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Saudi Arabian top cleric calls suicide bombers 'criminals'

Grand mufti calls suicide bombers criminals


Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Asheikh


Published — Friday 13 December 2013

Last update 13 December 2013 10:35 pm

Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Asheikh has condemned suicide bombings as grave crimes, reiterating his stance in strong language.
“Killing oneself is a grave crime and a grave sin,” Al-Asheikh was quoted as saying by a local newspaper on Thursday.
“Those who kill themselves with explosives are criminals who are hastening their way to hell.”
“Their (suicide bombers) hearts have veered away from the right path, their minds have been invaded by evil,” the paper quoted Al-Asheikh as saying after what the daily described as a recent lecture in a Riyadh mosque. “They have been exploited in order to cause destruction to themselves and society.”
Nearly two months ago, the mufti urged Saudis not to travel to Syria to join rebels battling to unseat President Bashar Assad.
The mufti did not refer to suicide bombings in a specific country.
In February 2010, Al-Asheikh denounced terrorism as un-Islamic and condemned the killing of civilians. His latest remarks come after a preliminary inquiry into a Dec. 5 suicide car bombing and assault on a Yemen Defense Ministry complex found that most assailants were Saudis. Fifty-six people were killed in the attack.

Grand mufti calls suicide bombers criminals | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Don't make fun of the look of the dear Grand Mufti. He is blind but he is a very wise sheikh and human and also very friendly.
If their a
Who wants to kill whom ? Al-Qaeda wants to kill Mufti and all ?
if their ancestor were willing to kill khalifah othman and khalifah ali then targetting a sheikh will be a small matter for those kharijit. I am happy that my country handle those thugs in a proper way. A little bit too soft indeed but so far we can control their population to a minimal level

If their a
Who wants to kill whom ? Al-Qaeda wants to kill Mufti and all ?
if their ancestor were willing to kill khalifah othman and khalifah ali then targetting a sheikh will be a small matter for those kharijit. I am happy that my country handle those thugs in a proper way. A little bit too soft indeed but so far we can control their population to a minimal level
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