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Secret Memo of Zardari to Adm. Mike Mullen

Editorial: The News

The memo shock

Finally, the Mike Mullen memo is out in the open and forms another twist in a saga that refuses to die. The memo indeed makes for grim reading and is bound to lead to further tensions in the normally fraught civil-military relationship in the country. If there is any truth in the memo having come from an official source, an allegation strenuously denied by Ambassador to the US Husain Haqqani and the government, it is bound to have serious repercussions and raise many questions. But what stands confirmed by events outside Pakistan is that the memo was very much a reality and the government, the foreign office, the presidency and the embassy of Pakistan in Washington had been trying to obfuscate matters for many weeks in feeble attempts to somehow brush the whole matter under the carpet. The final nail in all these coffins was thumped by Admiral Mike Mullen himself who retracted his earlier denial of the memo and confirmed its receipt by going down his memory lane and asking a colleague who brought him a copy. What he did with it is irrelevant but what is important is that he did receive it. The probe, reportedly ordered by President Zardari after meeting General Kayani, has now a new and simple job to complete — to identify and punish the culprits. The charge has been established, the evidence has been provided and the jury now must give its verdict.

The six points of the memo make for sensational reading: the Pakistan Army and the intelligence agencies were declared to be complicit in harbouring Osama bin Laden, an inquiry commission was promised in which Americans would sit in judgment which has also been announced in advance, US troops would be given carte blanche and a green light to conduct operations on Pakistani soil, a new national security team would be put in place and Pakistan’s nuclear assets would be put under a verification regime, disciplined as the memo says. The ISI would be cut down to size and Pakistani officers would be handed over to India. All this would be done if the US intervened against the Pakistan Army and supported the civilian political set-up. The memo clearly suggests that the top civilian echelons of the country made all these shocking commitments. What now? This is a million-dollar question. The government cannot be expected to do anything meaningful, as its topmost echelons could be a party to the dispute. The military it seems was the target. So a third party has to pick up the thread and take this case to its logical end. The only credible institution to do this is the judiciary and specifically the Supreme Court. The media has done its job and it is now for the judges to examine all the available evidence.

The memo shock
I think Haqqani will be made qurbani ka baqra in this whole issue.Feel sorry for the poor guy.
The Army is authorized by Parliament to conduct those operations, on Pakistani territory.

There is nothing in the constitution legitimizing a GoP allowing foreign military operations on its soil.

What are then the drone operations that are being carried out by US forces. Dont tell me Pakistan does not possess the capability to kill a couple of rogue drones..Not interdicting them is as good as authorizing them implicitly...Except implicit nature of doing it allows for the safe harbor of incompetence rather than complicity at a future date (wonder where have I observed this tactic before ) ..

And constitution can be amended.. Right?? Didnt you point that out in one of your posts about how a referendum to secede can be held in Kashmir despite that being against the Indian constitution...
I think Haqqani will be made qurbani ka baqra in this whole issue.Feel sorry for the poor guy.
Oh! he already enjoyed his luxury in the Manhatten, NY now it is his turn to give sacrifice ...:lol:
What are then the drone operations that are being carried out by US forces. Dont tell me Pakistan does not possess the capability to kill a couple of rogue drones..Not interdicting them is as good as authorizing them implicitly...Except implicit nature of doing it allows for the safe harbor of incompetence rather than complicity at a future date (wonder where have I observed this tactic before ) ..

And constitution can be amended.. Right?? Didnt you point that out in one of your posts about how a referendum to secede can be held in Kashmir despite that being against the Indian constitution...
The drone attacks are not officially acknowledged by the US, and their sanction not officially acknowledged by Pakistan - which is necessary, since they would be illegal and any GoP sanction for them would be illegal - and they are almost unanimously reviled by Pakistanis, and one major plank of Imran Khan's political campaign.

The constitution can be amended, yes, but given the anti-American sentiment in Pakistan, it would be political suicide for a government to try and amend the constitution to allow American military operations in Pakistan, and the opposition would have a field day with it.
So, this is interesting - former Pakistan Ambassadors to the US, and retired senior military officers to boot, allegedly involved in the conspiracy.

