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Saudi King Names Son Makkah Governor

Who cares about Iraq, after all, you are already at each other's throats. :lol:
Too bad you do since you keep talking about it, anyway good to hear it’s not the topic.

This is when you're going to be mistaken. Could you please show me any statement in this thread in which I defended a single individual? All what I said is to respond to bad-mouthing language about my country equally.
Every thread where I write "saud" Yzd Khalifa comes in.

You have to bring an example in which it indicates that I worship this and that. Otherwise, this argument might turn from offensive tactics into defensive.
I just did above ^^

After all, you were the one suggesting not to trust that General :lol:
No, I said trust him = trust press TV, some western articles make little difference, articles mean little to me.

Let's see how this republican leader of yours will handle Al-Qaida's daily attacks on his own people. :rofl:

Hands off your pocket, put your hands where we can see them :sniper:
It’s the armed forces that are working on this, not the head of state or PM, whatever leader there is military is responsible for it’s own tasks.
Let’s just wish them luck to stabilize the state to prevent more attacks on innocent people.

Lastly I don't have a problem with any person insulting any political leader or head of state including that of KSA. I have a problem when somebody are attacking KSA and Saudi Arabians as they always do when they claim to only "insult/hate" the leaders. Those are the same few individuals on this forum who are trolling every Saudi Arabian thread. What do you want us to reply to them?
Criticizing them once and you have every Saudi feeling personally offended.

It is funny that I need to repeat that and more funnier since whenever anybody criticizes Iraq and the government you run to its defense and try and then you have the audacity to cry about us doing the same. Say what?
Those are attacks against all of us, not the government, you can attack the gov and any personal person as long as you want, it doesn’t bother me just don’t insult all of us together with it.

Iraqis are exactly the same. Eating everything row that their government sells to them and always support it. The reason why Saddam Hussein and others before him could last this long. Same with Al-Maliki. Arabs only rebel as the last option.
You have little choice, your forced in conscription military if you refuse you either get jail or death, we support the country & army not leader, don’t care about him

What do you want us to do? Go set the country on fire to get a so-called democratically elected leader or even worse some bloodthirsty dictator?
No just quit feeling like it’s a personal insult when someone talks about the king.
Everything is political disagreements, like you’d care about some religious difference, you would accept the biggest rafidi if he was pro Saudi Arabia & current regime.

Who are you to decide ? Islam & politics go together, since Salafism is following tradiational Islam it is involving it with politics thus they want power and they do it with violence like in the old days, you trying to tell me they’re peaceful ?

When did I say they were ?

Again statistics, quit joking.

No one represents no one here or with religion.

During the caliphates people of the same sects killed each other for all I know so there will always be an enemy, even internal.

What a bunch of nonsense. I would NEVER accept a leader who believes in such a nonsense sect or who did not represent the majority of the people. Nor would the people accept him.

Real traditional Salafis who make up a small percentage of Sunni Muslims are following the Salaf.

Salaf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The most pious Muslims of them all.

Nowhere did those pious Muslims follow un-Islamic beliefs or things.

Then there is a vocal LITTLE TINY BUNCH of Muslims who call themselves either Sunni Muslims or Salafis who are doing un-Islamic things. They have nothing to do with regular Muslims or Islam.

Just like the extinct Muslim sects and their members.

Disagreements bound in POLITICS (nationalism, history, family feuds, power you name it) and not RELIGION. Islam does not command neither of those things.

Sunni Muslims are not killing each other anywhere in the world because of religion.

So-called violence (you mean defending oneself) is allowed in Islam and no secret. We believe in that. This is why legitimate Jihad is tolerated by Muslims. Everybody has a right to defend themselves. Following Islam is being a Muslim and not a politician that is a member of political party x or y.

You implied they were.

What you talking about? 90% of all Muslims are following Sunni Islam. If they AGREED with Shia Islam they would have accepted/converted to Shia Islam. Don't you think so? But they are not doing that. End of discussion on this issue.

