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Sayyids in The Indian Sub-Continent

How do the Arabs see them? Do they consider the Syeds of Indian sub continent as descendants of Prophet Muhammed? :what:

Probably not lol. You know how the a-rabs view south asians
In Punjab, Sayyids are strict about marriage with non-syeds. However, in Punjab Sayyids have many biradaris. One of the biggest are the Bukhari Sayyids, whose origin is in Bukhara and Uch Sharif in Bahawalpur. A sizeable number of the Bukhari Sayyids claim to be Shia Twelvers in Punjab.

Among the most famous Sayyids in Punjab there are many Sunni religious scholars of contemporary times, such as

1) Pir Mehr Ali Shah ( Shah in Punjab is a title many Sayyids use) RA
2) Shaykh Jama'at Ali Shah RA
3) Shaykh Ahmad Sa'eed Kazimi Amrohi RA
4) Shaykh Jalaluddin Shah of Bhikki Shareef in Mandi Bahauddin

Shaykh Jalaluddin Shah's son lives in the UK. He is by far among the most famous Pakistani Sunni scholars in Europe. His name is

Shaykh Irfan Shah Mashhadi

I am related to one of these Shaykhs you mentioned from my mother's side. I didn't know he was well known though. :P
Are hamsaya and kasabgar not given land even for housing or you are talking about land for cultivation purposes?
They are given lands for housing by the families who settled them there as serfs. After so many generations , the houses surely belongs to them but they are bound to support the land owner family. E.g if the family decides to vote for ANP, his serfs are bound to do the same. This applies in villages not cities.
It is said that bulk of taliban in swat were from this karigar class and they kind of revolted against yousafzai feudal lords through TNSM and taliban who do not believe in this class system and tribalism
Probably not lol. You know how the a-rabs view south asians

you don't know
They are given lands for housing by the families who settled them there as serfs. After so many generations , the houses surely belongs to them but they are bound to support the land owner family. E.g if the family decides to vote for ANP, his serfs are bound to do the same. This applies in villages not cities.
It is said that bulk of taliban in swat were from this karigar class and they kind of revolted against yousafzai feudal lords through TNSM and taliban who do not believe in this class system and tribalism

please don't derail the thread with nonsense
Point of the thread?

ANd then you have inaccuracies in it like 'As a rule, a Sayyid's daughter marries only another Sayyid...'.

That is not an inaccuracy lol that is the very real trend. A trend that is breaking now but begrudgingly.
I can't understand the point of this thread
their chief bond of union being the secret celebration of Shia religious rites
No secret rites exist everything is public. If there were any you would have found them on the internet.

every care taken that the accepted suitor is a Sayyid both on the father's and mother's side. But many take wives from any of the four chief Muslim classes and sometimes, though rarely, from among the higher of the local or "irregular" Muslim communities. Sayyid boys' names generally end in "Ali" or "Husain," and occasionally in "Shah."
Suitors don't have to be Sayyid and most families do not care about this. Though not unseen it's usually something out of the ordinary when a family is like this.. It's common for boys to be name Hussain and Ali as well as Mohammad just like Mohammad is also common in Sunnis.

I've never met a Sayyid boy named Shah... Maybe limited to borders of Persian speaking countries?

Sayyids, found widespread in South Asia, are Sunni Muslims, but in northern Gujarat many are Shia Muslims at heart, though all profess to be Sunnis

Most Sayyids are Shia. Anyone that knows a few would agree. Go on facebook and look for some Sayyids, you'll find most are Shia..

You are deeply misinformed.. Wikipedia is not a reliable source. If you're not misinformed then you're just spreading hate, in which case this thread should be closed and deleted.

Then dont read it. :woot:
Honestly there really is no point to this thread. You don't state what you're trying prove or the point of it all. Which would suggest you're trying to convince people, of things they probably don't righfuly believe.
No secret rites exist everything is public. If there were any you would have found them on the internet.

Suitors don't have to be Sayyid and most families do not care about this. Though not unseen it's usually something out of the ordinary when a family is like this.. It's common for boys to be name Hussain and Ali as well as Mohammad just like Mohammad is also common in Sunnis.

I've never met a Sayyid boy named Shah... Maybe limited to borders of Persian speaking countries?

Most Sayyids are Shia. Anyone that knows a few would agree. Go on facebook and look for some Sayyids, you'll find most are Shia..

You are deeply misinformed.. Wikipedia is not a reliable source. If you're not misinformed then you're just spreading hate, in which case this thread should be closed and deleted.

Honestly there really is no point to this thread. You don't state what you're trying prove or the point of it all. Which would suggest you're trying to convince people, of things they probably don't righfuly believe.

All these anti-Sayyid people here. It stems from their ideology. @Zarvan This thread is about the Sayyids of the Sub Continent. If you don't like it, please leave.

Also, most sayyids are Sunni.
All these anti-Sayyid people here. It stems from their ideology. @Zarvan This thread is about the Sayyids of the Sub Continent. If you don't like it, please leave.

Also, most sayyids are Sunni.
Mr I don't about in Pakistan every second Shia claims to be Syed
All these anti-Sayyid people here. It stems from their ideology. @Zarvan This thread is about the Sayyids of the Sub Continent. If you don't like it, please leave.

Also, most sayyids are Sunni.

Unlike multan, in central punjab syeds have no extraordinary importance in social life, there is piri mureedi but pir does not strictly has to be "syed" in our region. This "syed" phenomenon has more relevance in southern punjab and sindh or karachi I believe. We dont have many syeds in central punjab to begin with and the ones who are here are mostly shias.
Unlike multan, in central punjab syeds have no extraordinary importance in social life, there is piri mureedi but pir does not strictly has to be "syed" in our region. This "syed" phenomenon has more relevance in southern punjab and sindh or karachi I believe. We dont have many syeds in central punjab and the ones who are here are mostly shias.

no, vast majority of the Sayyids in Punjab are Sunni, all over from Potohar to Central Punjab and South Punjab

I am talking about Sayyids among Sunnis.
shia are our people, our Pakistanis. They have been living on this land for 1000 years or more

I think the best solution to solve this problem would be to officially declare pakistan a sunni state.

no, vast majority of the Sayyids in Punjab are Sunni, all over from Potohar to Central Punjab and South Punjab

I am talking about Sayyids among Sunnis.

From my experience more syeds are shias than sunnis, your experience could be different than mine though.
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