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Saudi King Names Son Makkah Governor

Thanks for your explanation. ;)

No need to be sorry about it. I understand your privacy concerns. maybe I should not ask you this question at the first place. So, I am sorry about it ;)

Very good synonym indeed. :agree:

There is nothing to feel sorry about. I don't think being a member of any given family or being associated with it makes no difference to me as I was always brought up to act the way I was supposed to act on personality grounds rather having an ilk ego.
There is nothing to feel sorry about. I don't think being a member of any given family or being associated with it makes no difference to me as I was always brought up to act the way I was supposed to act on personality grounds rather having an ilk ego.
Agree :tup:
Despite the fact that what you are suggesting is partially true, I don't think Almaany.com is a Saudi-based central site Al-Hasani:


Here is how Turki is being defined in Classical Arabic as well:


I'm not a tribal person, so coming from an A or B Province in KSA doesn't matter to me much :) ..

@Yzd Khalifa that is the meaning that only some people of Najd have adopted. In the rest of the Arab world Turki simply means Turk/Turkish. For instance Turki is not a common name in Hijaz or any other region of KSA traditionally or the Arab world.

I mean in Arabic Turki means Turk/Turkish.

Al-Turki (The Turk)

Al-Afghani (The Afghan)


But some names get a strange shift of meaning sometimes.:)
@Yzd Khalifa

The word Turki means Turk in Arabic but the name has been adopted in parts of Najd for the explanation you have given and later it has spread (in more recent times) to some other parts of the Arab world. Traditionally it was not a name that meant what some people have adopted in Najd from my understanding. The name is at least absent in the early days of Islam as a given names for Muslims. So it points to a later origin and adoption. Although I know that the origin of the name is somewhat shrouded but there are more plausible theories in my eyes and the one I wrote here is the one I consider the most plausible.

Anyway it does not matter. Just wanted to explain it for @rmi5 since he asked.

After all it is just a name.:)

It look likes u are a researcher in Islam.Dont u wan to read Shia hadiths?

I try to research the religion from time to time but there are so many fields and it takes years to master one fully to even call yourself knowledgable by the true sense of the word that this is a learning process always. By researching I don't mean changing beliefs but learning about Islam.
@Yzd Khalifa

The word Turki means Turk in Arabic but the name has been adopted in parts of Najd for the explanation you have given and later it has spread (in more recent times) to some other parts of the Arab world. Traditionally it was not a name that meant what some people have adopted in Najd from my understanding. The name is at least absent in the early days of Islam as a given names for Muslims. So it points to a later origin and adoption. Although I know that the origin of the name is somewhat shrouded but there are more plausible theories in my eyes and the one I wrote here is the one I consider the most plausible.

Anyway it does not matter. Just wanted to explain it for @rmi5 since he asked.

After all it is just a name.:)

I try to research the religion from time to time but there are so many fields and it takes years to master one fully to even call yourself knowledgable by the true sense of the word that this is a learning process always. By researching I don't mean changing beliefs but learning about Islam.


But know Islam is believe to Prophet and ahalbait not just believe to Prophet.
For example Apostles of Christ(saa) and Imams of bani Israel were 12. I dont know why Sunnies dont want see the truth.(they are many sunnies become Shia 12 Imam everyday)
There are much change to believe to Prophet alone or believe to all of Ahlalbait.
However good Luck.and have good believes.
You should either stop saying that you are a Sunni Muslim if you have such beliefs or read what you are talking about.
You see your going on the path to do some takfeer on me, now you know how it works with this : "not allowed to kill other Muslims", they just do some takfeer.

People who are killing Muslims and innocents are not "righteous" besides if you believe that they are great then join them.
Again a comment that holds no value, because they do takfir on those Muslims and they decide whether they are innocent just like today & in the old days, Khamenei calls himself Muslim you accept that ?

I warn you not to make comparisons between the Salaf and those disbelievers/lunatics. You are disrespecting the greatest Muslims and putting yourself to shame on a majority Muslim forum and giving trolls the opportunity to attack Muslims and Islam.
So who is the lunatic, those in Chechenya or ISIS, both are on the same lines.

What are you talking about? The Muslims fighters who defeated the Communists of the Soviet Union who killed over 1 million Muslim Afghans were not killing civilians and only fought a defensive war and won.
And those in Chechenya ? Those are also similar to the one we are talking about

What are you talking about?
Emir is not a religious title or position.

Mufti is the only thing slightly comparable with the Shia clergy and their systems.

Read about what a mufti is:

Mufti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some leading speaker is what I mean thus I used those words.

I am not sure if I am to take you seriously anymore. You simply do not understand what is being written to you, your posts lack cohesion and your knowledge about Islam is greatly limited and you make strange out of the place comparisons that have nothing in common.


I am not sure if I am to take you seriously anymore. You simply do not understand what is being written to you, your posts lack cohesion and your knowledge about Islam is greatly limited and you make strange out of the place comparisons that have nothing in common.


Our disagreement is about Salafis, I don't claim to know much about religion though this is why there are some wrong parts written by me there, anyway drop the discussion.
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