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Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

Why not? May you expound your theory or reasoning a bit more?

QED I rest my case. I think I need to go and watch a bit of tv have a cigar and go to sleep. I suggest in the meantime you try reading all th posts on this thread
I find this quote a bit condesending. Just because I hold a different point of view to you you think I need to do more research as if that will magically bring me to your way of thinking. lol (/QUOTE]

That was a suggestion, keep your pride to your self.

Either you are suggesting that all the oil money should have been kept stored for 50 years and used now,
I failed to express my point of view, at which point I should apologize and let readers make up their own mind.

You say that as if you have made a well made argument for your case. what you being watching LA law?:rofl:

If we were to take your and my thank you ratio to posts I think the readers will side with me anyway have a good night I will come back tommorow and discuss with you. Mind you it looked like you have allready filed your final submissions. :rofl:
QED I rest my case. I think I need to go and watch a bit of tv have a cigar and go to sleep. I suggest in the meantime you try reading all th posts on this thread

Admit your defeciency and say that you are ready for a knowledge punsihment and not otherwise. Short cut you have found, which in fact is going to be a long one....in swedish they say similar.....yen veg er sen veg....

---------- Post added at 02:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 AM ----------

QED I rest my case. I think I need to go and watch a bit of tv have a cigar and go to sleep. I suggest in the meantime you try reading all th posts on this thread

When confronted, yo come up with these stero types (in denial) statements a la go to google and other shik......u r realy on slipery slope on such statemnets.
I find this quote a bit condesending. Just because I hold a different point of view to you you think I need to do more research as if that will magically bring me to your way of thinking. lol (/QUOTE]

That was a suggestion, keep your pride to your self.

Either you are suggesting that all the oil money should have been kept stored for 50 years and used now,
I failed to express my point of view, at which point I should apologize and let readers make up their own mind.

The problem is you clearly fail to express and make your point. The problem is you cant see the difference between Islam and Saudi Royal Family. Have a think. You are alarmingly dogmatic and are mixing apples and pears.
Why Google ?
Since I am one, I will explain.

Fact 1: On the commencement of the last pilgrimage Allah took an Oath from the prophet that his job has been completed.

Fact 2: It was revealed to all Muslims to adhere to the Book of Allah, and the way of Prophet's life, which is the only true manifestation of Quran.

Fact 3: After the prophet's death, many additions and deletions were made to the interpretations and practices of Islam.

Fact 4: Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab made an effort to cleanse the dust of old books and tried to preserve those teachings as they were.

Any people who take inspirations from the work of Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahab are labeled as "Wahabis"

This term is used often in a derogatory fashion by other sects of Islam.

If you can tell me whats wrong with this picture. i am taking what you wrote and asking you a simple question out of your own writing.

Fact 2: It was revealed to all Muslims to adhere to the Book of Allah, and the way of Prophet's life, which is the only true manifestation of Qur'an.

Agree 100% without a shadow of doubt.

Fact 3: After the prophet's death, many additions and deletions were made to the interpretations and practices of Islam.

Fact 4: Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab made an effort to cleanse the dust of old books and tried to preserve those teachings as they were.

So in fact 3 and 4 what you are saying is sheikh al-whaab took other books that were according to you were changed over times to suit Government of the times needs am i right so far then you go on to say he took those books dust it off and supposedly fix it right.

So here is my question to you why didn't he follow the fact number 2 you put up where it says
all Muslims to adhere to the Book of Allah
the Book AL-Mighty promised no one can change And as a Muslim without a shadow of doubt i Believe that.
so if sheikh was so concerned about the people of his time he didn't direct them towards the Book of God because sheikh couldn't change the teachings of Qur'an and or prophet Mohammed's to suit his needs so he went after the books that have been changed over time and changed it to suit his needs.

Any people who take inspirations from the work of Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahab are labeled as "Wahabis"

As a Muslim i believe Prophet Mohamed was the last prophet of Islam that's why his followers are called Muslims people who go on to practice a religion though by a guy who has no significant in Islam other then to his followers are called Wahabi cause you guys follow M16 agent just like house of saud are :usflag:Western agent now.so why blame the rest of us for calling you for what you are a wahabi.

