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Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

From reading Mosamania's comments he sounds really delusional, as if the whole world misunderstands Saudi Arabia and that it is actually a liberal utopia with free press, women rights, equal opportunity etc. Who are you kidding? Saudi Arabia is the most backward country in the entire region and their leaders deserve to be hung high for their shameless treachery.

I don't even understand why you bother to defend your beloved "king". His skeletons are out and open of the closets.

And as for free press, read : How Saudi Arabia and Qatar Became Friends Again

Saudi Arabia uses its foreign policy to make sure foreign countries don't write negative articles about the House of Saud, yet you are saying there is free press in SA. lol

Qatar has been the bad boy on the block..Supporting Iran and Nusairi regime of Syria..and Saudis used diplomatic means to tame this bad boy..it is actually an accomplishment on the Saudi size because after all the tiny Qatar is Saudi's b_tch!

There are factual inaccuracies in the article.

Saudis as a matter of fact do not belive in intervening in the internal matters of other regional states. But that does not mean they were supporting Hosni or Gaddafi. Calls for Gaddafi to step down were all over the media and the same is true in case of Assad of Syria. But whats with Qatar going anti and supporting the nusairi kafir regime which is killing muslims. Having been to Syria, the nusairi kafir regime is inevitably corrupt and brutal.

Al Jazeera, long banned in the kingdom, has also been given the green light to set up a Saudi bureau.

Al Jazeera was never banned in the Kingdom.
Saudi Parasite Family - YouTube

This is exactly what the subject matter is. West and Saudi Parasite family are complicit killers of muslims around the world


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Lets get back on topic. I say that Saudi Royal Parasite family is complicit with american and israelis in killing muslims all around the world. To support this assertion I have provided the following quote from american political leaders. (source provided earlier)

Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond.

This is what the americans are saying and some out there still defend these parasitic not so royal family. You guys must have had some serious brainwashing in those madrassas paid for by these parasites
hmmm it is very different.
not commenting the first one. there is no point about it.
the second one and the third one: you can recognize the neturei karta (Jews against the existence of Israel): the goal of inviting them is because the regime of Iran is against the existence of Israel.
So clealy i don't see the point of comparison. lol.
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hmmm it is very different.
not commenting the first one. there is no point about it.
the second one and the third one: you can recognize the neturei karta (Jews against the existence of Israel): the goal of inviting them is because the regime of Iran is against the existence of Israel.
So clealy i don't see the point of comparison. lol.

Exactly its not the same at all. I dont partcularly like seeing grown men kiss but i do accept in certain parts of the world these greetings may be normal. But the point is that in one you have a fat ugly bloke from that parasite not so royal family kilssing or getting near to Bush the person who has given orders out of that amouth to kill muslims all over the world. Now forget kissing lets get back to the point

Lets get back on topic. I say that Saudi Royal Parasite family is complicit with american and israelis in killing muslims all around the world. To support this assertion I have provided the following quote from american political leaders. (source provided earlier)

Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond.
This is what the americans are saying and some out there still defend these parasitic not so royal family. You guys must have had some serious brainwashing in those madrassas paid for by these parasites
Exactly its not the same at all. I dont partcularly like seeing grown men kiss but i do accept in certain parts of the world these greetings may be normal. But the point is that in one you have a fat ugly bloke from that parasite not so royal family kilssing or getting near to Bush the person who has given orders out of that amouth to kill muslims all over the world. Now forget kissing lets get back to the point

Lets get back on topic. I say that Saudi Royal Parasite family is complicit with american and israelis in killing muslims all around the world. To support this assertion I have provided the following quote from american political leaders. (source provided earlier)

Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond.
This is what the americans are saying and some out there still defend these parasitic not so royal family. You guys must have had some serious brainwashing in those madrassas paid for by these parasites

Actually the greeting kisses on cheek is also a strong custom of Arabs and is not an Iranian thing at all. I have even seen Afghans, Turks and Central Asians do it. So no worry there. As for the Jews they are the real Jews the ones who are not Zionists and are against Zionism and who are waiting for the return of Christ. So it is actually good that Muslims meet them instead of meeting with the Zionists and taking pride in it.
The Saudi government and its supporters are pawns for the Zionists. They have proven as much in this thread.
Surprised to see the debate go so long .. 34 pages of pure stubborn hate from some fellows here.