Former COAS Jehangir Keramat and General Mehmud Ali Durrani?

Some, whose words I take very seriously, allege that of all the retired military personnel of Pakistani Army, Retd. Gen Gul is the most senior and prestigious one when it comes to direct the outward activities of that Section S of the ISI. After carefully going through that BB message, it appears there is indeed a secret tussle going on within (and out too) the Army between the liberals and the extremists.

To look for those who might be involved in this conspiracy to curtail the powers of the ISI, look for those who are highly critical of the vociferous Gul. So of course, Durrani comes first to mind.
Some, whose words I take very seriously, allege that of all the retired military personnel of Pakistani Army, Retd. Gen Gul is the most senior and prestigious one when it comes to direct the outward activities of that Section S of the ISI. After carefully going through that BB message, it appears there is indeed a secret tussle going on within (and out too) the Army between the liberals and the extremists.

To look for those who might be involved in this conspiracy to curtail the powers of the ISI, look for those who are highly critical of the vociferous Gul. So of course, Durrani comes first to mind.
I'm sorry, but on this we disagree strongly - I have yet to see any credible evidence that this 'S-Wing' exists and functions as it is alleged to function - as of right now all we have is speculation and paranoid conspiracy theories by some commentators.
I'm sorry, but on this we disagree strongly - I have yet to see any credible evidence that this 'S-Wing' exists and functions as it is alleged to function - as of right now all we have is speculation and paranoid conspiracy theories by some commentators.

The first time I heard of the Section S was in 2009. It was noted by one of the world's most reputed journalists. That journalist outlined the modus operandi and the purpose of the Section. It was said that the finances of the section are always dealt in with cash. Uniformed (contracted soldiers, as is common in every organized army) members are kept at the minimum, and orders and details of materials are passed orally, so as to keep a strong basis for a plausible deniability at any later stage.

The non-uniformed members are given ranks, but only verbally, and are insignificant to the operators. The seniors of the uniformed officers of the section are not detail oriented, rather result oriented. Thus, if anything happens far away, down the line, even the seniors have no choice but to deny the involvement of the institution. There is nothing official about it.

With such methods, how can anyone come up with a hardcore proof. One can only analyze the consequences, and figure out the methods.

I hope you understand that I am not trying to impose my viewpoint on you. I am simply letting you know where I am coming from.
The first time I heard of the Section S was in 2009. It was noted by one of the world's most reputed journalists. That journalist outlined the modus operandi and the purpose of the Section. It was said that the finances of the section are always dealt in with cash. Uniformed (contracted soldiers, as is common in every organized army) members are kept at the minimum, and orders and details of materials are passed orally, so as to keep a strong basis for a plausible deniability at any later stage.

The non-uniformed members are given ranks, but only verbally, and are insignificant to the operators. The seniors of the uniformed officers of the section are not detail oriented, rather result oriented. Thus, if anything happens far away, down the line, even the seniors have no choice but to deny the involvement of the institution. There is nothing official about it.

With such methods, how can anyone come up with a hardcore proof. One can only analyze the consequences, and figure out the methods.

I hope you understand that I am not trying to impose my viewpoint on you. I am simply letting you know where I am coming from.
I understand what you are saying, but if you were to make the exact same argument about such an entity in the US, you would be put in the ranks of those that believe in the Illuminati or some coterie of hidden, powerful individuals covertly pulling the strings of the world ...

And I am not being sarcastic here, but do you see where I am coming from on this issue?
I understand what you are saying, but if you were to make the exact same argument about such an entity in the US, you would be put in the ranks of those that believe in the Illuminati or some coterie of hidden, powerful individuals covertly pulling the strings of the world ...

And I am not being sarcastic here, but do you see where I am coming from on this issue?

I understand the nature of spy agencies. The CIA had at one time sought the help of the Mafia, even carried out false flag operations. Dzerzhinsky's Cheka had a counter spy agency that attracted the enemies of the state where they would quietly 'disappear'. Nothing new, the spymasters of the Magadh Empire did the same to their neighboring states about two thousand years ago.

