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Scottish Referendum: Yes Campaign Takes Lead


First I am not you bro,we are not brothers.Yugoslavia fall apart,remember?
Second.You will be my history teacher?I was worked as history teacher couple years ago .So we are not on same level.

All good except for the fact Karadzordevic after he was installed was leaning towards Russia and France, not Britain. Karadzordevic family was pro Russian.

Nope,he was pro russian becouse of people,but he was always pro british,even his son escaped to Britain.

mass demonstrations
Mass demonstrations of uninformed people of Belgrade,who surrender first to Germans.They was brainwashed by british financed newspapers.But we won that war,and that war is mainly obtained by Serbian peasants from Croatia and Bosnia,who liberated whole Yugoslavia for few years.

You would be Bulgaria style Slavic nation without Yugoslavia

Nope,without Yugoslavia and fake term "Jugosloveni" we would be on middle/high income level of country,with strong ties with historical allies,and probably the leader in whole Balkans,90s pages would be on the different book.
On the other side,Slovenia and Croatia would face assimilation proces from Italians and Austrians.Yugoslavia helped the most to Slovenians and Croats.

First I am not you bro,we are not brothers.Yugoslavia fall apart,remember?
Second.You will be my history teacher?I was worked as history teacher couple years ago .So we are not on same level.

Nope,he was pro russian becouse of people,but he was always pro british,even his son escaped to Britain.

Mass demonstrations of uninformed people of Belgrade,who surrender first to Germans.They was brainwashed by british financed newspapers.But we won that war,and that war is mainly obtained by Serbian peasants from Croatia and Bosnia,who liberated whole Yugoslavia for few years.

Nope,without Yugoslavia and fake term "Jugosloveni" we would be on middle/high income level of country,with strong ties with historical allies,and probably the leader in whole Balkans,90s pages would be on the different book.
On the other side,Slovenia and Croatia would face assimilation proces from Italians and Austrians.Yugoslavia helped the most to Slovenians and Croats.

LOL. History teacher? NOB Serbian peasants only? Middle/high income country? LOL!!!!



Red is free territories in Yugoslavia in 1943. How much red do you see in Serbia? :lol: btw, in case it eluded your heroic history knowledge, Slovenian and Croatian partisans were the only ones who actually gained territory for Yugoslavia, and i'm talking about Istra peninsula which is in Italy on this map, and after WWII it was in Yugoslavia. Didn't Serbs in contrast gloriously wait for the Red Army to come liberate Belgrade? Shed some light on this teacher, please.

Oh i just remembered, for the end i haven't adressed your argument about king being pro UK. He sent his son there, like you say, true, but you ommit the fact that was because in Russia there was revolution and all monarchy was killed. Historian eh!
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Hahaha,you are tottaly uneducated guy,I said "Serbian peasants FROM CROATIA AND BOSNIA".

This is Partisans elite divisions.

6 Licka divizija-90 % Serbs in division
8 Kordunaska divizija-95 % Serbs in division
11 Slavonska divizija-60% Serbs in division
7 Banijska divizija-95% Serbs in division

Even Tito said:" Bez divizija iz Hrvatske,i to onih najudarnijih,sastavljenih od Srba,istih onih koji su videli prvi zverstva fazisma,ovaj rat bi bio odlucen ulaskom Sovjetskih trupa,a ne oslobodjenjem Jugoslavije od strane nas samih.

and many brigades from Dalmacija was tottaly filled with Serbs,Croats has its IS of Croatia,partisans was always main enemy of Croats. Do you know Croatian term " Za Hrista protiv Komunista/For Christ against communist".

Just take a look at Lika and Kordun,Banija and Dalmacija,and see Oluja 1995,grandchildrens of that brave warriors,avoid another Jasenovac,becouse they was antifachist and Serbs only.You know about that sure.
And you talking about Slovenian partisans:lol:.

Oh i just remembered, for the end i haven't adressed your argument about king being pro UK. He sent his son there, like you say, true, but you ommit the fact that was because in Russia there was revolution and all monarchy was killed

Do you know how many times Karadjordjevic family has a meeting with Russian monarch from 1903 to 1917?Only one time,but two ambassadors of Britain,was permament guests on king's dinners.
Entire military leadership was a fiercely Pro British,educated in British and French military schools,From Draza Mihailovic to Simovic.
Hahaha,you are tottaly uneducated guy,I said "Serbian peasants FROM CROATIA AND BOSNIA".

