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Secret Memo of Zardari to Adm. Mike Mullen

Dear Pakistanis, please learn to look the affairs beyond the given frame.

It is not only Haqqani.. its whole lot of brigade of traitors which Zardari had appointed on key positions, in last 3-4 years.

Its not about one ambassador and its not about one event of treason.

In past Pakistan's US embassy had been found guilty of issuing Pakistani passports to RAW operatives and much more but neither Pakistanis neither ISI nor IB nor FIA found it wrong or worth any seriousness! but today when media has brought a tiny memo to lime light .. it became a serious issue!!!!!!

The number 2 implant of RAW in Pakistan is non other than Salman Bashir... he need to go before any one else does.

On the otherhand, I knew Zardari's end... infact every one who had been partner in crimes is always a risk… while Zardari had been partner of crime in way too many crimes against Pakistan and Pakistanis. With current Pakistani political situation… Zardari simply is a bomb.... ready to explode any time… I wonder if this coward even lives to confess.

Most amusing part of the whole deal would be the double cross of bhartis…. or even beyond.
I’m already laughing at the idiot….
But the allegations about the S-Wing of the ISI go beyond the 'usual covert operations of Spy agencies' - what is being argued is that the 'S-Wing' is essentially a 'secret society' out of the control of the ISI and Military, with its own funding, retired and civilian members etc.

The above description of the S-Wing is what falls in the category of the 'CIA Mossad did 9/11' etc. ...

Oh, I think I was not precise enough with my words.

What I mean is that the S wing is financed by the ISI, because it is an integral branch of the ISI, and it exists only for the purposes of the ISI.

But there will not be any records of the transactions, or recruits, or any thing that can be traced back to the ISI. In fact there have been allegations that the C wing is responsible for procuring the finances, and then laundering a great chunk into the cash disbursed among the civilian recruits of the S wing.

And that the activities are planned by the organization (ISI) but carried out by the S wing's civilian recruits that forge and follow their own plans.

Say, for example, a group G is made up of civilian fighters who vow their loyalty to the ISI.

Sr. Officer S wants a the house H to be raided, but the raid shall not be traced back to the organization.

Sr. Officer S calls on Retd. Officer R, and orders that the house H be raided by midnight, with no trackbacks.

R goes to meet the group G, gives cash to buy stuff, hands over the ammunition, gives (orally) the address of H, and leaves.

Midnight comes, H is raided.

Some of the raiders from group G are caught.

Tortured or whatever, they reveal the name of R. R pleads not guilty because there is no proof. However, at the same time, S denies any relation to R calling him an independent enthusiast.

In the end, it is decided that G was run by R to malign the name of the ISI.

It is just a hypothetical scenario to give a faint idea of how plausible deniability can be maintained while carrying out all the operations.

But you know AM, even if the US and India have all the hardcore proofs of the ISI's involvement in Indian embassy blast or 26/11 or 9/11/2011 Kabul attacks, they will never bring the proof out. For the simple reason that the public will call the government for an attack on Pakistan, and that is simply unaffordable - mainly because of the nukes.
So because the crime is not acknowledged, its not a crime.. heh?? So hence the implicit permission and the safe harbor of feigned incompetence to prevent drone strikes..
Its still a crime - my point is that it is not acknowledged officially because that would open up the current GoP leadership to potential prosecution in the courts.
Am not sure if opposition would have any kind of day if the alternative is yet another military dictator.. Didnt Nawaz Sharif and Zardari came together exactly on this plank a few years back?
I am referring to the attempt to allow carte blanche US military operations in Pakistan through a constitutional amendment or law - which would have to be raised in parliament, which would therefore be debated in the media, and which would therefore given any political party publicly opposing such a law a massive amount of public support - the military leadership would have already been replaced with a 'pliant' leadership, for this to even be discussed by the GoP.
Still dont see how this is treason or illegal by any account. There are legal ways to do this and just because you are assuming they are not feasible, you brand the president of your country as a murderer and a traitor.. Looks like military is the only thing Pakistanis have any confidence in..
It is treason and illegal because the current constitution of Pakistan does not allow it, and, if true, these people were collaborating with a hostile foreign power in order to push through unconstitutional actions, and actions that would have directly affected the national security of Pakistan.
And that the activities are planned by the organization (ISI) but carried out by the S wing's civilian recruits that forge and follow their own plans.
OK, stop right there and consider what you just described - you described a 'secret society' that is answerable to no one, and that also retains a large degree of control over the raising and disbursement of its finances. This is precisely along the lines of the illuminati conspiracy theories.

