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Saudi Arabia's top cleric says Iranians are 'not Muslims'

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Well according to the arabs we are the sons of hindus and buddhist and these arabs are the sons of pagans.

According to which Arabs are you talking about? Also what Arabs were the sons of pagans? Everyone who was not a Christian or a Jew was referred to as a pagan. That includes Hindus and Buddhists etc.

The ancestors of Saudi Arabians, including virtually every other Arabs, were a mixture of Christians (Arabs were the first Christians on the planet outside of a tiny Jewish following), followers of Judaism (the first non-Hebrew followers of Judaism were Arabs) and believers of various ancient pre-Abrahamic Semitic religions. For instance some of the oldest churches and church ruins have been found in modern-day KSA. Google "Jubail Church". A church from the 4th century. Several Christian "saints" originated from Arabia as well. In what is modern-day KSA there existed numerous Christian and Jewish pre-Islamic kingdoms as well.

A large part of the events in the Torah and Bible take place in Arabia.

Anyway what you refer to as paganism are those various ancient pre-Abrahamic Semitic religions that predate the 3 Abrahamic religions. Have in mind that Judaism, Christianity and Islam themselves are Semitic (Abrahamic) religions. They are native religions of ours.

As for this topic, the Grand Mufti was referring to the Iranian leadership. The same leadership that started declaring who and what is a Muslim prior to his statement. Even questioning the sovereignty of Saudi Arabian cities (Makkah and Madinah). I believe he thought that he should reply in kind.

Also there is nothing called Wahhabism as nobody calls themselves that. Those are Sunnis who follow the Hanbali fiqh (the most conservative fiqh of the 4 madahib in Sunni Islam). Around 1/3 of the Saudi Arabian population follows that madhhab. Mainly in Najd.

Anyway all Islamic sects originate from modern-day KSA and all those sects are found indigenously in KSA and its various regions like no other Muslim country. Muslims are basically fighting over the legitimacy of rule of our ancestors (various fractions). We (Arabs) are sadly doing the same thing. Hilarious when you think about it.

For instance radical Shias in countries like Iran or Iraq worship (to an unhealthy degree) certain personalities from what is modern-day KSA (Arabia basically) but despise others who happen to belong to the same ancient Arab clans. However most of them agree that the ancestors of those Islamic personalities (modern-day Saudi Arabians by large) are all evil unless they happen to be Shia of course, lol. In such a case they are the best of people.

Those fools are talking about Shias as if there were no Shia Arabs or if Shia Islam was a foreign entity to KSA and Arabia when it is the birthplace. Most, if not virtually all personalities that those same Shias admirer, happen to be from modern-day KSA.

Not only that those fools are trying to convince the world that we (Saudi Arabian Sunnis) hate our own Islamic ancestors. What nonsense is that? No, we solely hate the 37 year old (invented by Shia Arabs from Lebanon btw) Wilayat al-Faqih system that Iran is ruled by. If we hated Shias there would be no Shias in KSA or Arabia or anywhere in the Arab world.

Ironically most of the Iranian leadership claim ancestral kinship to Arabia. Not only that every black turban that you see in Iran (you see A LOT, I can tell you that) is claiming Hashemite ancestry. Including their "Supreme" Mullah who was barking yesterday or the day before.

Basically this is just another "diplomatic" tit for tat that I won't take seriously.
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The Safavid Shia are trying to force the backward & invented Wilayat Alfaqeh system among all Shia which is an acceptable action and Wilayat Alfaqeh has been a main reason for spreading terror in the name of Hussein.
The grand Mufti was totally right about the terrorist leadership of Iran who killed thousands of Muslims in Syria, Ahwaz, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. I can't imagine a terrorist like Khamenie preaching about Islam after the crimes he already committed in the name of Islam and Hussein.
Saudi Arabia's top cleric says Iranians are 'not Muslims'

Saudi Arabia's top cleric has said Iranians are "not Muslims", a day after Iran's supreme leader denounced its management of the Hajj pilgrimage.

Abdul Aziz Al Sheikh, the grand mufti, said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's accusations were "not surprising".

"They are the sons of the Magi," he said, referring to Zoroastrianism, a religion that once dominated Iran.

Deep suspicions exist between predominantly Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia and its mainly Shia Muslim neighbour.

On Monday, Ayatollah Khamenei accused Saudis of "murdering" pilgrims caught up in a stampede at last year's Hajj.

