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‘A victory for peace’: China helps broker Iran-Saudi diplomatic agreement

The videos of what is happening to East Asian looking Indian citizens as well as East Asian tourists will probably cement that image of Modi as the leader of a wild mob, in the minds of the Chinese people.

Even before Covid-19. I’m sure videos like the following will be the kind of accounts china will show the public and troops if the PLA and India go to war in India’s Northeast/South Tibet.

THIS is what Japanese Vlogger posted after Holi celebrations. She didn't allege anything like Harassment or Molestation. Her post had a smiley as well.. Other Japanese tourists were also playing Holi with her. They celebrated well.



Chinese are brutes at business. As long as they see value in it, they'll bruteforce it to work. Any jernail or whatever that isn't good enough will have his anus ruptured.

Anyway there is some activity in Gwadar, the latest being:

Nawaz Sharif stole 8 billion from CPEC.

Development is happening but not at a good pace, a snail’s pace. I’ve been hearing how CPEC would be a game changer since 2016 but nothing has come out if it.
that's just your hinduphobic perception, which is ofc invalid but comprehensible anyhow

she can be seen taking selfies smiling and hugging everyone around

this hate for Hindu festivals is nothing new.

do note that i am not justifying this act whatsoever, they should all be arrested

how do you know did you put up a survey?can you share a source

personally idc long as they keep investing in india

dude racism exist in every society, the same chinese were being targeted during covid outbreak in america

now check this out

tell me what makes an afghan hate a pakistani ?

Your ugly Afghan friend got fired after the rant.
Taiwan is dear to Chinese hearts, too much emotions and history, just as Kashmire is dear to Pakistanis. China wont give up Taiwan for national security, military strategy, economy, and national and ethnic identity reasons. If US can make Taiwan independent and occupy SCS, then next Yankees will make Tibet, Xinjiang and other parts of China break away.

Even Pakistanis are beginning to think Out of the Box about Kashmir.
Anyway, your country (I assume you have Chinese origin?), your policies. But look from an outsider's perspective, it is not worth for China to escalate to the point of starting a hot war against America over Taiwan or South China Sea. Nobody can win that war and both countries would be set back decades--that is if the world survives that war.

To repeat myself: There are easier opportunities for China to grow to insurmountable heights by looking north and west, especially after the Russia-Ukraine war.
Apparently they are also the most pro American country

check this out my ideal girl is an american girl lol

77% of South Korean
respondents showed a negative view of the Chinese, making them the most
negatively perceived group of people of those polled in this survey.
The second
most negatively viewed group of people is Muslims (67%)

, followed by the
Japanese (57%), Indians (52%), and Muslim minorities living in Myanmar and
China - the Rohingya people (51%) and Uighurs (48%).
In contrast, Americans
and Europeans are viewed predominantly positively by South Koreans,


There is a racial hierarchy amongst East Asians, Koreans are no different, probably due to being an inward looking society for most of their history. Look at the centuries of Japanese and Chinese isolation between 1600-1800s.

Also, these guys in Korea seem to imagine the US and American Women are the way they see it in movies or shows. I walk past the street the show Friends was suppose to be set, every now and again (didn’t really watch the show), but it’s not as lively in the area as it use to be even 10 years ago.

Also the negative perception of Muslims is understandable considering the anarchy in the region due to the GWOT. Fighting and no major economic development. Btw, at the same time, the largest oil imports to East Asia are from these Muslim countries. So trade doesn’t really change the perception. They will buy from you but won’t let you into places in their country.

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That is some aggressive diplomacy trying to wedge a split in US global alliance. But it seems to be working.

Anyway Off Topic I really wanted some chinese members to help me regarding a recent article I read.

How Is India Viewed in China?

This was written by a Chinese Author, Mu Chunshan. A Beijing-based journalist and is from the prestigious "Diplomat" magazine.

The article says,

"Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has an unusual nickname on the Chinese internet: Modi Laoxian (莫迪老仙).

Laoxian refers to an elderly immortal with some weird abilities. The nickname implies that Chinese netizens think Modi is different – even more amazing – than other leaders. They point to both his dress and physical appearance, seen as laoxian-like, and some of his policies, which are different from India’s previous ones.

In particular, as discussed above, India led by Modi can maintain a balance among major countries in the world. Whether it is Russia, the United States, or Global South countries, India can enjoy friendly ties with all of them, which is very admirable to some Chinese netizens. So the word “laoxian” reflects the complex sentiment of Chinese people toward Modi, combining curiosity, astonishment, and perhaps a dash of cynicism.

I have been doing international media reports for nearly 20 years and it is rare for Chinese netizens to give a nickname to a foreign leader. Modi’s nickname stands out above all others. Clearly he has made an impression on Chinese public opinion."

How accurate is this assessment and what does (莫迪老仙) mean in Chinese ?

@beijingwalker can you assist ?
I think it is Chinese humour and they think of him as a Garden dwarf:-

The name of "Modi Laoxian" comes from a novel character "Xingxiu Laoxian"星宿老仙.

"Xingxiu Laoxian" likes to brag, lie, behave strangely and funny....And he has a group of stupid believers.


Combine all features. The Chinese believe that Modi is highly consistent with Xingxiu Laoxian. So. The honorary title of "Modi Laoxian" is given to Modi!!
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Even Pakistanis are beginning to think Out of the Box about Kashmir.
Anyway, your country (I assume you have Chinese origin?), your policies. But look from an outsider's perspective, it is not worth for China to escalate to the point of starting a hot war against America over Taiwan or South China Sea. Nobody can win that war and both countries would be set back decades--that is if the world survives that war.