Say, for example, a group G is made up of civilian fighters who vow their loyalty to the ISI.

Sr. Officer S wants a the house H to be raided, but the raid shall not be traced back to the organization.

Sr. Officer S calls on Retd. Officer R, and orders that the house H be raided by midnight, with no trackbacks.
That is typically what covert operatives are for - an intelligence agency can maintain those without resort to a 'secret society' - in fact, a covert agent could pose as a criminal with a fake identity and hire a bunch of thugs to do the same thing without resort to any elaborate 'secret society'.

It is just a hypothetical scenario to give a faint idea of how plausible deniability can be maintained while carrying out all the operations.
My point is just that - this is complete speculation, and pretty preposterous at that.
But you know AM, even if the US and India have all the hardcore proofs of the ISI's involvement in Indian embassy blast or 26/11 or 9/11/2011 Kabul attacks, they will never bring the proof out. For the simple reason that the public will call the government for an attack on Pakistan, and that is simply unaffordable - mainly because of the nukes.
Again, that is a very speculative statement. Most Indians already believe that their government has provided 'proof' to Pakistan about its institutions being involved, but the GoI has not been 'forced' to declare war.
Why Pakistan is run by non Pakistanis
1. Two Imported PMs and now President with another citizenship
2. US citizen is made Pakistani ambassador to US

Why would they care for Pakistani Interest, all their money is in Swiss or Singapore banks accounts.

In the current GOP and civil service, bigger the traitor bigger the post they have. The business of WOT has made them billion ears.

Well the camel of US army was allowed by Musharraf to enter Pakistan and now it will be in the tent and Pak Army be helpless and powerless in its own country (out of the tent).
OK, stop right there and consider what you just described - you described a 'secret society' that is answerable to no one, and that also retains a large degree of control over the raising and disbursement of its finances. This is precisely along the lines of the illuminati conspiracy theories.

Well, I don't know about secret "societies" but spy agencies are supposed to be secret. If you mean the ISI, then yes it does not appear answerable to anyone, or so it seems from the actions. If you say that it is answerable to the Army Chief, well, then the Army Chief is also answerable to the President, but is he?

That is typically what covert operatives are for - an intelligence agency can maintain those without resort to a 'secret society' - in fact, a covert agent could pose as a criminal with a fake identity and hire a bunch of thugs to do the same thing without resort to any elaborate 'secret society'.

I do not understand such need for comparison with secret societies. As far as speculation is concerned, it is just an analysis that is bolstered with strong motives on part of the ISI, and further supported by undeniable circumstantial evidences.
why suprised ???? We knew it always and Nawaz Sharif etc are also same...... There are very very few ppl who are clean and honset to Nation. And for me its Imran Khan and who can bring back some pride. Dosent matter we have to eat or not but this big time bhagaratiye... haad ho giye yaar. And Pakistanies still want to vote thos jokers !!!

---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------

Its big time evidence that Hiqqani is part of great American game and they wanted him to be posted in Pakistan in that way they could get all info about our nukes. Hang all of them !!!!!
dont let any of politicans escape.... same with army ppl... hang all of them once for all.
poor Zardari...will soon end up shaheed...

haqqani is likely to be the fall guy, but if what you say is correct --he could be ''shaheed'' as well

the only difference is, nobody will be holding his portrait by their bosom --hoping to score sympathy points

Reason for all of your mess is military regime. If you have democratic elected govt. you would have better governance in long run. Your military and ISI are not accountable and therefore they do whatever they want.

One must understand, although elected representatives may be corrupt, but would take decision taking aawam in confidence unlike Army and ISI which act secretly.


It is not the millitary that is the issue---it is a lack of character amongst us pakistanis that is a problem. We beg the millitary to come into power---then we kick them out----.

So---analyze it---what was bad about Musharraf---being a general---he was more honest and democratic than these elected members----. He gave them every oppurtunity to be democratic and honest---. The pakistani public did not want it---they did not want democray---.

Musharraf may have had many screwups, but democracy was not one of them---. The politicians should have had the gunption to move forward.

