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Saudi cleric claims Earth is stationary, does not revolve around Sun

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@WebMaster @Horus @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @jaibi @Emmie @Manticore @T-Faz @Jango

The author of this thread ( @faisal6309 ) has a habit of making nonsense threads about KSA 1-2 times a month whenever 1-2 idiots in a country of 35 million people say something idiotic while he never does that with any other country or his own despite there being even more silly statements by people, clerics etc. outside of KSA simply by virtue of having much bigger populations. The only luck for them is that nobody cares while every time someone in KSA farts it becomes headline news across the world it seems. Often outright lies are reported.

This unknown Afro-Arab cleric is not a religious authority in KSA nor was his statement a fatwa. He just answered a question from a viewer about the earth's rotation.

As can be seen in this video below.

His statement has nothing to do with Islam or religion.

Nor is he a scientist but simply a cleric (theologian). Unfortunately many Muslims across the Muslim and non-Muslim world think that clerics have the answer for everything which is obviously not true. Neither in other religions (priests, monks etc.)

As can be seen then ignorant trolls use this thread to spread hatred. Ironically mostly from countries that have several times many more illiterates than KSA's entire population!
@WebMaster @Horus @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @jaibi @Emmie @Manticore @T-Faz @Jango

The author of this thread ( @faisal6309 ) has a habit of making nonsense threads about KSA 1-2 times a month whenever 1-2 idiots in a country of 35 million people say something idiotic while he never does that with any other country or his own despite there being even more silly statements by people, clerics etc. outside of KSA simply by virtue of having much bigger populations. The only luck for them is that nobody cares while every time someone in KSA farts it becomes headline news across the world it seems. Often outright lies are reported.

This unknown Afro-Arab cleric is not a religious authority in KSA nor was his statement a fatwa. He just answered a question from a viewer about the earth's rotation.

As can be seen in this video below.

His statement has nothing to do with Islam or religion.

Nor is he a scientist but simply a cleric (theologian). Unfortunately many Muslims across the Muslim and non-Muslim world think that clerics have the answer for everything which is obviously not true. Neither in other religions (priests, monks etc.)

As can be seen then ignorant trolls use this thread to spread hatred. Ironically mostly from countries that have several times many more illiterates than KSA's entire population!
Let them troll.. We have nothing to hide. Actually this is a good opertunity to destroy their believes just by showing ppl what their major scholars say. I will not bring a Wahhabi monster to comment about them. We use their own books and scholars against them
Because Qadiani's have problems with Muslim's everything...:angel:

Well what to expect from people and a sect that was founded in 1889 and which denies the fact that Prophet Muhammad (saws) was the last messenger of Allah (swt) which all Muslims agree upon and who are nothing more than the Muslim equivalent of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

I for once do not care what people believe in but they should quit attaching themselves to Islam just like Daesh for instance should stop doing so. I am not comparing them with Daesh just saying that both are on the wrong path if you ask mainstream Muslims and leading clerics from the entire Muslim community regardless of sect, ethnicity, country etc.

He claimed to be the Mujaddid (divine reformer) of the Fourteenth Islamic century, the promised Messiah and Mahdi. His followers are known as Ahmadis.[1][2] Ghulam Ahmad declared that Jesus (or Isa) had in fact survived crucifixion and migrated to Kashmir, where he died a natural death. He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the Messiah, in the spirit and power of Jesus.[3] Ghulam Ahmad is regarded by many mainstream Muslims as a heretic, for claiming to be a non-law-bearing (or deputy) prophet after Muhammad, whom mainstream Muslims believe to be the final prophet sent to guide mankind.[4]

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Come on.:lol:

Sounds familiar. We have an Al-Baghdadi claiming to be the Caliph and God knows what. We had a Khomeini too before that.

All those 3 claimed to be Hashemites while neither of them were/are that. They were/are all recent fraudsters of the highest order that managed to brainwash millions.

Connect the dots on your own.
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I clearly understood what you had written......................... there is a difference in Fatwa and hypothesis, and Fatwa or no Fatwa that comment of your's was totally irrelevant here.

It's safer in the 21st century...but many people were burnt at the stakes and called demons and witches when they came out with theories about earth being round and moving back in the day.
My question is very simple; how on earth his belief is affecting anything? Is this changing the fundamentals of Islam?

A lot of devices and experiments is based out of the gravity of the earth and the rotation of the earth on its own axis and around the Sun..he comes up with holding a cup or a plane stationery and that china will approach the plane. .but he didn't figure out the gravitational pull of the earth that will move the stationery object along with it when the earth rotates.

The danger is people who will take him seriously will ridicule even basic devices like a clock or a calender. ..forget about rockets and planes.

The danger is that the mullah is spreading ignorance.
Well what to expect from people and a sect that was founded in 1889 and which denies the fact that Prophet Muhammad (saws) was the last messenger of Allah (swt) which all Muslims agree upon and who are nothing more than the Muslim equivalent of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

I for once do not care what people believe in but they should quit attaching themselves to Islam just like Daesh for instance should stop doing so.

