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Saudi king recalls ambassador and demands end to Syria bloodshed

A banana republic asking another banana republic to take the path of democracy.man now i have seen it all.
And we think of the ummah and expect the Caliphate just around the corner! And have a thread going fierce and strong in views!

The reality unfolds before our eyes!

Sold to the highest bidder!

Why blame the imperialist for one's own fault and weakness.

Why should the imperialists not take advantage?

Here you go again, using twisted logic and misinformation to support your flawed perception of the world, not to mention your arrogant, racist and hegemony towards other group of people which you have clearly expressed in other posts.
Afghanistan, is by far the most prime example, of how dangerous this imperialist policies can result to. Leading western intellectuals have clearly and precisely pointed out how the west is terrified about the new Arab Spring.
America should share some blame for the current oppressive regime in Syria. There have been wikileak cables which pointed that western countries have been funding the opposition to rise, so it can support their strategic interests.
Pakistani's should stop bullying the Saudi members here, Sure Saudi Arabia has problems but it's 1000x better then Pakistan.
Pakistani's should stop bullying the Saudi members here, Sure Saudi Arabia has problems but it's 1000x better then Pakistan.
Yes Pakistan is much worse then Saudi wrt Fiscal Situation and other security issues but that does not mean we suck up to the Saudis.We have every right to freedom of speech.I am not surprised that Egyptions lived under Mubarak regime for more then 5 decades.Exactly because people like you prefer censorship and you know very well we are just talking about Government not common PEople (Much like most of your anti western posts are not anti western people but anti western governments!).
And let me get this straight....When Saudi Arabia does nothing you call them traitors and spineless fools...And when Saudi Arabia actually DOES something you call them traitors and spineless fools???

That was a nice reply, mate. :lol:
That is the right move, the alawite heretic regime is mincing the sunnite majority of syrians like veges and fruits. Where is the UN, NATO, HRW, EU, etc etc? Busy in Libya because the rebels there are pro-oil.

Saudi King is one to talk he's suppressing shia's.
The Kingdom does not discriminate among its citizen by the their religious sects. However if you mean freedom to curse the noble men and cause anarchy then that is not freedom and that will only happen over the bodies of Muslims in S.Arabia.

Iranian Sunni protesters killed in clashes with security forces | World news | The Guardian

So there is no way it is actually done for the behest of the Syrian people??
Syrians and Saudis have long running intermingled political and family releations. A lot of Saudi people are actually syrian origin. The Kindom has always cared for Syrian people regardless of its government position. The Syrian people see KSA as their last standing patron against the alawite animals occupying damascus.

and wikileaks's words are bible i presume?? Just the same as Debka files when they said Saudi Arabia opened its airspace for Israel??
If the jets were able to evade the radar, that hardly equals as KSA intentionally opening its air space.

Mosamania, you can never win with theses people . who cares about them anyway .
good step by the king, better late than never .
A thousand people agree, few history illiterate find is necessary to disagree. Ignore the trolls.

The hypocrisy shown by Iranians and Arabs is just mind boggling.Saudis support Bahraini Dictatorship while Iranians support Syrian Dictatorship.Both of these countries are using Palestinian and other countries people for their own goal.In my opinion Arabs and Iranians both are b@stards.Why Can't Iran and Saudi resolve their issue and focus on the large issues instead of fighting with each other for petty reasons.
You seem to neither know arab history nor the role of Safvid, Fatmid, Al Tusi, Ibn Alqami, Abo lolo..etc etc..better STFU.

A banana republic asking another banana republic to take the path of democracy.man now i have seen it all.
Lot of your banana country men are working in this banana republic for better future. How much is the bankrupt syrian regime contributing to it? At least don't drill in your feeding plate and be sincere.

Its okay for Bahrain to suppress their anti-Govt activists. KSA will even help them with men & material...but if Syria does the same its anti-Arab & anti-Muslim. Its nothing but double standard on the part of KSA.
You don't seem to know anything on Arab - Persian - Bahrain relations? do you? Ignorance is a bliss..keep living in your "world largest democracy" dream and prefer to keep quiet instead of making a total fool of yourself. The protests torn down in Bahrain were actual groups of Safvid propaganda misleading the world media. Don't believe me, have a look at posters and media recovered from the protestors. Since when cursing noble figures have come part of political protest? Remember, we are all sons of Umar R.A and if time comes we will not refrain from breaking the noses of those ahle-majoos.

