which the freedom and fairness of the plebiscite might be imperiled.

In this regard, India’s apparent efforts to obstruct the holding of a plebiscite in Kashmir stand in violation of international law. !!

And then the reasons :

The matter of fact is Nehru was not serious in holding a plebiscite in Kashmir from Day 1 .... He was only trying to fool the people of Kashmir and the international community ...

Writing to the Chief Minister of West Bengal, B.C. Roy on 29 June 1953, Nehru confided “If there was a plebiscite, a great majority of Muslims in Kashmir would go against us.” They had “become frightened of the communal elements in Jammu and in India.” He had “this feeling of our losing grip in Kashmir.” [Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, vol. 22, pp.204-5]

In 1996 was published a Note Nehru had written to Sheikh Abdullah on 25 August 1952 from Sonamarg in Kashmir. It is a document of cardinal importance. It laid bare Nehru’s entire approach to the questions; his strategy and tactics. He revealed that “towards the end of 1948” he concluded that “there were only two possibilities open to us, continuance of the war in a limited way; (2) some kind of a settlement on the basis of the existing military situation”. He had accepted the UNCIP resolutions to get a ceasefire; not to hold a plebiscite. “We are superior to Pakistan in military and industrial power,” With the passage of time Pakistan will “accept a settlement which we consider fair, whether in Kashmir or elsewhere”.

He was not bothered about what “Pakistan did or what the United Nations might do.” But he was “worried to find that the leaders of Kashmir were not so clear in their minds about the present or the future.” He was not worried about the wishes of the people either. They were “not what are called a virile people. They are soft and addicted to easy living.” Like Indira Gandhi, he felt that they were interested in “an honest administration and cheap and adequate food. If they get this, then they are more or less content.” The State would retain its “autonomy in most respects.” The leaders must shed doubt as doubt “percolates to their followers.” His recipe was clear. “Make the people think that the association of Kashmir State with India is an accomplished and final fact, and nothing is going to undo it.” [Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, vol. 19, pp.322-330. ed. S. Gopal, Nehru Memorial Fund, OUP, Second Series.]

So preach your BS only to the ignorant fools in your own country , No one here will buy your non sense !!!
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And @Areesh if you're gonna reply back then reply in a more civilized way, we dont want to open up a can of worms I am sure.

Reply back to in more civilized ways to what? Your lies?

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