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Saudi Special forces

NO the main reason no one raises a finger against House of saud is they will have there necks cut of if they do so.

Pakistan government will provide all that right after we can kill sh it spread in pakistan with house of sauds Money you no small peice of s h i t called osama.

Yes, I know all the oil income goes into the pockets of the Saudi Royals,(who died and made these clowns owners of arabia ) but I donot rasie a fingre on them unless and until they keep everyone happy in their lives, this is the Golden rule to their success, this is why they have been ruling Saudi Arabia for more than 100 years now.

You no my dog loves me to when i throw bones towards him he is feed properly so he never ever barks at me but he does barks at the people that look towards me or question my authority.
That reminds me of some body on this forum who could that be help me out will ya sohailbutt or butman


Golden rule to there success is talk against them and you disappear for good or you are killed but go ahead keep telling your self what ever you want
most have brains and eyes they can see reality.

sohailbutt tell us do u have the same rights in Arabia as say some one who is from the west white skin off course can you vote can you own land do u have saudi citizen ship or best of all can you pray standing next to any royal Theives family members also known as self appointed oh my bad appointed by british i would love to no your answers sohailbutt.
sohailbutt is there such thing as monarchy allowed in Islam or you cant answer that question.

u have raised many questions:

sir, i wuld not get very personal here, i wuld reply some of ur questions which i think i shuld reply, n i'll leave all the rest coz i donot want to get down in lenghty discussions here, to ur question as to whether i own land in arabia or not, then sir, i will welcome u at most to please come and visit me in my homeland then u'll know whether i own land or not!!!

second ur question of human rights, listen up brother just tell what type of human rights r u talkin abut, u ve touched an area which goes very deep.

thirdly, sir there is no such thing as monarchy in Islam, i agree with u but can u or me raise a fingure on Saudi's, why do people single out Saudi's all the time and target them, i neva understood, y don't u raise this question with the Kuwaiti royals, UAE royals, Bahraini royal's, Jordani royal's y only Saudi arabia, please now leave this here i dont want to get into discussions which will yield nothin for u or me.

ur question abut saudi citizenship is a very personal question, sir please donot mind, but u have crossed line here, y shuld i tell u that i have Saudi citizenship or not, let me ask u 1 thing do u think that there r diamonds attached to Saudi citizenship, no offense.

wut the **** was Pakistani government doin in the past 60 damn years, bin laden only came in Pakistan 5 years ago, can u blame these 5 years on the ******* 60 years performance of Pakistani government. brother come out to the real world, **** leadership will not change, ****'s will need to change themselves to change their leadership or else these blood suckin animals will always be there hauntin u as they ve done in the past.

i will not answer other questions as they r just meaningless to me.

no hard feelings for u brother, but reality is reality, neither of us can change it:what:
have raised many questions:

sir, i wuld not get very personal here, i wuld reply some of ur questions which i think i shuld reply, n i'll leave all the rest coz i donot want to get down in lenghty discussions here, to ur question as to whether i own land in arabia or not, then sir, i will welcome u at most to please come and visit me in my homeland then u'll know whether i own land or not!!!

Simple answer YES or No

second ur question of human rights, listen up brother just tell what type of human rights r u talkin abut, u ve touched an area which goes very deep.

Again dancing around the question not answering it Dont play politics and answer the question posted

thirdly, sir there is no such thing as monarchy in Islam, i agree with u but can u or me raise a fingure on Saudi's, why do people single out Saudi's all the time and target them

Ok again instead of recognising and admiting that they are nothing more then cowards and theives you came here to convince us other wise yet you have no answers so you are trying to divert the attention if there is no monarchy in islam then house of sauds are against islam why people pick on them where ever there is a terrorist House of saud behind it where ever there is a muslim being killed house of saud is behind it i can go on and on.

ur question abut saudi citizenship is a very personal question, sir please donot mind, but u have crossed line here, y shuld i tell u that i have Saudi citizenship or not, let me ask u 1 thing do u think that there r diamonds attached to Saudi citizenship, no offense.