"The heartless and murderous Saudis locked up the injured with the dead in containers - instead of providing medical treatment and helping them or at least quenching their thirst," he said, without providing evidence. "They murdered them."

The ayatollah made the allegation on the anniversary of the stampede, which killed at least 2,426 people, including 464 Iranians, according to an unofficial count.

The Saudi authorities, who say 769 died, have made few details of their investigation into the stampede public but previously rejected criticism.

Sheikh Al Sheikh was dismissive when asked by the Mecca newspaper about Ayatollah Khamenei's comments.

"We must understand these are not Muslims," he was quoted as saying. "They are the son of the Magi and their hostility towards Muslims is an old one, especially with the People of the Tradition [Sunnis]."

Animosity between Sunnis - who make up an estimated 85-90% of Saudi Arabia's population - and Shia - about 90-95% of Iran's population - goes back to a 7th Century schism.

Hardline Sunnis - including many adherents of Wahhabism, the austere form of Islam practised by the Saudi ruling family and religious establishment - often describe Shia as "rejectionists" who have strayed from the true faith.

The war of words between the clerics also comes nine months after Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic ties with Iran in response to attacks on Saudi diplomatic compounds in Iran by people angered by the kingdom's execution of a prominent Shia cleric convicted of terrorism offences.

So the bases of shiat are truly opposite that of the ISLAM of Muhammad Rasool Allah salallah ho wasalim.
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Iran is not muslim hahhaha
Then ok fine for once i will agree with saudi imam no

What is happening in yemen and syria make you muslim

Now the problem is after these types of provocations Iran uses somewhat too aggressive rhetoric which usa certainly uses behind the scenes while negotiating with other parties like Russia for example these two parties are similar to each other and can never get on well and fight each other so needs to be controlled.That aims to make deals with Russia to reduce the gains in Syria or Iraq. Rhetoric without anger management like emphasis on ideologies like wahabism would shift Irans frame to the level of those secterian guys on usa payroll. Instead emphasis of criticism should be on actions like support of groups fsa,nusra, isis and evidences about those leaving the ideology subjective to the public let them decide and interpret themselves.
I find Shia Muslims to be generally more progressive than their Sunni counterparts when it comes to religion. Despite all the smearing towards Iran, it's arguably the most liberal country in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia is a cesspool of jihadist breeding ground with their Wahabist ideology.
How does it feel to be a Saudi certified non Muslim :D
@2800 @SOHEIL

Saudis are the biggest distributors of Kufr certificate now :D
But calling a Muslim non Muslim is a huge sin so by calling you kafir they are commiting kufr themselves hmm
I find Shia Muslims to be generally more progressive than their Sunni counterparts when it comes to religion. Despite all the smearing towards Iran, it's arguably the most liberal country in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia is a cesspool of jihadist breeding ground with their Wahabist ideology.

Spot...Usually Iranians are very moderate and less racist to other religion people...
Great, people searching the deep space while muslims fight about whose whistle blow louder :)
It was Turks mistake why they jump in First world war and today we all suffer .....lolzzzzzzzzzzzz
Cool down guys...why so much of debate just for the sake of one person statement? .None of the SA leadership has ever criticized Iran or their people...So just blaming entire Arabs for one person's statement is too much to blame for.

Just take it as one of the statements from one Mufti and move on..
This whole Saudi vs. Iranian... extension wahaabi vs. Shia nonsense is drowning the entire "Muslim World" into the abyss of hatred and perpetual war.

We are own worst enemies!
Saudis spreaded Islam and captured huge territories for some initial centuries and then from the horizon of these territories its all show from north the Turks and from East the Persians. Turks and Persians influenced Islamic culture according to their own ways. The Saudis now want to take control of Islam all over the world after a brief absence, what they think rightfully belongs to them. First they toppled Turks and now want Persians.
Saudis spreaded Islam and captured huge territories for some initial centuries and then from the horizon of these territories its all show from north the Turks and from East the Persians. Turks and Persians influenced Islamic culture according to their own ways. The Saudis now want to take control of Islam all over the world after a brief absence, what they think rightfully belongs to them. First they toppled Turks and now want Persians.
Saudis didn't converted any turks or captured any of them ,they later become Muslim when they become acquainted with Islam and they didn't learn Islam from people of ksa

Guys don't be hard on elderly guy he has just gone senile .
And for the proof of that look he call us children of magi and al-majus while completely forgot these 3 ladies
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