This is Partisans elite divisions.

6 Licka divizija-90 % Serbs in division
8 Kordunaska divizija-95 % Serbs in division
11 Slavonska divizija-60% Serbs in division
7 Banijska divizija-95% Serbs in division

Even Tito said:" Bez divizija iz Hrvatske,i to onih najudarnijih,sastavljenih od Srba,istih onih koji su videli prvi zverstva fazisma,ovaj rat bi bio odlucen ulaskom Sovjetskih trupa,a ne oslobodjenjem Jugoslavije od strane nas samih.

and many brigades from Dalmacija was tottaly filled with Serbs,Croats has its IS of Croatia,partisans was always main enemy of Croats. Do you know Croatian term " Za Hrista protiv Komunista/For Christ against communist".

lol my little chetnik bro. here, let's learn some history, we'll start with wiki, as it is the most suitable for your level of knowledge.

And for a start, don't quote me Tito and how he placated Serbs. It's politics. He begged through envoys that Slovenian resistance join up with him, but you don't see me screaming about it.

Croatian Partisans were integral to overall Yugoslav Partisans; by the end of 1943 Croatia proper, with 24% of the Yugoslav population, provided more Partisans than Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Macedonia combined which collectively accounted for 59% of the Yugoslav population.

Yugoslav Partisans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oops, where's that Serbian majority? Or is that only in Serbian history books which are taught by you? :omghaha:

Just take a look at Lika and Kordun,Banija and Dalmacija,and see Oluja 1995,grandchildrens of that brave warriors,avoid another Jasenovac,becouse they was antifachist and Serbs only.You know about that sure.
And you talking about Slovenian partisans:lol:.

As the very existence of the Slovene nation was threatened, the Slovene support for the Partisan movement was much more solid than in Croatia or Serbia. An emphasis on the defence of ethnic identity was shown by naming the troops after important Slovene poets and writers, following the example of the Ivan Cankar battalion.

At the very beginning the Partisan forces were small, poorly armed and without any infrastructure, but Spanish Civil Warveterans amongst them had some experience with guerrilla warfare. The Partisan movement in Slovenia functioned as the military arm of the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation, an Anti-Fascist resistance platform established in the Province of Ljubljana on April 26, 1941, which originally consisted of multiple groups of left wing orientation, most notable being Communist Party and Christian Socialists. During the course of the war, the influence of the Communist Party of Sloveniastarted to grow, until its supremacy was officially sanctioned in the Dolomiti Declaration of 1 March 1943. Some of the members of Liberation Front and partisans were ex-members of the TIGR resistance movement.

Yugoslav Partisans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Need i say more? note the date, April 26th, 20 days after Axis attacked Belgrade. What were Serbs doing then? Oh that's right, they were infighting for power between chetnik and commie factions.

I like how you shrug it off with a smiley, only displaying your own insecurity dude. I simply point out to that map, where you see freed territories touch both capitals, Ljubljana and Zagreb, while Serbs like i said before heroicly waited for the Red Army to come liberate their capital.

Do you know how many times Karadjordjevic family has a meeting with Russian monarch from 1903 to 1917?Only one time,but two ambassadors of Britain,was permament guests on king's dinners.
Entire military leadership was a fiercely Pro British,educated in British and French military schools,From Draza Mihailovic to Simovic.

lol, it's common knowledge Karadzordevic family was sponsored by Russian court. You're hilarious lol. Again i turn to wiki for an interesting quote:

The youngest son of Karađorđe Petrović and Jelena Jovanović was born in Topola on 11 October 1806. He was educated in Khotin, Bessarabia (Russia), under the patronage of the Russian Tsar.

One of his daughters was married to ambassador to Russia. Perhaps here you will see why those visits that never happened which you took as irrefutible proof of Karadjordevic family leaning towards UK were redundant.

Alexander Karađorđević, Prince of Serbia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your move mr. Chetnik revisionist bro. :lol:
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First I am not a chetnik.All of my ancestors was in Partisans.And I know which country contributed victory the most.
As I said,Slovenia before 1991 never existed it was just a appendix of great powers,and we know about Slovenian ressistance.Expecially when Germans start germanization to Slovenians.

