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Saudi cleric claims Earth is stationary, does not revolve around Sun

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@Dr. Stranglove

Brother, there are thousands upon thousands of clerics in KSA from every singly city, village (almost), historical region, province, sect, origin, ethnicity (almost) etc.

Clerics of all sects. Sunni (Hanbali, Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanafi), Shia (Zaydi, Twelver, Ismaili) and Sufi. All of those sects are native to KSA unlike any other Muslim country.

I myself am a Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i figh.

There are bound to be bad apples in such a large group of people. They also tend to be the loudest and most embarrassing.

I do not support the clerics who support that "law" that bans women from driving. It's a "law" that was adopted less than 25 years ago. The law basically says that women are not allowed to take a driving license. Meanwhile thousands upon thousands of clerics disagree with that.

It's like saying that every cleric in Pakistan is evil and a idiot just because there was that one "cleric" who raped a girl or a boy and killed her/him in a mosque. Recall such a thread being posted here on PDF.

Please reread my post number 101 and watch the two videos.
Brother, there are thousands upon thousands of clerics in KSA from every singly city, village (almost), historical region, province, sect, origin, ethnicity (almost) etc.

Clerics of all sects. Sunni (Hanbali, Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanafi), Shia (Zaydi, Twelver, Ismaili) and Sufi. All of those sects are native to KSA unlike any other Muslim country.

I myself am a Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i figh.
i said no such thing that contradicts what u have said above
There are bound to be bad apples in such a large group of people. They also tend to be the loudest and most embarrassing.
no doubt we have a little too many here
I do not support the clerics who support that "law" that bans women from driving. It's a "law" that was adopted less than 25 years ago. The law basically says that women are not allowed to take a driving license. Meanwhile thousands upon thousands of clerics disagree with that.
it has nothing to do with islam or saudi arabia and i agree
but those few that are the root cause of this law arnt they powerful if they werent this law would have been long gone
Is this cleric on the state payroll?
This forum has degraded from a military forum to the yellow pages of the Internet. Congrats @Horus

Well, when you have 4-5 users that are obsessed about the 450 million or so Arabs and especially KSA 24/7 then this will be the end result. Imagine if I made a thread every time bullshit was being said in Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia etc.? I would do nothing other than be posting such threads 24/7 here on PDF.

Often when an idiot in country x or y gets his/her 2 minutes of fame such threads get deleted here on PDF but when it is KSA such news on the other hand get encouraged. Over 50% of the participants in such threads are always Indians.

Sometimes I don't know whether this is a Hindu Indian forum or a Pakistani forum.

i said no such thing that contradicts what u have said above

no doubt we have a little too many here

it has nothing to do with islam or saudi arabia and i agree
but those few that are the root cause of this law arnt they powerful if they werent this law would have been long gone

I just reacted when you talked about hating. We are on the same page when it comes to those few clowns that take all the limelight. You never hear about the remaining 99% who are doing their work quietly and as they should.

Quite frankly then I am getting tired of educating ignorants (not talking about you here) but in general.
I thought the whole world revolved around me ! :unsure:
@WebMaster @Horus @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @jaibi @Emmie @Manticore @T-Faz @Jango

What is exactly the point of this thread? Shall we report news whenever some unknown idiot talks about issues that he has no clue about or wants his 1-2 minutes of fame never to be seen again? If this is the case we would not be doing anything else.

The author of this thread ( @faisal6309 ) has a habit of making nonsense threads about KSA 1-2 times a month whenever 1-2 idiots in a country of 35 million people say something idiotic while he never does that with any other country or his own despite there being even more silly statements by people, clerics etc. outside of KSA simply by virtue of having much bigger populations. The only luck for them is that nobody cares while every time someone in KSA farts it becomes headline news across the world it seems. Often outright lies are reported.

This unknown Afro-Arab cleric is not a religious authority in KSA nor was his statement a fatwa. He just answered a question from a viewer about the earth's rotation.

As can be seen in this video below.

His statement has nothing to do with Islam or religion.

Nor is he a scientist but simply a cleric (theologian). Unfortunately many Muslims across the Muslim and non-Muslim world think that clerics have the answer for everything which is obviously not true. Neither in other religions (priests, monks etc.)

As can be seen then ignorant trolls use this thread to spread hatred. Ironically mostly from countries that have several times many more illiterates than KSA's entire population!

This forum has degraded from a military forum to the yellow pages of the Internet. Congrats @Horus

Mosab said it perfectly here.

In short what is going on recently?
Define "Saudi Arabian clergy". This Afro-Arab cleric is a completely unknown individual. His answer had/has nothing to do with religion or Islam. He was not giving out any fatwa either. He was simply answering a question about the earth's rotation somewhere in Sharjah (UAE) it seems. Something that he has no clue about as a theologian as he is not a scientist.