For the Arabic Speaking members.

If I had a son, I would send him to Syria to fight alongside Syrian people and kick the alawite pigs out of sacred Damascus.

And whats with Pakistanis speaking in favour alawite crusaders in Syria? They haven't done anything good for Pakistan and support India openly. Since the Assads came to power, the once thriving Syrian-Pakistan relation has come to stand still.

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be honest its really big BS .who on earth Syrian forces bomb there public for one idiot ?
Most Saudi critics here do not really know much about Saudi Arabia except what the media is feeding them which is preposterous lies and propaganda against Saudi Arabia making it look like a medieval nation.

Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia seem to be the only ones defending it because they live here and they see what Saudi Arabia really is first hand. But again people do not like to believe them because then all what they grew up hearing about will be false.
I'm going to say how Pakistani's here bully the only few Saudi Members is disgusting stop it now.
Most Saudi critics here do not really know much about Saudi Arabia except what the media is feeding them which is preposterous lies and propaganda against Saudi Arabia making it look like a medieval nation.

Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia seem to be the only ones defending it because they live here and they see what Saudi Arabia really is first hand. But again people do not like to believe them because then all what they grew up hearing about will be false.

because most of them learn when they watch it and most of them don't know abut saudi so aljazeera bbc and cnn rock it lolz
Yes Pakistan is much worse then Saudi wrt Fiscal Situation and other security issues but that does not mean we suck up to the Saudis.We have every right to freedom of speech.I am not surprised that Egyptions lived under Mubarak regime for more then 5 decades.Exactly because people like you prefer censorship and you know very well we are just talking about Government not common PEople (Much like most of your anti western posts are not anti western people but anti western governments!).

With this brilliant post of yours, you have thrown away any hint of civil debate out of the window.
May I suggest that you spend some time learning before you comment.
The few Saudi members here have debated in a more articulate and civilized manner than a majority others.

Hope you understand.
Yes Pakistan is much worse then Saudi wrt Fiscal Situation and other security issues but that does not mean we suck up to the Saudis.We have every right to freedom of speech.I am not surprised that Egyptions lived under Mubarak regime for more then 5 decades.Exactly because people like you prefer censorship and you know very well we are just talking about Government not common PEople (Much like most of your anti western posts are not anti western people but anti western governments!).

bold part show you don't know middle east at all please do some research before write .
hosni In office
14 October 1981 – 11 February 2011
Most Saudi critics here do not really know much about Saudi Arabia except what the media is feeding them which is preposterous lies and propaganda against Saudi Arabia making it look like a medieval nation.

Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia seem to be the only ones defending it because they live here and they see what Saudi Arabia really is first hand. But again people do not like to believe them because then all what they grew up hearing about will be false.

Assalam alaikum

Some of the pakistanies r doing with u what the international press paint about us pakistanies ( blood thristy pakistanies, terrorists etc ) and they complain about it.

Some of them will never accept the ppl from ur place coz ur forefathers destroyed their empire.

The saudies have supported the syrian uprising from beginning and afters yesterdays speech of the king these ppl feel proud of their king and ready to do anything. I believe and know ppl of saudia love all their muslim brothers and i say it coz i was born there grew up playing with them, live there many years ( i will keep repeating the sentence for those ignorants lol )

I m suprised by my pakistani ( some of them and particularly on this forum ) brothers they treat our brother and a guest from a friendly country like an enemy , why?

Most Saudi critics here do not really know much about Saudi Arabia except what the media is feeding them which is preposterous lies and propaganda against Saudi Arabia making it look like a medieval nation.

Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia seem to be the only ones defending it because they live here and they see what Saudi Arabia really is first hand. But again people do not like to believe them because then all what they grew up hearing about will be false.

Aslam u alikum.
bro this forum is dominated by people of very particular mentality.they suffer from identity crisis,in the search of their identity they curse arabs in general and Saudia in particular and praise Iran.
you can identify them in threads of MQM & IRAN.
they are not more then 8-10 people but make lot of noise like heaven will gona fall.i request you when you became successful in identifying them try to ignore them and don't burn your blood for this scum.
Majority of them have no idea of Arab world,they never met an arab but have a bias against you don't know why.
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