The biggest problem my countrymen have is that they want to start from 0 everytime----they want to start all over---which keeps them chasing the tail.

It is not the millitary that is the issue---it is a lack of character amongst us pakistanis that is a problem. We beg the millitary to come into power---then we kick them out----.

So---analyze it---what was bad about Musharraf---being a general---he was more honest and democratic than these elected members----. He gave them every oppurtunity to be democratic and honest---. The pakistani public did not want it---they did not want democray---.

Musharraf may have had many screwups, but democracy was not one of them---. The politicians should have had the gunption to move forward.

The biggest problem my countrymen have is that they want to start from 0 everytime----they want to start all over---which keeps them chasing the tail.

Democracy doesn't solution of governance in all countries so let this theory stay with those from it spread out. In Pakistan case; there is only one solution which is strict dictatorship. Our people's main problem is education so first give them knowledge and then talk about any theory of Greek philosophers.

btw, Interesting to read, Democratic & honest.

It is not the millitary that is the issue---it is a lack of character amongst us pakistanis that is a problem. We beg the millitary to come into power---then we kick them out----.

So---analyze it---what was bad about Musharraf---being a general---he was more honest and democratic than these elected members----. He gave them every oppurtunity to be democratic and honest---. The pakistani public did not want it---they did not want democray---.

Musharraf may have had many screwups, but democracy was not one of them---. The politicians should have had the gunption to move forward.

The biggest problem my countrymen have is that they want to start from 0 everytime----they want to start all over---which keeps them chasing the tail.

he introduced democratic principles in Pakistan, some of which Zardari himself has either undermined or left unaddressed. . .

yes he made mistakes, but Pakistan was undoubtedly in better hands under his watch ---both while he was in uniform and in civilian garb

the bottom line is, a country like Pakistan requires a bold and courageous leader figure; an honest person (he doesnt have to have a pHD).......

the institutions have to be built and reinforced; the culture of crony-ism must end

So far he has acted gutless and without spine----the man has shown no character so far----.

What would you have him do? Overthrow the elected govt, throw zardari and haqani behind bars and become an unconstitutional president? How many times have we not done that and how long are we going to keep repeating the same insanity.

Let's make one thing clear to everyone right now. Gen. Kiyani has no authority over this matter constitutionally. The burden lies on the parliment and supreme court to pursue a legal case against the perpetrators and punish them.

I mentioned earlier zardari made a hasty and idiotic decision when he assumed there'd be a coup. Army was caught by surprise and was on damage control, coup was the last thing on their mind.

But right now they have a legitimate reason. I would have attempted a coup given the president is going under my nose and against me to outsiders. But army is still not attempting such an adventure. It should be clear as a day now to zardari that army is not interested in power. So now sit quietly you greedy, ******, traitorous dog (zardari) and do something good for nation, if its not too much trouble.
Abou DV,

Thank you for your posts----here was pakistan begging Musharraf to come into power years ago----our problem was that when the economy got better during Musharraf's regime---we forgot how worse off we were and how incompetent the other govts had been---.

Our millitary had put up up a facade over the years as to how strong we were---but in truth---during the 90's ours was a very weak millitary force---with no resources, negative economic growth, weapons sanctions---everything going from bad to wrose----.

Musharraf's problem was that nobody came to his rescue---nobody came to fight for him when people were talking about he lay down on one phone call----. Generals don't like to Gamble----. The one who gambled when he ordered the removal of anti ship torpedoes from the aircraft and send them on other bombing missions didnot have the time to be remorseful when the u s naval fleet hit him.

Nobody came for Musharraf's rescue as he did for the country---now over the time period he made many a mistakes---to me---they were not intentional---the mistakes happened due to inexperience on his part and his colleagues and his team---but then the nation was riled up and they wanted blood----and these foo-ls who did they trust---the same person who they kicked out for incompetence and bribery issues---having wealth beyond their means.

So--DV---you are right---not all nations are ready for democracy----. The democratic resource needs to start from the top to bottom----.

Zilfiqar Ali Bhutto did the worst thing possible to the nation when he made the poor aware of their position---it didnot do nothing for them----it would have been better if he had taught the rights of equality and need of welbeing of the poor to his rich and mighty land owners and industruialists.

If his industrialists and land owners had shown compassion and kindness to the masses---pakistan would have been a state running close to the european countries.
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