Couldn't agree more with you,People's obsession with any thing happens in S.Arabia in this forum is amazing...:lol:
What this unknown guy said isn't causing child rape.
It's Khomeini fatwa that's causing millions of Shia children being rapped including baby's. Just like he mentioned in his book. You can all buy this book. It's out there if you live in a Shia controlled state just go to the bookstore
Clerics give a bad name to religion. If he doesn't know anything about the concept of solar science then he shouldn't open his mouth. But in our countries mullahs believe they are an authority on everything and everyone. These same shameless mullahs are too orthodox to think about modern sciences and modern thinking. They do not know simple facts about how Islam spread across the world. It was through the message of love and peace, respect and tolerance. Islam did not spread through wahabi terrorism and tyranny.

They didn't put their nose in areas about which they knew nothing. The Prophets comments on a harvest come to mind. I can't find the hadis which I am talking about- so I will leave explaining what is in my mind right now.

But I strongly believe this is the time of specialists. We have specialists on religion, sports, space, animals, plants etc. Each is a leader of his specific domain. Mullahs shouldn't talk on things outside of religion like space and animal experts and animal experts should only talk about plants or animals.
Well what to expect from people and a sect that was founded in 1889 and which denies the fact that Prophet Muhammad (saws) was the last messenger of Allah (swt) which all Muslims agree upon and who are nothing more than the Muslim equivalent of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

I for once do not care what people believe in but they should quit attaching themselves to Islam just like Daesh for instance should stop doing so. I am not comparing them with Daesh just saying that both are on the wrong path if you ask mainstream Muslims and leading clerics from the entire Muslim community regardless of sect, ethnicity, country etc.

He claimed to be the Mujaddid (divine reformer) of the Fourteenth Islamic century, the promised Messiah and Mahdi. His followers are known as Ahmadis.[1][2] Ghulam Ahmad declared that Jesus (or Isa) had in fact survived crucifixion and migrated to Kashmir, where he died a natural death. He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the Messiah, in the spirit and power of Jesus.[3] Ghulam Ahmad is regarded by many mainstream Muslims as a heretic, for claiming to be a non-law-bearing (or deputy) prophet after Muhammad, whom mainstream Muslims believe to be the final prophet sent to guide mankind.[4]

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Come on.:lol:

Sounds familiar. We have an Al-Baghdadi claiming to be the Caliph and God knows what. We had a Khomeini too before that.

All those 3 claimed to be Hashemites while neither of them were/are that. They were/are all recent fraudsters of the highest order that managed to brainwash millions.

Connect the dots on your own.
This gentleman was one of the best men to have born into Islam. His message of peace and his practicing it is a legend in India.
Then best way for you is to produce a counter argument against his "travelling to China by plane hypothesis"............... present something that proves him wrong. For the time being I am still thinking how to counter that.

People these days will believe anything, so why even worry if people believe him or not.


That was the dumbest example he could come up with..

The plane experiences gravitational pull and will move along with the earth....unless an object is so high up that it escapes earth's gravitational pull which is a point beyond the moon.
Saudi cleric claims Earth is stationary, does not revolve around Sun


If a plane stops still in the air, China would be coming towards Earth, says cleric . PHOTO: ALARABIYA NEWS​

A Saudi cleric in a recent video rejected the theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun and claimed that the opposite is true, Al Arabia News reported.

His statements sparked a wave of social media remarks across the globe.

When a student questioned him about whether the Earth was stationary or moving, Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari responded with “stationary and does not move.”

To support his theory, Khaibari quoted some clerics and chose to present some religious statements. He then used some visuals to further strengthen his argument.

Holding up a sealed water cup, he questioned “First of all, where are we now? We go to Sharjah airport to travel to China by plane, clear? Focus with me, this is Earth,” he said pointing at the sealed cup.

He then argued that if a plane stops still in the air, “China would be coming towards it in case the Earth rotates in one direction. If the Earth rotates in the opposite direction, the plane would never reach China, because China is also rotating,” he explained.

A wave of controversial remarks flooded social media, following the clerics video, so much so that a new hashtag began trending on Twitter: #cleric_rejects_rotation_of_Earth

Several Twitter users ridiculed the cleric for this notion.

In an interesting remark, one user tweeted: “What a coincidence that this would occur on Galileo’s birthday!”

Galileo was accused by the church for many of his beliefs including his support for the Copernican theory that the Earth and other planets revolved around the sun.

Saudi cleric claims Earth is stationary, does not revolve around Sun – The Express Tribune
He actually is not 100% wrong. Probably he is only learning about the frames of reference. He will get there soon.
Now here you are missing something, They may not follow him based on his knowledge in science, but for what he is known for....... But when a person makes a statement like this, there are people who will believe this theory....... by the way we are not talking about rocket science,...... We are talking about common sense or general knowledge........
Actually he has a right to make a statement like this. I am fine with it. I will laugh at him. But I am cool. If people follow him - great. The competition in astronomy will get lesser (thereby helping many budding students a chance in the top institutes).
Couldn't agree more with you,People's obsession with any thing happens in S.Arabia in this forum is amazing...:lol:
Correction.. It's not just in this forum. But in the world. If they gave me a penny for each time they made a dumb story about us I would be a billionaire. Spending good time on my mega yacht and traveling the world on bored my private 747! What a wonderful life it would be :dance3::partay:
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