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Saudia vows to stand by Pakistan

I say Jihad fi Bismillah upon saudis its time and over due the so called good Islam the saudi version should now return to the home land and spread ya bismillah...

Pakistan is good with pre 1979 Islam, we fools Pakistanis don't see Turkish people they too are Muslims and good Muslims they pray they go to Hajj they have their own Islamic Society it truly reflects Islam not the version we're forced by z.aleel haq.
I say Jihad fi Bismillah upon saudis its time and over due the so called good Islam the saudi version should now return to the home land and spread ya bismillah...

Pakistan is good with pre 1979 Islam, we fools Pakistanis don't see Turkish people they too are Muslims and good Muslims they pray they go to Hajj they have their own Islamic Society it truly reflects Islam not the version we're forced by z.aleel haq.

Both Turkish and Saudi version of Islam are corrupted in fact you wont find Islam being practiced in its true form today. Only when Prophet Issa and Mehdi returns will their be true Islam.
Btw Islam is not just about praying 5 times a day.
i can only say no deoandi no sunni no shia no wahabi only only muslim.no matter what saudi wont give up on pakistan help

Well, I am not an expert in Religion, espeically Islam, but what this guy is saying is so hard to produce in the world, and in the islamic world......
Saudi King Abdullah vows to "help Pakistan"

Saudi Arabia’s King Shah Abdullah has vowed not to leave any stone unturned to help Pakistan overcome the crises it is currently facing.

He made this statement on Sunday during a meeting with Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman at the Royal Palace in Riyadh.


Sources say the JUI chief discussed regional politics and issues of bilateral interest. Rehman also expressed his grief over the killing of a Saudi diplomat in Pakistan.

Shah Abdullah assured the JUI chief that Saudi Arabia has everlasting ties with Pakistan and will try its level best to help Pakistan in any way it can.

KSA reject WikiLeaks

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has rejected a WikiLeaks cable accusing it and the UAE of financing extremism in southern Punjab.

The Saudi Arabian Foreign ministry has termed the claims baseless allegations.

The cable has revealed that financial support estimated at nearly 100 million US dollars annually was making its way to certain religious organisations in southern Punjab.

WikiLeaks claims the money was being transfered from organisations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — with the direct support of those governments to fund extremism and terrorism.

In the cable, Principal Officer at the US Consulate in Lahore Bryan Hunt, refers to mosques and madrassahs run by Deobandi and Ahl-i-Hadith for receiving charity.
Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan a lot in every difficult time and is still willing to help Pakistan
I say Jihad fi Bismillah upon saudis its time and over due the so called good Islam the saudi version should now return to the home land and spread ya bismillah...

Pakistan is good with pre 1979 Islam, we fools Pakistanis don't see Turkish people they too are Muslims and good Muslims they pray they go to Hajj they have their own Islamic Society it truly reflects Islam not the version we're forced by z.aleel haq.

sit Turkey government has nothing to do with Islam if majority are muslims in a country that doesn't make it a Islamic Country in a Islamic Country Shariat has to be implemented or other wise get ready to face ALLAH wrath
Both Turkish and Saudi version of Islam are corrupted in fact you wont find Islam being practiced in its true form today. Only when Prophet Issa and Mehdi returns will their be true Islam.
Btw Islam is not just about praying 5 times a day.

There is always going to be a True Islam in the world .. The light of God shall never disappear .
When there is no true Islam in earth it is judgment day . and thats after Issa passes away and when the souls of every single person with a tiny Iman in his/her heart taken away .
So all the days prior to 1432 years ago were Judgement days?

there was Christianity .. It was the the true Message which replaced Judaism ( Once a True Message ) .
There is Always Hope since the days of Adam . When people lose hope God send a messenger or a prophet .
Muhammed صلى الله عليه و سلم is the last Prophet for the mankind . His Message shall last till judgment day .
sit Turkey government has nothing to do with Islam if majority are muslims in a country that doesn't make it a Islamic Country in a Islamic Country Shariat has to be implemented or other wise get ready to face ALLAH wrath

what is sharia to you may not be sharia to everyone else.
Far from it.. rather it prevents manipulation .. when you know there are certain criteria to be met for interpretations... not every other tom dick and harry will take liberty and become self appointed messiah's.. as is happening today.

what criteria? that you know how words were used in the 7th century?

noone knows that 100%

One example of deception to meet a religion objective is the Doctrine of Mental Reservation in the Catholic Church. Others are bound to exist.
what criteria? that you know how words were used in the 7th century?

noone knows that 100%

One example of deception to meet a religion objective is the Doctrine of Mental Reservation in the Catholic Church. Others are bound to exist.

Actually they do... Islamic studies include records of poetry from those times..
Check the Al-Azhar university's library.
Not to mention countless books written by scholars from a 100 years after the prophet to 500 years.
Very extensive records exist.

It is because of these differences between the Quran and other scriptures that it has survived intact and unaltered till now.
the reason the Quran has survived intact is because it was memorized afaik. the words per se didnt change.

now poetry i dont think is a good indicator of what words meant at a time. one can pick and choose poems without much difficulty.
Duh...Saudis...those morons of coarse will stand by us as long as we provide fuel for Jihad to them in the form of young males or possibly young females for their Dubai restaurants or possibly for camel races..

saudis Paid billions to Pakistan and to the pak nuclear program
saudis gives pak milions of oil barrels to pak for free
saudi bay bilions to pak econmy
you lil stubid just forget that in strs talk abot saudi?
:rofl: That's what I was thinking! The Saudis can't even defend themselves! They had stationed 10,000 Pakistani troops on their soil to protect them! Jeeeez! :lol:

haha india can gets food to ther on kids
saudi army is strongest army in midel east 2011 (ask the new york times):agree:
haha india can gets food to ther on kids
saudi army is strongest army in midel east 2011 (ask the new york times):agree:

Saudi Army is a joke, more like a laughing stock of the middle east. You Saudi soldiers couldn't even defend your land when the Iraqis invaded Kuwait, you needed American assistance to drive out the Iraqis even though Saudis had M1A1's and other high tech American weapons.
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