Some of you feel it is obligatory to post a message without knowing what the facts are, and some want to post based on what they have learned from TV !

Going by the age group majority users belong to on this forum, we can safely assume that the vehicle on which they were brought home from the hospital after birth, was running on Saudi subsidized Patrol !

They might also like to go through the facts of how much Saudi Arabia contributes to Pakistan's Economy Annually by hosting a large number of Pakistani workers.

This is separate from the Direct financial Aid that the Saudi Government has issues from time to time.

These same people , might also want to go through the financial AND MATERIAL AND LOGISTIC help Saudi Arabia & UAE provided for the Nuclear as well as the Missile program.

These same people also forget the immense diplomatic help Saudi Arabia provides in IMF and at US government & UN.

Iran, bah bha bha ... has been Hindu-stan baby buddy for several decades.
Remember Chaharbagh is in Iran BUILT by Hindu-stan to Match Gawadar.
Also Remember that Iran has voted in Hindu-stan favor on Kashmir.

Some one count the number of times they burn the Pakistani flag in Tehran ?

So, please get a grip on your hormones and talk with some sense of history and maybe some shame.
Surprised to see the debate go so long .. 34 pages of pure stubborn hate from some fellows here.

Some of you feel it is obligatory to post a message without knowing what the facts are, and some want to post based on what they have learned from TV !

Going by the age group majority users belong to on this forum, we can safely assume that the vehicle on which they were brought home from the hospital after birth, was running on Saudi subsidized Patrol !

They might also like to go through the facts of how much Saudi Arabia contributes to Pakistan's Economy Annually by hosting a large number of Pakistani workers.

This is separate from the Direct financial Aid that the Saudi Government has issues from time to time.

These same people , might also want to go through the financial AND MATERIAL AND LOGISTIC help Saudi Arabia & UAE provided for the Nuclear as well as the Missile program.

These same people also forget the immense diplomatic help Saudi Arabia provides in IMF and at US government & UN.

Iran, bah bha bha ... has been Hindu-stan baby buddy for several decades.
Remember Chaharbagh is in Iran BUILT by Hindu-stan to Match Gawadar.
Also Remember that Iran has voted in Hindu-stan favor on Kashmir.

Some one count the number of times they burn the Pakistani flag in Tehran ?

So, please get a grip on your hormones and talk with some sense of history and maybe some shame.

Back on thread and topic please:

I have asserted that Saundi parasite not so Royal family assists americans and israelis inkilling muslims all around the world. To support this assertion I have provided the following quote from american political leaders. (source provided earlier)

Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond.
This is what the americans are saying and some out there still defend these parasitic not so royal family. You guys must have had some serious brainwashing in those madrassas paid for by these parasites
Back on thread and topic please:

I have asserted that Saundi parasite not so Royal family assists americans and israelis inkilling muslims all around the world. To support this assertion I have provided the following quote from american political leaders. (source provided earlier)

Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond.
This is what the americans are saying and some out there still defend these parasitic not so royal family. You guys must have had some serious brainwashing in those madrassas paid for by these parasites

So you want to take one such political remark and try to pivot your argument around it... these are for political consumption and the Americans have made such remarks before. Remember the 1971 and their fleet ?

Brainwashing ??
I have given you reasoning and argument before as to why some times the Saudi Government has to accept some things; no matter how much they want to change it,

I am surprised though at you, how DOES it feel talking about Zionism and muslim blood while you are resident in UK ?

No Matter how much we try to reason with you, or cajole you; you are here not to debate or listen but to keep on yapping what ever grievances you think you have. There is nothing to be done to help you further.
Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

12. Jul, 2011

By Haytham A. K. Radwan – Intifada Palestine.com

(Adelaide, Australia) – The attempts to destroy the Palestinian Cause have been on the drawing board of the Al Saud’s alliance with Zionism and the West for at least 63 years. Today, not only are they fighting against the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to resist occupation, they are doing everything in their power to prevent them from returning to their indigenous land in favour of Israel.

