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Scotland Is Still Divided on Independence: 49% VS 51%

When I was in Uk, i could observe clearly the attitude "they and us" of Englishmen toward Scottish people. Most people and media refer to their country as England and themselves as Englishmen, not UK, Britain and British, which was surprised to me. And Scottish English was very hard to understand, totally different from the King's English spoken in London region.
I live here and there is NO them and us.
The accent part is very true. But it's not just Scotland. Many English regions have strong accents. Dorset Birmingham Wales Liverpool to name a few.
Scottish independence is about economic position rather than oppression or real political differences
I live here and there is NO them and us.
The accent part is very true. But it's not just Scotland. Many English regions have strong accents. Dorset Birmingham Wales Liverpool to name a few.
Scottish independence is about economic position rather than oppression or real political differences

Their figures on economic position are rather skewed as well, they have insisted on free prescriptions and tuition fees while the rest of the UK pays for it. They also benefit from significant shipbuilding activity on behalf of MoD. That and the submarines and the Trident at Faslane, its crazy how easy they make it sound when half of Scotland will move south if these industries move. I remember Glasgow became a ghost town for a few years after the first oil slump.

IndyRef is a great excuse to come to power but it is not even remotely possible to sustain current Scottish life standards with the economic plans and forecast of SNP.

Just look at the Brexit, the only thing keeping the focus "off" it is the war in Ukraine and the global increase in commodity costs. If you take these two factors away UK would crawl back to the EU in no time due to domestic pressure as all backlash will be blamed squarely on Brexit. Scotexit it like Godzilla compared to the T-Rex which was Brexit.
Racism? Yup, when white think the whole world revolve around them and browns like u shall serve them. It's not difficult to see who is racist. Only you think white has ended racism.

You are.
If you are not, which I hope is the case, then your approach smells of racism, If you were not aware, then I am making you aware.

I understand nations from different regions have a selfish approach, especially the so called "Western" block, but by turning it into a white, black, brown and yellow argument, you turn the argument into a racial war. There is no other way of describing it. That is a racist approach. Please choose the terms you use to describe a situation with some care, it's not that difficult.

We in the West have far more experience with racism then rest of the world. Because it is the only part of the world that's truly multi-cultural, it has not gone well, but some countries have managed it better then others, UK has. One of the lessons we learnt is that it is better to take care when using naked colour based descriptions, it really does help. Use it when it is relevant, here it does not apply.
Their figures on economic position are rather skewed as well, they have insisted on free prescriptions and tuition fees while the rest of the UK pays for it. They also benefit from significant shipbuilding activity on behalf of MoD. That and the submarines and the Trident at Faslane, its crazy how easy they make it sound when half of Scotland will move south if these industries move. I remember Glasgow became a ghost town for a few years after the first oil slump.

IndyRef is a great excuse to come to power but it is not even remotely possible to sustain current Scottish life standards with the economic plans and forecast of SNP.

Just look at the Brexit, the only thing keeping the focus "off" it is the war in Ukraine and the global increase in commodity costs. If you take these two factors away UK would crawl back to the EU in no time due to domestic pressure as all backlash will be blamed squarely on Brexit. Scotexit it like Godzilla compared to the T-Rex which was Brexit.
There are Tory backbenchers now openly talking about re joining the EU swiss style. There have been zero benefits from leaving the EU. Loss of cheap labour. Loss of 2nd largest trading block in the planet. Free movement of people. Its a total mess.
Scotland primarily wants independence to rejoin the EU.
. .
What's your point?
It doesn't change the point I made.
Ok then, It's UK, and Canada, two countries, in most countries around the world these things do start civil wars, and they have, I did say to my knowledge, thank you for adding to it, but it doesn't change the premise of my statement.

Look at Spain and France, they don't give the same freedoms, and they are in the heart of Europe. But, we have a different approach. Ireland was an issue, but we learnt and moved on.
There are about 100 referenda listed here. It is a normal process of decision making whenever a group of people want to unite to become a state or disunite to dissolve a state. Civil wars are exceptions, not the rule.

For scotlanders...

You see.

You are given an autonomy.

You can choose your own leader.

But yet, you are not satisfying, and you still have someone or something to be blamed.

Scotland independent actually will not satisfy you!

To be honest, even God can't satisfy you.

You even don't know why you feel this way, behaving this way.

Because deep down, you actually don't know what you want.

The solution is very simple, the psychiatric hospital.

Its a foolish discussion.
To my knowledge UK is the only country in the world giving people the right to choose their future, but there is an important principle attached, one referendum in a generation. They've already had two in recent times, and the idea was rejected both times.

You can't keep voting until you get the desired result, it's stupid. In other countries these things start civil wars, here people's rights are being respected.

Just ignore them.

They have a mental issue.

Psychiatric hospital is their only solution.
There are about 100 referenda listed here. It is a normal process of decision making whenever a group of people want to unite to become a state or disunite to dissolve a state. Civil wars are exceptions, not the rule.

Your first response was relevant, and I recognised it, this one is just silly. Please spend more then a few seconds thinking about the issue before replying needlessly, and wasting time.

The issue is specifically about a referendum in an independent country, for one region to be given the right to full independence, without a bloodbath, without physical fighting.
This is not the norm, nowhere near the norm, it simply does not happen, except on rare occasions.

Did you even read before you sent me those links?
Those refer to referendums post Soviet period, or post Yugoslavia period, or post colonial period. So in situations where the exiting nation state was already defunct, or in a process of the ending of colonial rule, that's a totally different condition.

Plus, many of those are in some tiny countries that don't exactly have the same strong governing structures as large countries.

Plus, many of those referendums took place post civil wars or wars of independence. Or, civil wars started after those referendums, so no, they do not apply to this situation.

Algerian referendum was organised after an 8 years long war of independence in which over 1 million Algerians were murdered by the French.

Catalan referendum, in a European country was declared illegal, and the leadership had to go into exile for safety.

The same applies to other examples in those links. Please stop wasting my time, you should have stopped after the first reply. Which if you read my reply, I had appreciated.

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