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Saudi Arabia's grand mufti says Iranians are 'not Muslims'

The Safavid Shia are trying to force the backward & invented Wilayat Alfaqeh system among all Shia which is an acceptable action and Wilayat Alfaqeh has been a main reason for spreading terror in the name of Hussein.
The grand Mufti was totally right about the terrorist leadership of Iran who have killed thousands of Muslims in Syria, Ahwaz, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. I can't imagine a terrorist like Khamenie preaching about Islam after the crimes he already committed in the name of Islam and Hussein.
Both Iranians and Saudis should not be involved in management of holly sites. Both khamenei and grand mufti should be taken to gallows.
Disgusting; this makes him no different to ISIS which claims that Kurds "are not" Muslims.

Thank Allah, people don't take Saudi Muftis seriously.

I have no extremist mentality and I dont believe in declaring anyone non-Muslim or not. But most of my shia friends never ever pray. Never ever fast. Never go to pilgrimage. Have dogs in their homes and bars full of expensive liquor.

I dont believe them to be non-Muslim but their practices and way of lives are very distant from teachings of Islam. I m sorry if I offended anyone but that was not the purpose.

The Safavid Shia are trying to force the backward & invented Wilayat Alfaqeh system among all Shia which is an acceptable action and Wilayat Alfaqeh has been a main reason for spreading terror in the name of Hussein.
The grand Mufti was totally right about the terrorist leadership of Iran who have killed thousands of Muslims in Syria, Ahwaz, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. I can't imagine a terrorist like Khamenie preaching about Islam after the crimes he already committed in the name of Islam and Hussein.

This applies to Saudis as well. they have through thier money aggressively promoted their version of Islam. Often times this indoctrination at the behest of west, to fight their wars. The most glaring example was Afghanistan in 80s and now Syria.
I remember this 2006 video very very well.

Baha'a Al Aaraji - one of Al Sadr group leaders - calling Shiites to 'Take you Arm and kill every wahhabi dog' ..
'You don't need Fatwa, those who say we need Fatwa are waiting the Imam passively May Allah's Curse be upon them'

This was after, the two shiites mosques bombing.

You guess the rest ........

* Waiting the Imam passively means, you are waiting the Al-Mahdi without any action that can 'accelerate' his coming, Iranian Mullahs think that before the coming of the Al-Mahdi, 'Banu Umayya' aka Sunnis' bloodhshed should reach the knees.
Do you know dose people he asked to be killed what did in 2006 ?
Do you remember the situation of Iraq in 2006 ?
It seems you forgot that in 2006 those filthy terrorist on order from their masters in some sheikdom killed at least 200 Iraqi shia per day . I wonder why you conveniently forgot this simple fact about 2006 Iraq.

I remember this 2006 video very very well.

Baha'a Al Aaraji - one of Al Sadr group leaders - calling Shiites to 'Take you Arm and kill every wahhabi dog' ..
'You don't need Fatwa, those who say we need Fatwa are waiting the Imam passively May Allah's Curse be upon them'

This was after, the two shiites mosques bombing.

You guess the rest ........

* Waiting the Imam passively means, you are waiting the Al-Mahdi without any action that can 'accelerate' his coming, Iranian Mullahs think that before the coming of the Al-Mahdi, 'Banu Umayya' aka Sunnis' bloodhshed should reach the knees.
Nonsense, the only thing we know about the coming of imam mahdi is that the world at the time is filled with injustice so every believer whish his coming.

There is no place in Islam for angry comments like this one, as much as for trying to politicise any part of Islam like Hadj in this instance.. Iranians should know that Mecca and Medina are not to have protests and demonstrations during this sacred period of Hadj nor at any other time.. they can go to Riad and protest.. and S.A should only say that it does not accept protests in Meccca or Medina without these angry and out of place comments about other Muslims..
well history shows there was many protest and gathering in the mecca a and Medina at the dawn of Islam and the Califs and even after that in the time of the dynasties after them . I wonder why suddenly those protests become haram , do you think this ban have something to do with the protests being against USA and Israel and also denouncing putting any power alongside the god?
I have no extremist mentality and I dont believe in declaring anyone non-Muslim or not. But most of my shia friends never ever pray. Never ever fast. Never go to pilgrimage. Have dogs in their homes and bars full of expensive liquor.