Established as a kingdom without an independent strategic plan or a sense of nationalism, Saudi Arabia has sought to destabilize Billad el-Cham[1] in order to undermine the Palestinian cause in favour of Zionism and the West. Indeed, since the occupation of Palestine in 1948 the kingdom has persevered with it mission to strengthen Zionism by inciting disputes between rival groups. This has had the effect of destabilising the region so that Zionism and Israel’s occupation of the territory of Billad el-Cham continue, though Riyadh disguises its activities and policies under the banner of Islam, peace and its relationship with the West. Today, the mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to strengthen Zionism continues, this being accomplished by undermining popular regional and national resistance movements, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, in order to destroy their confidence and their willingness to resist Israel’s Zionist projects. This paper seeks to shed light on Saudi efforts to undermine the Palestinian cause for the sake of Israel through the propagation of myths, by destroying all forms of resistance, and by instigating peace initiatives which it knows will ultimately be ineffective.

Palestine and the Saudi Myth

Palestinian Ahmed Elaian, 86, shows the keys of his home in Israel, on the anniversary of Al Naqba, or day of catastrophe

This year (2011) marks the 63rd anniversary of the Nakba, the illegal occupation of Palestine by the Zionist movement.[2] However, not all Arab countries have resisted Zionist projects in Palestine, notable among them being Saudi Arabia. Indeed, Al Saud have created the myth that the Saudis have used their position as an oil supplier, as a valuable friend and ally of Western nations, and as the protectors of the most important Islamic sites, Mecca and Medina, to help liberate Palestine. Saudi Arabia’s message to Arab people and to Muslims everywhere is that the kingdom is acting in support of Palestine and its displaced population. Additionally, the kingdom has fostered the notion that it is not in conflict with the establishment of Israel in Palestine and is willing to do everything in its power to restore peace between Israel and the Palestinians. It is argued here that these messages have been accepted uncritically by the media, and this situation has served the House of Saud – as well as Zionism – very effectively. However, many (or most) Palestinians have resisted the message very effectively. Indeed, research into the events of the past 60 years or more reveal a very different situation from the reports provided in the media, and it is evident that there has been a high degree of on-going Saudi cooperation with Israel. Indeed, Saudi Arabia negotiated with the British Foreign Office and with Churchill, expressing its willingness to accept openly the Jewish claim to Palestine in return for Britain withholding support from its Hashemite rivals, and in doing so the Saudis ignored calls by King Ghazi of Iraq to form a common Arab front to defend Palestine. Then, as events unfolded during 1948 Saudi Arabia remained on the sidelines and refused to contribute forces to liberate Palestine. Furthermore, when the 1948 Arab-Israeli War ended, the kingdom withheld financial support from the Egyptian and Jordanian forces still occupying parts of Palestine, and it made every effort to prevent Syria from uniting with Iraq to create a military counterweight to Israel.The kingdom also refused to contemplate the possible use of oil to pressure the US into a more even-handed Palestinian policy.[3]

Former Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar

Since 1948 Saudi conspiracies against the Palestinian cause have continued through secret meetings and communications between Saudi government officials and princes and the Israelis.
According to statesmen, senior military officers and former intelligence officers, the former Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar, has maintained regular contact with Israel since at least 1990. Moreover, evidence indicates that such contacts occurred much earlier; for example, in 1976 the Saudi government secretly sent a letter, via Tunisian Foreign Minister, Mohammed Masmoudi, to Israel offering a large sum of money in return for withdrawing from the occupied territories.[4]

Saudi efforts to destroy the Palestinian cause even entailed military plans. Accordingly, in 2009 when the Gaza attack occurred, Saudi Arabia was in support of Israel, and repeatedly met the chief of Mossad to plan an attack on Iran, the main supporter of Hamas, the most influential anti-Israeli movement in the occupied land. Similarly, during the conflict along the Israel- Lebanon border in 2006, the Saudis allegedly contacted the Israelis, the top-selling Hebrew daily Yediot Aharonot reporting that Israel and Saudi Arabia had been conducting secret negotiations.[5] It appears, then that while Hezbollah was fighting for the interests of both Lebanon and Palestine – and for all Arab countries – the Saudis were conspiring against it by collaborating with Israel.

