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Saudi-India defence cooperation pact next month

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Saudi Gazette - Kingdom, India to facilitate visas for businessmen

RIYADH – The 10th session of the Saudi-India Joint Commission Meeting (JCM) concluded here late Tuesday with the signing of minutes aimed at further cementing bilateral cooperation in an entire gamut of trade, commerce and other vital sectors.

The JCM inter alia agreed on :

(i) Promoting cooperation in the field of oil, gas and minerals through the Joint Technical Team (India Saudi Energy Consultations);

(ii) Encouraging Saudi private sector companies to invest in oil and gas sector in India;

(iii) Participation of Indian pharmaceutical entities in Saudi Arabia;

(iv) Discussions on the mandatory requirement to get ‘classification’ for Indian companies to make them eligible to participate in Saudi projects;

(v) Finalization and signing of framework agreement between SAGIA and “Invest India”;
(vi) Discussions on the modalities in a time bound manner for setting up of India Saudi Investment Fund and identifying nodal points;

(vii) putting more efforts in technical cooperation and exchange of expertise including through early convening of the Joint Working Group on Higher Education;

(viii) Organizing cultural days in both countries; and

(ix) Strengthening cooperation in all security fields and exchange of information, especially in organized crimes, money laundering and drug smuggling.
Thanks mr butt hurt.

Well Saudi Prince is trying tooth and nails to isolate Iran in all ways by offering India (one of very few Iran's friend) unbelievable offers ( unbelievable for both us Indian and Pakistani brothers too :D)

Dunoo there can be 3 possibilities-

1-its US-Saudi strategy of weakening Iran economy by pressurising India by offering India all the oil which India currently purchase from Iran

Offering India's there most wanted terrorist.

Offering Intels about anti-India activities untaken by fundamentalist and ISI.

N now defence pact.

2- Saudi arab want to stay flag bearer of Sunni majority muslim countries and for them its time for acting openly against shiya majority countries especially Iran and Syria.

3- Another possibility is Saudi is trying to tap India's economic surgence but in my view says its very unlikely because mostly oil-rich countries don't worry so much about economical co-operation.

Well whatever it is India should utilise this sudden and unexpected genorosity of the Saudi's to the fullest:welcome::D
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A good way to counter this growing engagement and checkmate saudi strategy vis-a-vis India is to open up to Israel.
Not israel, but Iran. Saudis hate Iran more than israel.

Fixed it for you.
Oh great, a indian posing as an American. Too ashamed to post your real flags aye? :lol:
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Not israel, but Iran. Saudis hate Iran more than israel.
Co-operation between Iran and Pakistan is nothing new. They even helped you during your wars against us. But with Israel...the saudis will be least expecting it. It will put saudis on notice straight away and sends clear message that two can play this game.
Not israel, but Iran. Saudis hate Iran more than israel.

you sure you want to piss the Sauds by turn yourselves to Iran.... !!! See Iranians are very aware of Pakistan. they don't like Pakistan either. If Iran gets Nukes(suppose), then Saudi doesn't even have to build one, they can get it from Pakistan which would piss off Iran.. You should look upon Israel but any deal between Pakistan and Israel would easily be blocked by India...

Co-operation between Iran and Pakistan is nothing new. They even helped you during your wars against us. But with Israel...the saudis will be least expecting it. It will put saudis on notice straight away and sends clear message that two can play this game.

That was During Shah's Rule.. He was Pro American and Pakistan was Pro America ... Current Iranian Regime have a good relation and expect a good relation with India,,, It's us that screwing up everything because of US pressure
Saudis are just being pragmatic. They can't ignore an emerging power like India, not from an economic perspective, not from a military perspective, not from a diplomatic perspective.

Things are changing in this world, what was once true will not be true in the future.

The case of Abu Jundal being deported from Saudi Arabia to India should have opened a few eyes and signalled a shift in policy......
now the ultimate trolling by the saudis will be if they go and take a look at the LCA :P

you mean the project that never was meant to be? :laugh:

Saudis are flying aircrafts that are generations ahead
Where did i say i wanted Pakistan to "turn itself to Iran"??? You must have reading problems. Having normal relations with every country is Pakistan's God given right.

Secondly, Pakistan helped Iranian nuke program.

Yeah, right! Like how india blocked Russia from supplying our JF-17's with RD-93 engines right? But the Russians still provided us those engines.

Or like how india blocked Brazil from selling us MAR-1 Anti-Radar missiles, right? Oh, wait, they still sold us those missiles despite india's protest. :lol:

So relax buddy, india's aint no "shupaar powaar" yet.

And besides, i prefer that Pakistan not have any relations with israel.

Why not it would be a perfect check to Arab influence. Arabs get out of line Pakistan should move closer to the Israelis.
Oh really? The RSAF has 0 5th ten fighters to date so they're flying 6.5 ten fighters are they? 7th?

Not expecting this level of childishness from you.

the LCA is not even remotely close to a 5th gen aircraft, hate to burst your bubble

it's been in the pipeline since 1983 and even indian air force refuses to induct it in volume....why would the Saudis when they are floating in cash?
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