Sunni Muslims represent Islam more than anyone else since they form 90% of the Muslim population. Simple logic.

For every Shia there are 9 Sunni Muslims.

Political/power disagreements. Nothing to do with religion again.
What a bunch of nonsense. I would NEVER accept a leader who believe in such a nonsense sect or who did not represent the majority of the people. Nor would the people accept him.
Didn’t say as leader I said as person.

Real traditional Salafis who make up a small percentage of Sunni Muslims are following the Salaf.

Salaf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The most pious Muslims of them all.

[Nowhere did those pious Muslims follow un-Islamic beliefs or things.
What is Salaf then, it is political, it is conquering by war therefor their violent terrorism all over the world, so quit the last story you told me.
So you approve of terrorism, don’t tell me a story that your local "salafi" is a better one than those fighters following the ideology.
It is funny that I need to repeat that and more funnier since whenever anybody criticizes Iraq and the government you run to its defense and try and then you have the audacity to cry about us doing the same. Say what?
It is because he has elected his Governor and you are being selected that Monarch.
Didn’t say as leader I said as person.

What is Salaf then, it is political, it is conquering by war therefor their violent terrorism all over the world, so quit the last story you told me.
So you approve of terrorism, don’t tell me a story that your local "salafi" is a better one than those fighters following the ideology.


What you talking about? Salaf is the name for the most pious Muslims. The first generations of Muslims and Sahabah. People who follow them as example aside from traditional Islam are labelled as Salafis by some persons who started to use that word against those persons.

You are seriously either delbiaretely acting dumb or not reading what I am writing.
Try again.

Real traditional Salafis who make up a small percentage of Sunni Muslims are following the Salaf.

Salaf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The most pious Muslims of them all.

Nowhere did those pious Muslims follow un-Islamic beliefs or things.

Then there is a vocal LITTLE TINY BUNCH of Muslims who call themselves either Sunni Muslims or Salafis who are doing un-Islamic things. They have nothing to do with regular Muslims or Islam.

Just like the extinct Muslim sects and their members.

So-called violence (you mean defending oneself) is allowed in Islam and no secret. We believe in that. This is why legitimate Jihad is tolerated by Muslims. Everybody has a right to defend themselves. Following Islam is being a Muslim and not a politician that is a member of political party x or y.

Having this discussion with you is fruitless because you do not know enough about Islam. Just look at your last reply. It is like I am talking with an American that only knows Islam through FOX NEWS.

You have a problem with Muslims defending themselves? Your understanding of Jihad is the understanding of some disbelievers who are killing innocents or whatever you are thinking which has nothing to do with the actual words meaning.

Jihad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not my problem again.

We are getting off-topic again. I am done here.

What you talking about? Salaf is the name for the most pious Muslims. The first generations of Muslims and Sahabah. People who follow them as example aside from traditional Islam are labelled as Salafis by some persons who started to use that word against those persons.

You are seriously either delbiaretely acting dumb or not reading what I am writing.
Try again.

That’s right, see the bold part, and that is what they follow these days, and don’t think Saudi Arabia is safe from that ideology because Saudi Arabia does not follow that ideology.
Heres Salafism, you support them often in Syria but this video has parts about Saudi Arabia just so you know their ideology, since they are pious you should join them.

You have a problem with Muslims defending themselves? Your understanding of Jihad is the understanding of some disbelievers who are killing innocents or whatever you are thinking which has nothing to do with the actual words meaning.
So those in the vid can start jihad with you also ? don’t tell me let them come, this isn’t about comparing power.

@BLACKEAGLE this is also for your double faced words, either be the real Salafi or quit pretending.


You disagree with them politically which is a big thing actually, a thing for which people kill each other, or as others say what Muslims kill each other about.

