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First UAV Air-to-Air Kill


A number of people travelling between Lahore and Rawalpindi over the past two days have reported that a heavy redeployment by the army was under way.

“Long convoys of military trucks are heading towards Lahore from Jehlum,” Jawad Khan, a motorist, told Dawn.

UPDATE | Dec 14, 2008, PM: Aircraft Descriptions:

Lahore: 2x Indian Air Force Su-30 (armed) – intercepted and escorted out by 3x Pakistan Air Force F-16s and 3x F-7s
Muzaffarabad: 3x Indian Air Force Mirage 2000 (armed) – intercepted and escorted out by 2x Pakistan Air Force F-16s and 2x F-7s.

UPDATE | Dec 14, 2008, PM: Emergency declared at Shorkot, Sarghoda airbases

SARGHODA: Emergency has been declared at Shorkot and Sarghoda airbases on Sunday after India violated Pakistan air spaces twice on Saturday by sending its fire jets.

According to sources, Indian Air Force sent its fighter jets into Pakistan air spaces on Saturday in Lahore and Kashmir areas which were forced to go back by Pakistani fighter jets.

UPDATE | Dec 14, 2008, PM: Army Confirms Artillery Movement

LAHORE: The Pakistan Army moved medium and heavy military artillery vehicles from the Lahore Cantonment area to the north of Punjab on Saturday, causing a scare in the minds of the general public about an eminent offensive with India.

However, the Director-General of the Inter-Services Public Relations, Major-General Athar Abbas, described the military movement as being part of routine winter military exercises.

A statement issued by the ISPR said the 10th Corps was returning to the Lahore Cantonment after completing its winter exercises while the 11th Corps was moving to Jhelum to replace it.

Earlier, The News reported that hundreds of medium and heavy artillery vehicles had moved out of the Lahore Cantonment area along the Motorway north of Punjab. It also said that there was movement of artillery from the Tilla Range in Jhelum towards Lahore. (ANI)

Lets talk about when Pakistan didn't had to fight a war 1000 miles away with an air force ratio of 10 : 1 against it..... Paralysed for almost a year.
Show me something substantiate windy...something neutral....ISPR or APP news(Oh please)
Isn't the same media controlled by ISI propagandising against ALH Dhruv dismal performance in Ecuador:partay: later debunked by Ecuador themselves.(Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador
Isn't the same media who kept Pakistan in dark for days even after you lost east pakistan .Not to mentioned,you guys even distributed sweets on streets.:lol:
Show me something substantiate windy...something neutral....ISPR or APP news(Oh please)
Isn't the same media controlled by ISI propagandising against ALH Dhruv dismal performance in Ecuador:partay: later debunked by Ecuador themselves.(Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador
Isn't the same media who kept Pakistan in dark for days even after you lost east pakistan .Not to mentioned,you guys even distributed sweets on streets.:lol:
My dear fellow, once a Cow was feeding in the jungle when suddenly a Tiger appears, the Cow shuts it's eyes in the hope that the Tiger wouldn't see it either.
The SU-30 incident took place between Pakistan and India hence i have given you details from one side the other option is the same source which provided you the coverage of a Pakistani spy Hawk, Pigeon , Camel, not to mention the ultimate scope. :D

The title makes it sound as if the UAV was what scored the kill. "First Air-to-air UAV kill" would be worded more accurately.
My dear fellow, once a Cow was feeding in the jungle when suddenly a Tiger appears, the Cow shuts it's eyes in the hope that the Tiger wouldn't see it either.
The SU-30 incident took place between Pakistan and India hence i have given you details from one side the other option is the same source which provided you the coverage of a Pakistani spy Hawk, Pigeon , Camel, not to mention the ultimate scope. :D

Its just a goof up,but what about propaganda news ,chest beating, marde momins news on pakistan street when nation lost a war and Su 30MKI escorted back .
BTW what about Eriyea AEW&Cs destroyed in yahooo attack,your army even hide that:partay:
The difference is the size, those shot down during WW2 or Vietnam were either flying bombs or the likes of F-4 converted into a drone so basically just another aircraft. with same RCS.

so, you want to say that UAVs of bigger size are not UAvs?

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HI guys now its time to share some facts about the first A2A kill of drone at night. There was raining around late evening the ad controllers were coming back to ops room after the rain had stopped .They were just moving the cursors of radar console suddenly the saw a blinking object they then reported to SMCC about it they scrambled a pair of F 16 that was the last contact between the HL radar & SMCC then the f 16's were vectored to targeted area as the link was broke down between SMCC and radar so the decision to shoot down was taken by the F16 pilots and controllers so poilts locked the drone and shot it down

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