I dont believe them to be non-Muslim but their practices and way of lives are very distant from teachings of Islam. I m sorry if I offended anyone but that was not the purpose.

This applies to Saudis as well. they have through thier money aggressively promoted their version of Islam. Often times this indoctrination at the behest of west, to fight their wars. The most glaring example was Afghanistan in 80s and now Syria.
Have dogs in their homes.... this too is haram !!
Do you know dose people he asked to be killed what did in 2006 ?
Do you remember the situation of Iraq in 2006 ?
It seems you forgot that in 2006 those filthy terrorist on order from their masters in some sheikdom killed at least 200 Iraqi shia per day . I wonder why you conveniently forgot this simple fact about 2006 Iraq.

Nonsense, the only thing we know about the coming of imam mahdi is that the world at the time is filled with injustice so every believer whish his coming.

well history shows there was many protest and gathering in the mecca a and Medina at the dawn of Islam and the Califs and even after that in the time of the dynasties after them . I wonder why suddenly those protests become haram , do you think this ban have something to do with the protests being against USA and Israel and also denouncing putting any power alongside the god?
No, I do not think that for the simple reason that Hadj is for Muslims only, and it is not the time to make protests or demonstrations since it disturbs one of the fundamental obligations for all muslims..
Time to wake up, there is no grand conspiracy from the US or Israel, Saudi and Iran are doing quite well enough destroying the Muslim world with out any help. Till you stop falling for the oh look a Jew misdirection and start asking for responsibility from your own leaders nothing will change.

Well,tell that to the dumbass arabs...We always tend to stay outta these type of matters...
The House of Saud and their financed Muftis are about to fall like a deck of cards.

The general Muslim population (including Saudi public) does not think like that.

Shias are Muslims, period. The minor differences that do exist are not important and (believe me when I say this) will soon vanish.

And this is coming from a person who is extremely inspired by the Person who's honourable name he has chosen as his ID/username.
Ahh the 'ummah'...this is why, I laugh when people today try to give me BS about the 'Muslim ummah'.

This is the ummah right here...someone calls out a country - the leadership and in response, more than a hundred million Allah fearing muslims are told...'Hold up fellas, you're not actually Muslim...oh and your ancestors were so and so'

Remind me again, what the Arabs were when the Quran was revealed to our Prophet?

Goodness gracious! He would seriously use a toothbrush!
Its called accusing each other for just no GOOD ......we can simply gather all this discussion at 1 spot check each and every one for being Muslim every day every time 2 meets no matter who are they ..so many plays dummy dummy .......and discussion about shias ....TRY 1 around you if any claims as a MUSLIM .......then please tell me if they are .......and if they are not then along side so many others Grand Mufti SB is very right ........they r trainned tommandos of some country ....we call TTP ........and how openly they r living ..........thats the sorrow .......deep sorrow ......with all their equipments and what ever they bring along or after words .....Not only its the dramma with Musqlims christians if any left ) were also under the same threat .......in world war 2 ...Hitler was showing the crimes of so called chews (putting them in camps ) who dosent believe lets show you ........whole the Eu was empty ........What know ....few days ago pope stood and said some thing like that too ...........they r same like hindus ..same BREED .........make a question visit 10 people answer will be diffrent try 1st one again ................answer have been changed .......can you get the same resu;lt as Hitler KARTOU religions all is but SHIT as Germans uses to call them ........and to add thats what they were fighting against ..........japan and Germans against rest of the world mostly under Brits ............who have already used Eu as goat .......... eating them too ......... and making them fight for England ........ and every cristians uses to tell tell them stop he is chew or what ever ...........

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