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Scramble Scramble Scramble


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
The question, whether the PAF is capable of shooting down Drones was decisively answered as far back as 2002, when during a stand off with India, an Israeli made Indian Air Force UAV intruded into Pakistan air space during the night of June 8th 2002. The kill was achieved by an F-16 which was scrambled after the bogey was detected by the GCI.
Following are images I obtained from the air directorate showing the events of that night, with the F-16s in night time scramble and the wreckage of the shot down Indian UAV.



Yes that was India and PAF had orders from that time government to shoot down any intruder.Today its USA ,our political leaders are not going take any responsibility so PAF does not want to indulge.If we shoot down their drones they may start using fighter or B-2 bombers,they will be far more lethal and less accurate.
Drone attack can be stopped by using diplomatic channel and taking steps against terrorist hiding on our land.
Yes that was India and PAF had orders from that time government to shoot down any intruder.Today its USA ,our political leaders are not going take any responsibility so PAF does not want to indulge.If we shoot down their drones they may start using fighter or B-2 bombers,they will be far more lethal and less accurate.
Drone attack can be stopped by using diplomatic channel and taking steps against terrorist hiding on our land.
Very use full past reminder,:yahoo:
the problem is that India is Pakistan clear enemy and Army need no Order from Govt to Defend against it by any means . But US is our so-called Friend (the worst friend) the day when our GOvt fully accept this .then things may change very much:argh:
henceforth, government is responsible and not military. :lol:
henceforth, government is responsible and not military. :lol:

Indeed, it's the clay footed leaders in the power corridors, that asked PAF to stand down, none the less the boys were very much in the air.
Hi, let's be serious here. The PAF will challenge IAF assets, but would not even dream of touching a US drone, etc. Why? Pakistan depends on US aid and the US vote in the IMF and World Bank. Pakistan is not financially independent.

Let's consider if the PAF decided to shoot down a US drone. The US would cut off aid, cut off spares for the PAF's F-16s, P-3 Orions, Oliver Hazard Frigate, radars, TOW missiles, AMRAAMs, sidewinders, etc. They would also probably slap sanctions on it, and force the IMF and World Bank to cut-off loans. As a consequence, the Pakistani rupee and its economy would tank in no time.

So yes, the PAF physically can shoot down US drones, but would not even dare because of the repercussions. Moreover, the next day F-18s and F-15s would be escorting these drones, and then the PAF would really have to back down.
Hi, let's be serious here. The PAF will challenge IAF assets, but would not even dream of touching a US drone, etc. Why? Pakistan depends on US aid and the US vote in the IMF and World Bank. Pakistan is not financially independent.

Let's consider if the PAF was dumb enough to shoot down a US drone. The US would cut off aid, cut off spares for the PAF's F-16s, P-3 Orions, Oliver Hazard Frigate, radars, TOW missiles, AMRAAMs, sidewinders, etc. They would also probably slap sanctions on it, and force the IMF and World Bank to cut-off loans. As a consequence, the Pakistani rupee and its economy would tank in no time.

So yes, the PAF physically can shoot down US drones, but would not even dare because of the repercussions. Moreover, the next day F-18s and F-15s would be escorting these drones, and then the PAF would really have to back down.

dont forget that f-18 or whatever fancy planes you are mentioning here cant fly without fuel. tbat fuel goes through pakistan.

or are you really suggesting that a superpower cannot supply fuel to its fighter aircraft?

Internet idiocy!

They have hundreds of refuel tanker aircrafts.. they can easily transport as a many they like from the base in Bahrain , if needed.
i didnt like the last line of your comment. so i choose to ignore you.
Hi, guys lets get back to the topic. The pictures of the jets scrambling were nice. Let's not get into a debate of NATO supply lines. We all know, the US will simply slip a few $$$ to the politicians, and the NATO lines will always remain open. Remember, you are dealing with Pakistani politicians, money is the only thing they want and respect.
They have hundreds of refuel tanker aircrafts.. they can easily transport as a many they like from the base in Bahrain , if needed.

and you think with fragile economy. the cost wont matter? plus an all out attack on pakistan will mean a complete shut down of the only feasible supply line.
will they risk that?
i know there are people on this forum who firmly beleive that obama can push a button and send an army of optimus primes plundering pakistan. but super power or not. tbey too got limitations.
the question was.if PAF can technically shoot drones or not. the thread is not about the aftermath.
Hi, sure the PAF can shoot down drones. The PAF ACM has repeated said this, but has also mentioned it is a political decison. Given the PAF has AWACs now, it can easily detect these drones and vector in planes. You do not need a BVR F-16/JF-17 plane to shoot down a drone, unless it is an air-to-air missile armed version. Rather a simple cannon would do the job.

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