This term is used often in a derogatory fashion by other sects of Islam

Oh so u guys go on to call Muslims Infidels and kill them cause of the teaching Of guy who came 100s of years after the death of last prophet of Islam but you take offense at the same time to be called his followers .
If you can tell me whats wrong with this picture. i am taking what you wrote and asking you a simple question out of your own writing.

Agree 100% without a shadow of doubt.

So in fact 3 and 4 what you are saying is sheikh al-whaab took other books that were according to you were changed over times to suit Government of the times needs am i right so far then you go on to say he took those books dust it off and supposedly fix it right.

So here is my question to you why didn't he follow the fact number 2 you put up where it says the Book AL-Mighty promised no one can change And as a Muslim without a shadow of doubt i Believe that.
so if sheikh was so concerned about the people of his time he didn't direct them towards the Book of God because sheikh couldn't change the teachings of Qur'an and or prophet Mohammed's to suit his needs so he went after the books that have been changed over time and changed it to suit his needs.

As a Muslim i believe Prophet Mohamed was the last prophet of Islam that's why his followers are called Muslims people who go on to practice a religion though by a guy who has no significant in Islam other then to his followers are called Wahabi cause you guys follow M16 agent just like house of saud are :usflag:Western agent now.so why blame the rest of us for calling you for what you are a wahabi.

Oh so u guys go on to call Muslims Infidels and kill them cause of the teaching Of guy who came 100s of years after the death of last prophet of Islam but you take offense at the same time to be called his followers .

In Arabia since it was let by all Muslim Empires to rot sort to speak many practices came to be such as grave worshiping tree worshiping asking for forgiveness from someone who is not Allah and all of that is contradictory to the original message of Allah. You tell me because Abdul-Wahhab abolished these things he is a criminal?? He restored the original pure message based on the Quran and Sunnah. And it is amazing how you built your entire above argument based on a misunderstanding of his text what he meant is that he took the original message that was close to being forgotten and brought it back to life he did not add or subtract anything all his teachings are backed with Evidence from Quran and Sunnah (Sunnah is the saying of Muhammed and the action of his closest followers).

We are followers of Muhammad PBUH not Abdul-Wahhab.
If you can tell me whats wrong with this picture. i am taking what you wrote and asking you a simple question out of your own writing.

Agree 100% without a shadow of doubt.

So in fact 3 and 4 what you are saying is sheikh al-whaab took other books that were according to you were changed over times to suit Government of the times needs am i right so far then you go on to say he took those books dust it off and supposedly fix it right.

So here is my question to you why didn't he follow the fact number 2 you put up where it says the Book AL-Mighty promised no one can change And as a Muslim without a shadow of doubt i Believe that.
so if sheikh was so concerned about the people of his time he didn't direct them towards the Book of God because sheikh couldn't change the teachings of Qur'an and or prophet Mohammed's to suit his needs so he went after the books that have been changed over time and changed it to suit his needs.

As a Muslim i believe Prophet Mohamed was the last prophet of Islam that's why his followers are called Muslims people who go on to practice a religion though by a guy who has no significant in Islam other then to his followers are called Wahabi cause you guys follow M16 agent just like house of saud are :usflag:Western agent now.so why blame the rest of us for calling you for what you are a wahabi.

Oh so u guys go on to call Muslims Infidels and kill them cause of the teaching Of guy who came 100s of years after the death of last prophet of Islam but you take offense at the same time to be called his followers .

Did you see what he (Maso) said ? ^^^ up there ?

Cleaning the dust was posted metaphorically, however you were so trigger happy you tried to make an argument out of it.

Another point of information for you, There is a difference between a Takfiri and what you term a Wahabi.
Takfiri is any one who calls others Kafirs for no reason, ( Kind of what you try to do ).
Wahabi as you term it, is some one who wants to perfectly adhere to all words which can be based upon proof and not follow any thing which has weak tradition.

anyway, now that the clarification from Maso is here, would you like to post another ?
saudia is not more the leader of muslim world
now Ottoman Empire is coming back
my leader is
even Tunisian islamic parti is proud to compare to his parti
without doubt Turkey is doing fine
Guys I am as guilty as anyone for getting off topic. Just to assist everyone I want to repeat my assertion that Saudis contrary to what they say are supportive and responsible for the artifical Zionist state of Israel. In support of this statement I posted:

Saudi Royals support Israel
"The importance of maneuvering so your enemy is hit in his weakest points." ~ Sun Tzu’s, The Art of War

Although the United States is unassailable from a military standpoint in the region, the Washington dollar and Treasury debt are our weakest points and the entire world knows this.

