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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG





It is a threat.

No, you are lying on a Defense Forum. There is no threat only s.arabia illusions Iran to be a Threat.

There is no credible reliable Intelligence, evidence and Information regarding Iran looking for an invasion on XYZ arabian nation except for war mongers posting BS.

You being a moderator should remove BS Articles being posted here from blogs and unreliable websites. Since you take RT-Press TV as rubbish media than the news you are posting are even more worthless media propaganda please refrain or i'll have to call upon other moderators to clean up, Thankyou.

Mosamania logic speaks if Iran is making a bomb [supposedly] why would in the middle of their development would They make a destabilizing move to attack any arabians-non arabian nation. Grow up people you people don't even know basics of Stategic & Geo Political Moves
It's kind of a pumping up by the US and the greater west.

To create a counter against Iran in the region, KSA, UAE and other countries in the region are constantly being fed this Iran attacking nonsense, this creates a counter towards Iran in the region, as well as a major military sales area. UAE spends the highest per capita on defence in the world after all. Religious sect also plays a big role in further strengthening this barrier b/w these people.

Just think for a moment, why would Iran go to attack KSA or some other Arab nation? (the island issue with UAE is not much of an issue to warrant full scale war)

* Iran lacks operational capability to start an invasion of another country while leaving their own country [Half of Europe size] unguarded.
* Iran Saudi bickering is actually Persian Arab bickering and this is what it will remain & wont translate into any practical move.
* Iran Arab war will only benefit the western military complex as we have seen in Iran Iraq war.
* US creates Iran's fear among GCC countries through media and its military about something Iran wont be able to do in 20 years.

All, in all i don't find ANY solid basis apart from Iran supporting Hutis in Yamen against Saudi Arabia & Saudi Arabia supporting Jindullah against Iran. One could argue who started it, but since its present both countries have to deal with it and they easily can if the ego stock is left in the closet.


Mosamania: Are those AK-103? - if so do you produce or import them ?
* Iran lacks operational capability to start an invasion of another country while leaving their own country [Half of Europe size] unguarded.
* Iran Saudi bickering is actually Persian Arab bickering and this is what it will remain & wont translate into any practical move.
* Iran Arab war will only benefit the western military complex as we have seen in Iran Iraq war.
* US creates Iran's fear among GCC countries through media and its military about something Iran wont be able to do in 20 years.

All, in all i don't find ANY solid basis apart from Iran supporting Hutis in Yamen against Saudi Arabia & Saudi Arabia supporting Jindullah against Iran. One could argue who started it, but since its present both countries have to deal with it and they easily can if the ego stock is left in the closet.


This has no importance. We are not totally crazy and stupid. The world has changed, ‘it is multipolar now’ (Example: G-20 major economies etc...). We do not throw our money out the window. The real world, this is not ‘Alice on wonderland’.

Military technology has ‘always been the best of human technology’. And it has always been dual use (civil and military). By setting up our own military industry, in this excuse (Iran threat), we progress scientifically step of giant in absolutely all areas.


This has no importance. We are not totally crazy and stupid. The world has changed, ‘it is multipolar now’ (Example: G-20 major economies etc...). We do not throw our money out the window. The real world, this is not ‘Alice on wonderland’.

Military technology has ‘always been the best of human technology’. And it has always been dual use (civil and military). By setting up our own military industry, in this excuse (Iran threat), we progress scientifically step of giant in absolutely all areas.


So, you have to get weapons in large quantity to advance technologically, rather than get more advanced higher education on big scale and by other means like this?

But I don't really blame your mindset, when you have the money, why not buy?
So, you have to get weapons in large quantity to advance technologically, rather than get more advanced higher education on big scale and by other means like this?

But I don't really blame your mindset, when you have the money, why not buy?

He was saying that Iranian threat is a bless for Arabs as they are using it as an excuse to accelerate developing home-made sophisticated weapon systems, and that's what they are doing right now.

This has no importance. We are not totally crazy and stupid. The world has changed, ‘it is multipolar now’ (Example: G-20 major economies etc...). We do not throw our money out the window. The real world, this is not ‘Alice on wonderland’.

Military technology has ‘always been the best of human technology’. And it has always been dual use (civil and military). By setting up our own military industry, in this excuse (Iran threat), we progress scientifically step of giant in absolutely all areas.


Okay, given.

I, understand that the threat perception drives technological growth but that works both ways. Imagine if KSA and Iran somehow go to war [Technically impossible] today, who would provide parts for your F-15s, EF-2000, Tornados, E-3's and your navy? - Who would provide weapons, repair damaged assets that KSA doesn't have the capability to fix. Who would provide armament when you will quickly be running out of it. On Iranian side, who will provide them parts for their fulcrums and other assets, who will provide the surface to air assets? -

You, are hugely overestimating the technological capability of KSA in a war scenario TODAY which was my original point. KSA as i understand is developing its military industries, pretty fast, trying to train its engineers abroad, buying shares in western arms companies and asking them to start joint ventures in R&D sector. With all of the current pace, i don't think KSA will be totally self sufficient by 2025 because having R&D base and technical know how is one thing, developing an industrial base which could make a country not only self sufficient but also allow them a share in international arms market is an entire different aspect.

I, do understand the trajectory of Saudi military industry but it still is in its infant years, it has no experience in building tanks, even its own trainer air crafts. Its in its early stages of unmanned vehicle arena, in subsystems and propulsion & metallurgy.
There are only a handful countries that have present military industrial capacity to take advantage of a war by utilizing their technical potential.

As of now, KSA is dependent/not self sufficient - foreign suppliers in following areas and more.

* Tanks/Armored Vehicles [Except Al-Masmak which uses a foreign engine]
* Rotary & fix winged Air crafts [All of them]
* Naval combat vessels [All of them]
* Electronic warfare
* Electronic intelligence
* Propulsion systems
* Supply vehicles
* Command & Control systems
* Air defense [Totally dependent]
* Surface attack capability [Totally dependent]
* Underwater warfare [No submarine so far]
* Tactical Military gear [Mostly dependent]
* Zero long range strike capability [No Cruise missiles - Solid fuel Ballistic missiles]

Now, all of the above might change but it will take decades even given the current pace of development, there is no magic wand that would change the technological gap and dependance overnight, till then if you go to war with anyone your suppliers get the biggest piece of the pie not your industries.

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