I know what you are saying AM, but something on the line that it was a CIA, RAW, Mossad act that culminated into 9/11, that would be a bit hard to believe.

The illuminati part, and similar groups... such groups have existed in every society, since the beginning of time. Even the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce is, though smaller, very similar to that. They have desires, plans, and they even work on them. But because of the secrecy involved, their works are often exponentially exaggerated. I say that because I have often found loopholes and economically un-viable processes and even counterproductive "achievements" that are proffered as the activities of such societies.

Rather, if you talk about the likes of Soros' being involved in some coup somewhere to ultimately get some pipelines through the region - then oh yes, the processes, the consequences, and the beneficiaries, make too many dots not to connect.

I am not blind to any ideas, no matter what country or region is involved, or how outlandish the idea is. But I am also looking for a strong and sufficient ground to discredit such ideas, if such grounds are not present, and there are some big and critical gains for an involved party, then sure something must have been done in the background and we need to find and connect the dots.

Believe it or not, for about two long years I had firm belief that 9/11 was an act of the CIA at the behest of G.W. Bush. All that before I found interested in the Afghanistan quagmire.
I understand the nature of spy agencies. The CIA had at one time sought the help of the Mafia, even carried out false flag operations. Dzerzhinsky's Cheka had a counter spy agency that attracted the enemies of the state where they would quietly 'disappear'. Nothing new, the spymasters of the Magadh Empire did the same to their neighboring states about two thousand years ago.

I know what you are saying AM, but something on the line that it was a CIA, RAW, Mossad act that culminated into 9/11, that would be a bit hard to believe.

The illuminati part, and similar groups... such groups have existed in every society, since the beginning of time. Even the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce is, though smaller, very similar to that. They have desires, plans, and they even work on them. But because of the secrecy involved, their works are often exponentially exaggerated. I say that because I have often found loopholes and economically un-viable processes and even counterproductive "achievements" that are proffered as the activities of such societies.

Rather, if you talk about the likes of Soros' being involved in some coup somewhere to ultimately get some pipelines through the region - then oh yes, the processes, the consequences, and the beneficiaries, make too many dots not to connect.

I am not blind to any ideas, no matter what country or region is involved, or how outlandish the idea is. But I am also looking for a strong and sufficient ground to discredit such ideas, if such grounds are not present, and there are some big and critical gains for an involved party, then sure something must have been done in the background and we need to find and connect the dots.

Believe it or not, for about two long years I had firm belief that 9/11 was an act of the CIA at the behest of G.W. Bush. All that before I found interested in the Afghanistan quagmire.
But the allegations about the S-Wing of the ISI go beyond the 'usual covert operations of Spy agencies' - what is being argued is that the 'S-Wing' is essentially a 'secret society' out of the control of the ISI and Military, with its own funding, retired and civilian members etc.

The above description of the S-Wing is what falls in the category of the 'CIA Mossad did 9/11' etc. ...

Haqani Crying on GEo live :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

kehta mera BP b low hai meri Maa b Pakistan main Hai :rofl:
The drone attacks are not officially acknowledged by the US, and their sanction not officially acknowledged by Pakistan - which is necessary, since they would be illegal and any GoP sanction for them would be illegal - and they are almost unanimously reviled by Pakistanis, and one major plank of Imran Khan's political campaign.

The constitution can be amended, yes, but given the anti-American sentiment in Pakistan, it would be political suicide for a government to try and amend the constitution to allow American military operations in Pakistan, and the opposition would have a field day with it.

So because the crime is not acknowledged, its not a crime.. heh?? So hence the implicit permission and the safe harbor of feigned incompetence to prevent drone strikes..

Am not sure if opposition would have any kind of day if the alternative is yet another military dictator.. Didnt Nawaz Sharif and Zardari came together exactly on this plank a few years back?

Still dont see how this is treason or illegal by any account. There are legal ways to do this and just because you are assuming they are not feasible, you brand the president of your country as a murderer and a traitor.. Looks like military is the only thing Pakistanis have any confidence in..
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