Secret meetings and military planning between the Saudis and the Israelis have not been the only conspiracies to undermine the Palestinian cause. For instance, in 1958 the Saudis endeavoured to put an end to unity plans between Iraq and Jordan after a pro-Nasser coup d’état succeeded in overthrowing Iraq’s Hashemite monarchy. The Hashemite had long been the strongest traditional Arab force, but they were displaced when Ibn Saud forced them from Mecca in 1924 and Medina in 1925. Then in 1921 the British placed Faisal on the throne in Jordan, and shortly afterwards, in 1923, granted Abdullah control of Iraq. These Hashemite princes were outsiders, but the British used religious differences to justify their actions to the Arab people by asserting that the Hashemite lineage could be traced back to Muhammad. They also worked hard to put an end to the Syrian-Egyptian union (described at the time as the United Arab Republic) which lasted from 1958 until 1961.[6]

The secret relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel has not been intended to help the Palestinian people nor is it to maintain stability and peace in the region. Instead, it has sought to increase the threat of terrorism, a situation which is favourable both to Israel and the House of Saud. Indeed, their relationship can be considered to be lower than that between al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Furthermore, the differences between the two are akin to the differences between the act of war and terrorism. Both have supported terror and war to justify their expansionism. Saudi Arabia has used Islam and its wealth to further its cause. Israel has used Saudi Arabia’s wealth, Islam, its military superiority, and its contacts with the West to achieve its objectives.

Thus, the interaction between the Saudi royal family and the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance has dangerously strengthened anti-secular and national movements in Billad el-Cham. Also it has deepened the divisions that emerged during the period of colonial rule in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Indeed, events show that the Saudi royal family has stood against Syrian nationalism and the liberation of Palestine in order to strengthen Saudi-style religious movements.[7] However, what now concerns the Saudis is the threat that Syrian nationalism can cause to the existence of the royal family and its Wahhabi mission within Billad el-Cham. Similarly, what worries Israel and the West is the threat that nationalism can cause to the existence of the State of Israel.

Unlike the Saudis, who have never realised that Zionism constitutes a threat both to Billad el-Cham and to the kingdom itself, the people of Billad el-Cham have seen the emergence of Israel as a real threat to the security and stability of the entire Middle East. This danger lay in the Zionist endeavour to establish an exclusively Jewish state in Billad el-Cham based on the claim that the Jewish people had an ancient, inherent and inalienable right to Palestine.[8] This endeavour has been founded on the belief that the Jews constitute a nation, yet such a belief is unwarranted because the Jews are very diverse racially, socially, and culturally.[9] Indeed, for the liberation of Palestine in particular, and the existence of Billad el-Cham in general, the Zionist threat cannot be denied. Zionist Jews have claimed an historic title of the Jewish people to Palestine even though they are not descendants of the original inhabitants of the country.[10] Historically, the Jews, or the Israelites, arrived in the land of Canaan as immigrants and they then lived with the Canaanites. However, there was never peaceful coexistence between them and the Philistines, who also came to the land of Canaan almost contemporaneously with them. The Israelites eventually disappeared from Palestine after their deportation by the Romans following their second revolt in AD 132-5. Moreover, the Jews who migrated to Palestine in the twentieth century showed no disposition to share the country or to coexist with the Palestinians. Rather, they were determined to realize the political ambitions defined by the World Zionist Organization, to create an exclusively Jewish state.[11]

Today, like the West, the Saudis continue to do everything in their power to strengthen Zionism and weaken Syrian nationalism. Within Billad el-Cham this is continuing to this day; Israel is using similar tactics in order to justify its wars against the Palestinians, Lebanese and the Syrians in the occupied territories while the Saudis, like the West, have done little to end the crises by putting a stop to Israel’s step-by-step expansionism. However, these policies are having an impact on the behaviour of Muslim sects, on radical organizations, and on US-backed political parties within Billad el-Cham. Similarly they are affecting the behaviour of the Zionists and Saudi Arabia. For example, Israel and the US are using Saudi Arabia’s influence in the Persian Gulf to destabilize Iran. However, there may be unforeseen consequences for these policies will impact on the security of Saudi Arabia itself and not just Iran.

