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Saudis Testing JF17? Myth or Truth


Nov 15, 2006
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Saw this on Facebook is there any truth to the post?


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Saw this on Facebook is there any truth to the post?
not accurate
Marshal Trainer aircrafts !

But I think, if Pakistan commits Airforce support to IMCTC, we might precondition that with our own JF17s purchase.

Title might as well be coming from this guy.
We will have to create new production lines as we don't have the capacity at the moment.
The production capacity may be increased with the current production line. The reason the current production is not at full speed is that the need is not very high. The on-demand production can be done without more production line.
I believe KSA has been interested in 54 JF-17 fighters, which is a nice sized order. This goes back to 2014.
I could see Saudi Arabia "Gifting" them for political influence among Arab states.
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True. The Saudi's are pawning off their F-15 Eagles for Jf-17s .....

Not quite. Different missions, and they are upgrading the Eagles and buying billions in additional smart munitions to drop from them.

Newer F-15SAs are beasts
Truth not fake..
Plenty of KSA twitter handles reported it...
They can afford the worlds best top of the line fighters. Why would they buy JF-17? No need to be blindly patriotic be realistic sometimes guys. I may be wrong if so can someone explain why the Saudis would buy it?
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