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Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

Mahmoud_EGY & S-19 you are embarrassing yourselves here along with other haters. in term of egypt and saudi relations is way far than your dreams and its behind your expectations > egypt is non without saudi arabia and same with saudi is non without egypt. back to the topic > if a war erupt b/w Iran and KSA iran will be sent back to the stone age. iranian defense will not be able to handle f/18 f/15SE f/16 /f15SA and the typhoon. not to mention GCC air defense THAAD, iges, and PP3 will make iran's missiles useless witch already are before even leaving their places.
Mahmoud_EGY & S-19 you are embarrassing yourselves here along with other haters. in term of egypt and saudi relations is way far than your dreams and its behind your expectations > egypt is non without saudi arabia and same with saudi is non without egypt. back to the topic > if a war erupt b/w Iran and KSA iran will be sent back to the stone age. iranian defense will not be able to handle f/18 f/15SE f/16 /f15SA and the typhoon. not to mention GCC air defense THAAD, iges, and PP3 will make iran's missiles useless witch already are before even leaving their places.
clever when you dont know what to say you say you are embarssing yourself
Mahmoud_EGY & S-19 you are embarrassing yourselves here along with other haters. in term of egypt and saudi relations is way far than your dreams and its behind your expectations > egypt is non without saudi arabia and same with saudi is non without egypt. back to the topic > if a war erupt b/w Iran and KSA iran will be sent back to the stone age. iranian defense will not be able to handle f/18 f/15SE f/16 /f15SA and the typhoon. not to mention GCC air defense THAAD, iges, and PP3 will make iran's missiles useless witch already are before even leaving their places.
never gonna happen
they will just enjoy the sight of their occupied islands and do nothing just like they have been doing for years
i dont know what is the right word
funny or pathetic or coward we will leave it up to the viewer to choose

I guess so. Already UAE begged US to station some F22s in case Iran attacks. They know UAE will be wiped off the map within a few hours if Iran is provoked.

The best they can do is to beg US to help them when the Iranian wrath falls upon them. Shameless beggars.:cheers:
. back to the topic > if a war erupt b/w Iran and KSA iran will be sent back to the stone age. iranian defense will not be able to handle f/18 f/15SE f/16 /f15SA and the typhoon. not to mention GCC air defense THAAD, iges, and PP3 will make iran's missiles useless witch already are before even leaving their places.
then put these weapons to use if you dare
I guess so. Already UAE begged US to station some F22s in case Iran attacks. They know UAE will be wiped off the map within a few hours if Iran is provoked.

The best they can do is to beg US to help them when the Iranian wrath falls upon them. Shameless beggars.:cheers:

looool UAE are superior than iran and well equipped< your ignorance hold me back sometimes in responding to your post > iran will be wipe off the map in short period of time if the UAE decided to engage in a war their f16 is fare enough to turn iran to ashes. btw UAE is not alone we have their back covered.

short vision ? so you mean you are going to attack iran but not now ?
very funny

who said so > do you think i would love to see war b/w both countries > you are wrong

At the same time, it is great to see Egypt-Iran relations getting stronger and stronger. I hope an Iran friendly party wins the elections in Egypt and the two can have a cordial long-term friendship.


Never. Just a ridiculous fantasy dream.

Egypt team arrives to mend fences

Riyadh Gov. Prince Sattam receives head of an Egyptian delegation led by Assembly Speaker Mohammed Al-Katatni. (SPA)

Published: May 4, 2012 01:48 Updated: May 4, 2012 01:48

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah will hold talks with a high-profile Egyptian parliamentary delegation here Friday in a bid to repair strained ties between the two nations, Saudi and Egyptian officials said here yesterday.

The Egyptian delegation, headed by People&#8217;s Assembly Speaker Mohammed Al-Katatni and Shoura Council Speaker Ahmed Fahmy, held talks last night with Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal. Prince Saud welcomed the team and praised the contribution of the Egyptian community in the Kingdom in the country&#8217;s development. He said Egyptians living in the Kingdom were law-abiding and peaceful.

The team will hold talks today with some high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Shoura Council. The delegation was received at Riyadh Air Base by Riyadh Gov. Prince Sattam; Shoura Chairman Abdullah Al-Asheikh; Minister of Culture and Information Abdulaziz Khoja; Undersecretary of Royal Protocol Abdulaziz Al-Aqeeli; Saudi Ambassador to Egypt and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to the Arab League Ahmed Qattan; and Commander of Riyadh Air Base Maj. Gen. Abdul-Latif Al-Shuraim.