Using Iran as an Excuse to Weaken the Palestinian Cause

Today, the Saudi royal family continues the policy of Ibn Saud in harming the Palestinian cause, although the Palestine question remains important for Saudi policy-makers. This is so not because of the sensitivities of the Palestinian crisis but because of growing Iranian influence in the occupied land. This may explain why Saudi Arabia is opposing the Iranian-backed democratically elected anti-Israel Sunni government led by Hamas while supporting the unpopular Fatah government led by Mahmud Abbas. Indeed, Saudi officials have repeatedly stated that Iranian support for Hamas has widened the rift with Fatah and hampers a resumption of peace talks.[12]

Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Riyadh. Photo: Reuters

This situation helps explain why, during a meeting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in February 2010, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal expressed support for United Nation sanctions against Iran because of Iran’s military support for Hamas and Hezbollah. The Foreign Minister commented:

We see the issue [Iran's nuclear program] in the shorter term maybe because we are closer to the threat … So we need an immediate resolution rather than a gradual resolution [sanctions].[13]

However, by June, as the UN Security Council passed a new round of sanctions against Iran, The Times in London published a report stating that:

Defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran.[14]

At this point it is relevant to note that Zionism has been successful in influencing policies and events in Saudi Arabia. It has been successful in convincing the Saudi royal family that Iran is a threat to their existence and that the royal family needs to co-operate with Israel to ensure the kingdom’s safety. Indeed, the Saudis have apparently accepted the view that they need Israel as a back-up in any future confrontation with Iran. Israel is still considered to be an enemy in the eyes of Arab and Muslim people, and though Iran is a Muslim country and shares similar values and interests with Arabs nevertheless Saudi Arabia still favours Israel. This is evident today. At present, Saudi policy regarding Iran is aligned with that of Israel, and both are sectarian in nature and publically political. A Saudi/ Sunni war against the Shias would achieve Israel’s aim of destroying Iran’s growing power, but from an Israeli standpoint such a conflict would be to the benefit of Zionism which is hostile to both Shias and Sunnis.

Today, Saudi policy makers are keeping pressure on Iran regardless of the fact that Iran is seeking to counter-balance Israel’s hegemony in the region. It is widely believed that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, but this seems to ignore the fact that Israel is already a nuclear state. There is no evidence yet that Iran is developing weapons of mass destruction, however Saudi Arabia chooses to insist that Iran is a threat to the region and in so doing is ignoring Israel’s nuclear capabilities.

It seems that Iran’s enmity toward Saudi Arabia has a more immediate strategic cause. Iran is not going to forgive Saudi Arabia’s political stand with the US against Iran’s nuclear interests, nor is it going to forget Saudi Arabia’s support for Saddam Hussein’s forces in the Iran/Iraq conflict in the 1980s. Indeed, Tehran’s main hostility stems from the belief that Saudi Arabia is covertly co-operating with its enemies on three fronts. Firstly, the government in Tehran believes that the Saudis collaborated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the abduction of an Iranian nuclear scientist in 2009. Iran accused Saudi Arabia of assisting the CIA abduction of Shahram Amiri while he was in Mecca, this view being confirmed by Amiri who stated on his return from the US that the CIA has kidnapped him with the help of Saudis. Secondly, the Iranian regime suspects that the Saudis have agreed to support Israel in planning a’ ‘surgical strike’ against Iran’s nuclear facility, and thirdly, that the Saudi government has been providing ideological support for Iran’s main domestic terrorist group, the Jundallah.[15]

Unworkable Peace Process

Soon after the events of 9/11 King Abdullah negotiated the so-called ‘Arab Peace Initiative’ to avoid criticism from the West because 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis. The initiative was produced in the 2002 Arab Summit in Beirut, but in the subsequent ten years Israel has refused to comply, and Saudi Arabia has taken no steps to implement it.

