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Saudi King Names Son Makkah Governor

Not trolling, there were no such bombs at that time.

History says they conquered/expanded by war, war = killing, who is innocent is something they decide, for all they care no one is innocent.
I didn’t say the first Muslims were terrorists, but they killed and conquered like todays Jihadists are trying, these Salafis seem closer to the first Muslims than others with some nationalist tendencies ( Saudi Arabia better than other states ), after all nationalism is not allowed so maybe these are the real ones.

Those mujahideen you and Yzd khalifa here supported in Afghanistan against the Soviets aren’t different than those of today, so it is a nationalist problem you have, you don’t mind them elsewhere, nationalism is not allowed. Who else is the Salafi anyway

I already know that, was just using the word Ayatollah to point something out, Sheikh Mufti, Emir whatever I call it *** long as you know what I mean.

What a bunch of nonsense, I hear from a Sunni Muslim. Never expected this.

You do not know your Muslim history it seems. They never targeted any innocents. Muslims were persecuted by the early Makkawis and many others and had to emigrate to the land of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) where they enjoyed protection from the Christian King who later also converted to Islam. The early Muslims only fought against aggressors and those that tried to kill Muslim.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) respected the two other Abrahamic religions and even wrote a letter to Christians in Egypt.

Achtiname of Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Sahabah and his family were the best Muslims of the time. This cannot be discussed or questioned.

You should either stop saying that you are a Sunni Muslim if you have such beliefs or read what you are talking about.

Already told you that Salafi is not Jihadist. Do you know the difference between those two?

People who are killing Muslims and innocents are not "righteous" besides if you believe that they are great then join them.

I warn you not to make comparisons between the Salaf and those disbelievers/lunatics. You are disrespecting the greatest Muslims and putting yourself to shame on a majority Muslim forum and giving trolls the opportunity to attack Muslims and Islam.

What are you talking about? The Muslims fighters who defeated the Communists of the Soviet Union who killed over 1 million Muslim Afghans were not killing civilians and only fought a defensive war and won. What are you talking about?
Emir is not a religious title or position.

Mufti is the only thing slightly comparable with the Shia clergy and their systems.

Read about what a mufti is:

Mufti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now @al-Hasani wants to prove their barbaric country is the most hell democratic in the World.
Maybe the're democratic to blow their self in Iraq and have home sexual.

Maybe you should try to learn simple English and stop trolling and trying to get my attention. Not going to talk with you unless you stop trolling all the time. Also are you obsessed about gays or what? How many times do I need to tell you that I am not interested?

Stop acting like a idiot.
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Let’s just wish them luck to stabilize the state to prevent more attacks on innocent people.

I most certainly do wish the best of luck. All what it takes is to pull the trigger, eliminating these scums is good for humanity - regardless of the sect these terrorists fallow -

Too bad you do since you keep talking about it, anyway good to hear it’s not the topic.

Well, I you brought it up and I let you have it.

Every thread where I write "saud" Yzd Khalifa comes in.

So I guess you failed to backup these allegations against me :lol:

At this point I guess that the Chinese worship their leaders while responding to Indians, so the Turks are while replying to Greeks, or Pakistanis to Indians or Americans to the Ruskies.

I just did above ^^

You just throw a word at random.

No, I said trust him = trust press TV, some western articles make little difference, articles mean little to me.

If all these sources - some of which quoted US official - aren't enough to prove that point then I guess the issue might have turned away from being subjectivity to objectivity, at least to you.

It’s the armed forces that are working on this, not the head of state or PM, whatever leader there is military is responsible for it’s own tasks.

The PM is the civili sprit to the state, the body of the armed forces. Nothing can be done without him, under his command, and under his own well.

Too bad you do since you keep talking about it, anyway good to hear it’s not the topic.

Every thread where I write "saud" Yzd Khalifa comes in.

I just did above ^^

No, I said trust him = trust press TV, some western articles make little difference, articles mean little to me.

It’s the armed forces that are working on this, not the head of state or PM, whatever leader there is military is responsible for it’s own tasks.
Let’s just wish them luck to stabilize the state to prevent more attacks on innocent people.


Now @al-Hasani wants to prove their barbaric country is the most hell democratic in the World.
Maybe the're democratic to blow their self in Iraq and have home sexual.

Thanks to Iran, they invented suicide bombing after all.

Mohammad Hossein Fahmideh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If I remember correctly, you belong to Saud Family as well. Am I right?
BTW, what does the name Turki mean? Does it have anything to do with Turks? :partay:
I most certainly do wish the best of luck. All what it takes is to pull the trigger, eliminating these scums is good for humanity - regardless of the sect these terrorists fallow -

Well, I you brought it up and I let you have it.

So I guess you failed to backup these allegations against me :lol:

At this point I guess that the Chinese worship their leaders while responding to Indians, so the Turks are while replying to Greeks, or Pakistanis to Indians or Americans to the Ruskies.

You just throw a word at random.

If all these sources - some of which quoted US official - aren't enough to prove that point then I guess the issue might have turned away from being subjectivity to objectivity, at least to you.

