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Saulat Mirza to expose Altaf Hussain before death

Justice Sajjad Ali Shah (and some other Judges) considered him very Mazloom. Please first go into the details of this case and then decide. There are absolutely no proofs against him except for the witness of wife of Shahid Hamid. But she gave contrary statements. Her first statement was this that she saw no murderer while incident happened at distance from her house and till the time she came all murderers disappeared. But afterwards she changed her testimony and blamed Saulat Mirza for the murder, while Saulat's own wife is a witness that he was with her.

i dont need to go into any details for that ... i know him well enough ...
MQM is terriroist

May be.
But this does not allow our Agencies to start using such cruel tactics against civilians of Karachi.
They did the same mistake by making Haqiqi and then killing thousands of MQM supporters extra judicially in the 90s. They are repeating same mistakes today too.
By doing this, they are only making people of Karachi against them and against the State of Pakistan.

What we need is total unbiased Operation in Karachi. Only then we will get the success.

Question is very simple, Agencies got his Video for the last couple of YEARS. Why didn't the presented him to the megistrate in all these years?

Sir with that logic, not every member of TTP has killed a person either. As per his own confessions, he was directly ordered by Babar Ghauri and Altaf Hussain to take lives, and those people are the leaders of MQM.

It's strange how you guys can defend MQM even now.
I have clearly stated: "Both are responsible, those who gave him such tasks, and him for accepting those assignments."

That was in response to : "...how MQM turned a fine young man who could've had a bright future into a cold stone murderer."

MQM did not turn this fine young man into whatever on gunpoint. His consent was part and parcel of the whole thing and that is all I was implying to.
Why would agencies pick her brother, Mirza is already singing like a Canary. However MQM thugs abducting him to force her to make this stupid statement does make sense.

LOL at "MARTA HUA MAZLOOM" he is the same motherfucker who killed innocent people, hope he dies a painful slow death and burns in hell with all MQM leaders, supports and operators.


Here is the video of press conference of wife of Saulat Mirza where she is telling about Agencies abducting her brother.

Why would agencies pick her brother, Mirza is already singing like a Canary. However MQM thugs abducting him to force her to make this stupid statement does make sense.

LOL at "MARTA HUA MAZLOOM" he is the same motherfucker who killed innocent people, hope he dies a painful slow death and burns in hell with all MQM leaders, supports and operators.

No, he stopped listening to Agencies once he knew that he is going to be hanged any way. Thus he gave interview to newspaper lately, once again stating that he is innocent of all these allegations and he has got no justice.

And your agencies are no innocent angels. Have you forgotten how these agencies earlier made a false accusation of Jinnahpur and then they killed thousands of normal MQM supporters on the bases of this false accusation? These same agencies made Haqiqi and supported Haqiqi in their crimes.

Your agencies made the same mistakes in the East Pakistan. It is better for you to learn from your mistakes.

Also remember that MQM was raising a very valid question: Why Agencies didn't filed cases upon MQM on the bases of earlier video of Saulat Mirza?
And the agencies got no answer to it. That is why they played this recent Drama.

Here is the question which was asked earlier by MQM from the Agencies and their supporters.

**** this heartless murderer. MQM keeping up with it's tradition to make martyrs out of terrorists.



It was 1997. She was an 18-year-old, slender and shy girl and he was a 26-year-old handsome man, with a thick moustache and chest hair protruding out of his shirt. Just like they used to when they were kids, they were racing up a steep mount located behind their homes in North Nazimabad, Karachi. Once they reached the top, he took her hand and proposed.

“You see this downward slope in this hill. This is my life; this is where I am going. It’s going to be very tough but I want to marry you. Do you agree?”

She did.

It is 2015, and just hours before he is sent to the gallows, the wife of Karachi’s most notorious target killer is clinging on to a dream; a dream where Saulat Ali aka Saulat Mirza would walk away from hangman’s noose and they would both run off to New Zealand.

“I am positive he won’t be hanged. I don’t even want to think about that possibility,” she told The Express Tribune, in denial that he would be executed at the Mach jail tomorrow morning.

For nearly two decades, Saulat’s family avoided the limelight, maintaining silence on his death sentence. Journalists would not even think of contacting them because of the fear attached to the target killer’s name.

Read: Central Prison Mach: Security beefed up for Mirza’s execution

But for the first time, Saulat’s wife and sisters for the past few days have begun pleading his case, demanding a re-investigation, as the MQM disassociated itself from Saulat.