I take it you failed the senior kindergarden give up bud there is no way in hell you can come here and convince people with your dumb answers let me tell you no you dont own any land as you are not allowed no you dont have any citizen ship as you are not allowed unless you are a saudi pretending to be a pakistani i wouldnt want saudi citizen ship even if there were billions attached to it as it comes with you selling your soul to the devil and pretending to love it NOW ANSWER THE QUESTION DONT DANCE AROUND IT i didnt ask you what kind of money you make that would be personal this is a simple question which you have to answer with yes or no.

wut the **** was Pakistani government doin in the past 60 damn years, bin laden only came in Pakistan 5 years ago, can u blame these 5 years on the ******* 60 years performance of Pakistani government. brother come out to the real world, **** leadership will not change, ****'s will need to change themselves to change their leadership or else these blood suckin animals will always be there hauntin u as they ve done in the past

well lets see pakistan is a nuclear power we are building some of our own defence requirements we have a real economy what ever size you call it not dependent on JUST OIL.
saudi backed ZIA killed buhtto who was taking pakistan into right direction filled up pakistan with Shi t from cross the Arab world then came Nawaz peice of s hit who robbed us blind and kept on spreading house of sauds ***** in pakistan and granting terrorist all kinds of heavens which we are paying for it now question is what have the house of saud gained since the independence other then dirty knees and muslim blood on there hands.so dont ******* come here and tell me you are living in some civilized socity and we are going no where we are moving ahead bubba while arab world is moving back wards we have diffrent leaders since independence have you.

i will not answer other questions as they r just meaningless to me.

NO you wont answer my question as you have no answers for it you no iam right and there is no way you can spin it to make it right
u have raised many questions:

sir, i wuld not get very personal here, i wuld reply some of ur questions which i think i shuld reply, n i'll leave all the rest coz i donot want to get down in lenghty discussions here, to ur question as to whether i own land in arabia or not, then sir, i will welcome u at most to please come and visit me in my homeland then u'll know whether i own land or not!!!

second ur question of human rights, listen up brother just tell what type of human rights r u talkin abut, u ve touched an area which goes very deep.

thirdly, sir there is no such thing as monarchy in Islam, i agree with u but can u or me raise a fingure on Saudi's, why do people single out Saudi's all the time and target them, i neva understood, y don't u raise this question with the Kuwaiti royals, UAE royals, Bahraini royal's, Jordani royal's y only Saudi arabia, please now leave this here i dont want to get into discussions which will yield nothin for u or me.

ur question abut saudi citizenship is a very personal question, sir please donot mind, but u have crossed line here, y shuld i tell u that i have Saudi citizenship or not, let me ask u 1 thing do u think that there r diamonds attached to Saudi citizenship, no offense.

wut the **** was Pakistani government doin in the past 60 damn years, bin laden only came in Pakistan 5 years ago, can u blame these 5 years on the ******* 60 years performance of Pakistani government. brother come out to the real world, **** leadership will not change, ****'s will need to change themselves to change their leadership or else these blood suckin animals will always be there hauntin u as they ve done in the past.

i will not answer other questions as they r just meaningless to me.

no hard feelings for u brother, but reality is reality, neither of us can change it:what:

totally with you in this i myself grew up in jeddah saudi arabia and it is one of the best countries to live in not only the money but also the law and order society is decent and much better then many other .
I am not sure about the numbers BUT Pakistani Armed Forces have a Presence in KSA. Even in Bahrain there are a lot of Pakistanis in Bahrain defence Forces.

Once one Indian Journalist asked Zia-ul-haq that "Did Your Army has also started soldiers for Hire program" (he was pointing to Pakistani Soldiers in KSA)

Zia-ul-Haq Replied "It will be a much bigger Honour for me to Serve and Die while Protecting KSA as Compared to if I Die For Pakistan".

This shows the Allegiance of Pakistanis towards our Brothers in KSA.

Actually not KSA but Hejaz (Mecca and Medina) I do not think now Pakistani are to die for the saudi monarchy. Media has shown their true traitor face. I think we should only die for those who are willing to die for us :) e.g. Turks, Azerbacan, Bangladeshis
Saudi Arabia deported or killed all of it's terrorists while Pakistan is playing stalemate with theirs.

