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Saudi-India defence cooperation pact next month

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because JF-17 engine is bought by China not Pakistan. and why should we block such a deal which is not really a threat to us.??

the indian lobby pushed for it but didnt succeed in the end...in the long run, the modified RD-93s wont be powering the aircrafts in times to come
I think it would be wise to keep our distance from them.

I think Pakistan should keep every option on the table, Israel would bring Pakistan good will amongst western nations where Pakistan's image has been damaged greatly along with some other benefits. Not that they should be recognized right away but it should be on the table.
Why not it would be a perfect check to Arab influence. Arabs get out of line Pakistan should move closer to the Israelis.

no i dont think so b/c doing so would alienate our relations with Egypt; and with Egypt there is good potential for them to become customer of JF-17

I think Pakistan should keep every option on the table, Israel would bring Pakistan good will amongst western nations where Pakistan's image has been damaged greatly along with some other benefits. Not that they should be recognized right away but it should be on the table.

the countries dont recognize eachother diplomatically; any cooperation they engage in (security/defense related) is done behind closed doors

(open secret at this point)
because JF-17 engine is bought by China not Pakistan. and why should we block such a deal which is not really a threat to us.??

LOL, if that's what you tell yourself to remain in your delusional fantasy, then so be it!

But we all know india ain't no "shupaar powaar".
no i dont think so b/c doing so would alienate our relations with Egypt; and with Egypt there is good potential for them to become customer of JF-17

the countries dont recognize eachother diplomatically; any cooperation they engage in (security/defense related) is done behind closed doors
(open secret at this point)

Egypt itself has open relations with them and helps them in blockading Gazan land routes lol if those people have a problem with Pakistan talking to the Israelis then Pakistan shouldn't be talking with such hypocritical chutiyas anyway. Not to mention Egyptians openly mocked Pakistan during their "revolution".

I know they do not but I am saying maybe Pakistan should keep that option on the table.
I think Pakistan should keep every option on the table, Israel would bring Pakistan good will amongst western nations where Pakistan's image has been damaged greatly along with some other benefits. Not that they should be recognized right away but it should be on the table.

Who cares about the West?? Pakistan's concern should be strengthening ties with its immediate neighbors to its West like Iran and Central Asian nations. That is where our future lies, not in a dieing West.

The West has destroyed itself for israel, we must never make the mistake of becoming another satellite (anymore than we already are) of their in this region.
LOL, if that's what you tell yourself to remain in your delusional fantasy, then so be it!

But we all know india ain't no "shupaar powaar".

For Pakistan's status ya we are>>>.:bunny:
Who cares about the West?? Pakistan's concern should be strengthening ties with its immediate neighbors to its West like Iran and Central Asian nations. That is where our future lies, not in a dieing West.

The West has destroyed itself for israel, we must never make the mistake of becoming another satellite (anymore than we already are) of their in this region.

Saudis are making deals with Indians, Iranians are firmly behind India as well and come 2014 Afghan pull out they will realign their interests to combat Pakistan for control in Afghanistan. Therefore Pakistan should keep as many options on the table as possible for its own national interests. In fact Saudis invest in India whereas they just pay of Pakistani leaders with chump change. The West will not die bro lets be real, no doubt Pakistan should expand relations with CARs but that doesn't mean it should ignore other countries. Like Pakistan doesn't even recognize Armenia because of Turkey when Turkey itself recognizes Armenia. Also Pakistan should expand ties with South American countries as well the current relations with Cuba is a good start.
Lol, india super dooper power gets bullied by China at the border. Don't forget, we slaughtered 5 of your soldiers and you did jack sh!t.
haven't you gone to the thread where Indian army chief ..accepted taking revenge of the soldiers you killed...
if not please read it..:woot::cheesy::cheesy:
Saudis are making deals with Indians, Iranians are firmly behind India as well and come 2014 they will realign their interests to combat Pakistan for control in Afghanistan. Therefore Pakistan should keep as many options on the table as possible for its own national interests. In fact Saudis invest in India whereas they just pay of Pakistani leaders with chump change. The West will not die in our lifetime bro lets be real, no doubt Pakistan should expand relations with CARs but that doesn't mean it should ignore other countries. Like Pakistan doesn't even recognize Armenia because of Turkey when Turkey itself recognizes Armenia. Also Pakistan should expand ties with South American countries as well the current relations with Cuba is a good start.

What exactly does the original article says about the cooperation MOU(not even a solid pact it's just an MOU), just some training cooperation... That's nothing...
Your response is actually exactly what they wanted:)
Lol, india super dooper power gets bullied by China at the border. Don't forget, we slaughtered 5 of your soldiers and you did jack sh!t.
stop trolling solider are soilder they dont have political motives like their masters respect them:undecided:from which ever country they are
What exactly does the original article says about the cooperation MOU(not even a solid pact it's just an MOU), just some training cooperation... That's nothing...
Your response is actually exactly what they wanted:)

Actually I am not the one who started this discussion but expanded on it since it has already begun, anyway this news is nothing rather Pakistan should be concerned with economic ties of Saudi and India and not military ties imo.

I will stop though as not to derail the thread further.
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