Egyptian army vs Salafis
Iraqi army vs Salafis
Saudi army vs Salafis
Almost every Sunni majority state clashes with them

Do I need to go on ?
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That’s right, see the bold part, and that is what they follow these days, and don’t think Saudi Arabia is safe from that ideology because Saudi Arabia does not follow that ideology.
Heres Salafism, you support them often in Syria but this video has parts about Saudi Arabia just so you know their ideology, since they are pious you should join them.

So those in the vid can start jihad with you also ? don’t tell me let them come, this isn’t about comparing power.

Do you think that you are discussing with a idiot (apparently you do since you are playing those games with me) or somebody that is totally clueless about Islam? You serious? I might not be a Sheikh but at least my family were Hashemites and some were highly respected clerics in and around Hijaz and in other countries where they once lived. I know my Islam.

What do you not understand? The traditional meaning of the word "Salafi" (made up word) are Muslims taking the Salaf as an example.

The Salaf did not kill innocents or make suicide bombs. Do you understand this simple fact or not? They are regarded by all Sunni Muslims as the most pious Muslims and as the first generation of Muslims.

Do you understand the fact that those disbelievers "Jihad" is a false Jihad and has nothing to do with the Jihad that Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Sahabah engaged in?

If you believe this then you believe that Islam supports the deliberate killings of innocents which is not what Islam teaches.

Why don't you for once stop trolling and read about the actual things you are discussing?
Also learn the difference between Muslims and Jihadists. Some are righteous Jihadists and some are disbelievers. Don't need to tell you which is which do I?
The first generations of Muslims are collectively referred to as the "Pious Predecessors" (as-Salaf as-Saleh),[25] and include the "Companions" (Sahabah), the "Followers" (Tabi‘un) and the "Followers of the Followers" (Tabi‘ al-Tabi‘in). These are revered in Islamicorthodoxy and Sunni theologians since the fifth Muslim generation or earlier have used their example to understand the texts and tenets of Islam, sometimes to differentiate the creed of the first Muslims from subsequent variations in creed and methodology (see Madhab),[26] to oppose religious innovation (bid‘ah) and, conversely, to defend particular views and practices.[27][28]

Bernard Haykel, professor of Near Eastern Studies, states that among Sunnis is "a strongly held view that temporal proximity to the Prophet Muhammad is associated with the truest form of Islam." [29] This veneration is based on a number of records of the sayings ofMuhammad who said, "I am the best Salaf for you"[30] and, as narrated in the Sahih al-Bukhari of `Abd Allah ibn `Umar, a companion of Muhammad; "The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them and then those who will come after them..."|Sahih al-Bukhari collected by Muhammad al-Bukhari.[31] The term has been in use since the Middle Ages.[citation needed]

The terms Salafi, Ahl-as-Sunnah ("People of the Sunnah") and Ahl al-Hadith ("People of the Tradition") are all considered[by whom?] to bear the same or similar connotation, and Muslim scholars have used them interchangeably[citation needed] throughout the ages, Ahl al-Hadeeth possibly being the oldest recorded term for these earliest adherents,[32] while Ahl as-Sunnah is overwhelmingly used by Muslim scholars, including Salafis as well as others, such as the Ash'ari sect, leading to a narrower use of the term "Salafi".[33]

Opposition to extremism

In recent years the Salafi methodology has wrongly come to be associated with the jihad of extremist groups and related groups that advocate the killing of innocent civilians. While some terrorists claim to be Salafi, these acts have consistently been strongly opposed by some Salafi scholars such as Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani, Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen and Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz who had all issued fatawa (religious verdicts) forbidding suicide bombing declaring the act as being totally haram (forbidden).[7] [8] [9] [10]

Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz said with regards to suicide bombings:

