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Saudi security is a red line | Pakistan

Alhamdulillah for muslim Allah Is the Ruler Al Malik and he rules both the world so no matter if india is ruled by hindu and our constitution don't differentiate muslim or hindu we are all equal .we have all the freedom to practice our religion .

There are lots of So called muslim who have idol in their heart like Salafi - wahabi - jamati they believe Majallah Allah have physical body and he literary sit in the thrown research Sky God Theory.

in Surah Al Fil Allah is asking his beloved prophet about a incident and how he protected the Holy Kaaba so i said he is the protector of both the city Makkah and Medina but not the ruler who already chosen Judo christian protector so what wrong in that can you please explain.

Why you think you are much better Muslim living in Hindu state where many idols worshipers instead Pakistan-Saudi Arabia (Makkah/Medinah custody). You are a bit selective to use Quran verses.

Yes, I am nationalist and Pakistan's best interest over emotional. I see benefits both Saudi Arabia/Pakistan for Middle East peace unlike Iran arrogance.
The truth is about 20%-30% of Pakistan will support Iran!

Only a small portion, something like 5-10% at most IMO.
The above group are overrepresented here at PDF. Take my word for it.

I'd imagine most of us, wouldn't take sides, in fact some of us would be deeply worried at the thought of choosing.
Dude, my best wishes are also with you guys..... Mecca & Medina will be protected at all costs, if necessary even at the cost of my life..... you don't get me why I'm pissed..... I am angry at the policies of your government where religion is whored out @ politics..... that is where you and I differ......

I don't like Nawaz either, but we wish you guys all the best.
We are a Parliamentary Democracy ! In our case the President is just a figure Head with very little powers vested in his/her Office. Its the Prime Minister of Pakistan who commands the real Power !

Nawaz Shareef is the Prime Minister of Pakistan & the head of the largest Party in Pakistan...by far the largest (in terms of the votes it got) !

wrong pakistan is a feudal plutocracy riled by robber barons....
pakistanis really love to worship saudis

saudi arabia is a country created by the devil, nothing else, how can you pakistanis worship the saud family and not God? seriously the hell with all pakistanis who worship and lick saudi feets, you are the worst of kaffirs, may you forever burn in Jahanam
The truth is about 20%-30% of Pakistan will support Iran!



Iran is popular in Pakistan, overwhelmingly disliked everywhere else

But then again if it is Saudi Arabia, then the figure will be same, if not, more.


5-10% ? Shias make about 20% of Pakistan so start from there
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Mix bag, facts with lies, as usual. Sauds use religion as a political tool which is a known fact. So do Iranians.

Were you referring to my earlier post. Do I need to post Pictures and take the risk of getting myself locked up for revealing military info to satisfy others. I don't think I should.:)

Let me just drop it right here my friend.

@Irfan Baloch knows better @Imran Khan as well.
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