In the light of these events it is reasonable to question whether Saudi Arabia could solve the crises through peace negotiation and whether Saudi Arabia is able to pressure Israel to make peace. It is argued here that there is no evidence to suggest that Israel is dedicated to peace in the region. Nor is there evidence that Saudi Arabia would cease supporting Zionism or reduce its loyalty to the US, especially since the US itself is under Zionist control.

Theoretically, peace is represented in contemporary literature as a ‘liberal peace’: that is, an institutional peace to provide international governance and guarantees, a constitutional peace to ensure democracy and free trade, and a civil peace to ensure freedoms and rights within society.[16] However, these distinctions mean little to people living under occupation and in refugee camps.

But in reality, peace with Israel means recognizing the Zionist state as a sovereign political entity, something Palestinians refuse to accept. Accordingly, the peace process is not welcomed in Billad el-Cham in general and Palestine in particular. For the people of the region there are deep disagreements about the issue of peace with Israel. Additionally, there is a growing awareness among the indigenous inhabitants of the Middle East that Israel has become firmly entrenched, but despite this there has not been a commensurate shift in support for Israel’s presence; to the contrary, opposition to Israel remains as high as ever.[17]

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon stream to the Israeli-Lebanese border for a view of their homeland.

It is proposed here that a peace arrangement between Israel and its neighbours would legitimize injustice because millions of displaced Palestinians still live in refugee camps abroad, a state of affairs in violation of basic human rights. Although much is heard about the plight of the Jews in the holocaust, little is said about the Palestinians who fled from their homeland. It is clear that Israelis have no intention of living peacefully with the Palestinians, and evidence of this can be seen in the relentless extension of settlements on Palestinian land. This process is exacerbating the refugee problem by forcing the remaining Palestinian inhabitants to cross into Jordan. Despite this worsening situation Saudi Arabia is doing nothing except encourage Mahmud Abbas to continue peace talks with Israel and by supporting the Oslo Agreement, although the kingdom’s rulers know that the Oslo process is unlikely to contribute to a lasting peace. In 2002, King Abdullah proposed peace in exchange for an Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders. Israel did not accept his initiative. Five years later (in March 2007) that proposal was revived, but, as before, it produced no tangible results, and Saudi Arabia was still unwilling and unable to force Israel’s hand on the matter. Instead, the Saudis are now cooperating with Israel to prepare an air strike against Iran, a new fabricated enemy to replace the original enemy of all Arabs, Israel.

Peace between Israelis and Palestinians may never be achievable regardless of the efforts of the Israelis and Saudis because Israel has no roots in the region. Palestine has been occupied, it has been renamed Israel, and the original inhabitants have been forced to flee their homeland. Consequently, Israel can never really achieve a lasting peace with people who they have displaced. Some may argue that Israel has signed a peace treaty with Egypt and Jordan, countries with whom they now enjoy relatively peaceful relationships. But are those treaties sustainable? It is argued that they are not because while Governments may sign treaties those arrangements may never be accepted by the public, especially after so many years of bloodshed and injustice. Public feelings on the matter are becoming more evident today in Egypt, Jordan and elsewhere, where anti-Israeli slogans are appearing more often. Can the Saudi government continue to resist (or ignore) rising public sentiment today, and can its petrodollars, allies, and political advocates, both internal and external, protect the world from growing sectarianism, extremism and terrorism?

Today, although Palestinians have not forgotten the lessons of military power and occupation, Saudi Arabia still believes that peace with Israel is achievable and that Israel itself is serious about making peace and ensuring justice. It is insisting that the Palestinian (and Lebanese) resistance to Israel must be halted in order to resume peace negotiations. Saudi Arabia’s rulers have repeatedly witnessed Israel’s rejection of many offers of peace and Israel’s recourse to violence and expansion of settlement, yet they insist that the Palestinians must negotiate peace with Israel.