Serbia was under strong control of Germans,Vojvodina was under Hungarian control,even Zemun suburb of Belgrade was under Croatian contol.
So Serbs was under strong control but it isnt stop them from making "Uzicka republika".

I like how you shrug it off with a smiley, only displaying your own insecurity dude

You just use two smiley on your reply to me.Hmmm,are you color blind?

One of his daughters was married to ambassador to Russia. Perhaps here you will see why those visits that never happened which you took as irrefutible proof of Karadjordevic family leaning towards UK were redundant.

Queen Maria was Romanian princess but in her time,Yugo-Romanian relations wasnt improve much.
You just use two smiley on your reply to me.Hmmm,are you color blind?

Difference between you and me is, i'm correct. rest of the post is just chetnik drivel.....clueless, sourceless.
If Brave heart is shown right before elections then i expect 80% yes.

I never said that.Freedom of Yugoslavia was contibuted by all Yugoslav nations,Slovenians,Croats,Serbs....
Slovenians partisans was never in 2nd league but we speak about numbers.

But i just want to stop things like a scandal with Croatian wikipedia.You probably heard about it,and that lies.

"Only 70000 Serbs killed by Croats and it was mainly soldiers".
"Serbia get British support in last Yugoslav war"
"Nikola Tesla was Croat".....
I never said that.Freedom of Yugoslavia was contibuted by all Yugoslav nations,Slovenians,Croats,Serbs....
Slovenians partisans was never in 2nd league but we speak about numbers.

But i just want to stop things like a scandal with Croatian wikipedia.You probably heard about it,and that lies.

"Only 70000 Serbs killed by Croats and it was mainly soldiers".
"Serbia get British support in last Yugoslav war"
"Nikola Tesla was Croat".....
Serbs were the only people, other than the peoples of the USSR, which had a strong resistance to Hitler, there is no doubt.
A "Yes" vote could have big implications for the rest of Europe. Im sure Catalonia, Pais Vasco (Basques), Catholics in N. Ireland, Venezia/Liga Nord are watching this referendum very closely.
Scottish independence would mean harsh consequences for U.K., economist says

LONDON – A Scottish vote for independence from the United Kingdom this month could have serious consequences for the Scottish and U.K. economies, Goldman Sachs said in a research note on Wednesday.

Goldman Sachs economist Kevin Daly said that while the Wall Street bank still felt the most likely outcome was for Scotland to vote to stay in the United Kingdom, a surprise victory for the “Yes” campaign to break away would have a drastic impact.

“Opinion polls suggest that the gap between the ‘Yes’ and the ‘No’ camps has narrowed but that a ‘Yes’ vote in favour of independence remains unlikely,” Daly wrote in the note.

“In the event of a surprise ‘Yes’ vote, the near-term consequences for the Scottish economy, and for the U.K. more broadly, could be severely negative,” he added.

The Scotland independence vote will be held Sept. 18, and Daly said the threat of a breakup would give investors a strong incentive to sell Scottish-based assets and withdraw deposits from Scottish based banks.

Part-nationalized British bank Lloyds, which owns Bank of Scotland, is considering having its registered office in London rather than Edinburgh, should Scots vote for independence, banking industry sources have told Reuters.

Daly added that the Bank of England would be unable to credibly commit to a sterling currency union remaining unbroken in case of a “Yes” vote later this month.

The “Better Together” campaign, which has recently lost some of its advantage over the rival “Yes” campaign in favor of independence, latched onto Goldman Sachs’ warning.

Jackie Baillie, who is a Labour Party member of the Scottish parliament, said the Goldman Sachs note showed that voting for independence could in fact lead to cuts to vital public services such as health care and education.

“We know that independence would push up costs on everyday things like energy and shopping bills. Today’s expert intervention spells out the reality for our schools and hospitals too,” Baillie said in a statement.

The “Yes” campaign for independence, led by politician Alex Salmond, has for its part argued that breaking away could enable Scotland to resist any cuts to public spending set out by the government in London. Salmond has also pledged to keep the sterling currency for an independent Scotland.

A poll earlier this week showed that support for Scottish independence rose dramatically in August, leaving the “Yes” campaign just six points behind advocates of staying in the United Kingdom.

Scottish independence would mean harsh consequences for U.K., economist says | The Japan Times

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