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Saulat Mirza to expose Altaf Hussain before death

he says, my life is going downhill will you marry me....and she says 'yes'?
I just have a high bp reading this...I mean seriously...Then whatever fairytale story "happened" between her and her husband "had happened"...move on and start over!

Do you even know the meaning of that word?

Identity crises would be showcased when people try to "apna foreign" shit like mini skirts say ok to gays, turn blind eye to fornication (which OUR CULTURE) doesnt permit! Not sticking with your own...

Heck every Sikh would stick with their own so would every Hindu.....But somehow when a Muslim does so it is some form of identity crisis? Believe me if Sikhs were given Khalistan they wouldnt give 2nd glance to India... :enjoy:
And is for sure you don't understand the identity crisis one associates with Pakistan.
She doesn’t talk about the numerous murders that Saulat is said to have committed, but says, “Whatever happened had happened. We wanted to move to one side and start over.”

Really??? Then why should we kill TTP terrorists and the people who create suicide bombers?? Whatever happened, happened. We should not talk about it.

Crime is only deterred when checked. Just look at Saulat Mirza and Mumtaz Qadri. Both want their death delayed or stayed. Why May I ask?

When they were taking lives, did they think then how does it feel losing a life? They did not. Thats why capital punishment is so important. It deters. It puts fear in the heart.
I'm anti-MQM to the core.
Just wanted to show how MQM turned a fine young man who could've had a bright future into a cold stone murderer.
It was his personal decision to join MQM and do whatever he asked to do. People are free to make choices, sometimes they make good choices, other times not so good. Is every single member of MQM is a serial killer? Is every member of MQM is extortionist? I do not think so. Both are responsible, those who gave him such tasks, and him for accepting those assignments.
Many mothers lost their sons, daughters their fathers and wives their husbands thanks to this animal.

I dont get why all PDF members with musharaff picture are pro-mqm.

They support him on ethnic basis. MQM is also an ethnic party. Connect the dots yourself.
They support him on ethnic basis. MQM is also an ethnic party. Connect the dots yourself.
That's a misconception. I live in Karachi and i have met maybe 2 MQM supporters in my entire life. No mohajir supports MQM.
It was his personal decision to join MQM and do whatever he asked to do. People are free to make choices, sometimes they make good choices, other times not so good. Is every single member of MQM is a serial killer? Is every member of MQM is extortionist? I do not think so. Both are responsible, those who gave him such tasks, and him for accepting those assignments.

Sir with that logic, not every member of TTP has killed a person either. As per his own confessions, he was directly ordered by Babar Ghauri and Altaf Hussain to take lives, and those people are the leaders of MQM.

It's strange how you guys can defend MQM even now.

Here is the video of press conference of wife of Saulat Mirza where she is telling about Agencies abducting her brother.

Could be any reason. Could be because he is upset MQM didn't save him.
Could be guilt.
Could be he is afraid of what will happen after the grave.
Prophet SAW said that those who answer for their crimes in this world through punishment, wont face punishment in the hereafter.
Could be any reason. Could be because he is upset MQM didn't save him.
Could be guilt.
Could be he is afraid of what will happen after the grave.
Prophet SAW said that those who answer for their crimes in this world through punishment, wont face punishment in the hereafter.

No, there is absolutely no doubt that Agencies is using illegal ways to compel him. Just watch this proof.


Here is the older video from Agencies where Agencies asked him to nominate Nadeem Nusrat as person who made contact possible between him and Altaf Hussain on telephone.
one thing for sure , " this guy is not " Mazloom "

Justice Sajjad Ali Shah (and some other Judges) considered him very Mazloom. Please first go into the details of this case and then decide. There are absolutely no proofs against him except for the witness of wife of Shahid Hamid. But she gave contrary statements. Her first statement was this that she saw no murderer while incident happened at distance from her house and till the time she came all murderers disappeared. But afterwards she changed her testimony and blamed Saulat Mirza for the murder, while Saulat's own wife is a witness that he was with her.

Here is the video of press conference of wife of Saulat Mirza where she is telling about Agencies abducting her brother.

Yes he was abducted after he returned from Thiland where he went after murdering K electric head Shahid Hamid his driver and body guard and he has done several other murders on Altaf dog orders and he was trialed and now will face death but before he die he is going to expose terrorist Altaf and others
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