Saudi Arabia has some of the most knowledgeable Islamic clerics in the world who memorized the Noble Qur'an when they were yet small children.

Those 20 years or so old recent laws in KSA (such as the idiotic ban on women driving) have nothing to do with religion.

Even female Saudi Arabian news hosts laugh at such laws openly when discussing with supporters of this "law" which in reality is not a law in the first place. Requires a bit of study for persons wanting to know more.

Look at the two Saudi Arabian women in this video who cannot stop laughing;

The man speaking in that video claims to be a historian yet he discusses this. Simply too many fools like everywhere else that want to have their 2 minutes of fame. We never see them again.
Sorry brother but you shouldn't have brought a memri clip against a well known Saudi historian giving his opinion. Plus the host is a btch. She hates Saudi. But waleed bin Talal the puppet can't find better brains in the kingdom other than that host who is a complete failure. The only reason waleed has her cuz she dosnt wear hijab.
As for dr alsaadoon he was saying he dosnt mind the idea of women driving he is against the way it's done and western interference which he attacks day and night and that's why he answered that way. He was simply pissed. He is in favour of women's right he's just against the west using women in Saudi as tools. And for anyone who is watching those issues closely knows that. Including the king and prince MBN. It's not a secret.
I personally disagree with him in some of his political views but no one in that channel or the gusts their are educated or informed as him. And it was a dumb mistake for him to go out on this channel cuz he simply dosnt have a strong character or he's not good with camera.
When i knew he's going to appear on that shitty channel I knew it's not going to end up well.
Sorry brother but you shouldn't have brought a memri clip against a well known Saudi historian giving his opinion. Plus the host is a btch. She hates Saudi. But waleed bin Talal the puppet can't find better brains in the kingdom other than that host who is a complete failure. The only reason waleed has her cuz she dosnt wear hijab.
As for dr alsaadoon he was saying he dosnt mind the idea of women driving he is against the way it's done and western interference which he attacks day and night and that's why he answered that way. He was simply pissed. He is in favour of women's right he's just against the west using women in Saudi as tools. And for anyone who is watching those issues closely knows that. Including the king and prince MBN. It's not a secret.
I personally disagree with him in some of his political views but no one in that channel or the gusts their are educated or informed as him. And it was a dumb mistake for him to go out on this channel cuz he simply dosnt have a strong character or he's not good with camera.
When i knew he's going to appear on that shitty channel I knew it's not going to end up well.

Brother, we all know about this MEMRI channel and its agenda. Unfortunately this is not an Arabic forum so if I posted the Arabic video very few would understand what was being said or the point I was trying to make.

I do not believe that Nadina hates KSA. She simply just disagrees with certain laws. Such as the moronic and un-Islamic ban on women driving. She is beautiful too which obviously influences my opinion, lol.

I like Al-Saadoon as well but here he simply embarrassed himself. I know that he is in general a very serious person and harmless but this was a bad performance.

I do not understand why he makes those silly excuses. In that clip he is clearly not in favor of that idiotic ban being removed.

I know deeply conservative people who also disagree with his law. KSA is no different than any other country. It works in all other Arab countries and the GCC but somehow KSA is different? How old is that "law" anyway? 25 years or so.

When it comes to that law there is only one way and that is criticism. If King Salman tomorrow publicly stated that this law is great I would criticize him as well.
@al-Hasani btw the same day this came out a Saudi taxi tried to kidnap rape and steal money from an Indian teacher in aljouf but thank god he was caught in a check point. Don't help spread such things about your Saudi brothers especially when it's brought out of context.
Women being raped is one of the worst crimes on earth. But when it happens in Saudi I think you know that the affect is 100 times worse. We don't have the psychological help centres for such cases. Or let me be more accurate a victim in Saudi won't find the support needed like a victim in the US. I know this as fact cuz I'm Saudi and iv been going to the states since I was a kid. And that's another thing he meant.
@al-Hasani any back to topic. Remember RAND report again
Is it worth being on CNN ?!
If he was philipino priest do you think it will be on CNN ?

So what? There are many people who believe in many things and not in many others. Is his belief going to change anything for anybody? Is this going to change fundamentals of Islam?

Even my father, a highly educated person, did not believe smoking was bad for his health until he was diagnosed with COPD, despite the fact I kept him telling all along the way. Yes, it would be an issue if he was a medical doctor and still did not believe in harmfulness of smoking.


Smoking I can understand----I had a friend who used chewing tobacco----says his grandma chewed it all her life and nothing happened and then I see him 3 months later with a sore mouth---says he had surgery to remove cancer from his gums---.

That was the urge of nicotine that was making him say that----you don't believe the urge for nicotine is strong----I quit 24 years ago and every day I have the urge to take a hit of cigarette---I can get a high on second hand smoke.
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