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Saulat Mirza to expose Altaf Hussain before death

Really, my heart is crying upon the ignorance of my nation.

Unbiased operation means NO such false accusations like Jinnahpur.
no killing of thousands of normal people of Karachi extra judicially.
no conspiracies of forming Haqiqi etc.
no false cases in thousands of numbers
no torture upon thousands of innocents .

Same is true today.
Today once again thousand of people (over 10000) have been abducted by agencies.
And today Police is demanding 3 to 5 lack Rs from every one to set him free, otherwise they torture the poor ones till death.
In fact tens of people died in police custody.
And there are tens of people who are still missing.
And then come once again thousands of false accusations and thousands of false cases by Agencies.
Does all this mean Unbiased operation in eyes of people of Pakistan?

Case of Saulat Mirza has been presented here. Are you people able to comprehend that none of you is able to answer it and your only defence of LEA is this that MQM also does wrong.

I tell you once again, if MQM does wrong, still Agencies of country should not do the same mistake and they should keep distance from such things. They need to do an unbiased operation.

Fact is there is no local policing in Karachi which is a shame and indeed injustice with the people of Karachi. Now come Rangers, who are again non locals. Alone this thing is enough to sow the seeds of hatred.

We can't convince MQMers, they will never accept that angels of their party can be involved in any misdeed and always call it conspiracy and pull the ethnic card.
Really, my heart is crying upon the ignorance of my nation.

Unbiased operation means NO such false accusations like Jinnahpur.
no killing of thousands of normal people of Karachi extra judicially.
no conspiracies of forming Haqiqi etc.
no false cases in thousands of numbers
no torture upon thousands of innocents .

Same is true today.
Today once again thousand of people (over 10000) have been abducted by agencies.
And today Police is demanding 3 to 5 lack Rs from every one to set him free, otherwise they torture the poor ones till death.
In fact tens of people died in police custody.
And there are tens of people who are still missing.
And then come once again thousands of false accusations and thousands of false cases by Agencies.
Does all this mean Unbiased operation in eyes of people of Pakistan?

Case of Saulat Mirza has been presented here. Are you people able to comprehend that none of you is able to answer it and your only defence of LEA is this that MQM also does wrong.

I tell you once again, if MQM does wrong, still Agencies of country should not do the same mistake and they should keep distance from such things. They need to do an unbiased operation.

Fact is there is no local policing in Karachi which is a shame and indeed injustice with the people of Karachi. Now come Rangers, who are again non locals. Alone this thing is enough to sow the seeds of hatred.

Simply put: MQM kidnapped Saulat's brother-in-law and are now threatening to kill him unless she smears the Rangers. This entire drama is a meek attempt by Altaf Bhai to discredit the revelations put forth by Saulat Mirza.

MQM is a criminal party and its supporters are unbelievably gullible. My heart cries for you.
We can't convince MQMers, they will never accept that angels of their party can be involved in any misdeed and always call it conspiracy and pull the ethnic card.

This is unfair blame.
I want operation against every criminal, to which ever party they belong.
But once again, this operation should not be done unjustly, but success for Pakistani nation lies in non partial and totally clean operation. Please don't give clean chit to Agencies to do whatever crime they want in the name of operation.
Such powers are known as Licence to Kill.
With power, there also comes the responsibility.
I am only pointing it out to you that there are flaws in Agencies and they are conducting the operation wrongly. This should be corrected for the sake of whole Pakistani nation. This operation could be much more successful if Rangers and Agencies stay within the limits of law and don't start any extra judicial activities.

Simply put: MQM kidnapped Saulat's brother-in-law and are now threatening to kill him unless she smears the Rangers. This entire drama is a meek attempt by Altaf Bhai to discredit the revelations put forth by Saulat Mirza.

MQM is a criminal party and its supporters are unbelievably gullible. My heart cries for you.

Had MQM kidnapped her brother, then why Saulat Mirza is giving statements against MQM?
I am speechless to see such behaviour and allegation from you.
This is unfair blame.
I want operation against every criminal, to which ever party they belong.
But once again, this operation should not be done unjustly, but success for Pakistani nation lies in non partial and totally clean operation. Please don't give clean chit to Agencies to do whatever crime they want in the name of operation.
Such powers are known as Licence to Kill.
With power, there also comes the responsibility.
I am only pointing it out to you that there are flaws in Agencies and they are conducting the operation wrongly. This should be corrected for the sake of whole Pakistani nation. This operation could be much more successful if Rangers and Agencies stay within the limits of law and don't start any extra judicial activities.

Whenever someone of MQM is captured, you start screaming conspiracy, don't believe even if person get convicted from courts. Even god descend to earth and point out criminals in MQM, you guys still will not believe and call it biased and unfair.
This is unfair blame.
I want operation against every criminal, to which ever party they belong.
But once again, this operation should not be done unjustly, but success for Pakistani nation lies in non partial and totally clean operation. Please don't give clean chit to Agencies to do whatever crime they want in the name of operation.
Such powers are known as Licence to Kill.
With power, there also comes the responsibility.
I am only pointing it out to you that there are flaws in Agencies and they are conducting the operation wrongly. This should be corrected for the sake of whole Pakistani nation. This operation could be much more successful if Rangers and Agencies stay within the limits of law and don't start any extra judicial activities.

Had MQM kidnapped her brother, then why Saulat Mirza is giving statements against MQM?
I am speechless to see such behaviour and allegation from you.

