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Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

I recently posted something on this forum recently - objecting to the Saudi royal family and the way their mindset was. I recieved a PM from a Saudi visitor on here. The PM had pure hatred for Iranians and all those who said ANYTHING bad about the Saudi royals. It shocked me to see that if you have an opinion how the Saudis tend to opress the moths of anyone objecting to their way of portraying Islam. Interesting PM. If anyone wants to know the content - let me know

Really SK delete this evil saudis name so that you do not make it public but I think you should show us what these evil people are about and put itr here on theforum yaar
I am a patriot of pakistan i have done a lot of post you can go and check out my posts. I have no agenda on behalf of any ayotollas. And for your information I am not a shia.

Let me tell you why I am so upset with saudi parasite royal family. Over the last 10 years muslims have been from libya to pakistan. Sometimes innocents, women and children by americans west and israelis.

If the saudi parasite family were to stop accepting us dollar for their oil the us dollar would lose its reserve currency status and they would go bankrupt. And israel would collapse within a month or two. Muslims would stop being killed. Saudi parasite family is the only "muslims" that can do this. They wont and thats why I think its important they are exposed.

You actually belive that the Saudis recivie dollars against oil and only if they would stop the world would turn rosy?? What about other countries trading oil in dollar. The Saudi print their own currency in exchange of dollar and it is their oil they can do what ever they wish to do or in what ever currency they want to sell it. You can deny as much as you want but your words resonate of ayatollah agenda in every sense in every post. This the same kind of hate propaganda which echoes in Qom every Friday. The same "parasites" have helped us get through rough times, bailed us out on WOT pressure, assisted our weakening economy when ever needed and provide jobs to over a million of Pakistani citizens. Atleast be thankful in part of what has been accommodated.

I recently posted something on this forum recently - objecting to the Saudi royal family and the way their mindset was. I recieved a PM from a Saudi visitor on here. The PM had pure hatred for Iranians and all those who said ANYTHING bad about the Saudi royals. It shocked me to see that if you have an opinion how the Saudis tend to opress the moths of anyone objecting to their way of portraying Islam. Interesting PM. If anyone wants to know the content - let me know

You are not Iranian why do you care?? Ohh wait..confession of another false flag...since when did Al-Quds started an internet wing ??? The Arabs dont like the Persians and that is an understood fact for last few thousand years and there is no reason for you to shed tears over it unless off course you are one of them in any sense..

Iran constant obsession with Zionist and Israel is suspicious!..highly suspicious indeed..it is "chore ke darhi me tinka"
Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond.

This is what the americans are saying and you still defend these parasitic not so royal family. You guys must have had some serious brainwashing in those madrassas paid for by these parasites
Yes and its doing or has done well for Pakistan in the past and present..right??

Pakistan never had stable democracy , dictator and corrupt ppl always takeover , yet its 100% better then middle east we have free press media court constitution and proper system of election rulers (we hope it will start function properly) , you can take example of Malaya , and look at ur avatar its a dictator i think (no offense just saying my thought)
Really SK delete this evil saudis name so that you do not make it public but I think you should show us what these evil people are about and put itr here on theforum yaar

It was me and you know it. I was fed up with your constant lies and propaganda I was simply stating that if Iran dared to set foot on Saudi Arabia we will defend it with life and blood. And your support for their invasion is very clear.

---------- Post added 11-05-2011 at 12:01 AM ---------- Previous post was 11-04-2011 at 11:58 PM ----------

And lol on you calling me "Evil" just lol
It was me and you know it. I was fed up with your constant lies and propaganda I was simply stating that if Iran dared to set foot on Saudi Arabia we will defend it with life and blood. And your support for their invasion is very clear.

Why are you obsessed with Iran? All i am doing is exposing corrupt fat parasites in your not so royal family for colluding with americans and israelis in killing muslims thats my only issue with them. Not with arab people, iranan people turks or anyother peoples.
It was me and you know it. I was fed up with your constant lies and propaganda I was simply stating that if Iran dared to set foot on Saudi Arabia we will defend it with life and blood. And your support for their invasion is very clear.

---------- Post added 11-05-2011 at 12:01 AM ---------- Previous post was 11-04-2011 at 11:58 PM ----------

And lol on you calling me "Evil" just lol

Good thoughts , also support democracy for poor arabs.
Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond.

This is what the americans are saying and you still defend these parasitic not so royal family. You guys must have had some serious brainwashing in those madrassas paid for by these parasites

answer what I have put up here on this post and stop going off topic.
Good thoughts , also support democracy for poor arabs.

What democracy?? Don't tell me you believe the lie of democracy now. What did Democracy ever do to anybody most countries with democracies are in a living hell it does not matter what the ruling system is, only the people matter the west is advanced not because of democracy but because of education give everyone the same education it will produce the same result.
Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond.

This is what the americans are saying and you still defend these parasitic not so royal family. You guys must have had some serious brainwashing in those madrassas paid for by these parasites

Why should Iran attack Saudi Arabia in first place to begin with..You sound clearly a support of Iranian invasion of Saudi Arabia but not the Saudi right to defense. I am bullied and attack, I have the right to call anyone to my defense..even America!
What democracy?? Don't tell me you believe the lie of democracy now. What did Democracy ever do to anybody most countries with democracies are in a living hell it does not matter what the ruling system is, only the people matter the west is advanced not because of democracy but because of education give everyone the same education it will produce the same result.
You dont believe in :-

Free media ?
Free courts?
Rulers elected by ppl?
Social Justice for common man?
Freedom of speeech ?
Equal rights for all ?

this is what we say democracy is kingship is just utter nonsence.
Why should Iran attack Saudi Arabia in first place to begin with..You sound clearly a support of Iranian invasion of Saudi Arabia but not the Saudi right to defense. I am bullied and attack, I have the right to call anyone to my defense..even America!

Shouldn't Muslim countries stand together?? Why is Iran so adamant in Attacking Saudi Arabia and destroying its Oil Fields?? Why is Iran threatening to wipe out the Dubai?? And Why is other Muslim countries are not offering to help Saudi Arabia?? Iran is very much a threat to Saudi Arabia Israel is just used by Iran to win fan points but in reality their real enemy is Saudi Arabia and they have been eyeing Saudi Arabia since the 80s their new found hate for Israel is just new to give themselves a boost int he Arab world but Iran support in Syria have effectively obliterated all support for Iran in the Arab world.
You dont believe in :-

Free media ?
Free courts?
Rulers elected by ppl?
Social Justice for common man?
Freedom of speeech ?
Equal rights for all ?

this is what we say democracy is kingship is just utter nonsence.

Free Media? you should check Saudi Media they eat everybody alive.
Free courts? Our courts are free but it is the judges in the court that needs replacement a system to do this is already underway.
Ruler Elected by people? the Bay'ah council is for the royal family and Tribal leaders to choose who is the next king.
Freedom of Speech? We could improve on that that I admit.
Equal rights for all? If I work hard I can be a minister or a governor the old system changed.

The only reason why Saudi Arabia did not get a revolution is because we are happy and consider ourselves more free than other so called "Democratic" nations around us.
Why don't people just realize that we are happy as IS. ans believe it or not we don't see the Al-Sauds as dictators at all. Why is it so hard to get your head around that?? Oh right the western media does not like those facts. the very media you grew up in.
Aryan-B i have to commend your propaganda skills you took one article from a dubious source and make a 32 pages flame board out of it..and in your entire debate you have not posted a single valid point but utter nonsense Iranian propaganda.
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