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Saudia vows to stand by Pakistan


Sep 8, 2009
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Saudi King Abdullah vows to "help Pakistan"

Saudi Arabia’s King Shah Abdullah has vowed not to leave any stone unturned to help Pakistan overcome the crises it is currently facing.

He made this statement on Sunday during a meeting with Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman at the Royal Palace in Riyadh.


Sources say the JUI chief discussed regional politics and issues of bilateral interest. Rehman also expressed his grief over the killing of a Saudi diplomat in Pakistan.

Shah Abdullah assured the JUI chief that Saudi Arabia has everlasting ties with Pakistan and will try its level best to help Pakistan in any way it can.

KSA reject WikiLeaks

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has rejected a WikiLeaks cable accusing it and the UAE of financing extremism in southern Punjab.

The Saudi Arabian Foreign ministry has termed the claims baseless allegations.

The cable has revealed that financial support estimated at nearly 100 million US dollars annually was making its way to certain religious organisations in southern Punjab.

WikiLeaks claims the money was being transfered from organisations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — with the direct support of those governments to fund extremism and terrorism.

In the cable, Principal Officer at the US Consulate in Lahore Bryan Hunt, refers to mosques and madrassahs run by Deobandi and Ahl-i-Hadith for receiving charity.
The saudis are arch rivals of deobandis and Ahle Hadiths and only a stupid will belive that they will fund seminaries run by those two. Goes to prove that wiki leaks is actually wikilies. Just fabricated stories full of mistakes.
The saudis are arch rivals of deobandis and Ahle Hadiths and only a stupid will belive that they will fund seminaries run by those two. Goes to prove that wiki leaks is actually wikilies. Just fabricated stories full of mistakes.
Sauds don't like their Deobandis at home but maybe they like them abroad? Who do you think is more likely to engage their favor, Pakistani Deobandis or Pakistani Barelvis?
Sauds don't like their Deobandis at home but maybe they like them abroad? Who do you think is more likely to engage their favor, Pakistani Deobandis or Pakistani Barelvis?
Pakistan is neither a majority deobandi or barelvi. Both of them are despised groups of Pakistan. Religion very much spread in Pakistan through Arab invasion therefore the strong holds are still Sunni..

The Saudis may be willing to help deobandis but the deobandis consider saudis a swine due to historic arab-turkish rivalry..its complicated to explain so i say in plain sight that its not possible..flat out..

and those goras sitting in comfort of white house should open their mouth on topic they dont know jack sh1t about.
those goras sitting in comfort of white house should open their mouth on topic they dont know jack sh1t about.
Tried that. Since 1998 successive American presidents blindly supported Pakistan, trusting the promises of its leaders that they would take care of Osama bin Laden. So they did - but not the way Americans were led to believe. So us Americans have to learn instead - meaning opening our mouths and minds to ask annoying questions.
saudi has got itself into a big big big mess!! it has intervened in every regional dispute....example: yemen,bahrain & to an extent egypt!

now the dummies are sayign we will support pakistan! well firstly the monarchy should support itself from being toppled over!

& i always thought salafi & deobandi were almost identical.....its only the barelvis that both have issues with???
SA awards maintenance of aircraft to PIA

KARACHI: The General Authority of Civil Aviation-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (GACA) has awarded approval to PIA Engineering and Maint-enance to undertake Base Main-tenance and Line Maintenance of Saudi Registered Boeing 747 and Boeing 777 aircraft.

PIA is now officially authorised by GACA-Saudi Arabia to undertake Base Maintenance and Line Maintenance of Saudi registered aircraft after successful audit by GACA of PIA’s Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore Engineering Stations. Managing Director PIA Nadeem Khan Yousufzai congratulated the Engineering Quality Assurance team and the entire Engineering Division PIA. The third party Engineering Maintenance business will further increase PIA earnings. staff report

some support!!!
saudi has got itself into a big big big mess!! it has intervened in every regional dispute....example: yemen,bahrain & to an extent egypt!

now the dummies are sayign we will support pakistan! well firstly the monarchy should support itself from being toppled over!

& i always thought salafi & deobandi were almost identical.....its only the barelvis that both have issues with???


there is much learning you need to go through.

Don't be afraid to research and learn; it will only help.
Pakistan is neither a majority deobandi or barelvi. Both of them are despised groups of Pakistan. Religion very much spread in Pakistan through Arab invasion therefore the strong holds are still Sunni..

The Saudis may be willing to help deobandis but the deobandis consider saudis a swine due to historic arab-turkish rivalry..its complicated to explain so i say in plain sight that its not possible..flat out..

and those goras sitting in comfort of white house should open their mouth on topic they dont know jack sh1t about.

What is in the sects? They are strictly forbidden by the Holy Quran.
Holy Quran decreed, one who creates sects in the religion their affairs are with Allah SWT.

Don't worry about sects, and divisions as Quran decreed "you are but one Ummah". Ummah of Prophet SAW, What sects he SAW belongs to? No divider of Islam could answer this question.

Therefore, we should follow the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW, everything else is not necessary. On the day of the Judgment questions would be on did you follow the commands of Allah SWT revealed in the Holy Quran, and did "attat" to Prophet SAW, as ordered.

Read the verses of the Holy Quran; each and every Prophet of Allah SWT, on enquiry would say, O'Allah SWT I could never command my followers to say or do something which You didn't Disclosed or Ordained, I could not command things/acts which was not under my control or jurisdictions, You (SWT) and You (SWT) alone is the Knower of what is hidden (in people's hearts) and what is in the open.

When Prophets would not be taking any responsibilities for the errand ways of their followers on the Day of the Judgement, what relevance these people has who created sects compared to the Mighty Prophets?

May Allah SWT save every Muslim from the evil of Sects and divisions in Islam.
Pakistan is neither a majority deobandi or barelvi. Both of them are despised groups of Pakistan. Religion very much spread in Pakistan through Arab invasion therefore the strong holds are still Sunni.

this is a common mistake. Islam did not spread in the area of Pakistan by the Arab invasion. it was the sufi saints that spread religion in pakistan.

you can quote me some neutral sources that show the first though.
The saudis are arch rivals of deobandis and Ahle Hadiths and only a stupid will belive that they will fund seminaries run by those two. Goes to prove that wiki leaks is actually wikilies. Just fabricated stories full of mistakes.

this isn't true. the saudis funded seminaries of deobandis in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion some decades ago.
this isn't true. the saudis funded seminaries of deobandis in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion some decades ago.

There weren't enough Salafis to form any major resistance so they had to support the majority, who were Deobandis, which incidentally forms a large part of a certain organisation.
Its not saudi governmnet but the individual's fund being used and abused even in BD. Its not them coming here with tons of money but people from here (Mullahs) go to saudi and beg for funding for the cause of Islam. They probably give the money with good intention but as it directly come to the hand of Mullahs, so does all the misuse.

But this kind of fundings are reduced drastically as evey NGO now have to show their accountacy and the money spent to the govt. Also govt keeps an special eyes on any funding coming from middle east.
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