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Saudia vows to stand by Pakistan

Saudis are a waste of time. The only thing they are interested in is stealing the wealth of their people for one family. They could bring America to its knees by refusing to accept the US dollar for its oil. They could force America to stop Israeli excesses. On the contrary their "King" according to Wikileaks wanted the Americans to nuke Iran. I mean can you imagine the loss of life etc. Any support they provide to Pakistan is for ulterior motives.. Muslims around the world will continue suffering until they get rid of these despots .
Its not saudi governmnet but the individual's fund being used and abused even in BD. Its not them coming here with tons of money but people from here (Mullahs) go to saudi and beg for funding for the cause of Islam. They probably give the money with good intention but as it directly come to the hand of Mullahs, so does all the misuse.

If you give money to a Mullah then you shouldnt be surprised he spends it on something like this.

But this kind of fundings are reduced drastically as evey NGO now have to show their accountacy and the money spent to the govt. Also govt keeps an special eyes on any funding coming from middle east.

things arent so rosy.
Religion very much spread in Pakistan through Arab invasion

Serioulsy where do you get your weird ideas from?

Sindh was under direct Arab rule only for a few years under Muhammed bin Qasim. He was recalled back soon after and left the governership in the hands of a local muslim convert ruler belonging to the Somroo dynasty. They played vassel to the Ummayads until their a few years later in 740s. After that there was hardly any Arab rule over present day Pakistan except parts of Balochistan under the Abbasids. It was mainly Persian, Mongol, or Afghan kingdoms invading Sindh and Punjab or outwards from India.

And when you talk about contact, the first Arab contact came to India in the south near Kerela where a local King met the Prophet Muhammed SAW in his lifetime and Arabs settled there much before the Arab invasion of Sindh.

Other than that, Sufis from Persia and Central Asia played the major role in spreading Islam and gaining converts. And it was a very very slow proces. Even until 1901 according to British census, Punjab was still a non-muslim majority province with muslims comprising 48.5%.
Saudi arabians are such hypocrites, the Saudi Arabians are just a widespread disease in the middle east as well as other muslim countries
seriously what do you think they will do?
Tried that. Since 1998 successive American presidents blindly supported Pakistan, trusting the promises of its leaders that they would take care of Osama bin Laden. So they did - but not the way Americans were led to believe. So us Americans have to learn instead - meaning opening our mouths and minds to ask annoying questions.

Stop talking crap. America has never supported Pakistan blindly or otherwise. I think you are thinking about Israel thats the country your government supports blindly. I look forward to goverments around the world continuing to reduce their holdings of the US $. Down from 70% to 60% over the last 10 years. We will see in the next 10 to 20 years when your governments iou's become worthless what Americas about. Your government cant even sort out a load of blokes in pyjamas with obsolete weapons and your actions in and to Pakistan shows Americas frustrations because our government will not ultimatly subjugate their interests to the US.
the us has sanctioned pakistan several times and brought the country to default.

i think only the chinese government has a clean record.
The cable has revealed that financial support estimated at nearly 100 million US dollars annually was making its way to certain religious organisations in southern Punjab.

Who all are getting this money,and how it is being supervised?Is it the madrashas of Pakistan,which are getting the money? Any idea?

btw,I still did not get the source of the OP.
I have heard a lot about KSA 'sponsoring' religious extremism inside Pakistan.
As much as I despise the Saudi ruling class and the closed society I have not seen any evidence of 'official' KSA support for militant madrassahs. As someone says above, more likely private citizens donate for charity/Islamic causes in Pakistan and BD and they sometimes end up in wrong hands.

We need to be careful labeling whole countries with bad stuff because of the actions of individuals.