Asked about the composition of the Egyptian delegation, Nabeel Baker, a spokesman of the Egyptian Embassy, said: &#8220;There are about 39 parliamentarians from Egypt&#8217;s upper and lower houses of Parliament besides statesmen, journalist and academics from Al-Azhar University.&#8221;

The visit of the Egyptian delegation, which includes top figures of the Muslim Brotherhood, is the first of its kind in the history of Saudi-Egyptian relations.

&#8220;The mission of this Egyptian parliamentarian group is to explore with Saudi officials on how to bridge the rift and remove misunderstandings on both sides,&#8221; said the embassy&#8217;s spokesman.

Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz received a top ranking Egyptian delegation.
Friday, 04 May 2012

After a little moment of hesitation (mistake previously done). Everything returns naturally in its place. The little boy returned very kindly home.

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Among all the Arab militaries I compared, I concluded that Egypt has the strongest military at the moment. At the same time, it is great to see Egypt-Iran relations getting stronger and stronger. I hope an Iran friendly party wins the elections in Egypt and the two can have a cordial long-term friendship.:cheers:

A lot of factors are unknown that determine the course of war. Besides, depending on how you count, Egypt is stronger than most non Arab countries as well.
A lot of factors are unknown that determine the course of war. Besides, depending on how you count, Egypt is stronger than most non Arab countries as well.

Agreed there are unknown factors but we are not in a position to know them. All I know according to my sources is Egypt has a highly advanced biowarfare deparetment second to Israel in the middle east.

I only compared the middle east except Iran (all north African countries, GCC, Syria and other Arab states). Based on what I concluded, Egypt had the most advanced military capability among them all.
looool UAE are superior than iran and well equipped< your ignorance hold me back sometimes in responding to your post > iran will be wipe off the map in short period of time if the UAE decided to engage in a war their f16 is fare enough to turn iran to ashes. btw UAE is not alone we have their back covered.

who said so > do you think i would love to see war b/w both countries > you are wrong

Sir, can you explain then, why UAE hosts French military bases, Qatar hosts US air base, why Saudis host USA military personnel, and finally USA sends in F-22 to UAE soon after Ahmadinejad visits those islands?

Agreed there are unknown factors but we are not in a position to know them. All I know according to my sources is Egypt has a highly advanced biowarfare deparetment second to Israel in the middle east.

I only compared the middle east except Iran (all north African countries, GCC, Syria and other Arab states). Based on what I concluded, Egypt had the most advanced military capability among them all.

True, though I do not know about so called "Israel's" biowarfare capability, and Egypt would be considered superior to Iran in conventional military terms.
True, though I do not know about so called "Israel's" biowarfare capability, and Egypt would be considered superior to Iran in conventional military terms.

Yeah, but I would rate Iran above everybody when it comes to the missile capability, mobility and warfare. Also, I believe Iran has more than the 1500 tanks that is reported.

Israel's biowarfare and nuclear capability is extremely advanced. Capable of flattening the whole middle east in hours.
Yeah, but I would rate Iran above everybody when it comes to the missile capability, mobility and warfare. Also, I believe Iran has more than the 1500 tanks that is reported.

Israel's biowarfare and nuclear capability is extremely advanced. Capable of flattening the whole middle east in hours.

You can not flatten the Middle East with "biowarfare". Maybe you meant some thing else? Most of the Middle East is flat desert terrain anyway.

Iran's missiles of various ranges and types are its most potent weapons, conventionally Egypt would be a lot stronger than Iran actually. Egypt has about 1100 (approximately) Abrams tanks that were built in Egypt. Then, there are about another 3000 tanks that are modernized and in use, followed by about 2000 tanks in storage. Some of these numbers are difficult to determine with precision because of the nature of the military and its policy, so if somebody finds more accurate and recent figures with proof, they are welcome. That was just for tanks, but tanks alone are pretty useless against any well equipped and capable adversary. You need to consider APC, IFV, ATGW, attack helicopters, air defense, theatre ballistic missiles, etc to conclude that Egypt is conventionally much stronger than Iran, besides the fact that, Egypt is likely to find more support from other countries (at least some Arab countries) in any war, unlike Iran.
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