If you have noticed, whenever Saudi Arabia is mentioned, the establishment news coverage is always followed by a comforting statement stressing how the House of Saud will somehow escape the political change in the region. The fall of the Saudi monarchy or serious unrest in the Shiite oil producing region of Saudi Arabia is the "elephant in the room" that no one wants to discuss or write about and why the threat is being ignored and going unaddressed.

The reason is all of the oil produced in the Persian Gulf region outside of Iran is currently priced in US dollars thus allowing the United States and the Federal Reserve to create more dollars at will. 87% of the oil exported out of the Persian Gulf is priced in US dollars and as I explained last week in The Great Anglo-American Gaddafi Deception, the pricing of oil in dollars is a major contributor to maintaining the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency.
I believe the Washington Treasury debt and US dollar Ponzi scheme would risk collapse if these five nations mentioned above should threaten or seriously consider pricing oil in gold, Euros, SDR’s or any other currency other than dollars. In addition, Israel wouldn’t survive even with its feared Samson option for more than a few months if the US should lose in the region. Therefore the existence of Israel and the economic survival of the United States, our fiat dollar and the continued rollover of our Treasury debt are very dependent on friendly governments controlled and protected by Washington maintaining power at any price in the Persian Gulf.


So for those of you who are asleep please wake up. If this Saudi Royal family really wanted to support palestinians or twist americas arm they could. The fact that they dont shows me just one thing that is that they are only concerned with their own survival at any cost to the muslim or non muslim world. This persian/turkish obsession is just a cover for their real evil designs. They dont give a damn about palestinians or any other arabs, muslims or anyone else

Would anyone like to come and try to convince me rationally otherwise?
saudia is not more the leader of muslim world
now Ottoman Empire is coming back

Possibly -- But Arabia has never, ever, been the leader of the Muslim World and I don't think that will change - Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Istanbul

but back to the topic -- Because the so called "royals" of Arabia depend on external powers such as US and Israel to maintain themselves and their obscenely extended and voracious "family", that is to say, they lack internal legitimacy and resort to the coercion of their subjects to maintain order, the so called "Royals", therefore lead a very fragile political order, and this fragility is increasingly more threatened and threatening than ever before - how so? The increasingly negative light in which Muslims hold the Wahabi enterprise, given it's association with political and sectarian violence.

Can the US and/or Israel help the Arabian "Royals" from the inevitable? I don't think so, they will play musical chairs, after all, there are plenty of aspirants - but it would be a mistake to think that society in Arabia will continue to make the bargain that it has made earlier, that is to say , agree to be bought off, to trade dignity, even faith, more material

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

]saudia is not more the leader of muslim world
now Ottoman Empire is coming back

Possibly -- But Arabia has never, ever, been the leader of the Muslim World and I don't think that will change - Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Istanbul

but back to the topic -- Because the so called "royals" of Arabia depend on external powers such as US and Israel to maintain themselves and their obscenely extended and voracious "family", that is to say, they lack internal legitimacy and resort to the coercion of their subjects to maintain order, the so called "Royals", therefore lead a very fragile political order, and this fragility is increasingly more threatened and threatening than ever before - how so? The increasingly negative light in which Muslims hold the Wahabi enterprise, given it's association with political and sectarian violence and US/Israeli policy.

Can the US and/or Israel help the Arabian "Royals" from the inevitable? I don't think so, they will play musical chairs, after all, there are plenty of aspirants - but it would be a mistake to think that society in Arabia will continue to make the bargain that it has made earlier, that is to say , agree to be bought off, to trade dignity, even faith, more material
. If this Saudi Royal family really wanted to support palestinians or twist americas arm they could. The fact that they dont shows me just one thing that is that they are only concerned with their own survival at any cost to the muslim or non muslim world. This persian/turkish obsession is just a cover for their real evil designs. They dont give a damn about palestinians or any other arabs, muslims or anyone else

Would anyone like to come and try to convince me rationally otherwise?

Let the Evil royal family speak for itself regarding the Palastinian issue .

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