The PM is the civili sprit to the state, the body of the armed forces. Nothing can be done without him, under his command, and under his own well.

Thanks to Iran, they invented suicide bombing after all.

Mohammad Hossein Fahmideh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He is martyred who stopped Iraqis in war.Do u go to war to walking??
If I remember correctly, you belong to Saud Family as well. Am I right?
BTW, what does the name Turki mean? Does it have anything to do with Turks? :partay:

Turki means Turk in Arabic as well. I think that the House of Saud have some Turkish in them. Although not sure. Always wondered about such a name as well.

@Yzd Khalifa is not a member of the House of Saud although there are many of them (15.000) but 99% of them have nothing to do with the government and do not descend from Abdul-Aziz bin Saud the founder of KSA.

They are a normal family like yours for example, just probably a little bigger with more branches. But most are normal people like you and me. It is not like royal families in Europe that only has 20-30 members at most.

Sorry, I don't answer this question.
If I remember correctly, you belong to Saud Family as well. Am I right?
BTW, what does the name Turki mean? Does it have anything to do with Turks? :partay:

Turki means handsomeness & strength.

He is martyred who stopped Iraqis in war.Do u go to war to walking??

The bottom line remains the bottom line.

He was the 1st person to use suicide tactics.

He must have been a true aspiration to the savages of Al-Qaida :lol:
Turki means Turk in Arabic I think that the House of Saud have some Turkish in them. Although not sure. Always wondered about such a name as well.

@Yzd Khalifa is not a member of the House of Saud although there are many of them (15.000) but 99% of them have nothing to do with the government and do not descend from Abdul-Aziz bin Saud the founder of KSA.


Thanks for your explanation. ;)
Sorry, I don't answer this question.
No need to be sorry about it. I understand your privacy concerns. maybe I should not ask you this question at the first place. So, I am sorry about it ;)
Turki means handsomeness & strength.
Very good synonym indeed. :agree:
@Yzd Khalifa that is the meaning that only some people of Najd have adopted. In the rest of the Arab world Turki simply means Turk/Turkish. For instance Turki is not a common name in Hijaz or any other region of KSA traditionally or the Arab world.

I mean in Arabic Turki means Turk/Turkish.

Al-Turki (The Turk)

Al-Afghani (The Afghan)


But some names get a strange shift of meaning sometimes.:)
@Yzd Khalifa that is the meaning that only some people of Najd have adopted. In the rest of the Arab world Turki simply means Turk/Turkish. For instance Turki is not a common name in Hijaz or any other region of KSA traditionally or the Arab world.

I mean in Arabic Turki means Turk/Turkish.

Al-Turki (The Turk)

Al-Afghani (The Afghan)


But some names get a strange shift of meaning sometimes.:)

Najdi people seem to be very intelligent and friendly. :enjoy::-)
@Yzd Khalifa

Don't agree with that suicide notion. Technically that is a suicide but what about the Kamikaze of WW2? They were regularly flying suicide bombers who died for their country and emperor.

Najdi people seem to be very intelligent and friendly. :enjoy::-)

They are not.:D

Don't see a problem with sacrificing your life for a cause in a regular battle. Nothing to do with suicide bombings as such but just as a side comment. For example many soldiers/warriors went into battles knowing that they would probably not return.

I have respect for this.
Sorry, I don't answer this question.

Turki means handsomeness & strength.

The bottom line remains the bottom line.

He was the 1st person to use suicide tactics.

He must have been a true aspiration to the savages of Al-Qaida :lol:
Ok we have had a suicide in War againt Iraq but 60% f suicides in Iraq are Saudian and kill sillness man woman and children
Turki means Turk in Arabic as well. I think that the House of Saud have some Turkish in them. Although not sure. Always wondered about such a name as well.

@Yzd Khalifa is not a member of the House of Saud although there are many of them (15.000) but 99% of them have nothing to do with the government and do not descend from Abdul-Aziz bin Saud the founder of KSA.

They are a normal family like yours for example, just probably a little bigger with more branches. But most are normal people like you and me. It is not like royal families in Europe that only has 20-30 members at most.

Dude, how the Turkish guy get into shiekh haram......lolzzz..
So, Maybe they rank in these regards after Hijaziz ;) :D

Just joking. Don't want to offend anyone. Also partially Najdi although far back.

Contrary to some popular belief then it is actually a very beautiful province. Mountain ranges, hilly landscapes, beautiful deserts, big agricultural areas, many oasis, steppes, ancient small cities. It is Saudi Arabia's "wild west".

The people are very hospitable too.

Dude, how the Turkish guy get into shiekh haram......lolzzz..


Just telling you that the House of Saud are a big family and that they have obviously intermarried with many people/families from different regions of not only KSA, the Arabian Peninsula, Arab world but also the Middle East as a whole.
Quite a few of the grandsons and great-grandsons of Abdulaziz ibn Saud are mixtures.

Back in the day people were not as obsessed about ethnic groups but religion was much more important. This is why for example, since you started talking about Turks, most Sultans of the Ottoman Empire married outsiders, often Christians originally.
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