" ...such an act is never correct because it is a form of killing oneself and Allāh subhanahu wa ta'ala says: 'And do not kill yourselves. [Sūrah al-Nisā 4:29]' And the prophet salAllahu 'aleihi wa selim said: 'Whoever kills himself by any means, he will be punished by it on the Day of Resurrection. [Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 670]' The person should rather strive and seek to guide them and if fighting is legalized and legislated, then he fights alongside the Muslims. If he’s then killed in this way, then Allāh is praised. But as for killing himself by booby-trapping his body with explosives, thereby killing others and himself, this is wrong and completely impermissible. Rather, he should fight with the Muslims only when fighting is legitimately legislated. As for the [suicidal] actions of (some of) the Palestinians, they are wrong and produce no benefit. Instead, it is compulsory upon them to call to Allāh by teaching, guiding, and advising and not by such actions as these."[76]

The groups and individuals that carry out terrorist attacks are regarded as being out of the fold of the methodology of the Salaf, misguided and deviant; chiefly erroneous "Qutubi jihadism" groups.

It has been noted that the Western association of Salafi ideology with violence stems from writings done "through the prism of security studies" that were published in the late 20th century, having persisted well into contemporary literature.[77] More recent attempts have been made by academics and scholars who challenge these major assumptions.

Anyway I don't identity as a Sunni Muslim that is a "Salafi". I am a Sunni Muslim of the Shaf'i fiqh. Besides I do not agree with those made up names that are thrown towards Muslims. Sunni Muslims are one. Only politics and other things that have nothing to do with Islam are a source for division.
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Do you think that you are discussing with a idiot (apparently you do since you are playing those games with me) or somebody that is totally clueless about Islam? You serious? I might not be a Sheikh but at least my family were Hashemites and some were highly respected clerics in and around Hijaz and in other countries where they once lived. I know my Islam.
Tribe doesn’t make you a better Muslm then others, there is a vid in Iraq where a Sheikh from a Sunni Arab tribe was telling them what he was yet they executed him anyway making fun of his tribe, they don’t care about that.

What do you not understand? The traditional meaning of the word "Salafi" (made up word) are Muslims taking the Salaf as an example.

The Salaf did not kill innocents or make suicide bombs. Do you understand this simple fact or not? They are regarded by all Sunni Muslims as the most pious Muslims and as the first generation of Muslims.
The first Muslims conquered by war what are you talking about

Do you understand the fact that those disbelievers "Jihad" is a false Jihad and has nothing to do with the Jihad that Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Sahabah engaged in?
Who says so, you ?
Are you Ayatollah of the Sunnis ?
@MooshMoosh disagrees with you
Tribe doesn’t make you a better Muslm then others, there is a vid in Iraq where a Sheikh from a Sunni Arab tribe was telling them what he was yet they executed him anyway making fun of his tribe, they don’t care about that.

The first Muslims conquered by war what are you talking about

Who says so, you ?
Are you Ayatollah of the Sunnis ?
@MooshMoosh disagrees with you

Who said that it makes me a better Muslim? You always put words in my mouth. You are crossing the line.

It seems just that you are acting like you are talking to some middle-aged American from Oregon that only knows Islam from watching Fox News reports…..

Not sure what more I need to tell you.

So when did the first generation of Muslims kill innocents, make suicide bombings and other stuff? You tell me. Don't you have any respect for the most pious generation as a Sunni Muslim? Or do you view them as terrorists since you are making the comparison? I am serious. How do you view Prophet Muhammad (saws)?How do you understand Jihad? Do you think that killing innocents is Jihad?

Not a spokesman for anybody but at least I know that most Sunni Muslims have the same opinion as me otherwise you would see us all doing what you claim.

Sunnis do not have Ayatollah's btw. Shows how much you know Islam.

Finished trolling?
Who said that it makes me a better Muslim? You always put words in my mouth. You are crossing the line.

It seems just that you are acting like you are talking to some middle-aged American from Oregon that only knows Islam from watching Fox News reports…..

Not sure what more I need to tell you.