The two have a problem, but the magnitude of it is 10X worse for Pakistan. Apples and oranges comparison ;) Force alone cannot do it. KSA have money to rehabilitate people, provide resources, means to subsist etc. GoP, due to its lack or funding and then incompetence has not been able to do that. Also we have a war going on next door which is feeding the militancy. In KSA, this is not the situation.
If saudis were ANY good at fighting, they wouldn't have gotten their ***** handed to them by israel as bad as they did.
Actually not KSA but Hejaz (Mecca and Medina) I do not think now Pakistani are to die for the saudi monarchy. Media has shown their true traitor face. I think we should only die for those who are willing to die for us :) e.g. Turks, Azerbacan, Bangladeshis

what else would i wish for, if i die while protecting Macca and Madina. im sorry i dont really agree with u
totally with you in this i myself grew up in jeddah saudi arabia and it is one of the best countries to live in not only the money but also the law and order society is decent and much better then many other .

Speak for yourself, I lived in Al-Khobar for a short while and hated every minute of it. I didn't get to see much except the four walls of the compound and the lovely causeway to my freedom (Bahrain)....but to each his own..
If saudis were ANY good at fighting, they wouldn't have gotten their ***** handed to them by israel as bad as they did.

Do tell, at what point in history did this battle between Israel and Saudi Arabia occur?

And why did it escape the notice of the rest of the world?
what else would i wish for, if i die while protecting Macca and Madina. im sorry i dont really agree with u

This is what I am saying we die for Makkah and Madina not Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
As I live in Saudi Arabia from day 1 of my life, before me my father lived there for a long time and we live there till today as well, I feel obliged to answer back to some of the negative comments being posted here by some fellow forum members.

My brothers, it is no joke to rule a country like Saudi Arabia, if you have been there you will understand what I'm talking about, just by sitting somewhere in the world and raising your fingre at the Saudi Monarchy will prove to me and to the rest of the world how aware you are with the ground realities in my homeland (Saudi Arabia).

I fully back & support your observation. Most comments are negative as people haven't seen the modern Saudi Arabia and what the kings have actually delivered for their country's & nation's prosperity.

Those who say that Saudi has done nothing for Palestine in Gaza ... here few posts for them

1. 6 Jan 2009: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said Israel's "AGGRESSION" has created a “HELL" in Gaza, and the Security Council's "deafening silence" after 11 days of the conflict is damaging.

2. Jan 2009: Saudi Arabia denounced the silence of the international community over the ferocious Israeli war on unarmed Palestinians in Gaza and the collective punishment inflicted on the inhabitants of the territory.
“The international stand of silence and defeatism in dealing with ISRAELI ATROCITIES (in Gaza) has no parallel”

2009: Saudis saying ““The policy of war, violence, killing and torture practiced by Israel in Gaza and all over Palestine reflects the ideology of extremist groups within and outside Israel WHO WANT TO RE-DRAW the MIDDLE EAST MAP in accordance with their conditions,”

Kingdom denounces silence — Palestinian factions asked to unite

3. 19 Jan 2009: Saudi King donates $1 billion for Gaza

Saudi king donates one billion dollars for Gaza

4. 8 Jan 2009: A nationwide fundraising campaign ordered by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah for Palestinians in Gaza has so far raised SR167 million.

5. The Saudi Kingdom has so far dispatched 10 relief planes carrying a total of 120 tons of medical supplies. The planes were received at Areesh Airport in Egypt.

6. 8 Jan 2009: Under the Kingdom’s relief program, more than 270,000 Gazans will receive foodstuffs for a month.

SR167m raised in Kingdom

7. Saudis are accused by Israel of financing the Palestinian Jihad. Since Intifada Saudia have officially spend above $5 billion and unofficially billions on helping Palestine.

The royal family of Saudi Arabia donated more than $4 billion to the Palestinians between 1998 and 2003 to help finance offensive terrorist operations against Israel, a new report says.

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, a Washington, D.C-based group that monitors Mideast media “For decades the royal family of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been the main financial supporter of Palestinian groups fighting Israel, through the creation of two major committees," says the report.

Saudi royals funding Palestinian jihad

Ma-Salama :cheers:
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