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Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

this video shows how much of alliance between Saudi Arabia and israel :D

That will be my last reply in this topic, so don't get your fingers typing to much lies, nonsense, showing your jealousy and envy.
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Your shi`it fixations with saudi Arabia is showing off very much.
you are living under the british rule and you have swore to serve the flag with cross (christian cross) and you are talking about islam and Saudi arabia? LOL

first get out of the UK, don't pay taxes to kuffar and don't be their citizens, then try to talk lol

First understand your own religion Islam he has to pay tax under Islamic law because he lives in a non muslim country and must live by that law :agree:

Saudi arabia puppet goverment is in bed with Bush check out haliburton and why the Bin ladin's family were put on a plane after 9/11.
Its not the first time .... I have tried twice before and was disappointed.


You provided no evidence on the contrary you launched into personal attacks on those threads as well. Show us the evidence that what I say is incorrect. Rather than going off onto personal attacks and off topic

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 PM ----------

Get out of the UK, you swore to serve the queen and british flag (cross flag), the country that founded israel and killed millions of muslims.

still you have the face to whine and whimper about Saudi Arabia.

jealousy and envy nothing else, this thing is danegerous to the physical & mental health to the both of you.

also don't kill yourself with so much pain, SA and pakistan are in the same side and very good allies :)

You attacking me personally does not change facts. Is this what you were taught lol Show me the evidence that I am wrong. In the absence of rebuttal what I say stands and that is the Saudi fat ugly family are complicit with Zionists. Even Palestinians as in the OP agree with me.
Your shi`it fixations with saudi Arabia is showing off very much.
you are living under the british rule and you have swore to serve the flag with cross (christian cross) and you are talking about islam and Saudi arabia? LOL

first get out of the UK, don't pay taxes to kuffar and don't be their citizens, then try to talk lol

Once again personal attacks on me do not change the facts that Saudi ugly fat family are complicit with Zionists and through their allies the American's killers of Muslims all around the world
You provided no evidence on the contrary you launched into personal attacks on those threads as well. Show us the evidence that what I say is incorrect. Rather than going off onto personal attacks and off topic

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 PM ----------

You attacking me personally does not change facts. Is this what you were taught lol Show me the evidence that I am wrong. In the absence of rebuttal what I say stands and that is the Saudi fat ugly family are complicit with Zionists. Even Palestinians as in the OP agree with me.

Can you understand this ?


and do study your remarks after that.

Feel free to come back and correct yourself.
its an international forum and you are not speaking with the israeli ambassador behind closed doors...you put up your opinions on internet and so be prepared to back them up when questioned.....not weasel away...

You know the rules of the forum. I don't wish to indulge you because that would be going off topic. This thread is about Saudis being complicit with Zionists.

---------- Post added at 03:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

First understand your own religion Islam he has to pay tax under Islamic law because he lives in a non muslim country and must live by that law :agree:

Saudi arabia puppet goverment is in bed with Bush check out haliburton and why the Bin ladin's family were put on a plane after 9/11.

Thank you Yeti. I never thought I would see the day when an Indian would have to tell a Saudi about Islam and Saudi fat family complicit with Zionists and Americans. But thanks mate

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------

Can you understand this ?


and do study your remarks after that.

Feel free to come back and correct yourself.

Repeating yourself will not change the facts. Saudi Fat Ugly family is complicit with Zionists. Show me evidence that what I say is incorrect
Get out of the UK, you swore to serve the queen and british flag (cross flag), the country that founded israel and killed millions of muslims.

still you have the face to whine and whimper about Saudi Arabia.

jealousy and envy nothing else, this thing is danegerous to the physical & mental health to the both of you.

also don't kill yourself with so much pain, SA and pakistan are in the same side and very good allies :)

I havent sworn to serve the queen and british flag - i am an economic migrant and my motherland is Pakistan - why are you attempting to make a personal attack on me and veer off topic? I am not whimpering about Saudi Arabia - i speak out against those that are the appointed royal family. They ought to be ashamed at their behavior. I think historically Saudi Arabians have only 1 thing that interests the west - and we both know what it is. To suck up to the USA as much as they do - they may as well sleep with the enemy. Please stop making it a personal issue as that what this is not about.

Yes Sir may I clean your boots while im there
it seems beating yourself during the pagan festivals of shuraa left you with permanent brain damage.

Respect all religions that's how I live. You should learn that and people will respect you also. Now can we please get back to topic. That is that fat ugly family known as Saudis are complicit with racist Zionists.
it seems beating yourself during the pagan festivals of shuraa left you with permanent brain damage.

in Islam it is KUFR to leave muslim land and to immegrate to live permanently among kuffar, it is not even allowed, i just made this reply an exception to humiliate you showing your lie and ignorance in the same time LOL.

your iranian (aryan) lives in england like good slave to the british queen yet he talks about islam, you come to his rescue to embarrass your self.

Saudi Arabia is defacto global power, whimpering on internet will not change any thing, it will just show me and the rest of the world how jealouse and envious little people feel compared to us :D

thats my last reply and it is excpetion just to you, by happy i dignified you with a reply, and not dignifying your fellow with one.

bye bye now

Firstly - you are again resorting to personal attack - clearly you are unable to resort to logic reasoning and debating. Me and Yeti have not always seen to eye to eye. On a forum you tend to get mixture of ideas hence a debate proceeds and gain of knowledge occurs generally from both sides.
Again you attempt to bring religion into this debate - i don't wish to go that road as you are off topic and trying to derail the thread. Bottom line is it is shameful how the Saudi leaders suck up to America and worship the ground they walk on. Truly embarrassing. BTW i love the country and the people - i hate the leaders and the way they behave. One rule for them and a different for everyone else. They should practice what they preach - if they did half of them would have their limbs chopped up.
The Bush family, the Saudi Royal family, Osama Bin Laden’s family and Donald Rumsfeld’s inner circle – these are just some of the high profile figures who have played a direct role in the rise of one of the most powerful and influential and secretive firms in Washington.

The company is called The Carlyle Group. And in the wake of the events of September 11th and the invasion of Iraq, its power and influence have become significantly stronger.

The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world.

This program exposes the history of the Carlyle Group, from it’s inception as a private equity firm to it’s precent status as one of the largest defence contractors in the wor

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------

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if you care about pakistan and islam, you wouldn't be serving the queen and the brits, go back to pakistan and help it, writing attacks on is for people who just talk and don't take actions.

Buddy UK Pakistanis and overseas people contribute by sending money to their family back home by working hard.

Research by the Office for National Statistics shows that British Pakistanis are far more likely to be self-employed than any other ethnic group.
if you care about pakistan and islam, you wouldn't be serving the queen and the brits, go back to pakistan and help it, writing attacks on is for people who just talk and don't take actions.

yet again i suggest you look at the title of the thread and attempt to stay on topic. This is not about me and where i live. Stop derailing the thread and attempting to make this personal. Saudi Arabian actions and behavior shows how their leaders sell their country down the river. Their leaders are hypocrites and show little regard for anyone but themselves

this video shows how much of alliance between Saudi Arabia and israel :D

That will be my last reply in this topic, so don't get your fingers typing to much lies, nonsense, showing your jealousy and envy.

Which is why he was assassinated... and a more "welcoming" person put in his place.
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