Meanwhile, injustice can result in more violence, propelling people to acts of resistance in order to gain justice. In the eyes of the international community, Israel has persistently violated international law which requires it to recognise the rights of the indigenous Palestinian people. The occupation is illegal, the Palestinians have been confined to small areas in Gaza and the West Bank and have remained under siege, and displaced people have been prevented from returning to their native land – all acts being condemned by natural and human laws. In the meantime, Israel, protected by the US, has caused many Palestinian deaths and condemned many others to a life of agony and despair. Thus, a just settlement would require an independent and an honest broker, Western or non-Western, but can this happen?

So far the international community has been unable and unwilling to solve the crisis in Palestine. Similarly, it has demonstrated unwillingness to challenge the Saudis for their tacit support for the status quo. Indeed, for the American government the occupation of Arab and Muslim territory, and the displacement of its population are convenient ways to force the hand of the Saudi, Arab, and Muslim people.

In summary, this paper has examined the Saudi-Zionist efforts to undermine the Palestinian cause. While these policies have succeeded in some places, they have failed to be effective in Palestine, as well as in other places in Billad el-Cham. Failure to win over the hearts and minds of people in the region has caused the Saudi-Israeli-Western policy makers to forge what they called “the New Middle East”. But for this new vision to succeed will entail the destruction of regimes regardless of whether these regimes are secular or Islamic. This also requires the destruction of groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, and of leaders who are willing to stand in opposition.

Why if Arabs have these views of Saudi supposed Royal family whose friendship with our enemy America is unquestioned should Pakistanis feel any affinity to this family. Let me make it clear any criticism here is not of Arabs but that ugly evil family of fat people.
This is the 3rd time, you have opened a thread with same content material and similar title.

Anything you want to tell us about ?
This is the 3rd time, you have opened a thread with same content material and similar title.

Anything you want to tell us about ?

Some of my Pakistani brothers are slow and I have to put these threads up so they realise who their true enemy is. An example of Saudi Royal

Gay Saudi prince pictured happily with the manservant he beat to death | Mail Online

btw this is first thread with a Palestinian view and they should know who their enemy is even if some Pakistanis dont
The leader of the Houthi movement in Yemen says Saudi Arabia is an enemy to the entire Muslim world, accusing the Kingdom of creating hatred and hostility, Press TV reports.

Mohamed Badreddin al-Houthi said in an interview with Press TV that Saudi Arabia is “an enemy to all the free people of the world, including non-Muslims.”

“It manufactures terrorism and an ideology that divides the people, divides Muslims, creates hatred and hostility,” Houthi added.

The Yemeni figure, who is the brother of the late leader of the movement, Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, further explained that in 2009 the Saudis “bribed the tribal leaders within the Houthi movement into favoring the Salafi-Wahabi ideology” so that they can control the border region between Yemen and Saudi Arabia, especially the northwestern city of Sa'ada.

In 2009, clashes broke out between the Houthi fighters and Saudi forces along the common border between the two countries. The Houthis accused Saudi Arabia of supporting the Yemeni government in attacks against them.

Houthi pointed out that the Saudi regime “would spend hundreds of thousands if not millions” to achieve its goals.

Hussein al-Houthi and a number of his men were killed in an attack launched by Yemeni government forces in an area close to the border with the Kingdom in September 2004.

Yemeni dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh has repeatedly claimed that if he hands over power, Yemen would be divided into multiple states.

Mohamed al-Houthi, however, said the Yemeni nation “cannot be separated,” adding that the most important thing for the movement is “how to serve this nation, our Ummah, how to protect our morals and religious principles.”

“We want dignity and independence. We will not accept continuation of Saleh scenario. We had enough during the 33 years [of his rule]. We cannot be fooled again,” Houthi said.

Saleh, who was injured in an attack on the presidential palace in June, returned to Yemen on September 23 after receiving treatment in Saudi Arabia.

Demonstrators in Yemen have been holding protests against the US-backed Saleh regime since late January, demanding the trial of the Yemeni dictator for the brutal crackdown on the popular uprising.

According to local reports, hundreds of Yemenis have been killed and thousands more have been injured since the onset of the popular uprising in the country.
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