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Scottish Referendum: Yes Campaign Takes Lead

Well, A good point about the referendum being different from an ordinary election. The article is correct in saying that the only result that will be correct is the one on the 18th. There is a good chance that those who have decided to vote yes in the past month may vote otherwise on the day but IMHO, the fact that for the first time that a poll has shown more people in support of independence, albeit by only a small percentage, is a psychological boost as in peoples minds,it shows that independence could occur and therefore validates it as a serious proposition. This will solidify the support gained from recently decided Yes voters and could gain momentum and persuade undecideds and possibly No voters over to the yes camp. This momentum of course will only occur with continued saturation by the MSM who are shell-shocked at the shocking increase of support of independence and doing all they can to bring back Scotland from the 'knife-edge' of a decision in which they see as disastrous for Scots.

However, overall, i think it will be a bad thing for U.K if Scotland vote Yes. Since it will greatly reduce our influence in the world. Similarly, The Trident nuclear missile system is based at Coulport weapons depot and naval base of Faslane in the Firth of Clyde area in Scotland, and our leaders have said there is no short term viable alternative for now, and by estimates it will take around 10 years to fully relocate them to an alternative base in U.K, and will cost us almost £9 billion. Plus most of our Oil, Companies and Industries comes from scotland, meanin the government will also lose a huge tax base. So yes it will be a big blow to the U.K if scotland was to vote yes. Im hoping they wont, fingers crossed.:undecided:

Wouldn't rUK be better off without the communist dead weight holding it down?
That's rich coming from a Serb.
Serbs were "the masterminds" of the dissolution of quite a powerful country by demanding more and more centralization, tax revenues and so forth...so, if you'll be honest with yourself, your room for moral accusations is quite limited.

Србија до Токија and all that.

Ohh,Slovene,even before when you dont have flags on your profile I knew that you are from ex YU.

Look some nations exist before Broz was born.I know it is hard for you to understand but it is true.You refer 90s,to prove Serbian quilty on last Yugoslav war.butI just refer to Obrenovic murder(1903),when British want to separate Serbs from Germans from making alliance between most powerful Balkan nation with most powerful European nation,and setup dynasty change from Pro German Obrenovic to Pro British Karadjordjevic.

Second World War II.
Axis powers demand from Serbs only neutrality,but British injected their money and their spys in Serbian secret police.
Result?More then one million killed Serbs, and after that most twisted idea in Balkan in the last 200 years that is Jugoslavija,bratstvo i jedinstvo pod okrljem TITA.

It is shame that Churchill was so weak man,he should listen Frenklin R. If Americans make a invasion of Balkan instead attacking weak Italians,probably Serbia would be a capitalist state integrated in all Western organizations,and that rift between Serbs and Americans would not have happened.
Our flag was fluttering above White House when some nations did not know how freedom smells.Tito Yugoslavia is our biggest fault in entire history,and we have irrepable loses from that.
If Scotland votes for indepedence,it will destroy all leftovers of British power(regional power) and maybe permanent UN seat will be questioned.

hopefully we would get an independent country soon…. **** the uk.
If Scotland gains independence, it will basically inherit 8% of everything including the debit.
From military side, it is eligible to get one Frigate, 32 Challenger Tanks and six EF Typhoon jets, however most of this equipment will be sold back to Britain to write off some of the debits, however rumour has it that Saltaire Air Force will acquire some F-16s instead... to keep in line with most NATO and European countries.
Wouldn't rUK be better off without the communist dead weight holding it down?

No as Scotland is actually wealthier than the rest of the UK.

Also Scotland provides strategic locations to house crucial UK military assets like
Trident submarines.

rUK will be greatly diminished without Scotland.
No as Scotland is actually wealthier than the rest of the UK.

Also Scotland provides strategic locations to house crucial UK military assets like
Trident submarines.

rUK will be greatly diminished without Scotland.

The rUK will be able to make up for the lost population and lost GDP in short order. It's mainly the land that makes Scotland valuable, but even that issue can be overcome in time.

On the other hand, what will Scotland do after Shetland and Orkney have their own independence referendum, and take their oil resources with them?
The rUK will be able to make up for the lost population and lost GDP in short order. It's mainly the land that makes Scotland valuable, but even that issue can be overcome in time.

On the other hand, what will Scotland do after Shetland and Orkney have their own independence referendum, and take their oil resources with them?

Shetland and Orkney cannot become independent - they have too little population.

rUK will be greatly diminished economically, politically and militarily if Scotland leaves.

The three main parties are now in panic mode and are running off to Scotland to literally beg the Scots to stay in the UK.
I'm glad that something like this happening in the US is improbable. I mean, the Confederates did experiment with states' rights and secession in 1861.But the Civil War set precedent of Federal powers trumping states'. This sealing the United States forever with itself. I only wonder if something militant will happen in the event the Scots do vote for independence.
Shetland and Orkney cannot become independent - they have too little population.

rUK will be greatly diminished economically, politically and militarily if Scotland leaves.