So when did the first generation of Muslims kill innocents, make suicide bombings and other stuff? You tell me. Don't you have any respect for the most pious generation as a Sunni Muslim? Or do you view them as terrorists since you are making the comparison? I am serious. How do you view Prophet Muhammad (saws)?How do you understand Jihad? Do you think that killing innocents is Jihad?

Not a spokesman for anybody but at least I know that most Sunni Muslims have the same opinion as me otherwise you would see us all doing what you claim.

Finished trolling?

Not trolling, there were no such bombs at that time.

History says they conquered/expanded by war, war = killing, who is innocent is something they decide, for all they care no one is innocent.
I didn’t say the first Muslims were terrorists, but they killed and conquered like todays Jihadists are trying, these Salafis seem closer to the first Muslims than others with some nationalist tendencies ( Saudi Arabia better than other states ), after all nationalism is not allowed so maybe these are the real ones.

Those mujahideen you and Yzd khalifa here supported in Afghanistan against the Soviets aren’t different than those of today, so it is a nationalist problem you have, you don’t mind them elsewhere, nationalism is not allowed. Who else is the Salafi anyway

Sunnis do not have Ayatollah's btw. Shows how much you know Islam.
I already know that, was just using the word Ayatollah to point something out, Sheikh Mufti, Emir whatever I call it *** long as you know what I mean.
Now @al-Hasani wants to prove their barbaric country is the most hell democratic in the World.
Maybe the're democratic to blow their self in Iraq and have home sexual.
Not trolling, there were no such bombs at that time.

History says they conquered/expanded by war, war = killing, who is innocent is something they decide, for all they care no one is innocent.
I didn’t say the first Muslims were terrorists, but they killed and conquered like todays Jihadists are trying, these Salafis seem closer to the first Muslims than others with some nationalist tendencies ( Saudi Arabia better than other states ), after all nationalism is not allowed so maybe these are the real ones.

Those mujahideen you and Yzd khalifa here supported in Afghanistan against the Soviets aren’t different than those of today, so it is a nationalist problem you have, you don’t mind them elsewhere, nationalism is not allowed. Who else is the Salafi anyway

I already know that, was just using the word Ayatollah to point something out, Sheikh Mufti, Emir whatever I call it *** long as you know what I mean.

What a bunch of nonsense, I hear from a Sunni Muslim. Never expected this.

You do not know your Muslim history it seems. They never targeted any innocents. Muslims were persecuted by the early Makkawis and many others and had to emigrate to the land of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) where they enjoyed protection from the Christian King who later also converted to Islam. The early Muslims only fought against aggressors and those that tried to kill Muslim.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) respected other religions and even wrote a letter to Christians in Egypt.

Achtiname of Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Sahabah and his family were the best Muslims of the time. This cannot be discussed or questioned.

You should either stop saying that you are a Sunni Muslim if you have such beliefs or read what you are talking about.

Already told you that Salafi is not Jihadist. Do you know the difference between those two?

People who are killing Muslims and innocents are not "righteous" besides if you belief they are great then join them.

I warn you not to make comparisons between the Salaf and those disbelievers/lunatics. You are disrespecting the greatest Muslims and putting yourself to shame on a majority Muslim forum and given trolls the opportunity to attack Muslims and Islam.

What are you talking about? The Muslims fighters who defeated the Communists of the Soviet Union who killed over 1 million Muslim Afghans were not killing civilians and only fought a defensive war and won. What are you talking about?
Emir is not a religious title or position.

Mufti is the only thing slightly comparable with the Shia clergy and their systems.

Read about what a mufti is:

Mufti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now @al-Hasani wants to prove their barbaric country is the most hell democratic in the World.
Maybe the're democratic to blow their self in Iraq and have home sexual.

Maybe you should try to learn simple English and stop trolling and trying to get my attention. Not going to talk with you unless you stop trolling all the time. Also are you obsessed about gays or what? How many times do I need to tell you that I am not interested?

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