At the Karachi Press Club, Saulat’s family demonstrated against the sentence and criticised the media for not giving his case air time. But as the crowds dwindled, a slender-framed woman donning an oversized grey abaya, shared her life’s story.

Read: Staying put: SHC dismisses plea to transfer Saulat Mirza to Karachi

Saulat’s wife refuses to call him Saulat, saying it meant aggression. “I didn’t like that, and started calling him Daniyal and Dani.”

The two had known each other since childhood, they were family friends. As they grew up, she recalls spending time with his sisters and him playing cricket and table tennis.

When they grew older, they became devoted to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (then Mohajir Qaumi Movement). “I would take part in the party’s cleaning (safai) campaigns. But Dani, he progressed very quickly in the party.”

In 1997, they got married. There was no ‘hangama’ at their marriage. A simple affair, the Nikkah took place during the day and on their way back they had KFC.

She doesn’t talk about the numerous murders that Saulat is said to have committed, but says, “Whatever happened had happened. We wanted to move to one side and start over.”

In their 18 years of marriage, the first three months after the wedding were the only time they were together.

He escaped to Thailand and was arrested in December 1998 by Karachi’s super cop Chaudhry Aslam, when he returned two weeks after his mother passed away. He was booked for multiple murders but sentenced to death for killing then managing director of Karachi Electric Supply Company, Malik Shahid Hamid, his guard and driver.

Saulat’s wife visited him in prison every week since his incarceration, till they transferred him to Hyderabad and then Mach jail, a year ago.

The main correspondence between the childless couple has been letters, a truck-full of which is present at their house. “I would write him 17 pages, and would ask him for a 20-pager. I would share every single thing with him,” his wife said.

She bought and rented religious and political science novels for him. “His favourite was Ibne Safi.”

“Life has been difficult,” his wife, a PhD researcher working on DNA vaccines, said. “I have been unpaid for the last three years.”

When she met Saulat in January, a year he had been transferred, she recalls he made a victory sign and shouted as he retreated: “Nazi be strong. Don’t give up.”

As his hanging inches closer, she clings to her dream of them being together in New Zealand, where “there would be no political parties, no violence and most importantly, there will be no one to recognise us.”


"Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani".

It takes two hands to clap. MQM or any other terrorist group just does not turns anybody into a murderer, people join the terrorist organization knowingly and willingly and get rewarded for all their crimes but when they get caught they all become victim "poor, bright, fine young men".

I'm anti-MQM to the core.
Just wanted to show how MQM turned a fine young man who could've had a bright future into a cold stone murderer.
No, there is absolutely no doubt that Agencies is using illegal ways to compel him. Just watch this proof.


Here is the older video from Agencies where Agencies asked him to nominate Nadeem Nusrat as person who made contact possible between him and Altaf Hussain on telephone.

One thing is common. In both videos toad bhai is the culprit.

I would support your cause if you can prove that agencies are acting all illegal.
People, don't become blind of these wrong doings of agencies. We want an unbiased operation.



Unbiased operation mean complete elimination of MQM and his supporters from Karachi, something like zarb azb.
His hanging has been delayed for 3 more days, following the new information he has revealed against Altaf and MQM.
What will be total unbiased operation according to you? The one which declare MQM party of angels and target only her opponents? :sarcastic:

Unbiased operation mean complete elimination of MQM and his supporters from Karachi, something like zarb azb.

Really, my heart is crying upon the ignorance of my nation.

Unbiased operation means NO such false accusations like Jinnahpur.
no killing of thousands of normal people of Karachi extra judicially.
no conspiracies of forming Haqiqi etc.
no false cases in thousands of numbers
no torture upon thousands of innocents .

Same is true today.
Today once again thousand of people (over 10000) have been abducted by agencies.
And today Police is demanding 3 to 5 lack Rs from every one to set him free, otherwise they torture the poor ones till death.
In fact tens of people died in police custody.
And there are tens of people who are still missing.
And then come once again thousands of false accusations and thousands of false cases by Agencies.
Does all this mean Unbiased operation in eyes of people of Pakistan?

Case of Saulat Mirza has been presented here. Are you people able to comprehend that none of you is able to answer it and your only defence of LEA is this that MQM also does wrong.

I tell you once again, if MQM does wrong, still Agencies of country should not do the same mistake and they should keep distance from such things. They need to do an unbiased operation.

Fact is there is no local policing in Karachi which is a shame and indeed injustice with the people of Karachi. Now come Rangers, who are again non locals. Alone this thing is enough to sow the seeds of hatred.
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