The three main parties are now in panic mode and are running off to Scotland to literally beg the Scots to stay in the UK.

If Monaco and Liechtenstein can be independent countries with similar-sized populations, there's no reason to deny such a choice to Shetland and Orkney, especially given their oil wealth. Wasn't this same argument (the population is too small) directed at Scotland, and Scotland brushed it off with its usual label of "scaremongering"? Scotland surely would not have the nerve to deny a referendum to Shetland and Orkney after having struggled for its own referendum for so long, would it? After all, it's their (Shetland's and Orkney's) oil.

I don't doubt that rUK will be set back by Scottish independence, but once rUK is freed from the scourge of socialism (which is only sustained by Scotland's representation in Westminster), the economy will prosper. rUK will also no longer have to bear the albatross of the failed Scottish financial system around its neck, which is an added bonus. In that sense, everyone wins if Scots vote for independence. rUK gets economic prosperity, after a period of recovery. Scotland gets its own Venezuela-style utopia. Shetland and Orkney get to keep their oil wealth, after their own referendum. What's not to like?

I'm glad that something like this happening in the US is improbable. I mean, the Confederates did experiment with states' rights and secession in 1861.But the Civil War set precedent of Federal powers trumping states'. This sealing the United States forever with itself. I only wonder if something militant will happen in the event the Scots do vote for independence.

It will be an ugly negotiation, that's certain. Nothing like the easy separation of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
I dont think it really changes anything once it happens, life will go on much the same and our cultures are so entwined unless your a rural person that it makes little difference.

Quite hilarious that Cameron and the other wankers that we all despise yet are in charge are going up north to drum up support, surely even they see that their present will do the opposite and will probably make 100% vote yes haha.
scotland will be a poorer country(in long run).. and rest of UK will be richer but weaker... the division is good for nobody.
I just find it amazing, interesting. Over three centuries after the Act of Union, and now we're seeing the UK going back to square one. I was in the position that the Act of Union was a permanent edict ?
I just find it amazing, interesting. Over three centuries after the Act of Union, and now we're seeing the UK going back to square one. I was in the position that the Act of Union was a permanent edict ?

England, Scotland and Wales are still distinct countries in the Union. There remains strong nationalist feelings in each of the three countries. The dominant English never settled in mass in the rest of the UK and hence the feeling of separateness has stayed.

The Welsh may have also gone for independence but they are too poor and would lose out on huge subsidies from England.

The basic issue with the UK is the difference in mentality between the English and the rest of the UK.English are capitalist and the rest are socialist - roughly that way anyway.

England can bribe the poorer Welsh to stay but Scotland is as rich as England and so this does not apply to them.

scotland will be a poorer country(in long run).. and rest of UK will be richer but weaker... the division is good for nobody.

We don't really know that. Scotland could be poorer, the same or even richer.
My personal opinion is that Scotland will be the same or get richer than rest of UK.

The division may be good for Scots if the SNP can deliver a more prosperous and equal Scotland but it would be a complete disaster for England and rest of UK.
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Ohh,Slovene,even before when you dont have flags on your profile I knew that you are from ex YU.

Ya bro, i'm here to educate you on history, not pseudo-chetnik history revised with Serbs being eternal victims. Sorry.

And for the record, family moved to Slovenia only after Yugoslavia fell apart.

Look some nations exist before Broz was born.I know it is hard for you to understand but it is true.You refer 90s,to prove Serbian quilty on last Yugoslav war.butI just refer to Obrenovic murder(1903),when British want to separate Serbs from Germans from making alliance between most powerful Balkan nation with most powerful European nation,and setup dynasty change from Pro German Obrenovic to Pro British Karadjordjevic.

All good except for the fact Karadzordevic after he was installed was leaning towards Russia and France, not Britain. Karadzordevic family was pro Russian. How you will connect the outcome of the coup with Britain's alleged intentions remains to be seen. But i bet it will be interesting.

I will add to this, things might have turned out differently if Aleksandar Obrenovic would have married some German princess like it was agreed between both families. Instead he married some nameless widow.

Second World War II.
Axis powers demand from Serbs only neutrality,but British injected their money and their spys in Serbian secret police.
Result?More then one million killed Serbs, and after that most twisted idea in Balkan in the last 200 years that is Jugoslavija,bratstvo i jedinstvo pod okrljem TITA.

This is a joke right? The government that signed the Axis ascesion agreement fell due to popular discontent and mass demonstrations a couple of days later which triggered German attack. Have you ever heard "Bolje rat nego pakt"?


Tito Yugoslavia is our biggest fault in entire history,and we have irrepable loses from that.

You would be Bulgaria style Slavic nation without Yugoslavia, without Slovenian industrial motor and Croatian forex reserves inflow every year due to tourism.


As for your so wanted alliance with Germany, you have it today, West Balkans conference just ended recently with some impressive projects and if memory serves me corectly 110 bill€ in infrastructure, one of the most visible projects being Munich-Istanbul railway.
And no Britain to stop it, ironically they are all too preoccupied with Scotland secession.
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