To repeat myself: There are easier opportunities for China to grow to insurmountable heights by looking north and west, especially after the Russia-Ukraine war.
China is not warmonger, but is not afraid of war, there's no way to give up Taiwan.
We’ve done a lackluster job at Gwadar, which is why I don’t think Pakistan is serious about CPEC.
We have a done a lackluster job in all levels of economic management and governance which is why Pakistan is not perceived as a serious country.

Even Pakistanis are beginning to think Out of the Box about Kashmir.
Anyway, your country (I assume you have Chinese origin?), your policies. But look from an outsider's perspective, it is not worth for China to escalate to the point of starting a hot war against America over Taiwan or South China Sea. Nobody can win that war and both countries would be set back decades--that is if the world survives that war.

To repeat myself: There are easier opportunities for China to grow to insurmountable heights by looking north and west, especially after the Russia-Ukraine war.
China is probably going to do just that for now, extending the time horizon on Taiwan if possible, and using all possible economic opportunities to be more capable to taking Taiwan and minimizing the fallout.

China, IMHO, is going to double down on BRI and be more integrated amongst alternative economics to the US and its allies. ASEAN, West Asia, Africa, Latin America, and parts of South Asia all are going to see more soft power initiatives and infrastructure. Perhaps advisors on economic management to help countries speed up development within their own resources and open up sustainable win-win economic initiatives for both countries. Larger infrastructure would probably be built on a 50 year BOT model.

I don’t see the CCP ever giving up on Taiwan. It’s the last part of their civil war, and a way to end the lingering political alternative in the Chinese ethnic world. The CCP doesn’t want an alternative popping up in the diaspora either, with a Taiwan unified with the mainland, all other entities will be individuals or other countries China has diplomatic and economic relations with.
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We have a done a lackluster job in all levels of economic management and governance which is why Pakistan is not perceived as a serious country.

China is probably going to do just that, extending the time horizon on Taiwan if possible, and using all possible economic opportunities to be more capable to taking Taiwan and minimizing the fallout.

I don’t see the CCP ever giving up on Taiwan. It’s the last part of their civil war, and a way to end the lingering political alternative in the Chinese world.

If you guys know the history of Korea war will not advice China to give up Taiwan today.
Even Pakistanis are beginning to think Out of the Box about Kashmir.
Anyway, your country (I assume you have Chinese origin?), your policies. But look from an outsider's perspective, it is not worth for China to escalate to the point of starting a hot war against America over Taiwan or South China Sea. Nobody can win that war and both countries would be set back decades--that is if the world survives that war.

To repeat myself: There are easier opportunities for China to grow to insurmountable heights by looking north and west, especially after the Russia-Ukraine war.

Taiwan is extremely crucial for Chinas security and military. As Mao said, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam are like three daggars US use to point and threaten China at the head, belly and foot. If US station troops in Taiwan, it not only threaten Chinas security and also completely block out Chinese navy and commercial ships access to the Pacfic ocean, China will become a more or less landlocked country then. China will fight US troops if they are stationed in any of those three areas. SCS is a lifeline area for Chinas navy and strategic ballistic submarines and commercial shipping too. If US is foolish and arrogant enough that it wants destruction by occupying Taiwan, North Korea, Vietnam or SCS, China wont back down and will fight the US to win as in the Korean war and Vietnam war.
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Perhaps I am in some 'expansive' mood but if I were a Chinese strategist, I'd look to the resource rich, low population, north and west of China where there are land connections instead of the over-crowded, resource-starved poor Southeast Asia...
Taiwan or even South China Sea, in comparison, are lesser prizes compared to what is being offered via China's north and west. The impact and the opportunities of the Russia-Ukraine war are yet to be determined and I believe part of that is because humanity didn't pay attention to the idea that there could be another major, long European war, and even another World War!!!
Answer to If China has so much money to invest in other countries, why don't they develop the poor parts of China? by Janus Dongye Qimeng https://www.quora.com/If-China-has-...share=2b33adef&srid=ul2ehS&target_type=answer
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China is probably going to do just that for now, extending the time horizon on Taiwan if possible, and using all possible economic opportunities to be more capable to taking Taiwan and minimizing the fallout.

China, IMHO, is going to double down on BRI and be more integrated amongst alternative economics to the US and its allies. ASEAN, West Asia, Africa, Latin America, and parts of South Asia all are going to see more soft power initiatives and infrastructure. Perhaps advisors on economic management to help countries speed up development within their own resources and open up sustainable win-win economic initiatives for both countries. Larger infrastructure would probably be built on a 50 year BOT model.

I don’t see the CCP ever giving up on Taiwan. It’s the last part of their civil war, and a way to end the lingering political alternative in the Chinese ethnic world. The CCP doesn’t want an alternative popping up in the diaspora either, with a Taiwan unified with the mainland, all other entities will be individuals or other countries China has diplomatic and economic relations with.

In a way what you are saying is what I have been saying. I said China needs to come to an 'insurmountable' place militarily and economically. That position is not there for China yet. On the contrary, I believe America is still a 'sleeping giant' even if 'wokeism' is eating it like termites from inside.

I am not asking for Pakistan to give up Kashmir nor for China to give up Taiwan. It is my hope that in a few decades the world would realize that, after all, ALL wars had been and have been for resources and if/when resources are managed then no need for wars.
'Time' can be humanity's best friend. Globally distributed wisdom.
If you guys know the history of Korea war will not advice China to give up Taiwan today.

No one expects China to give up on Taiwan, but building up a more robust (less dependent on the West) economic system while the military is being built up is what is more pragmatic.

Speaking of North Korea. Helping the North Koreans get out of sanctions and develop economically could be beneficial to them being a stronger military buffer.
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