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First UAV Air-to-Air Kill

Any reason why 2 F7's and 2 mirages couldn't spot the Uav but the F16 did? Also wonder why didn't the F16 try a gun kill? the little Uav wasn't going anywhere

1. Size and capability of radar, perhaps. Also some sort of IR detection must be called for.
2. Night interception would make gun use difficult. Not to mention the considerably lower speed of UAV comapred to F-16.
3. Detection by FLIR or Missile seeker in conjunction with Radar - lock by missile - shoot and loop back to see the result. Much easier than a gun attack.
One must say that is a historic story lolz despite some here that can't bear to stand to hear the facts, good job PAF keep up the good work .
The difference is the size, those shot down during WW2 or Vietnam were either flying bombs or the likes of F-4 converted into a drone so basically just another aircraft. with same RCS.
So you agree it is not "first" air to air kill of the UAV? AQM-34 were not converted F-4. FYI, AQM-34 is smaller than Searcher 2, plus way faster. In addition, radars were not that developed in 1960s and the aircrafts too were not advanced as f-16.

PS: if you agree it is not the first air to air kill, I would expect you to change title.
So, what have happened to the other Searcher-II?
such innovative phrases look good n a web or a friendly gathering and thats where they belong
its the mission that counts. insist on thinking in single dimension and damn yourself to be surprised and superseded forever
there are couple of footage to ease your concern that what PAF did was not excessive but very much a standard SOP
Russia taking out Georgian UAV
Well i take your point of being all talk and no show but the phrase "Catching it with chopsticks" was referring to the spoofing of the radio signals to take over the command of the vehicle.
Advantages of this approach are....
1-Intact specimen is made available for intelligence purposes.
2-Complete footage can be analysed and used for future reference.
3-Quick reaction time.
4-Since future wars are going to be fought like this anyway, this approach would increase our electronic warfare capability.
So you agree it is not "first" air to air kill of the UAV? AQM-34 were not converted F-4. FYI, AQM-34 is smaller than Searcher 2, plus way faster. In addition, radars were not that developed in 1960s and the aircrafts too were not advanced as f-16.

PS: if you agree it is not the first air to air kill, I would expect you to change title.
I don't know what are you trying to prove here, the AQM-34 was a target drone used for gunnery and missile target practice unlike the subject UAV sent across the border for spying.
Killing a fly with hammer is desperation, catching it with chop sticks is innovation!

uhh UAV was flying at 13,000 ft as per the article.. Anza wouldn't have done anything to it, and second the launcher needs to have a clear visual on the target. At night, and specially if its a small target, its a very hard thing to do!
sometimes killing a fly with a hammer head gives more taste than anything else ; and shows a lot more than just your intentions ...
Using a hammer also means that you are resorting to your last lines of defence hence the word desperation, one should not forget that his enemy also has a hammer in possession.
Not at all a big deal as UAV's are dispensable objects.
After all even US Predators were downed by Iraqi Mig 25's

Iraqi Planes Shoot Down American Predator Drone - New York Times

Anyways the article shared by a user on 1st page shows two searchers were involved & one managed to return safely with vital intelligence.

Also it shows the low quality of Pak air defence as both uav's penetrated quite deep inside Pak territory.
Not at all a big deal as UAV's are dispensable objects.
After all even US Predators were downed by Iraqi Mig 25's

Iraqi Planes Shoot Down American Predator Drone - New York Times

Anyways the article shared by a user on 1st page shows two searchers were involved & one managed to return safely with vital intelligence.

Also it shows the low quality of Pak air defence as both uav's penetrated quite deep inside Pak territory.
What do you have to say about this then.

Pak planes violated Indian air space 23 times in 3 years: Govt - The Times of India
such innovative phrases look good n a web or a friendly gathering and thats where they belong

its the mission that counts. insist on thinking in single dimension and damn yourself to be surprised and superseded forever

there are couple of footage to ease your concern that what PAF did was not excessive but very much a standard SOP

Russia taking out Georgian UAV

Israel taking out UAV

please dont read anymore if you are still disturbed about this 7 June atrocity by PAF. maybe in your mind the UAV should have been allowed to return back with its intelligence data and this is why thankfully you are not in charge of Air Defence command who decided otherwise.

over the years Indians have been probing our reaction time, preparedness and ground and air defense systems. some of their missions are just to provoke a reaction and in some they are intelligence gathering and are willing to take losses.
there are three kinds of missions that an enemy has in mind which can range from location, suppression to destruction.
the terms themselves are self explanatory.

Indian Jets and UAVs are on spying missions to detect our systems so that when the hostilities arise and they either try to copy the Americans to target the Kamoke or an all out war breaks out then the data from these missions will come handy.

its good that IAF has been clipped on its ears and escorted out of the Pakistani airspace (Indian MKI's near Lahore) , forced landed (Indian copter in NA) or shot down like this drone.


you nailed it.. time and again the Indian air force has been sending UAV or jets to locate our stationary air defence systems , specially SAM sites. employing jets defeats their mission.
Care to explain ? Don't put any Pakistan news channel here. The so called Su 30MKI escorted out by F 16 story is something am yet to find and you are telling me that F16 carrying Sidewinder scrambled to lock on with BVR laden SU 30MKI. Pure BS.

Another chest thumping point,we forced an Indian chopper to land,well a small cheetah helicopter had come deep into your airspace; about 20 km((Did bell ring in your ears - 20Km) ) inside due to bad whether.
@Abingdonboy @sancho @Water Car Engineer
Care to explain ? Don't put any Pakistan news channel here. The so called Su 30MKI escorted out by F 16 story is something am yet to find and you are telling me that F16 carrying Sidewinder scrambled to lock on with BVR laden SU 30MKI. Pure BS.

Another chest thumping point,we forced an Indian chopper to land,well a small cheetah helicopter had come deep into your airspace; about 20 km((Did bell ring in your ears - 20Km) ) inside due to bad whether.
@Abingdonboy @sancho @Water Car Engineer
Just because you haven't heard about it doesn't mean it never happened, there is plenty articles describing this incident and has the GOI ever denied it. ....Can you even comprehend what capabilities did PAF had in 2002 let alone in 2008, besides your super duper MKIs were reportedly acting as a bomb trucks.
They say a picture is equal to a thousand words, see if it opens your eyes to the psyche of the subject or even rings some bells elsewhere. BTW, ever wondered why the bad weather always has effect on Indian flying.

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I don't know what are you trying to prove here, the AQM-34 was a target drone used for gunnery and missile target practice unlike the subject UAV sent across the border for spying.

Date Victim Crew Service Victor Weapon Country Pilot(s) Source Comments
15-Nov-64 AQM-34 Unmanned USAF MiG-17 PR China Kaitong Xu Yao/Wagner
02-Jan-65 AQM-34 Unmanned USAF PR China Huailian Zhang
24-Mar-65 AQM-34 Unmanned USAF MiG-17 PR China Xiangyi Wang Yao
31-Mar-65 AQM-34 Unmanned USAF MiG-17 PR China Jicheng Su Yao/Wagner
03-Apr-65 AQM-34 Unmanned USAF MiG PR China Xiaohai Dong Yao/Wagner

So USAF was training PRC pilots in target practice??? In reality, PRC pilots brought down spy UAVs using MiG 17s long before India even thought of acquiring UAVs..... My point is simple. The incident yo have mentioned is not any kind of "first"....

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