Again, I am not a fan of KSA. It is one of the last countries in the world where I would ever want to even visit (KSA, Somalia, Yemen) because of repressed societies and generally not attractive natural environment; in fact, if have to choose then I would easily prefer Iran over KSA as far as tourism and visits are concerned, even though both are theocracies.
Duh...Saudis...those morons of coarse will stand by us as long as we provide fuel for Jihad to them in the form of young males or possibly young females for their Dubai restaurants or possibly for camel races..
the saudi king cannot stand on his own legs, and he voww to stand by us !!

At least he does some good for his country men. Not like our politicians who just care for their bank accounts and their personal businesses, and indirectly they try to say "to hell with the Pakistani public let us make some money.

Not like our politicians who cannot even recite the verses of one of the smallest chapter of the Qur'an correctly which even a 5 year old can recite better than him!

Not like our president and prime mister who are not even competent to be employed as door men in a hotel yet they are having the keys of the country in their hands!

Not like our politicians who have not seen universities except for opening ceremonies and graduation ceremonies and yet they claim they are graduates and if proved otherwise it is said they are more competent to run the country / state affairs than a graduate!
And what good is there in externalizing the internal contradictions of Saudi Arabia -- look at the unemployment rate in Arabia, look at the treatment of people who seek just basic decency - look at the example of jailing a woman for driving a car -- I mean stupid, backward rubbish, all of it bribes to rthe Wahabi to keep their thrones -- and you say this is a service to the people, god forbid.
Title...Saudia vows to stand by Pakistan

Reply: Fk no we're good alone the day we get rid of arbias we'll be free of all jahalat infested by arabs...
Title...Saudia vows to stand by Pakistan

Reply: Fk no we're good alone the day we get rid of arbias we'll be free of all jahalat infested by arabs...

Well to get rid of the jahalat why don't the so called "maulanas" and 'malvees" (commercial malvees) open madrassas or schools to teach Arabic instead of teaching Qur'an.

If a child learns Arabic he will automatically understand what is written in the Qur'an and Hadith. By doing so more than half of the misconceptions in religion that we have will be clear.

But these commercial malvees (so called "maulana" fazlur rehman is one one of them) don't want the people to learn the religion from it's source (the Qur'an and Hadith) instead they want to keep the people in need of these "maulanas" or 'malvees" so that they can intrepet the religion as they will and get money for their pockets.
And what good is there in externalizing the internal contradictions of Saudi Arabia -- look at the unemployment rate in Arabia, look at the treatment of people who seek just basic decency - look at the example of jailing a woman for driving a car -- I mean stupid, backward rubbish, all of it bribes to rthe Wahabi to keep their thrones -- and you say this is a service to the people, god forbid.

Dear Sir,

I am not taking sides with them. I completely understand your point of view and understand that their government takes the money from the national revenues by trucks and gives the people peanuts.

Be it KSA or UAE or any other country in the region, a person cannot distinguish between the public money and the private wealth of the Rulers/Kings/President. Our government is not better than these governments even by 5% and i am sure you also agree with this. (The only thing that i see we have better than these gulf countries is the local media, in Pakistani media there is open debate on all issues where as in these states only a few intellectuals dare to talk against the local governments and debate their policies).

I remember after the ouster of Muhammad Husni Mubarak, a title deed for the presidential palace was leaked to the media and as per the title deed the presidential palace is the "private property' of Muhammad Husni Mubarak

What I was meant in my previous post was that the Saudi king cannot walk without support (being old enough) but at least his people enjoy some sort (i am emphasizing on "some sort") of welfare system. Whereas we in Pakistan have healthy and sound humans (physically only not mentally) who run the country.

What the poor Pakistani people have gained from the government apart from the shame brought by the politicians to Pakistanis and Pakistan.
If a child learns Arabic he will automatically understand what is written in the Qur'an and Hadith. By doing so more than half of the misconceptions in religion that we have will be clear.

it sounds sensible but it doesnt work like that. you know when people learn Arabic and translate the Qu'ran literally, they're ridiculed and it is claimed that you cannot translate it literally. the meaning of arabic words (according to scholars) changed from century to century.
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