Because he has nothing to lose. He's a dead man anyway and he wants to get it all off his chest irrespective of who's kidnapped his brother-in-law.Do you really think a convicted criminal cares about what happens to his wife's brother?

His wife on the other hand doesn't want to lose her brother and is therefore desperately supporting MQM's cause.
This is unfair blame.
I want operation against every criminal, to which ever party they belong.
But once again, this operation should not be done unjustly, but success for Pakistani nation lies in non partial and totally clean operation. Please don't give clean chit to Agencies to do whatever crime they want in the name of operation.
Such powers are known as Licence to Kill.
With power, there also comes the responsibility.
I am only pointing it out to you that there are flaws in Agencies and they are conducting the operation wrongly. This should be corrected for the sake of whole Pakistani nation. This operation could be much more successful if Rangers and Agencies stay within the limits of law and don't start any extra judicial activities.

Had MQM kidnapped her brother, then why Saulat Mirza is giving statements against MQM?
I am speechless to see such behaviour and allegation from you.

@Gazi is that you o_O
MQM as a political party only is acceptable. Any militant wing in MQM should be disbanded at any cost. This goes for other parties as well. The problem with MQM is that their past is coming in their way very badly and they have to pay the price for that
Every like minded Posts becomes my posts by default???

Whenever someone of MQM is captured, you start screaming conspiracy, don't believe even if person get convicted from courts. Even god descend to earth and point out criminals in MQM, you guys still will not believe and call it biased and unfair.
What should we call it when a executions are delay few minutes after Confessional Statement release?Such thing never happened in Pakistan ever in the past. There is something fishy here so its better wait for details of delaying execution for 72 hours or whatever situation leads after that.


I would support your cause if you can prove that agencies are acting all illegal.
There is no legal illegal around here its all about Intentions as we have seen MQM is singled out and Targeted while other Elements who proudly Self confess in front of everyone are running free. That is called Selective Justice and I dont know about legality or illegality of that.
What should we call it when a executions are delay few minutes after Confessional Statement release?Such thing never happened in Pakistan ever in the past. There is something fishy here so its better wait for details of delaying execution for 72 hours or whatever situation leads after that.

Yes every thing is fishy
Whenever someone of MQM is captured, you start screaming conspiracy, don't believe even if person get convicted from courts. Even god descend to earth and point out criminals in MQM, you guys still will not believe and call it biased and unfair.

MQM demanded that Army conduct the unbiased operation.
But you people denied it to MQM and you intentionally gave all the powers to the Police and Rangers to assist them, who both are corrupt.
Supreme court gave judgement that 40% of Karachi police is totally politicized and corrupt. How could you imagine they could ever conduct a non biased operation?

Police and Rangers took over 5000 MQM supporters and MQM didn't protest.

Just tell me, if Police has killed tens of MQM supporters in the prison by doing Torture, then why should MQM not protest against it?
When tens of MQM supporters have been arrested by Rangers and they are missing, why should MQM not protest against it?
When Rangers and Police taking away people, they are not even leaving any proof of arrest for the family so that they could follow their leads. Why should MQM not protest against it?

Every TV channel is showing that police is openly demanding 3 to 5 lack rs. for freeing the arrested people. Otherwise police is torturing them. Why should then we not protest against it?

Nobody gives answer to these questions. Nobody thinks about the consequences.

You people are no better than Agencies with extra judicial tactics if you show complete blindness upon these issues.

I would support your cause if you can prove that agencies are acting all illegal.

I'm not an MQM supporter, but intelligence agencies are involved in criminal activities. For example supporting Ibrahim Dawood, and missing persons....

Two wrongs don't make a right.

at any cost.

not at the cost of justice.
Every like minded Posts becomes my posts by default???

Suspicious circumstances my friend. Every sheep looks like another sheep (no offense) but this is how you supporters of political parties are :enjoy:

There is no legal illegal around here its all about Intentions as we have seen MQM is singled out and Targeted while other Elements who proudly Self confess in front of everyone are running free. That is called Selective Justice and I dont know about legality or illegality of that.

MQM did a lot of solo playing in Karachi, need I tell you about that? Who used to shut down the whole city and bring it to halt.

Halwa khaty waqt to dosry yad na ay ub sir pay pari hai to her jaga fasad nazar a raha hai ;)
and i thought we were Pakistani's :D
The partition of India and Pakistan was the biggest blunder of human history and requested Indian government to take back the immigrants (“Muhajirs”) if Pakistani establishment continue its policies against them...Golden words by Altaf Bhai
Yes every thing is fishy
Please Elaborate your thoughts.

Suspicious circumstances my friend. Every sheep looks like another sheep (no offense) but this how you supporters of political parties are :enjoy:
That is second time I got this excuse of Fake ID and first time was from some PTI kid and now you. Anyways do you get your Proof or still believe such thoughts?

MQM did a lot of solo playing in Karachi, need I tell you about that? Who used to shut down the whole city and bring it to halt.

Halwa khaty waqt to dosry yad na ay ub sir pay pari hai to her jaga fasad nazar a raha hai ;)
I can tell you names of 20% of Karachi which are considered No GO Area for MQM and these areas are like Safe Heavens for all Criminals from Pakistan now when Rangers are trying to prove that all the elements are targeted. Things are still not clear regarding their Guarantees of targeting all groups and their past Track Record is also making lot of suspicions as well.
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